Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 104 Open in advance

Chapter 104 Open in advance

However, Xiaoqian World is the magic circle left by the ancient monks after all, and its defense ability is ridiculously strong. Even if dozens of foundation-building monks attack with all their strength, they can only shake it for a while.

"Continuous attacks! The other sects return to the sect, summon the monks above the foundation, and break through the barrier with all their strength!" Ling Daozi snorted coldly.

Chen Qun nodded, his whole body turned into a ray of light, and other sects also sent people to the sect for help.

At present, more than half of the elite disciples of each school are gathered in Xiaoqian World, and the five elite disciples of the Hunyuan Qizong are all in it. It's hard to imagine what would happen to a Hunyuan Qizong without a foundation cultivator.

The movements of the various sects were very fast, and they spared no effort when they learned that they were going to forcibly break the barrier of Xiaoqian World. The Hunyuan Qizong alone eliminated nearly ten foundation-building monks, eight from the Xuantian Sword Sect, and eight from the Wanshou Villa. Seven, four from the Baicao Sect, four from the Artifact Refining Sect, four from the Jianding Sect, and three from Cihang Jingzhai. Counting the monks from other sects, the number of Foundation Establishment monks has reached fifty.

I'm afraid this is the only time I want to see so many foundation-building monks at once. With so many foundation-building monks joining, the speed of bombarding the barrier is immediately much faster. Rao, the barrier of the small thousand world is getting stronger Can't stand the fierce bombardment of so many foundation-building monks!

After seven or eight days of continuous bombardment, these foundation-building cultivators finally blasted a passage on the barrier. Some foundation-building cultivators who knew formations hurriedly arranged formations in the passage to consolidate the passage. Ling Daozi even rushed into it immediately. In the small thousand world.

Qiu Shudao and Beast Maniac followed closely behind.

Just entering the channel that the three of them had just opened showed a tendency to collapse, and several Foundation Establishment monks hurriedly repaired the formation to prevent the channel from healing.

"Just the three of us going in, you wait outside!" Ling Daozi said lightly.

As soon as they entered Xiaoqian World, the consciousness of the three foundation-building monks was released immediately.

"There are battles in the south, west, and north. You and I will divide into three groups and rescue the disciples of each faction!" Ling Daozi said.

"Okay, I'm south!" said the beast maniac.

"Then I will go to the west." Qiu Shudao said, shaking his folding fan.

Ling Daozi nodded, and the three of them instantly turned into three streamers and rushed in different directions!

"Boom!" Xue Wuya and Jian Chen separated again.

Xue Wuya glanced thoughtfully at the distance: "It seems to be here! I will play here with you today!"

Xue Wuya put away the bone erosion, and disappeared without a trace after a few flashes in a row.

Jian Chen snorted coldly, and put away the Excalibur Chuuxue.

"Young master, the first phase of the plan has been completed. Although not all of them have been killed, the number of remaining disciples from each faction will definitely not exceed twenty!" said the black-robed monk.

"Okay, it's time to leave. Although the task my father gave me was to kill all of them, it should satisfy my father if I complete it to this point. You should retreat too. Now that the barrier of Xiaoqian World has been opened, you have to hurry up." They left before." Xue Wuya nodded.

"Yes! Young Master!" The black-robed monk nodded.

Just an hour after the barrier of Xiaoqian World was forcibly opened, some monks came out one after another. These monks were all wounded and even on the verge of death. If it weren't for the presence of many foundation-building monks, I am afraid that these people He is about to die in Huangquan.

But to everyone's surprise, all the monks who came out were monks from some small sects. As for the monks from the seven sects, none of them were seen.After a short period of treatment, these injured monks were taken back to the sect by their sect for treatment.

"The situation is not right. Why are people from some small sects coming out? Why are there no members from the seven sects?" Chen Qun frowned.

Just when everyone was wondering, a monk covered in blood rushed out of the passage!

"Qingtian!" Surprised, Chen Qun hurriedly helped Liu Qingtian up.

"Master...Master...Master!" Liu Qingtian couldn't catch his breath, his eyes darkened and he passed out!
"Qingtian, Qingtian!" Chen Qun hastily input spiritual power, took out a rejuvenation pill and stuffed it into Liu Qingtian's mouth.

Chen Qun's spiritual power kept washing Liu Qingtian's damaged meridians, and Chen Qun became more and more frightened. The situation in Liu Qingtian's body was simply a mess. Even if he could heal his cultivation, he would have to go back a level or two.Chen Qun really couldn't figure out what kind of existence he encountered in Xiaoqian World, who beat his lover so badly. With Liu Qingtian's cultivation base, he could escape even if he encountered a second-level monster. what!
The appearance of Liu Qingtian made the hearts of Chen Qun and others completely sink to the bottom of the valley. Liu Qingtian's cultivation base can definitely be ranked in the top ten among the monks who entered the Xiaoqian world. Even if he has become like this, then the rest of the monks I'm afraid it's more ominous than good!

"Grandma! What a fucking bad luck!" A monk came out carelessly!

"Shan'er!" The monks of Ten Thousand Beasts Villa were overjoyed.

Wu Shan fell to the ground in a daze.

The foundation-building cultivator of Wanshou Mountain Villa is named Wu Yun, who is Wu Shan's uncle. When he saw Wu Shan passed out, he hurriedly helped him up. After the investigation, he was finally relieved. Tensioned, suddenly relaxed and passed out.

Speaking of this, Wu Shan Li Xiuxian is also familiar with him, the monk who controlled Yingbao and Li Xiuxian to fight a battle with Wanshou Villa. He was also lucky, and accidentally discovered that the people of Moyunmen massacred monks. With help, he sneaked into the ground, and he spent almost half a month in fear.

But generally speaking, he is lucky, not as unlucky as Li Xiuxian, he has the unique aura of Moyunmen on his body, and he can be found even if he is hiding.After hiding for more than half a month, Wu Shan found that the restriction of Xiaoqian World had been completely opened, and ran out on the Shadow Leopard regardless of 21. After seeing his uncle, he couldn't help but fainted.

Immediately after came out was Jian Chen in fluttering white clothes. He was probably the most leisurely survivor among the survivors in the Little Thousand World, and he didn't have a single scar on his body.Chen Qun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jian Chen walk out of Xiaoqian World.

But within half an hour after Jian Chen walked out, no one came out!This made the slightly excited crowd fall silent again!

"If I let me know which bastard did it, I will tear him alive!" The voice of the beast maniac suddenly came out.

I saw four or five monks on the shoulders of the beast maniac. These few people were so angry that they seemed to die at any time.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Shudao also brought out five monks. Looking at the injured disciples, the faces of these foundation-building monks were so gloomy that they could drip water. Everyone could see clearly that the injuries on these monks were not caused by monsters. Yes, it's all man-made.

"Is there anyone else? Are there only a few monks left after going in?" Chen Qun looked at the passage and said.

"What's the noise? The old man Ling hasn't come out. After we go in, we will divide into three groups. But don't expect too much, there are not many monks left in the small thousand world!" The beast roared wildly. .

Hearing what the beast maniac said, all the monks couldn't help but bow their heads. There was no winner among them in this trip to Xiaoqian World, and they all lost, and the loss was inexplicable. It was damaged in sevens and eighties, and the disciples of Jiandingmen were all wiped out!

"Crunch, crunch!" The little monkey jumped up and down excitedly on Li Xiuxian's body. The little monkey still looks like it exploded a poisonous toad with a punch. People who don't know really regard him as a harmless human and animal. What about the little monkey?

Perhaps because of the little monkey, not a single monster passed by in a few hours. This gave Li Xiuxian, who was physically and mentally exhausted, a time to rest. Looking at the chaotic spiritual power in his body, Li Xiuxian had no choice but to shake his head. If it was inside the Wanhuazhu, this matter would not be a big problem, but Li Xiuxian didn't dare to enter the Wanhuazhu in front of Leng Ruling, so he had to sit outside and meditate to calm down the violent spiritual power in his body.

"Om!" The entire Little Thousand World suddenly shook, and then a ray of light appeared in the distance!
"Exit! The barrier of Xiaoqian World has been opened!" Leng Ruling stood up with a "chuckle".

Li Xiuxian was overjoyed: "The enchantment has been opened!"

Leng Ruling nodded: "However, there are still a few days before the opening of Xiaoqian World, and this enchantment has been opened in advance."

"Do you suspect that someone from Moyunmen did it?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"Maybe, but it's also possible that the elders of the master sect knew our danger, so they forcibly broke the barrier of Xiaoqian World." Leng Ruling frowned.

"To go or not to go!" Li Xiuxian frowned.

If you go there, you may fall into the trap of Moyunmen. If you don’t go, you may be killed by Moyunmen again if you don’t go. In the case of enchantment, there is only one chance to go out. Once you miss it, you have to stay in Xiaoqian World for 50 years before you can wait for the next chance.

At the thought of surviving 50 years in this place full of monsters, Li Xiuxian couldn't help shivering!
"Go!" Leng Ruling said coldly.

"Forget it! Take a gamble!" Li Xiuxian sighed.

"Crunch!" The little monkey seemed to have noticed something, and jumped onto Li Xiuxian's shoulder fiercely, grabbing Li Xiuxian's shoulder tightly, as if he would not let go.

Li Xiuxian looked at the little monkey: "Do you want to go with me?"

"Crack, crunch!" The little monkey nodded.

Leng Ruling glanced at Li Xiuxian: "You are lucky to have abducted a second-level monster."

Both Li Xiuxian and Leng Ruling held their magical weapons in their hands to deal with the sudden attack.

After walking for more than an hour, there was nothing unusual on the road. The two discussed for a while and accelerated their progress.

"Crack!" The little monkey suddenly pulled Li Xiuxian's hair.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Crunch, crunch!" The little monkey pointed to the front and shouted.

A divine sense swept over in an instant.

"Om!" Li Xiuxian's consciousness was actually bounced away, and there was a buzzing sound in his head!

"What a powerful spiritual sense, the other party is at least a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment!" Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile in his heart.

The other party seemed to be irritated by Li Xiuxian's divine sense. In an instant, a dark object floated up from a distance, and then hit Li Xiuxian fiercely like a meteor!

"Why is this thing so familiar?" Li Xiuxian stared at the dark thing in the air for a moment.

"Drink!" At the moment when Li Xiuxian was stunned, Leng Ruling beside him moved, and the cold light on the Shuihan sword shone, and the sword expanded countless times in an instant!
"Ding!" The Shuihan sword blocked the black magic weapon, but the middle-grade magic weapon Shuihan sword collapsed at the touch, the huge ice sword was instantly torn apart, and the already damaged Shuihan sword was blown to pieces and shattered into pieces. Pieces of ice slag!The Shuihan Sword, a medium-grade magic weapon, was destroyed just like that!
"Hei Furnace! Master!" Relying on Shui Hanjian's resistance to Li Xiuxian, he saw clearly what this dark thing was. It turned out to be Ling Daozi's magic weapon, Hei Furnace!
(End of this chapter)

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