Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 119 Killing the Strong Enemy

Chapter 119 Killing the Strong Enemy
"This fire is weird!" Murong Wudi was shocked, he found that these flames were actually stronger than his natal spiritual fire!

"Break it for me!" A bloody light flashed on the blood-melting knife in his hand, and a 20-foot-long knife light cut towards the sea of ​​flames.

"Chirp!" Huofeng let out a loud cry, and rushed up!

Murong Wudi was startled and angry, at this moment when his old strength was exhausted and new strength was not yet regenerated, the timing of Huofeng's attack was really well timed.

With the lessons learned from the sea of ​​fire, Murong Wudi couldn't believe his own judgment, so he forcibly slashed out a blade light again with a sigh of relief!
"Boom!" When he forcibly swung a blade light, the fire phoenix disappeared by itself!
Murong Wudi almost cursed, but he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, at least this fire phoenix is ​​fake!

"Chirp!" But before he finished sighing, a smaller phoenix rushed over!

"Boom!" At this moment, Murong Wudi didn't have the strength to fight back, the fire phoenix touched Murong Wudi's body without any resistance, and instantly red and black flames burst out from Murong Wudi's body!

The power of the three yin ghost fires is so great, it disintegrates Murong Wudi's defense almost instantly without any precautions, and the spiritual shield on Murong Wudi dissipates in an instant without even being qualified to block it!

Li Xiuxian looked at Murong Wudi who was constantly rolling in the flames and couldn't help closing his eyes. He won in this riddle of truth and falsehood, and Murong Wudi lost. If he lost, he had to pay the price. Wan Tian bestowed on him Both the Fire Phoenix and the Sea of ​​Fire are extraordinary. The sealed flame is the famous Sanyin ghost fire. Even the Foundation Establishment cultivator dare not let him touch his body. However, Murong Wudi was burned by the Fire Phoenix and the Sea of ​​Fire one after another. Whether he can save his life is still a question!
But Li Xiuxian did not withdraw the formation, but quietly watched and watched, until the rolling Murong Wudi turned into a motionless scorched corpse!

A dark passage appeared in front of Li Xiuxian, Li Xiuxian stepped in, and in a blink of an eye, he appeared beside Murong Wudi. Looking at the charred Foundation Establishment cultivator, he couldn't help but sighed, and killed him with Qi training. The Foundation Establishment cultivator is probably the first one!
After collecting the storage bag on Murong Wudi's body and the blood-melting knife that was left aside, Li Xiuxian didn't even look at the corpse, so what if he was a Foundation Establishment cultivator before his death?After death, everything returns to ashes, no different from ordinary people.

After withdrawing the Thousand Illusory Golden Light Sword Formation, Li Xiuxian flew out in the direction of Hunyuan Qizong. After a month or so, it was time to go back. Hunyuan Qizong still had a person waiting for him!Suddenly, a beautiful image flashed in my mind, and the tense face of that female nun, Li Xiuxian, instantly softened a lot.

The battle with Murong Wudi had to be said to be a soul-stirring battle. If news spread that he killed the Foundation Establishment cultivator with his qi training skills, the whole Yizhou would probably be overwhelmed by it.

Li Xiuxian's losses in this battle were not insignificant. The spirit stones alone cost tens of thousands, Shura even lost an arm, and the little monkey had several scars on the big bone stick. It was cut off a small corner, but the harvest was quite rich, the Thousand Soul Banner, the Blood-Transforming Knife, these two magic weapons alone were enough to make up for these losses.

This blood-melting knife is indescribably weird. Even if you just hold it in your hand, you can feel the terrifying power on it. Even the big bone stick in the little monkey's hand is no match for this blood-melting knife. It's hard to imagine that Yizhou will There is such a weird magic weapon.

"Could it be the legendary magic weapon?" Li Xiuxian thought suddenly.

This thought was fleeting, and even Li Xiuxian himself did not believe that this blood-transforming knife was a legendary top-grade magic weapon. It was only possible to appear in the ancient times when cultivation was at its peak.

Li Xiuxian turned his gaze to another magic weapon, the Thousand Soul Banner. The Thousand Soul Banner was filled with black energy, and he could even vaguely see the unjust souls in the banner. , I am afraid that it can compete with the high-grade magic weapon, but the only function of this magic weapon for Li Xiuxian is to serve as food for Shura.

Li Xiuxian believed that the large number of unjust souls in the Thousand Soul Banner was enough to raise Shura to a higher level, but it was unknown whether Li Xiuxian could restore Shura's disused arm.

After putting these two murder weapons into the storage bag, Li Xiuxian accelerated his speed and flew straight towards the mountain gate of Hunyuanyi Qizong.

Two days later, Li Xiuxian sighed slightly looking at the mountain gate with clouds and smoke, and turned out a jade tablet in his hand. When this jade tablet touched the Hunyuan Yizong's mountain protection formation, it emitted a ray of light, and it sank into the mountain protection formation. Among them, a cave with a height of one person appeared on the mountain protection formation.

Li Xiuxian hesitated for a while, and finally stepped into it.

"Who's coming!" Just after entering the mountain protection formation, more than a dozen monks pointed at him with magical weapons, as if they were about to fight if they disagreed.

"Li Xiuxian!" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"Ling Daozi's apprentice!" the leading monk said lightly.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly: "How can you call out Master's name!"

"Hmph, I thought there would be a big mountain by relying on Ling Daozi, but your big backing has collapsed. Do you think you can pretend to be a tiger?" The leading monk snorted coldly, and Li Xiuxian's heart thumped violently. A moment: "Collapsed! Could it be that Master..."

The more Li Xiuxian thought about it, the more flustered he became: "Get out of the way!"

The leading monk glanced at Li Xiuxian: "Since you are a teacher of Ling Daozi, you must have a lot of things on your body. It is not easy for the brothers to look at the mountain gate. How about it, you hand over a hundred bottles of Qi Gathering Pill..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a crackling sound, and Li Xiuxian actually took out a hundred bottles of Qi Gathering Pills and threw them on the grass like trash!
"Is that enough? Get out of here!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The leading cultivator was shocked by Li Xiuxian's generosity. He said that one hundred bottles of Qi Gathering Pills was just a joke, but no one thought that Li Xiuxian could really come up with a hundred bottles of Qi Gathering Pills!

The leading cultivator couldn't help but glanced at the storage bag on Li Xiuxian's waist, his eyes couldn't help showing greed.

Li Xiuxian saw the expressions of these monks in his eyes. When the leading monk became greedy, Li Xiuxian sneered: "Get out of the way!"

"Take it down, this guy must be a spy of the Devil's Dao!" The leading monk shouted.

Dozens of monks responded one after another, and all the magic weapons in their hands went straight to Li Xiuxian!

"You are not qualified to kill and seize treasure!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

A white light flashed on the Haotian Excalibur, and the magical weapons of these monks fell down one after another and broke in two!How could the low-grade magical artifacts in the hands of these ordinary disciples withstand the slash of the Haotian Divine Sword? In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen magical artifacts turned into scrap iron!

"Shua Shua!" Two white lights flashed, and the two arms of the leading monk were removed by Li Xiuxian!
Li Xiuxian looked at the monk who was howling on the ground indifferently, snorted coldly, put away the Haotian Excalibur and went straight to Lingdaozi's residence.

"Step aside!"

"Leng Ruling, who do you think you are, why do you occupy this bamboo house!"

"That's right, do you want to swallow Ling Daozi's treasure all by yourself!"

The Lingdaozi Mountain, which is usually inaccessible, is now full of monks. In front of the group of monks, a woman in white holds an ice sword and looks at the group of monks coldly!
"What does the legacy of Senior Ling Daozi have to do with you?" Leng Ruling snorted coldly.

"Those who can get it, don't you want to make everyone angry!" A monk snorted coldly.

"Those who can get it!" A mocking smile appeared on Leng Ruling's face!

"Leng Ruling, don't act recklessly here just because of your high cultivation level. Ling Daozi's only apprentice has already died in battle. Naturally, this bamboo house is ownerless. What right do you have to occupy it!" A monk yelled!
Leng Ruling's face turned cold, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped to the extreme, thinking that the monk who had been facing him with a smiling face had gone away.

When the news of Li Xiuxian's death in battle reached Hunyuan Yizong, all the monks were overjoyed, because Li Xiuxian's death meant that no one would inherit Ling Daozi's mantle, and his treasures would become ownerless. Although they may not be able to get it, they naturally have one more chance than before.

It was also the news of Li Xiuxian's death that made Ling Daozi slump, and his health became worse every day. Three days after Li Xiuxian died in battle, Ling Daozi returned home.

After Ling Daozi's death, the whole Hunyuan Qi Sect was staring at Ling Daozi's residence. If Ling Daozi left any treasures, it must be in it. With the approval of their masters, a large number of disciples poured into this mountain!

But after they entered the mountain, they found that there was a person who came earlier than them, and even lived in the bamboo house. There was a tombstone made of ice beside the bamboo house, but there was nothing written on it!
Leng Ruling couldn't believe that the person who had saved her many times would die so easily, and looked coldly at the ugly faces of this group of monks!

"Get out!" A roar came from the sky!

When Leng Ruling heard this voice, the frost on his face gradually melted away, revealing a smile!
"He's back, he's really back!" Leng Ruling said in his heart.

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian fell to the ground wearing a green shirt, and looked at the group of monks coldly.

"No matter who your master is, I will give you three breaths, get out! Or die!" Li Xiuxian roared!

These monks were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. There are more than half of the foundation-building monks of the Hunyuan Qi Sect gathered here. Even Shi Wanshan dared not say such a thing. How dare a mere qi-training monk dare to be so presumptuous!


Li Xiuxian glanced at these monks: "Three!"

"Shua!" A flash of white light flashed, and the body of a monk was cut in half instantly!

The sword glow in Li Xiuxian's hand kept on, he really did it, and after three breaths, he really started killing!
These monks did not expect that Li Xiuxian would be so crazy and dared to cause such a catastrophe. Just being a daze, five or six monks died in Li Xiuxian's hands.

The rest of the monks finally came to their senses, and they all sacrificed their magic weapons to attack Li Xiuxian, so what if they come back, kill him here and everything will go on as usual!There are at least fifty or sixty monks here, and they don't believe that even fifty or sixty monks can't beat a monk at the ninth level of Qi training.

Among these monks, there are many monks who have practiced Qi training at the ninth level and the tenth level, and there are even monks at the eleventh level. According to their thinking, taking down Li Xiuxian is a simple matter!
But what happened next completely exceeded their expectations. Every time Li Xiuxian cut out a sword light, a monk would die. Some monks tried to use weapons to resist a white sword light, but the end was undoubtedly destroyed!
A cultivator at the ninth level of qi training was able to suppress dozens of cultivators with the strength of one person. Anyone who saw this scene would definitely be shocked. Such a fighting method is exactly the same as Jian Chen's, and the power of a sword is unstoppable!
These monks were finally terrified. Li Xiuxian killed more than 20 people in a row like a murderous maniac. His blue shirt was already covered with blood, like a bloodthirsty Shura who came out of hell!

(End of this chapter)

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