Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 120 Master's Bad News

Chapter 120 Master's Bad News

"Withdraw! This person is crazy! Find the master! Find the master!" Suddenly a monk shouted.

Li Xiuxian glanced disdainfully at these fleeing monks, put away the Haotian Excalibur, looked at Leng Ruling who had been standing behind him and smiled slightly: "Long time no see!"

Leng Ruling nodded: "Are you okay?"

Li Xiuxian was taken aback, the Leng Ruling in his impression would not speak so gently, and nodded awkwardly: "It's okay!"

"This is something that Senior Ling Daozi gave you. I just kept it for you. Now that you are back, I will return it to the original owner!" Leng Ruling took out a jade slip from her pocket and handed it to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian took the jade slip and felt the faint warmth on the jade slip and smiled: "Thank you."

"You saved me many times, you should do these things!" Leng Ruling smiled faintly.

"Eh!" Li Xiuxian saw Leng Ruling smile at that moment, that frosty face would reveal a smile, Li Xiuxian even suspected that his eyes were blurred.

Li Xiuxian's eyes turned to the wordless tombstone next to the bamboo house: "Why did the master leave so early?"

"After the news of your death in the battle reached Hunyuan Qizong, Senior Ling Daozi seemed to have lost the motivation to support him. After holding on for three days, he drove west." Leng Ruling said.

Li Xiuxian nodded, drew out the Haotian Excalibur, and carved a line of large characters on the tombstone without words - the tomb of the benefactor Ling Daozi, the unworthy disciple Li Xiuxian!
A group of Foundation Establishment cultivators in the main hall of Tiandao Peak were making a fuss.

"He must be killed, to make an example to others!"

"Yes, he dared to kill my disciple!"

Shi Wanshan glanced at the elders: "A group of disciples were killed by a monk who practiced Qi at the ninth level. How dare you argue here!"

"Sect Master, this matter can't be left alone, otherwise how will I gain a foothold in this sect in the future!" said an elder with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

"That's right, we are also foundation-building monks anyway, how can we let a Qi-training monk climb on top of us!" Zhu Sancai roared, if we say that the hatred between this group of foundation-building monks is the biggest between him and Li Xiuxian , his own nephew was abolished by Li Xiuxian.

Originally thought that Li Xiuxian would die if he was chased by the evil star Aguda, but who would have thought that Li Xiuxian could escape from the evil star Aguda and even returned to the Hunyuan Yizong.

"You also know that you are a foundation cultivator? I haven't pursued you for the crime of being unfavorable in the expedition, how dare you jump out?" Shi Wanshan snorted coldly.

Zhu Sancai was shocked, thinking that only a dozen of the more than 30 monks had returned from the expedition, and there was no sound immediately.

Shi Wanshan snorted coldly: "Don't think that I can't guess what you are paying attention to. I advise you to get rid of this thought as soon as possible, otherwise you will suffer even more in the future!"

"Sovereign, I don't accept it, he killed my disciple, so let's forget it?" The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked elder roared.

"He is Ling Daozi's disciple!" Shi Wanshan's coercion in the later stage of foundation establishment instantly enveloped the entire hall.

Rao, all the Foundation Establishment cultivators present couldn't help but shudder. They didn't understand why Shi Wanshan still valued Li Xiuxian so much when Ling Daozi was dead.

"He can refine second-grade or even third-grade pills!" Shi Wanshan said lightly.

"Hiss!" The monks in the hall couldn't help but gasped.

Although they knew that Li Xiuxian was a teacher of Ling Daozi, and although Ling Daozi said that he was a genius in alchemy, everyone didn't pay much attention to it, so what about a genius in alchemy?Without decades of hard work, it is impossible to achieve success in alchemy, but they did not expect that Li Xiuxian would be able to refine second-grade pills in just over a year. allure.

"Sovereign, what you said is true?" Zhu Sancai swallowed hard to hide his inner horror.

"Can I still lie to you?" Shi Wanshan snorted coldly.

It goes without saying that an alchemist who can refine second-grade or even third-grade alchemy is important to the sect. As Ling Daozi said that day, alchemy masters have a very high status in the sect. Anyone who would offend a master of alchemy is either a fool or The brain was kicked by a donkey.

Moreover, now is the critical period of the war between righteousness and evil. No one dares to say that no one has been injured. In this period, shutting out an alchemy master is tantamount to cutting off one's own way of life. Compared with an alchemy master, how many The lives of ten ordinary disciples seemed insignificant.

"Can he really refine second-grade pills?" Some elders still expressed doubts about Li Xiuxian's ability.

Shi Wanshan snorted coldly: "There's nothing you can do if you don't want to believe me, but if you let me know who is going to trouble him again, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Everyone couldn't help shrinking their necks. Although they were unwilling to offend the suzerain for the sake of a few disciples, it was not worth it. Those who can become foundation-building monks are not fools. They still know how to do such simple calculations. .

"Squeak!" Li Xiuxian pushed open the rich door, looked at the simple decoration and recalled the time when he was taught by Ling Daozi here.

"Nothing has changed." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Leng Ruling nodded: "Senior also hopes that this place will remain the same!"

Li Xiuxian looked at the black furnace in the center and sighed: "Master's pill furnace is still so ugly!"

Leng Ruling was taken aback for a moment, and nodded in sympathy.

"What are your future plans?" Leng Ruling asked.

"Let's improve your cultivation first. In the realm of comprehension, you don't even have the right to speak." Li Xiuxian sighed.

Today, his killing spree on Wuming Peak was not on a whim, but on purpose. The whole Hunyuan Qizong thought he was easy to bully, so even a few disciples who watched the mountain gate dared to blackmail him. These disciples stood up and let the Hunyuan Qizong know that Li Xiuxian is not easy to mess with. If the elders of the Hunyuan Qizong don't want to take revenge, Li Xiuxian is not afraid at all. Shura and the little monkey are escaping There is no problem with Hunyuan Yizong.

"I will find time to refine your Bing Xin Dan. I will refine Bing Xin Dan when I practice the tenth level of Qi. You just need to prepare the ingredients." Li Xiuxian said.

"Do you still remember?" Leng Ruling was taken aback.

"How can I forget what I promised you? If it wasn't too reluctant to refine Bing Xindan with my current cultivation level, I would have already refined it for you." Li Xiuxian laughed.

"Crack, crunch!" The little monkey carrying the bone stick suddenly rushed in and jumped onto Leng Ruling's shoulder.

"Little monkey!" Leng Ruling gently touched the little monkey's head.

The little monkey obviously enjoyed Leng Ruling's touch, his eyes almost narrowed.

"This is for you!" Li Xiuxian took out two bottles of Qi Gathering Pill from the storage bag and handed them to Leng Ruling.

Leng Ruling shook his head with a smile: "I don't lack medicine like Qi Gathering Pill."

Li Xiuxian smiled: "This one is different, it is a mid-grade Qi Gathering Pill, and the cultivation effect is better with this."

"Zhongpin Qi Gathering Pill!" Leng Ruling screamed out, and when she realized that her voice was too loud, she smiled embarrassedly.

Li Xiuxian looked at Leng Ruling with a shy face and couldn't help being crazy. Although Leng Ruling with a cold face is very good-looking, but the current Leng Ruling is even more beautiful.

"It's really a middle-grade Qi Gathering Pill, can you refine a middle-grade Qi Gathering Pill?" Leng Ruling asked looking at the two filled bottles.

"Luck is better." Li Xiuxian said.

"Don't bully me that I don't know alchemy. I've heard others say that alchemy is able to refine middle-grade pills all by luck, but it's obviously not luck that you can refine so many middle-grade Qi Gathering Pills. No wonder the spirit Master Daozi would value you so much, you are indeed not an ordinary person." Leng Ruling said.

"Uh... just assume that I know how to refine mid-grade Qi Gathering Pills, and come to me to get them when you run out, you're welcome," Li Xiuxian said.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Leng Ruling asked suddenly.

"Because...because..." Li Xiuxian didn't come out because of it for a long time, but Leng Ruling at the side burst out laughing.

"Just kidding, why be so serious!" Leng Ruling laughed.

Li Xiuxian scratched his head in embarrassment, he never felt so uncomfortable even when he was fighting with Murong Wudi.

"I'm going back first, I won't go back for so long, my master must be in a hurry," Leng Ruling said.

"En!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

"Wood!" Leng Ruling cursed secretly in his heart, jumped onto Shuihanjian and left Wuming Peak.

"Maybe I should really make it clear." Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

After tidying up the bamboo house, Li Xiuxian arranged the flags of the Thousand Illusion Sword and Light Sword Formation around the Wuming Peak, scattered thousands of spirit stones, and gradually the Wuming Peak was shrouded in a cloud of mist.After confirming that the Thousand Illusion Golden Light Sword Formation was set up, Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged in the bamboo hut, put all the elixir into the black alchemy furnace, and started alchemy.

"Pfft!" Soon there was a scorching smell from the alchemy furnace, Li Xiuxian shook his head: "Failed again!"

Li Xiuxian has been practicing the alchemy method in the Qinglian Danjing, but putting all the elixir into it at one time has very strict requirements on the release speed of the formula. One hundred alchemy formulas must be produced within one breath. It may not be difficult for Ling Daozi, but Li Xiuxian can only use seventy formulas at most now, which is still far away from one hundred.

"Perhaps only those who have become a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage can use such a profound alchemy technique!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

After confirming that this kind of alchemy technique cannot be used at this stage, Li Xiuxian plunged into the Wanhuazhu. After the battle with Murong Wudi, he learned a lot, so it is of great benefit to practice while taking advantage of it.After swallowing a mid-grade Qi Gathering Pill, Li Xiuxian sat next to Biyugen and started his own cultivation.

This practice lasted for one year, and the Wuming Peak was surrounded by formations. Even if outsiders wanted to come in, they might not be able to break through the Thousand Illusory Golden Lightsaber Formation!

Leng Ruling had come to Wuming Peak many times before, but they were all blocked by this formation. She couldn't forcefully break through the formation, so she had to leave. Apart from Leng Ruling, many monks also came to Wuming Peak, but they were all blocked by this formation. Blocked by the Thousand Illusion Golden Lightsword Formation, these monks are not as well-trained as Leng Ruling, and they all force their way through.

But how could the Thousand Illusionary Golden Lightsword Formation be so easy to break through? Even a foundation-builder cultivator might not be able to break through it easily if there were enough spirit stones, not to mention that these were only Qi-training cultivators.

"Roar!" There was a long howl suddenly from the formation, and Li Xiuxian looked excitedly at the surging spiritual power in his body. After a year of hard work, he finally broke through again, practicing Qi on the tenth level!

The speed of raising one level in a year is not bad, even the speed of a genius like Jian Chen's cultivation is no more than that.

"The cultivation effect of the middle-grade Qi-gathering pill is really extraordinary. I don't know how many times stronger than the low-grade Qi-gathering pill. I don't know how effective it is to practice with the top-grade Qi-gathering pill." Li Xiuxian couldn't help thinking.

It's not that Li Xiuxian didn't work hard on the elixir during the year, but no matter how many months the middle-grade energy-gathering pill was left in the alchemy room, it was still a middle-grade energy-gathering pill, and there was no development trend of the upper-grade energy-gathering pill , Li Xiuxian estimated that this was due to the limitation of Wanhua's space level.

(End of this chapter)

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