Chapter 121
Looking at the few elixir in Wanhuazhu, he couldn't help shaking his head. Although elixirs are everywhere, these are the only types that come and go. If you want to quickly expand the space of Wanhuazhu, you must introduce a large number of different types. The elixir, preferably the elixir of Jasper root level.

Wanhuazhu is the foundation for Li Xiuxian to settle down in the cultivation world, so this matter cannot be neglected.

"Go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden to have a look, there should be something rewarding!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

Thinking of the Spiritual Medicine Garden, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but wryly smiled. Although he had been in the Hunyuan Qi School for two or three years, he had been to only a handful of places, and he didn't even know where the Spiritual Medicine Garden was. .

"Huh? Someone is outside the formation?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback. There were quite a few people trapped in the Thousand Illusion Golden Lightsaber formation, but those who stayed outside the formation were rare.

"Leng Ruling? Why is she here?" After seeing who was outside the formation, Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"Why are you here?"

"It's been a year." Leng Ruling said flatly.

Li Xiuxian smiled embarrassingly: "I have been practicing in closed doors for this year, but I forgot about this matter. The Qi Gathering Pill I gave you must have been used up long ago!"

"The tenth level of Qi training, your cultivation speed is faster than I imagined. It's hard for people to imagine that you are just a monk with a fifth stage fire root." Leng Ruling said lightly.

"It's just luck. By the way, I want to go to the Spirit Medicine Garden, but I don't know the way. Can you take me there?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Leng Ruling looked at Li Xiuxian with a strange expression, and nodded after a long time: "I'm afraid you are the only one who can't find the elixir garden road in Hunyuan Qizong!"

The journey to the Spirit Medicine Garden was not long, and after half a stick of incense, Leng Ruling stopped on a mountain peak.

Li Xiuxian looked at this ordinary mountain and couldn't help being curious. Li Xiuxian's foot just took a small step and hit the restriction. A white light blocked Li Xiuxian's footsteps.

"This is..." Li Xiuxian looked at Leng Ruling.

"This is the restriction of the elixir garden. The elixir garden is the most important thing in the sect. Do you think you can enter it casually?" Leng Ruling had a faint smile on his face.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "How do we get in?"

Leng Ruling glanced at Li Xiuxian, then shook his head: "I really don't know how you became a disciple."

Leng Ruling held up a jade tablet to take a photo at the restriction, and immediately shot out a green light from the tag, flying into the restriction, after that Leng Ruling stopped moving, and stood respectfully outside the restriction and waited.

"Come in!" After a cup of tea, an old voice came from inside, and the restriction in front of him melted like ice and snow.

"What a miraculous formation, I'm afraid it's better than the Thousand Illusion Golden Lightsword Formation." Li Xiuxian praised in his heart.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiuxian didn't dare to neglect, and walked in quickly. The moment Li Xiuxian entered, the restriction was restored again!
Li Xiuxian followed Leng Ruling and looked at Leng Ruling's back full of doubts. How could this Leng Ruling wait outside the formation? Is there something urgent?But why did she bring me to this elixir garden if she was in a hurry?

Standing inside, Li Xiuxian really saw the situation in the garden clearly.

Several thatched huts made of hay and bamboo are located in the center of the garden, surrounded by squares divided by trenches, neatly arranged.Each plot is lush and lush, with many familiar or unfamiliar herbs planted by Li Xiuxian, as well as some plants that look strange, making the whole garden full of aura. Even a cultivator like Li Xiuxian feels extremely comfortable after taking a deep breath.

Looking at this bamboo house, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but think of the bamboo house he lived in. The two are so similar.

"Master, the disciple has already brought him." Leng Ruling said respectfully to the thatched cottage.

"Retire first!" An old voice came from inside the thatched cottage.

Leng Ruling nodded: "Teacher, leave."

"come in."

Li Xiuxian pushed open the door of the thatched hut with a wry smile. The layout of the thatched hut was also surprisingly simple. An old woman was sitting cross-legged on a futon and looking at him.

"Are you the disciple he accepted before he died?" the old woman asked.

Li Xiuxian naturally said who he was referring to in the old woman's mouth, and nodded.

"How much of his alchemy skills have you mastered?" the old woman continued to ask.

"Master's attainments in alchemy are not something that a junior like me can grasp. Even if I spend my whole life, I can't match master's mastery." Li Xiuxian said.

Li Xiuxian's modest words made the old woman frown: "If you can't reach him in your whole life, what's the use of living in this world?"

There was a trace of killing intent exuding from this old woman, a genuine killing intent, it seemed that she might violently kill her in the next moment!
"Tell the truth!" The old woman snorted coldly, and the murderous intent disappeared instantly without a trace.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, even though it was only for a short moment, he walked through the gate of hell, and his back was already drenched with sweat.

"About fifty percent." Li Xiuxian said.

When the old woman heard that Li Xiuxian had already mastered [-]% of Ling Daozi's ability, she couldn't help but glanced at Li Xiuxian: "Let me practice a pot of elixir."

Li Xiuxian was taken aback: "Senior, why is this?"

"Smelt a furnace of Rejuvenation Pill, and let me see if you really have mastered [-]% of his skills as you said." The old woman said.

"Senior, do you know the teacher?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"If you ask you to make alchemy, you will make alchemy!" The old woman snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian had no choice but to nod his head. He could only bow his head under the majesty of the monk who established the foundation. He took out the black furnace of Ling Daozi from the storage bag, and then put the elixir plants into the black furnace for purification.Seeing Li Xiuxian's skillful technique, the old woman nodded involuntarily, and when she saw that Li Xiuxian was holding his black furnace, her cloudy eyes couldn't help showing a bit of expression.

"Boom!" The temperature in the thatched hut rose instantly, and the crimson flame rose and spun sometimes under Li Xiuxian's control. The liquids of several elixir were constantly colliding, merging, and condensing in the black furnace at this time, and the fragrance of the medicine gradually disappeared from the black furnace. Emerging from the black furnace, Li Xiuxian was overjoyed when he smelled the fragrance of the medicine, and typed out a series of formulas in his hands. The fragrance of the medicine in the black furnace became stronger and stronger under the roasting of the red spiritual fire!

"Coagulate!" Li Xiuxian yelled when the last magic formula was poured into the alchemy furnace, the temperature of the red spiritual fire suddenly increased several times, and Li Xiuxian immediately took it into his body.

Open the black furnace, thirteen plump and mellow rejuvenation pills are quietly lying in the pill furnace, the color is also a commodity, although it has not yet reached the level of middle-grade, but it is far better than the rejuvenation pills in the market The strength of the medicine is quite high, and Huichun Pill can barely be regarded as a second-grade elixir. Naturally, the difficulty of refining is not comparable to that of a first-grade elixir like Juqi Pill. For Qi Dan, Li Xiuxian can successfully refine thirteen Rejuvenation Pills in one furnace, and he has already achieved considerable success in the process of alchemy.

"Do you dare to say that you have mastered [-]% of the ability? If Ling Daoziquan knows, I'm afraid you will be pissed off!" The old woman snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian nodded embarrassingly. Even if he had the guts, he wouldn't dare to talk back to a foundation cultivator, especially since this old woman seemed to have a little friendship with his master. No matter because of his seniority or strength, Li Xiuxian could only bear it !

"Speaking, did Ling Daozi teach such a useless person!" the old woman roared.

Li Xiuxian could only smile wryly to himself: "Senior, this junior knows that his aptitude is dull, but thanks to Master, he never gave up and taught me the art of alchemy..."

"Stop, don't tell me the same thing, what's the matter with the spiritual fire in your body? How can a monk who cultivates Qi have a spiritual fire that only a monk who builds a foundation can master?" the old woman asked.

"The master used the secret method to move it into my body." Li Xiuxian said.

Hearing this, the old woman waved her hand as if she had lost all her strength: "Get out."

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Farewell!"

The old woman looked at the back of Li Xiuxian leaving with a smile on her face, and her smile was extremely gentle: "He is really like you, especially when refining alchemy, he can refine the Rejuvenation Pill so skillfully with only ten levels of Qi training , you should be very pleased to have such a descendant if you know it."

"How is it? Master didn't make things difficult for you, right?" Leng Ruling asked when he saw Li Xiuxian walk out of the thatched hut.

"Fortunately, I just got scolded a few times. Does your master know my master? Otherwise, why would you target me everywhere?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Who knew that Leng Ruling really nodded, "Master is the daughter of Ling Daozi's ancestor."

"What! My master's daughter?" Li Xiuxian called.

Leng Ruling nodded: "However, Master Ling Daozi is obsessed with alchemy, and even he doesn't care much about his daughter, Master. I am afraid that Master and Master Ling Daozi have not spent as long together as you, so Master and Ling Daozi The relationship between Taoist master and ancestors is not very good, and this is no secret in Hunyuanyiqi sect."

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but glanced at the thatched cottage, no wonder the old woman was so rude to him, it turned out that there was such a relationship in it.

"Waiting for you outside the mountain peak is the master's instruction." Leng Ruling seemed to want to explain something, and deliberately added a sentence.

Li Xiuxian sighed: "Forget it, let's just pay off the debt to my master. It seems that I will come here a few more times in the future."

Leng Ruling was taken aback: "You haven't been scolded enough?"

Li Xiuxian smiled awkwardly: "Master Ling Daozi's daughter is my senior sister? It doesn't matter if I get scolded by my master."

"You are really a strange person." Leng Ruling said with a smile.

"Maybe." Li Xiuxian touched his nose and said.

"By the way, since you live in the elixir garden, you must be familiar with elixir. Are there any precious elixir in this elixir garden?" Li Xiuxian asked suddenly.

"What? The elixir in the elixir garden is from sects, we can't pick it casually." Leng Ruling reminded.

"It doesn't matter if you pick one or two plants, and no one knows?" Li Xiuxian said.

Leng Ruling pointed to the thatched hut, meaning that my master will see that you can't take anything out.

Thinking of the old woman Li Xiuxian in the thatched hut immediately discouraged: "Forget it, I'd better go to Fangshi to buy a few plants."

"Bang bang!" In an instant, three boxes hit Li Xiuxian's head.

Li Xiuxian looked at the three boxes in surprise. Although he was hit on the head, he didn't feel the slightest pain. What surprised him even more was that the three boxes contained the hundred-year-old elixir, Midnight Flower, Yellow Ball Grass, Baihezhi, these three elixir are all elixir used to refine the Foundation Establishment Pill, and they are all about 300 years old!

"Thank you, senior!" Li Xiuxian put away the three boxes and bowed respectfully towards the thatched cottage.

There was no sound from the thatched hut, so Li Xiuxian could only smile, and after saying goodbye to Leng Ruling, he returned to the Wuming Peak and transplanted the three elixir plants into the Wanhua Pearl. Not too low, just after planting Wanhuazhu, the space has increased by hundreds of square meters.

In the thatched hut in the Spirit Medicine Garden, Leng Ruling was standing beside the old woman respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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