Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 122 Spirit Medicine Garden

Chapter 122 Spirit Medicine Garden

"Ling'er, after seeing him concocting alchemy today, how do you think it compares to you?" the old woman asked.

"With the cultivation base of the tenth level of Qi training, he can refine the second-grade elixir Rejuvenation Pill so skillfully. This disciple is not as good as him!" Leng Ruling said lightly.

"It's fair to say that this kid is extremely talented in alchemy, even a few points higher than him. In just two years, he can master alchemy to such a degree." The old woman sighed.

Leng Ruling nodded. As for the "he" in the master's mouth, Leng Ruling is naturally clear, this is also the master's habit, but thinking about it, only his name can make the master shout out.

"I still lost to him!" The old woman sighed slightly.

On the Wuming Peak, Li Xiuxian was staring blankly at the animal skins in his hands. It was strange that there were three animal skins hidden in the three boxes, and a formula was recorded on each animal skin, but the formula I also overestimated these three animal skins. The recipes usually explain the steps in detail, but these three animal skins only record the elixir used, and nothing else is mentioned.

Yangyan Pill, Zhuyan Pill, and Chalcedony Pill, these are the pills recorded in the three prescriptions.

What surprised Li Xiuxian was the first two elixirs, Yangyan Pill and Zhuyan Pill are generally given to female cultivators. As the name suggests, Yangyan Pill is to maintain the appearance, and Zhuyan Pill is to keep youth forever, which can make the monk's appearance stable When taking pills.

Everyone has the love of beauty, even monks are no exception. Although the self-cultivation technique has the effect of retaining the face, it only slows down the aging process, so there is a kind of elixir such as the retaining face pill. It is said that this kind of elixir was refined by a monk in ancient times in order to keep his dual cultivation partner youthful forever.

I don't know if the ancient monk was full or something, but he actually refined it, and the formula of Zhuyan Pill has also been handed down, but when Li Xiuxian saw the formula of Zhuyan Pill His eyes almost popped out when he asked for the age of the elixir.

The elixir on this animal skin is very common, and there are no rare varieties. The refining method is also very simple, but the year of this elixir makes people feel speechless. It takes more than a thousand years!
These medicinal materials require more than a thousand years of medicinal properties before they can be used as raw materials for Dingyan Pill. It is no wonder that Zhuyan Pill is rarely seen in Yizhou.After all, which immortal cultivator has more than a thousand years of spiritual grass, and treats it as a treasure, so how can it be wasted on this useless Zhuyan pill.

I am afraid that only the ancient times when elixir was everywhere had such conditions to refine this Zhuyan Pill.

Putting these two prescriptions aside, Li Xiuxian looked at the prescription of chalcedony pills. There are several kinds of elixir in the formula of chalcedony pills, which Li Xiuxian has never seen, let alone refined, but looking at chalcedony The pill should also be the same type of pill as Qi Gathering Pill, but it is much stronger than Qi Gathering Pill in terms of efficacy. I am afraid it is better than Huanglong Pill taken by Foundation Establishment monks, but it is too difficult to refine. .

Looking at the three pills that looked like chicken ribs, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smiled wryly. He didn't know what his senior sister meant by giving him these three pills. Maybe he wanted him to refine these three pills? ?The more Li Xiuxian thought about the old man's orange-like face, the more he thought it was possible.

However, it is easy to refine the Yanyan Pill, but it is not easy to handle the Zhuyan Pill. I am afraid that there are not a few elixir that are more than a thousand years old in Yizhou. Of course, this does not include Wanhuazhu, Wanhuazhu The thousand-year-old elixir is in pieces, but Li Xiuxian would not be so stupid as to use the elixir in the Wanhua Pearl to refine Zhuyan Pill. Isn't this telling others that he has a lot of thousand-year-old elixir in his hand?

After putting away the three elixirs, Li Xiuxian entered the Wanhua Pearl to practice. As for the monks who were trapped by him in the formation, he threw them out. Of course, before throwing them out, their storage bags were all destroyed. It's not bad if the cultivators who have been besieged for several months survived the lack of water.

"Crunch, crunch!" As soon as Li Xiuxian entered the Wanhua Bead, he heard the joyful cries of the little monkey and the treasure hunting mouse. Originally, there was only one treasure hunting mouse in the Wanhua Bead, but when Li Xiuxian brought the little monkey into the Wanhua Bead, This little monkey seems to be fascinated by this place, and has no intention of going out at all.

As for the elixir that was harmed by these two little guys, Li Xiuxian wasn't too worried. Unless these two little guys could remove all the elixir in the Wanhua Pearl at once, these elixir would still grow out slowly.

Although these two little guys are crazy, there is one place they never dare to go to, that is, within a hundred meters of Biyuhe, when the little monkey first came in, he was a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, so he accidentally jumped into it Within the range of Jasper Heel, the whole body seemed to be struck by lightning in an instant, the red hair on his body stood up like a hedgehog, and his mouth kept screaming, if Li Xiuxian hadn't gone in and hugged him out I'm afraid the little monkey won't be able to come out until now.

Beside the jasper root, there are three monster eggs, two wolf tooth spider eggs and one fire dragon egg. The monster eggs need to be placed in a place full of aura to absorb the aura between heaven and earth before they can hatch. The place with the most aura in the middle is the Jasper root, and Li Xiuxian is even glad that he is placed under the Jasper root, otherwise, according to the personalities of the two little guys, I am afraid that these three eggs will be peeled and eaten.

I don't know if it's because of the jasper root, but there are some purple lines on the eggshells of the three monster eggs.

Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged next to Jasper Root, swallowed a mid-grade Qi Gathering Pill, and began to practice. He had already made up his mind not to go out until the eleventh level of Qi training.

Time flies, the war between righteousness and demons has been in full swing, the righteous way, which was in a passive state, has gradually regained its defeat, and the evil way has also slowed down its offensive. A delicate balance has been formed between the two. With such a result, the evil way has achieved its goal, and the righteous way does not want to lose any more.

In this battle, many up-and-comers also emerged from the two ways of righteousness and magic. The first ones to bear the brunt were Jian Chen from Hunyuan Qizong and Xue Wuya from Moyunmen. These two showed their strength to everyone with the blood of their enemies. strength.Then came Lin Tianyi from Xuantian Sword Sect, Su Qingbi from Cihang Jingzhai, Fang Datong from Jianding Sect, A Guda from Bone Fiend Sect, and the blood-clothed boy from Yin Fiend Sect.

Five years, this war of righteousness and demons has been going on for five full years. Countless disciples of the righteous way have fallen in this battle, and only a few thousand disciples of the tens of thousands of Hunyuan Qizong are left. Still alive, Liu Qingtian has already become the mainstay of this sect. They were a little green five years ago, and now they have enough qualifications to participate in major events of the sect.

Five years is enough for a lot of changes. The four elite disciples built foundations one after another, and Hunyuan Qizong suddenly had four more foundation-building monks, especially after Jianchen established the foundation, Shi Wanshan directly took him to the back mountain of the main peak for retreat.As for the fact that no one is surprised that the four elite disciples succeeded in building the foundation, it is surprising that they failed to build the foundation with their aptitude. Everyone's twilight is concentrated on these four elite disciples, and few people remember There is a man named Li Xiuxian, a monk who was accepted as an apprentice by Ling Daozi, and a monk who started killing on the Wuming Peak as soon as he came back!

There is a beautiful shadow outside the Wuming Peak that is always watching the situation inside the mountain. This beautiful shadow has become the most beautiful scenery of the Wuming Peak. If anyone passes by the Wuming Peak, they will definitely be fascinated by this beautiful shadow. Li Xiuxian trapped most of the monks in the formation with the Thousand Illusory Golden Light Sword Formation for several months, and no one came to the Wuming Peak.

The elders in the door also received Shi Wanshan's warning not to come here to act wildly, and the Wuming Peak became like before, and no one cares about it.

Leng Ruling looked at the Wuming Peak surrounded by formations and sighed slightly. It has been five years. It is hard to imagine that a person can retreat in a mountain for five years. During the five years, Leng Ruling's cultivation has stabilized at After reaching the state of great perfection in Qi training, he is only one step away from entering the foundation building stage, but this last step is so difficult, even with Leng Ruling's aptitude, he still stops at this step.

"Hum!" Suddenly the formation began to tremble violently, and the surrounding aura surged even more crazily. The Wuming Peak sucked in the surrounding aura like a vortex like a whirlpool.

"Crossing the tribulation, someone crosses the tribulation!"

"Who is it?"

"Could it be that my Hunyuan Qizong still has monks to build a foundation?"

For a moment, all the monks focused their attention on the Wuming Peak. Seeing the Wuming Peak, they all seemed to remember that there was a monk living on the Wuming Peak!

"Could it be that he wants to build a foundation? Impossible. Five years ago, he was just a monk who practiced Qi at the tenth level. How is it possible?" Some monks shouted.

Leng Ruling looked at the Wuming Peak in surprise, she seemed to have seen the moment when Li Xiuxian transformed into a foundation cultivator.

The aura gathers faster and faster, and a multicolored calamity cloud begins to gather slowly above the formation. When everyone sees this calamity cloud, they finally believe that someone is passing through the calamity, and they all withdraw from the range of the calamity cloud. I don't want to be accidentally injured by Jieyun!

"Boom!" The thunder and lightning in Jieyun kept rolling, and the roar was endless!
"What a powerful Heavenly Tribulation!" There was a look of horror in everyone's eyes!

"Boom!" Just when everyone thought that the thunder was about to strike, the colorful robbery cloud disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the crazily surging spiritual energy instantly returned to normal!

Li Xiuxian, who was in the formation, sighed annoyedly. He repeatedly hit the bottleneck of foundation establishment but still couldn't do it. This time he clearly felt that he wanted to break through this layer of membrane but failed inexplicably.

Long-term consumption of the Zhongpin Qi Ju Pill has no effect on the breakthrough effect of the Zhong Grade Ju Qi Pill, and Wanhua Zhu cannot further purify the Zhong Grade Qi Ju Pill. Li Xiuxian can only place his hope on the Ji Qi Pill!
Although Li Xiuxian failed to attack the foundation establishment, he has attracted everyone's attention. He has been almost forgotten for five years and announced his existence to everyone in an extremely shocking way, although this is not what he wanted.

On the back mountain of Tiandao Peak, Jian Chen dressed in white suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of Wuming Peak and nodded involuntarily: "It's been five years, and you are finally going to take this last step!"

Jian Chen, who has been successfully promoted to a foundation-building monk, gives people an unpredictable feeling, as if there are countless fogs on him.

After failing to hit the bottleneck, Li Xiuxian withdrew from Wanhuazhu after stabilizing his own cultivation. At this stage, it is no longer a problem that can be solved by penance. Unless he has a great opportunity, it will be extremely difficult to break through this bottleneck.

"Building Foundation Pill... It's time to refine Foundation Building Pill!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

I saw Li Xiuxian took out a small bottle made of thousands of years of ice from the storage bag, and in the crystal clear bottle was a elixir similar to ice crystals, which was exactly the Bingxin Pill that Li Xiuxian refined for Leng Ruling Five years is enough to raise Li Xiuxian's alchemy to several levels. Even Bing Xindan, which is extremely difficult to refine, was refined by Li Xiuxian after hundreds of failures.

(End of this chapter)

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