Chapter 132
Li Xiuxian nodded: "Exactly."

Lu Fanfeng looked at Li Xiuxian and frowned: "Why are you here?"

"This junior just happened to pass by here, and Li Xiuyuan, a disciple of your sect, was also with this junior." Li Xiuxian said.

Immediately, Li Xiuxian entered a formula into the formation, and a dark passage appeared again.

"Disciple Li Xiuyuan has met the two elders." Li Xiuyuan, who came out of the formation, respectfully bowed to the two of them.

"Hmm." Seeing Li Xiuyuan's appearance, the vigilance of the two of them decreased a lot in an instant.

"Seniors, the monsters are powerful, so it's not suitable to fight head-on with them, and there are two foundation cultivators lurking in the dark, if the monks of the demonic way take advantage of the strength of the seniors, and make a sneak attack..." Li Xiuxian didn't finish his sentence .

But Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Although they had killed a lot just now, the spiritual power in their bodies was fully consumed. If it was true that the magic monks took advantage of the opportunity to attack as Li Xiuxian said, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In the next two days, with the addition of two foundation cultivators, Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong, Li Xiuxian relied on the Thousand Illusory Golden Lightsword Array to block the scaled monsters all over the mountains and plains.

Because they had to be on guard against the demonic cultivators hiding in the dark, the two foundation cultivators Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong did not dare to exert their full strength, otherwise the million pills would have been killed by them long ago.

On the one hand, the two rely on the Thousand Illusory Golden Lightsword Formation to keep reducing the number of monsters; There's no point in risking your life for this little thing.

At first, the two of them were startled by Li Xiuxian possessing such a magical formation, and tried to ask about the origin of this formation, but Li Xiuxian just laughed without saying a word, but considering that Li Xiuxian's master is Ling Daozi, who has such a magical formation It has also become a matter of course.

Finally, in the early morning of the third day, a few escaping lights appeared in the sky again, but they were not the monks from the Six Sects that Lu Fanfeng and others were expecting, but people from Moyunmen!
"Sure enough, here, the blood-clothed boy is really generous this time, throwing away the lives of millions of mortals at will, he is indeed the leader of the Yin Shamen!" Xue Wuya said calmly, looking at the monsters that were besieging the formation all over the mountains and plains.

"Young master, should we meet the blood-clothed boy first and get this refining method!" asked a scarred monk next to him.

"Elder Rong, don't worry, since he invited us, we can't leave empty-handed, we must bring a small gift!" Xue Wuya turned his gaze to the formation!

Li Xiuxian in the formation suddenly raised his head, as if he saw something he least wanted to see!
"Blood is boundless!" Li Xiuxian's expression was extremely ugly.

The hearts of Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong also sank suddenly. Although both of them are veteran foundation-building monks who have entered the foundation-building period for decades, and Xue Wuya has only stepped into the foundation-building period in the past two years, but in the battle between righteousness and evil Xue Wuya even had the record of defeating the three Foundation Establishment cultivators by himself. They thought they couldn't do this.

"Li Xiuxian, I didn't expect to meet you here, do you think the sky wants me to kill you?" Xue Wuya looked at the formation and said indifferently.

Xue Wuya, the person who had put him to death many times, appeared in front of him again this time, and Li Xiuxian even had the urge to turn around and leave.

Fortunately, Li Xiuxian was not dazed by fear. He understood that even if he ran away now, he would not be able to escape from the palm of Xue Wuya's palm. The assistance of the two Foundation Establishment monks may not be without opportunities.

"Damn it, why are people from Moyunmen here?" Lu Fanfeng cursed angrily.

A total of six people came to Moyunmen this time, except for Xue Wuya, they were all at the mid-stage of foundation establishment, and among Li Xiuxian's party, only Deng Zhilong was at the mid-stage of foundation establishment. It can be regarded as a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, and the little monkey can also be regarded as a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment. There are only four foundation establishment monks at full strength. In battles at different levels, the cultivation base during the Qi training period simply cannot get in the way.

"Little friend, can your formation block these people?" Deng Zhilong asked.

Because of the relationship between Li Xiuxian's master Ling Daozi, they did not dare to regard Li Xiuxian as a junior, they could only talk about each other as peers.

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "If it's a foundation-building cultivator, I'm still a little bit sure, but the opponent has a total of six foundation-building cultivators, which has exceeded the limit of the formation!"

Hearing what Li Xiuxian said, Deng Zhilong's face darkened, but he was a person who had seen the world after all, so he was not discouraged by it.

"You haven't come out yet, do you want me to invite you in person?" Xue Wuya snorted coldly.

"It seems that I really want to do it!" Seeing that there was no movement in the formation, Xue Wuya snorted coldly, held the scarlet bone erosion in his hand, and the tip of the bone erosion instantly reached Qian Huan The golden lightsaber is on the line!
"Buzz!" The entire formation began to shake violently, Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, hundreds of spirit stones flew out of the storage bag and filled into the formation!

"Huh! There's a way!" Xue Wuya smiled excitedly when he saw that his blow didn't break through the formation.

"The top-grade magical artifact, one of the few commercial magical artifacts in Moyunmen, is said to be made with the blood of millions of mortals, and its power is infinite!" Deng Zhilong looked at my eclipse in Xue Wuya's hands. Bone sighed.

"Hum!" The bone erosion hit the formation again!

"Crack!" There was a crack on one of the formation flags.

The 72 formation flags were connected with Li Xiuxian's heart and mind, and Li Xiuxian was naturally backlashed by the damage to the formation flags. Even Li Xiuxian did not expect that Xue Wuya's power would be so strong, the damage to the formation flags, the power of the thousand magic golden lightsaber formation dropped drastically, There is no way to resist Xue Wuya's next attack.

Rather than sticking around and getting bruised all over, it's better to take the initiative to withdraw the formation at this time!

"Seniors, this formation can't last!"

Deng Zhilong's expression changed, and a cyan light shot out from the Green Phoenix Sword and went straight to Xue Wuya!

Xue Wuya frowned, and raised his bones, the cyan sword glow was blown away.

"The old man is here to meet the young talents in the devil's way!" Deng Zhilong snorted coldly.

Xue Wuya sneered: "Old things, don't rely on the old to sell the old, the way of cultivation is not that the older you get, the stronger you are!"

"Speak wild words!" Deng Zhilong roared angrily.

A layer of pale green flames appeared on the Green Phoenix Sword, and Deng Zhilong used his natal spiritual fire!
"Oh? Natal Spiritual Fire? This young master wants to see how powerful a person like you is, how powerful is the Natal Spiritual Fire?" Xue Wuya sneered, and didn't even stop Deng Zhilong, watching him condense the Natal Spiritual Fire .

Although Deng Zhilong was extremely angry at this time, and it was the first time he was underestimated like this, but at this moment, the natal spirit fire has reached the most critical moment, so there is no room for distraction.

"Roar!" Deng Zhilong's eyes lit up, and the light green flames on the Green Phoenix Sword kept rising!
"Take the old man's sword!" The light green flame on the green phoenix sword turned into a phoenix flying high.

"It's Senior Brother Deng's Green Phoenix Sword!" Lu Fan and others' eyes lit up.

Li Xiuxian looked at the green phoenix in the sky and frowned. Although the green phoenix was powerful, Li Xiuxian felt that the power of this phoenix was not even as powerful as the spell Wan Tian gave him.

It is not surprising that Li Xiuxian would have such an idea. Although the green phoenix is ​​condensed from Deng Zhilong's natal spiritual fire, how can it compare to the wonders of heaven and earth such as the Sanyin ghost fire? The flames in the spell are all ghost fires of the three yins, so the power is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary spirit fires.

"That's the way you are?" Xue Wuya sneered.

Xue Wuya's whole body was covered by a thick layer of bloody light, he actually wanted to forcefully pick up this green phoenix!

Deng Zhilong's beard almost turned up. It's the first time he has been insulted in this way for so many years!
"go with!"

Xue Wuya looked at this green phoenix with disdain on his face!

"Buzz!" The moment the green phoenix came into contact with the blood light, it couldn't move. This seemingly powerful blow was unexpectedly received by Xue Wuya so easily!
And Deng Zhilong could only watch helplessly as the green phoenix was devoured bit by bit by the blood.

Xue Wuya glanced at Li Xiuxian, pointed his finger, a red light as thick as a thumb flashed away, and arrived in front of Li Xiuxian in a blink of an eye.

Li Xiuxian, who was taken aback, was shocked by the speed of the red light, but still managed to overlap the Xuantian Shield in front of him, and then a spiritual shield appeared on his body, and the flying tiger wings behind him also spread out. Faced with this unknown attack, Li Xiuxian did not dare to be careless.

"Puff" and "Puff" came two soft sounds, and almost at the same time Li Xiuxian heard the sound, his body suddenly turned sideways subconsciously, and then his right shoulder felt hot, and a burst of severe pain came.

Li Xiuxian turned his head with an extremely ugly face, and saw that blood was flowing from his right shoulder, and there was an extra finger-thick blood hole coming out.

He licked his dry upper lip and looked away.

A thin hole of the same size appeared on the Xuantian armor shield, and they were also pierced by the inconspicuous red light.As for the spiritual shield on his body, it didn't have the slightest effect, it was almost crushed with one touch, and it was already melted away by the red light without a trace.

Seeing this, Li Xiuxian's heart sank!

If he hadn't opened his flying tiger wings, and his speed was far faster than that of ordinary monks, he would have been shot through the heart and died in just one blow.In this world of cultivating immortals, if one is not careful, anyone's life may be lost.

Li Xiuxian didn't know that when he marveled at the opponent's viciousness, Xue Wuya also looked shocked. This seemingly ordinary blow was actually prepared for a long time.

This seemingly random blow is a vicious magic skill that is not even recorded in the "Blood Demon Sutra".

The blood marrow drill is the name of this magic art. During normal practice, it slowly condenses and compresses the spiritual power and blood essence in the body dozens of times, and hides it in the body so that it can be used to kill people unexpectedly. It is completely one-time. attack.Even Xue Wuya only has two blood marrow diamonds in his body now.

Not even a single blood marrow diamond killed Li Xiuxian, which was beyond Xue Wuya's expectation.

Deng Zhilong's expression changed, and he sneaked a sneak attack on a qi cultivator in front of him, which undoubtedly slapped him hard on the face. Where is the face of the foundation-building monk?
At this time, Xue Wuya's face was extremely gloomy, since the blood marrow drill can't kill Li Xiuxian, then use a high-grade magic weapon!
"Boom!" Suddenly everyone's eyes went dark, and the entire sky was covered by a huge object!

"Li Xiuxian, I want you to die here today!" Xue Wuya laughed wildly, this huge object is nothing but the Blood Prison Cauldron that shook Shura to death in Xiaoqian World back then!

Another high-grade magic weapon, Xue Wuya actually has two high-grade magic weapons, this is probably the only one in Yizhou!

"Blood Prison Cauldron!" Li Xiuxian exclaimed.Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not forget this high-grade magic weapon that forcibly shocked Shura to death, but he never thought that Xue Wuya would even take out this high-grade magic weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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