Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 133 Blood Marrow Drill

Chapter 133 Blood Marrow Drill
Li Xiuxian glanced at Li Xiuyuan and gritted his teeth!


Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Shura, whose whole body was covered in black scales, actually supported the falling blood prison cauldron with both hands. This scene was extremely familiar, and it was exactly the same as in Xiaoqian world five years ago!
"Roar!" Shura let out an angry roar from his throat, venting the anger in his heart. Five years ago, he was violently shocked to death by this cauldron, and the enemy was extremely jealous when he met him!
Xue Wuya's heart was even more horrified, this scale monster in Xiaoqian World was obviously killed by the blood prison cauldron, but now it appeared in front of him again, and it was stronger than two years ago!

In five years, after absorbing a large number of unjust souls from Murong Invincible Thousand Soul Banner, Shura once again raised his cultivation level to the foundation-building stage. Since Shura fell from the foundation-building stage to the Qi training stage, he did not encounter a catastrophe when he re-upgraded .

Five years is enough to make Shura's body extremely strong. Compared with Xiaoqian world, Shura is stronger but not weaker!

"The Blood Prison Cauldron can shock you to death once, but it can shock you to death a second time!" Xue Wuya snorted coldly, and the Blood Prison Cauldron blocked by Shura became a little bigger.

Shura is indeed a lot stronger, but it is not the half-baked qi training monks five years ago who drive the blood prison cauldron, but Xue Wuya, a real foundation-building monk, and the top-grade magic weapon can only be used by foundation-building monks. Only in the hands can the real power be exerted.

"Boom!" The blood prison cauldron slammed down suddenly.

The eyes of Lu Fanfeng and the others also showed horror. The power of the Blood Prison Cauldron had far overwhelmed them. In the face of the power of the high-grade magic weapon, their methods seemed so ridiculous.

"Little monkey!" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"Boom!" A crystal clear bone stick slammed on the blood prison cauldron like a hill, which stopped the blood prison cauldron's attack.

"Boom!" It was another slap in the face, and the Blood Prison Cauldron, which was like a hill, was blown away!

Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong couldn't believe their eyes. The Blood Prison Cauldron felt as heavy as a mountain to them. The aura almost suppressed them so much that they couldn't move. Two sticks sweep away!

Xue Wuya was also extremely astonished. The Blood Prison Cauldron was a magic weapon that used force to overwhelm people, but today it was blown away with force. Although he hadn't yet activated the full power of this top-grade magic weapon, it was enough. Open mountains and crack rocks.

"Roar!" It wasn't until then that everyone noticed that the owner of the stick turned out to be a giant ape with purple hair!
"Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape!" The people present were all well-informed, so they naturally recognized the origin of the little monkey at a glance.

"Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape! You actually surrendered the Blue-eyed Amethyst Ape!" Xue Wuya's eyes were full of murderous intent and deep jealousy.

For a cultivator, a good spirit beast can double their own strength. The reason why Li Xiuxian was able to block the blood prison cauldron today is because of the power of two spirit beasts. If only Li Xiuxian's own strength If he hadn't, he would have been slaughtered by Xue Wuya a long time ago.How could he not make Xue Wuya jealous that he had subdued the second-level monster, the blue-eyed amethyst ape, with his cultivation in the qi training period.

Not only Xue Wuya, but also the monks who noticed the little monkey couldn't hide the jealousy in their eyes. The blue-eyed amethyst ape is an ancient strange beast, even in ancient times, it had a great reputation, and there is such a spirit beast as its partner. It is the dream of every monk, and Li Xiuxian can even see the greed and murderous intent in the eyes of Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong.

Li Xiuxian knew that no matter whether he wins or loses in today's battle, he will be pushed to the forefront, and the blue-eyed amethyst ape alone is enough to push him to the opposite side of all monks.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but glanced at Li Xiuyuan, his eyes were extremely firm, he didn't need to go shopping with Xue Wuya, but Li Xiuyuan's existence forced him to do so, but Li Xiuxian didn't regret it, as the head of the family, he You must protect your younger siblings from the wind and rain!

Xue Wuya's eyes focused on the little monkey's big stick: "It turns out that Aguda's horned dragon stick was taken away by you, no wonder he restrained so much five years ago!"

Li Xiuxian's heart sank fiercely. Xue Wuya's move was indeed poisonous enough. A blue-eyed amethyst ape had already made Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong greedy. If he added a high-grade magic weapon, it would be enough to make them Take the risk!
A profit of 50.00% will make people take risks and take risks. With a profit of [-]%, they will dare to trample on all laws in the world. With a profit of [-]%, they will dare to risk the gallows. The same applies, the blue-eyed amethyst ape plus a high-grade magic weapon, the benefit far exceeds [-]%, enough for two foundation-builder monks to snatch it desperately.

"Today, I only want Li Xiuxian's life. As long as you kill Li Xiuxian, no matter it is the blue-eyed amethyst ape or a high-grade magic weapon, I can hand it over to you." Li Xiuxian would not refuse the richness.

Li Xiuxian even heard the heavy breathing of Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong, his scarlet eyes looked extremely ferocious.

"Seniors, don't listen to his nonsense, once you kill me, he will definitely attack you, and then the three of us will die without a place to bury!" Although he knew it was useless, Li Xiuxian still persuaded him.

"If you have a high-grade magic weapon, we will still be afraid of him. Boy, obediently hand over the high-grade magic weapon in your hand and make a contract with the spirit beast, or you will die!" Lu Fanfeng sneered.

Lu Fanfeng and the two seemed not worried that Xue Wuya would renege on his promise after killing Li Xiuxian. After all, after killing Li Xiuxian, they would be able to get a top-grade magic weapon and a second-level spirit beast. After the beast, their combat power will be improved several levels. Even in the face of the double-teaming of Moyunmen, they are confident to fight a bloody way. As for the safety of Li Xiuyuan and Sima's family, they have long been thrown out of the sky.

Faced with the temptation of high-grade magical artifacts and second-level spirit beasts, even his own son can be sold, let alone an elder with a common bloodline and an ordinary disciple?
Xue Wuya folded his hands on his chest and looked at Li Xiuxian jokingly as if he was watching a play, as if he enjoyed the feeling of controlling other people's lives from above.

Li Xiuxian's heart sank fiercely: "If he tries his best, it won't be very difficult to kill these two foundation cultivators, but the key is whether it's worth it."

"Zeng!" Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong felt a blur in front of their eyes, and two white sword glows appeared in front of them in an instant!

"Arrogance!" Deng Zhilong snorted coldly, he dared to take the initiative to attack Li Xiuxian in the face of the double-teaming of two Foundation Establishment cultivators, it was extremely arrogant.

Faced with these two sword lights, Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong were not afraid at all, and the Green Phoenix Sword in Deng Zhilong's hand showed no weakness, and immediately repelled Li Xiuxian's attack when he cut out two sword lights.

"Let's go!" But Li Xiuxian's speed has obviously exceeded their expectations. Just at this moment, Li Xiuxian has moved to Li Xiuyuan's side, pulling Li Xiuyuan up to escape from this place.

The faces of Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong changed. It can even be said that among the eight foundation cultivators at the scene, they are the two who most hope that Li Xiuxian will die. If Li Xiuxian escapes alive, they will make this matter public. There's no room for them anymore!
"Kill!" Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong met at a glance and reached a consensus.

Naturally, the six Moyunmen monks including Xue Wuya would not just watch Li Xiuxian leave. Their movements were even a little faster than Lu Fanfeng's, and they surrounded Li Xiuxian the moment Li Xiuxian left!
"I'm very surprised who this kid is, even taking him with me even at the risk of giving up my chance to escape!" Xue Wuya sneered at Li Xiuyuan who was being held by Li Xiuxian.

Looking at the eight foundation-building monks who surrounded him heavily, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sneered. Who would have thought that the two foundation-building monks who were on the same front as him before a stick of incense would now join forces with the Demonic Dao to ask for his own? This little life!
"It's such a big battle. Moyunmen bullies my disciples of Hunyuan Qizong so much, do you really think that there is no one in my Hunyuanyi Qizong?" Disintegrate the formation of the eight foundation-building monks!
"Blowing snow!" Li Xiuxian's eyes lit up.

Seeing this long sword, Xue Wuya shot out a brilliant light in his eyes: "Jian Chen!"

Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong frowned. At this critical juncture, people from Hunyuan Qizong actually came to disrupt the situation, which completely disrupted their plans. The middle-grade magical artifacts and second-level spirit beasts that were about to be obtained were in vain. .

"You two are also members of my righteous way, why do you want to join forces with the monks of the evil way to hunt down and kill me, the elder of Hunyuan Qizong!" Jian Chen, who was dressed in white, looked at Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong coldly.

"The second son has entered the demon way. He kidnapped my disciple of Jiandingmen. The two of us chased and killed him just to save my disciples! As for why the people from Moyunmen wanted to chase and kill him, we don't know. !” Deng Zhilong said with a serious face.

As expected of a foundation cultivator, the foundation cultivator has a thicker skin than ordinary people. Seeing that the situation is not good, he even beat him up.

But Li Xiuxian's current state is really a bit like holding Li Xiuyuan hostage.

Li Xiuxian sneered: "Jian Chen, please don't listen to their nonsense, they are clearly coveting the magic weapon in my hand, and they are colluding with Moyunmen in an attempt to make money and kill them. These monks are simply scum of my righteous way!"

"I'm talking nonsense!"

Jian Chen snorted coldly: "How can I, the elder of Hunyuanyi Qizong, casually accuse you of wronging you? He said that if you collude with the devil way, you are colluding with the devil way!"

Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong's expressions changed: "Jianchen, what do you mean?"

"Eliminate the scum for my righteous way! Li Daoyou, I will block the six Moyunmen for you, can you get rid of these two righteous scum?"

This tone can be described as extremely arrogant. This is simply treating the eight foundation-building monks as nothing. Not only does he want to fight six with one, but he even wants to kill two foundation-building monks with a qi-training monk. How can this be described as arrogance?
Even Li Xiuxian was frightened by such an arrogant Jianchen. In his impression, Jianchen was a proud person but not an arrogant person. Let alone whether he could kill Lu Fanfeng and Deng Zhilong. It is almost impossible for the foundation-building cultivator to resist the six people from Moyunmen, not to mention that Xue Wuya still holds two high-grade magic weapons in his hands!

Even if Jian Chen has a high-grade magic weapon, Chuuxue, it is not enough reason for him to resist the six foundation-builders.

"Why? Don't you dare?" Jian Chen frowned.

"Are you sure you can block Xue Wuya's six people?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"When did I, Jian Chen, stop talking?" Jian Chen snorted.

Li Xiuxian nodded bitterly: "Since Brother Jian thinks so highly of me, if I don't agree, I will really be shameless."

Jianchen received Li Xiuxian's answer and nodded in satisfaction: "Then leave these six people to me, and I guarantee that these six people will never affect you until your battle is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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