Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 163 Opening the Ruins

Chapter 163 Opening the Ruins
"Second Uncle, I snatched the jade slip back, but I haven't killed that person yet, I'm not his match." Xue Ningshuang said, pointing at Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked, and a bloody figure suddenly appeared behind him, and a big hand directly pierced Li Xiuxian's heart!

"Whoosh!" Li Xiuxian slipped his feet, and quickly left the place!
"Oh? I have some skills!" Xue Batian said indifferently when he saw that he was shot down.

Although he dodged the blow, Li Xiuxian was covered in cold sweat. If he reacted a little slower, his heart would probably be dug out.

"Take another trick from me!" I saw a blood-red painting halberd appearing in Xue Batian's hand!
"Blood cloud draws a halberd!" Shi Wanshan frowned, and stood in front of Li Xiuxian in a flash!

"With a junior, why be so serious!" Shi Wanshan said lightly.

"If you kill my third nephew, you must die!" Xue Batian roared.

"Hum!" The Blood Cloud Painting Halberd and Taihuang Sword kept colliding in the air!
The faces of all the people changed, the battle between the two monks actually caused such a big commotion, even the aftermath of the battle between the two made people shudder!
Li Xiuxian also watched the two fight in horror. The battle between the fake alchemy cultivator was so terrifying. In vain, Li Xiuxian thought that he could compete with the fake alchemy cultivator with the ancient treasure of the Five Thunder God Whip, but Now he found that he was wrong. If he fought with these two, he might not be able to survive even one move. Even if he possessed such ancient treasures as the five-color divine light and the five thunder whips, it would be useless.

Li Xiuxian's eyes suddenly turned to Xue Ningshuang!

"Death!" More than a dozen thunder beads smashed towards Xue Ningshuang!

A single thunder bead is comparable to the previous Tianleizi, if it is hit by more than a dozen thunder beads, Xue Ningshuang will undoubtedly die!

"Looking for death!" An angry shout came from the sky!

A blood-colored painted halberd slammed down, and the thunder beads that hit the blood-colored painted halberd were swallowed up by the bloody light!
Thunder and lightning itself restrains magic arts, but the snowy light of this painted halberd is not afraid of the thunder beads of the five thunder god whips, which can only prove that this bloody painted halberd is at least a treasure of the same level as the five thunder god whips, and it is very likely to be a treasure. An ancient treasure!
"Shua!" The five-color divine light flashed out, Xue Batian's face turned ugly instantly, and he lost contact with Xueyun Huahalberd!

"Boy, court death!" Xue Batian shouted loudly!
"Boom!" A bloody fist slammed down!

The Five Thunder God Whip in Li Xiuxian's hand chopped out more than a dozen thunder beads in a row, and these hit the bloody fist with a crackling sound!
"Steal my ancient treasure, I will kill you!" Another punch!
"Whoosh!" A sword glow instantly scattered the fist!
"Boom!" Just as Xue Batian was about to fight back, the ruins suddenly began to shake violently!

The stone gate that Li Xiuxian saw before was slowly opened!

"It's finally opened!" Shi Wanshan said lightly.

Xue Batian didn't even care about the ancient treasure he had taken away by Li Xiuxian, he turned into a blood shadow and rushed towards the gate!

The monks of the entire ruin flocked to the gate frantically. They knew that the hall was only the outermost part of the ruins, and the real treasure was inside the gate!
Just as all the monks rushed towards the gate frantically, there was a roar from the gate!

"Bang!" A few monks who had just rushed into the gate were knocked out by a huge force!

These monks who were beaten into the air lost their vitality in an instant!

"Boom!" The gate was suddenly shattered by a huge force, and the gravel splashed everywhere. Some unlucky monks were even hit by these gravels on the head and chest and other vital points and lost their lives!

Shi Wanshan frowned, he actually saw a person walking out of the smoke!

When the smoke cleared, a golden-armored puppet appeared in everyone's sight. This golden-armored puppet blocked the door, and there were already many monks' corpses around him!

Even Shi Wanshan frowned when he saw this golden-armored puppet. They still remembered how much damage this golden-armored puppet had caused them. Maybe they're still out there playing with these golden-armored puppets.

The golden sword in the golden-armored puppet's hand slashed five sword lights in a row, and the power of these five sword lights was no less powerful than the few sword lights slashed by Shi Wanshan's Taihuang sword!
The five sword glows made dozens of foundation-builder cultivators decapitate, and the golden-armored puppet had no intention of stopping as they chopped out five sword glows one after another!
"Puppet! I didn't expect there to be such a puppet!" Xue Batian looked at the golden armored puppet below in surprise!
"Bang!" Xue Batian's body suddenly appeared on the right side of the golden armored puppet, and he punched out the golden armored puppet directly!
Xue Batian's sudden attack made everyone stunned, and he still had the upper hand against the puppet with his flesh and blood!

"Tuo Tian Mo Gong really deserves its reputation!" Shi Wanshan frowned.

Every time Xue Batian punched, the golden-armored puppet could be knocked into the air. This puppet, which caused Shi Wanshan and others a headache, was beaten up and down like a sandbag in front of Xue Batian!
But Li Xiuxian knows that this does not mean that Xue Batian's strength is higher than Shi Wanshan, but because of the skills Xue Batian practiced. Although Xue Batian also understands some spells in the Blood Demon Sutra, his Majoring in exercises is not the Blood Demon Sutra, Xue Batian can have such a strong power is also related to this exercise!

"Broken bones!" Xue Batian punched the puppet's abdomen!

"Bang!" The puppet's body shook violently!
A crack appeared on the abdomen of the golden armored puppet!
"What a tough puppet!" Xue Batian snorted coldly!
"Boom!" Another punch hit the same spot!
"Crack!" The crack on the golden-armored puppet's abdomen expanded again, but even so the action of the golden-armored puppet was not affected in any way. Naturally, a puppet doesn't know what pain is, even if all the iron armor on him is removed. Drop it, but it's still useless.

The rest of the cultivators would not just stand and watch the show in vain, and rushed into the ruins while Xue Batian was dragging the golden-armored puppet!


But it didn't take long before the heart-piercing screams of the monks came from the ruins!
poisonous insect!Countless poisonous insects emerged from the ruins!
These poisonous insects are extremely poisonous, and some are even second-level monsters. Even a Foundation Establishment cultivator can't last long after being bitten by these poisonous insects!

Where is the treasure house here?
"Kill!" The cultivator's eyes were also red-eyed!
Li Xiuxian secretly rejoiced that he let Xiu Luo send Shuiyao and Xiu Yuan out, otherwise he would not be able to take care of them in this situation.

The poisonous insects and puppets suppressed the monks so hard that they couldn't breathe. Fortunately, a few fake alchemy monks took action, which made their defeat less miserable!

At this time, the battle between Xue Batian and the golden armored puppet was coming to an end. Although Xue Batian had many scars on his body, the golden armored puppet had more scars, and even the golden long sword was broken. up!

I don't know when a golden sword appeared in Xue Batian's hand, and he knew it was not ordinary. Even the golden armored puppet didn't dare to resist it!

At this time, Xue Batian seems to have fallen into a state of madness, he doesn't even care about the treasures in the ruins, and is fighting crazily with the golden armored puppet!
"Die!" The big knife slashed on the head of the golden armored puppet!

With a sound of "Crack!", the black jade inside the head of the golden-armored puppet shattered into several pieces, and the body of the golden-armored puppet seemed to lose its support and scattered on the ground!

"Huh, refreshing, it's been a long time since I've been so refreshing!" Xue Batian shouted happily.

A huge mountain of white bones suppressed dozens of puppets underneath. Although the mountain of white bones was cracked by Shi Wanshan and its power was greatly reduced, the strength exerted in the hands of the fake alchemy cultivator is far above the top-grade magic weapon!
There are a total of eight passages inside the door. No one knows where these eight passages lead. Maybe there are countless magic tools and medicines waiting for you, maybe it is a dead end, and it is more likely to be a trap!
Although there were many poisonous insects and puppets, they did not benefit from the resistance of many monks. After losing nearly half of the manpower, they finally killed all these puppets and poisonous insects!

After solving the puppet, some monks couldn't wait to enter the passage, and soon there were only a few people left in the ruins, and Li Xiuxian happened to be one of them.

Li Xiuxian didn't know what the remaining monks were thinking about, but he was thinking about whether to go in instead of which passage to choose.

Li Xiuxian knew that his harvest this time was already extremely rich. Not only did he get a high-grade magic weapon, but he also got two ancient treasures and a large number of puppets' wreckage. It's time to leave!
Jian Chen nodded when he saw Li Xiuxian turn around and leave, the value of a person is self-knowledge, and he must know how to give up things that he cannot get.

"Brother Li, wait a minute, why don't we leave together together." Jian Chen laughed.

Li Xiuxian nodded, he still has a good impression of Jianchen.

"Brother Li, you're making a big splash this time. I'm afraid your name will spread throughout Yizhou!" Jian Chen laughed.

Li Xiuxian smiled bitterly: "I would rather not have such a name!"

Jian Chen smiled: "Brother Li, don't worry, you are the elder of Hunyuan Qizong, and some Xiaoxiao dare not do anything to you."

Li Xiuxian nodded, and when the two walked out of the ruins, they found that Xue Wuya had been waiting outside for a long time!

"I really underestimated you, even my elder brother suffered under your hands." Xue Wuya stared at Li Xiuxian and said.

"Why, do you want to avenge your elder brother?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

Xue Wuya shook his head: "There's no need for revenge, anyway, you didn't kill him! I just want to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

"That's right, give me the Blood Cloud Painting Halberd you took away from my second uncle, and I'll help you remove the unique aura of my Moyun Sect." Xue Wuya said lightly.

"Do you think it's possible?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"Why is it impossible?" Xue Wuya asked back.

"Don't forget, everyone in Moyunmen can feel the aura on your body, including my second uncle. This time, I am here to reconcile with you on behalf of Moyunmen!" Xue Wuya said lightly.


"That's right, let's forget about what happened before, even if you killed my brother, you can forget about it, and all you need to pay is an ancient treasure." Xue Wuya nodded.

Li Xiuxian frowned. It is indeed an unwise choice to provoke a fake Dan cultivator. If he can really eliminate the breath on his body, Li Xiuxian would not mind handing over an ancient treasure, but as Xue Wuya said, this kind of The breath can only be felt by people from Moyunmen, so Li Xiuxian doesn't know if Xue Wuya really cleaned it up for him!
"Boom!" Just as Li Xiuxian was thinking, there was a loud noise in the ruins, and then several rays of light flew out of the ruins!

Jian Chen and Xue Wuya soared into the sky, everyone knew that this was the real treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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