Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 164 Relic Treasure

Chapter 164 Relic Treasure
A strange look flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes. Although he gave up the opportunity to enter the ruins to find treasures, it didn't mean that he wouldn't accept the treasures when they came to his door!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Li Xiuxian brushed out three five-color divine lights one after another, and under the traction of the five-color divine lights, the three rays of light flew towards Li Xiuxian, and Li Xiuxian put them directly into the storage bag regardless of what In the middle, the flying tiger wings spread and left the place!
Jian Chen also left this place immediately after collecting a ray of light!
Li Xiuxian saw it very clearly, a total of eight things flew out, he took three of them, Jian Chen and Xue Wuya took one each, and the remaining three were missing!
Li Xiuxian has increased his speed to the extreme. Once the chasing monks are entangled, the consequences will be unimaginable. There are no less than ten fake alchemy monks who entered the ruins. Thinking of being besieged by so many Gardner monks, Li Xiuxian I couldn't help shivering.

After flying for more than half an hour to make sure that no one was following him, Li Xiuxian stopped on a small mountain. Only then did he have a chance to see what he got.

"Jade slips, jade slips, or jade slips!" Li Xiuxian really couldn't laugh or cry, and he didn't know if he was lucky, the three rays of light brushed by the five-color divine light turned out to be jade slips!

Li Xiuxian immersed his spiritual consciousness in it. The first jade slip was a kung fu "Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu". It's time to transform into a god!For Li Xiuxian, he just laughed it off. It is a luxury to connect to the alchemy stage, let alone the incarnation stage?

The second jade slip introduces puppet art, and there are some methods of refining puppets, which can be considered useful for Li Xiuxian, after all, he has collected a large number of puppets in the ruins. If these puppets can be repaired It's also a great help.

The third jade slip recorded some secrets from the ancient times, and it was the most useless jade slip to Li Xiuxian. Li Xiuxian was willing to exchange this jade slip for a top-grade magic weapon.

After Li Xiuxian sorted out his things briefly, he flew towards the nearest Fangshi.

As for Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao who were accompanied by Shura, as long as they didn't encounter monks in the realm of fake alchemy, they would be able to break through smoothly with Shura standing in their way.

Now it is necessary for Li Xiuxian to clean up the things on his body. Li Xiuxian has killed many monks. There are more than 20 monks on the storage bag alone. Even Li Xiuxian himself didn't know how many magic weapons he had.

Li Xiuxian doesn't usually use these magic tools, and they take up space, so it's a pity to throw them away. It's better to go to Fangshi to exchange for some spirit stones.

The closest to the old house of the Li family is of course Qingmufang City. In retrospect, when he went to Qingmufang City, he was just a little monk who practiced Qi at the third level. After ten years, he has become a foundation-building monk. I have to sigh the world impermanence.

He even clearly remembered that it was the first time he had killed the boy that he killed.

Qingmufang City can only be regarded as a small market, but Li Xiuxian is only selling some low-grade magical artifacts, even a small market like Qingmufang City can afford it.

Li Xiuxian randomly found a shop and walked in.

A servant immediately came up to him: "Master Immortal, what do you want?"

Only mortals would call a cultivator this way. Occasionally, some mortals would appear in the market of cultivators. These mortals would do odd jobs for the cultivators in exchange for a meager income, in order to gain a glimmer of hope of comprehension.

"I'm here to sell something." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"Okay, this way please." The servant said respectfully.

"Old man Qiu Tangbai, I don't know what you want to sell? My Tianxin Pavilion will definitely give you a fair price." An old man with white hair said.

"The cultivation of the eighth level of Qi training." Li Xiuxian saw through the cultivation of this old man at once. This old man is around eighty years old. If he doesn't encounter any great adventures, there is no hope of building a foundation in this life.

Li Xiuxian is used to seeing foundation-building monks, and even has seen hundreds of foundation-building monks gather together, but for ordinary monks, building a foundation is difficult, and it is difficult to reach the sky. Even if you can break through that bottleneck by chance, you may not be able to. After the catastrophe, a large number of monks died under the catastrophe.

Li Xiuxian didn't say much, and directly put two storage bags on the table, in which there were at least 30 low-grade artifacts.

Qiu Tangbai opened the storage bag for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at Li Xiuxian: "Fellow Daoist, are you sure you want to sell it?"

"Naturally." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

Qiu Tangbai checked the instruments one by one.

"Fellow Daoist, there are a total of 36 low-grade instruments here, all of which are common swords, so the price will not be too high. One piece of eight hundred spirit stones, how about the price?" Qiu Tangbai said.

Li Xiuxian nodded, the price of the most common Fire Cloud Sword is around 800 spirit stones, and the magic weapon he sells is a bit higher than the Fire Cloud Sword, the price of [-] yuan spirit stone is also reasonable.

These 36 magical artifacts brought Li Xiuxian 800 yuan of spiritual stones. Killing people and seizing treasures is indeed the fastest way to get rich. Just selling a few low-grade magical artifacts has such a big harvest. A monk can earn less than 2 yuan in spirit stones in his lifetime!
Li Xiuxian left Tianxin Pavilion with 2 yuan of spirit stones in his pocket. As for what Qiu Tangbai was thinking in his heart, Li Xiuxian didn't know and didn't care. They all hide and hide.

Unless this Qiu Tangbai can find a fake monk Dan to deal with him, otherwise everything will be useless!
Li Xiuxian walked around Qingmufang City for a few times, and after finding that he didn't have anything he wanted, he prepared to leave.

"Free refining!" Li Xiuxian saw a sign at the end of a street. Following the direction pointed by the sign, Li Xiuxian saw a simple refining shop.

Seeing this refining shop, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but think of the previous refining. With Li Xiuxian's current knowledge, he naturally knew that he was cheated!
"It's interesting, there are still people who refine weapons for free." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly, and stepped into the refining shop.



A gray-haired old man with shirtless arms held a hammer in his hand and kept beating against the iron block. Every time he struck, a trace of impurities could be brought out. After thousands of repeated beatings, a piece of iron essence the size of a fist was completed!

"A late-stage monk!" Li Xiuxian's pupils shrank. Although he was not a late-stage monk with his current cultivation, it was surprising that a late-stage monk would live in such a hut.

The old man raised his head and glanced at Li Xiuxian: "Refining?"

Li Xiuxian nodded: "What level of magic weapon can you refine?"

The old man frowned: "As long as you can get the materials, I can refine them. If you have enough materials, I can also make top-grade magic weapons!"

Li Xiuxian couldn't help being stunned, the old man's tone was so loud, the ultimate magic weapon is the top magic weapon in Yizhou, very few people have heard that it is possible to refine the best magic weapon, even if it is refined, it is due to luck.

Seeing that Li Xiuxian didn't seem to believe it, the old man snorted coldly: "Let's go if you don't believe me."

Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile. The old man seemed to be quite angry, but Li Xiuxian didn't mind. Not only did he have materials that could be used to refine weapons, but he also had a complete corpse of a dragon. Li Xiuxian took a scale from the corpse of the dragon and handed it to him. the old man.

The old man frowned, but he still took the scales, which were more than one meter wide, and looked at them!

"Level three monster! Where did you come from?" The old man grabbed Li Xiuxian's shoulder and asked excitedly!

"A third-level monster? Senior, you didn't admit your mistake, did you?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback!
"I didn't admit my mistake, it is absolutely impossible to admit my mistake. I have seen dragon scales a lot, but even the scales of a second-level top-grade monster don't have such luster and flexibility. This must be a third-level monster. How much of this material do you have?" , as long as you provide this material, I will provide the rest of the refining materials!" The old man said excitedly.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smiled wryly. The old man swears that the dragon is a third-level monster, but Li Xiuxian knows very well that this dragon is not a third-level monster at all. There are no third-level monsters in Yizhou. This is a Yizhou cultivator. consensus!

"Senior, did you make a mistake? I have never heard of any third-level monsters in Yizhou." Li Xiuxian asked.

"Then you are doubting my vision!" The old man frowned.

"No, no, it's just a little strange." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"The third-level monsters I'm talking about refer to those whose bodies have reached the level of third-level monsters, but they have not advanced. Some monsters have taken the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, or are in places with abnormally abundant aura. This kind of situation may happen, but this kind of monster is hard to find, even if you can meet it, it is difficult to kill." The old man explained.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "I have a little here, but how many magic weapons can you refine, senior?"

"That depends on how many you have. If you have a hundred dragon scales, I can refine a middle-grade magic weapon dragon scale shield. If you have a thousand pieces, I can refine a high-grade magic weapon dragon scale shield." Scale shield, if there are [-] pieces, I have a [-]% chance of forging the top-grade magic weapon dragon scale shield." The old man said.

"Ten thousand pieces!" Li Xiuxian groaned, the entire dragon scale was five or six hundred feet long, which was almost ten thousand dragon scales.

The old man was shocked, and he just said casually, after all, it is almost impossible to get so many complete scales, but Li Xiuxian's appearance clearly shows that there are so many!
"You have it! You must have it! Take it out, and I will refine it for you for free!" The old man said excitedly, tugging at Li Xiuxian's clothes.

Li Xiuxian looked at the refining room with a wry smile: "I'm afraid I won't be able to let it go."

Only then did the old man realize how small his house was!

"Don't be afraid, come down with me." The old man punched out a spell, and saw a crack appear on the ground, the crack continued to expand, and a staircase appeared in front of him!
The old man created a huge basement under the refining room!
"This is the place where I store materials. This place is big enough, just take out your materials." The old man looked at Li Xiuxian excitedly, people who didn't know thought he was interested in Li Xiuxian.

"Okay!" Li Xiuxian pretended to take it out of the storage bag, but actually opened the Wanhua Pearl, and a body of a dragon with a full five or six hundred feet fell heavily on the ground!

"The whole flood dragon!" The old man showed a horrified expression on his face.

Although there is a blood hole the size of a fist in the neck of the dragon, it is insignificant compared to the whole dragon!

"A third-level monster, it really is a third-level monster, and it is only one step away from advancing!" The old man stroked Jiaolong's body like he was stroking his own child!
"Dragon scales can be used to make dragon scale shields, and dragon horns can be used to make dragon scales. Dragon tendons, dragon skin, dragon bones, dragon teeth and eyeballs can also be used to make good magic weapons, as well as four feet and a tail! Yes, That's right, just this one dragon is enough to refine several good instruments!" The old man kept thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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