Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 165 Free Refining Room

Chapter 165 Free Refining Room

According to the old man's algorithm, the number of magical artifacts is probably not small, and compared with the Artifact Refining Sect, it has a lot of advantages in number!After all, one is trying every means to deduct materials, while the other is thinking about how to refine the weapon. The starting point of the two is different.

"Senior, what can this dragon skin be refined?" Li Xiuxian was at a loss.

"Dragon skin is also a good material for Qi training. What's even more rare is that your dragon skin has almost no damage. Such a big dragon is enough to refine five or six pieces of dragon skin inner armor. Even if you wear it on your body, it will hurt you." You can't!" The old man said excitedly.

"I can refine a bone whip from this dragon spine, at least it is a high-grade magic weapon!" said the old man.

Li Xiuxian nodded. Although he doesn't pay much attention to the high-grade magic weapon given his current wealth, it can be used for Shuiyao and Xiuyuan. The stronger the magic weapon is, the more helpful it is for the monk. The most obvious example is the establishment of foundations. In the early days, Li Xiuxian relied on a Five Thunder God Whip to fight on par with the fake Dan cultivator!

Li Xiuxian watched the old man keep touching Jiaolong's body and couldn't help being stunned. He actually saw the shadow of his master Ling Daozi on this old man!
"Dare to ask senior's name?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Where does a dying person get such a title? This old man has been obsessed with refining weapons all his life. He just hopes to refine a magic weapon that he is satisfied with when he is dying." The old man replied while looking at Jiaolong's body. road.

It took about a stick of incense for the old man to stop "stroking" the dragon.

"For the sake of your providing such good materials, the old man will provide the materials to help you refine this magic weapon!" said the old man happily.

This is also the first time Li Xiuxian has seen this kind of craftsman who doesn't ask for money but pays for materials, but when he thinks that the old man's death is approaching, all of this becomes understandable, everyone will have their own obsession before death, Master Ling Daozi is obsessed with finding a successor to inherit his alchemy, while the old man in front of him hopes to refine a satisfactory magic weapon before he dies.

Li Xiuxian is not worried that the old man will deceive him, because he can clearly feel that the vitality of the old man is rapidly losing. This kind of state has also been seen in the master Ling Daozi. With the old man's state, he can only last two month or so.

People who are about to die, their words are good, Li Xiuxian has no reason to suspect that a person who is about to die is lying to him, and he really didn't pay much attention to the corpse of a dragon. Ancient treasures such as Yun Huahalberd and Blood Transforming Knife are no longer in his eyes. After all, no matter how powerful this old man is, it is impossible for him to forge a magic weapon stronger than the Five Thunder God Whips.

No matter how hard the old man forges, what he forges is only a magic weapon, not a magic weapon. The gap between a weapon and a treasure is incalculable!

"Give this old man one month's time, and this old man will definitely be able to forge several earth-shattering instruments!" the old man said to himself.

These words were not meant for Li Xiuxian, but seemed to be praying, hoping that he could persist for a month.

Li Xiuxian sighed slightly, he didn't intend to disturb the old man who had devoted himself to refining the weapon, and left the refining room after leaving the dragon's body behind.

"Huh? Is someone following me?" Li Xiuxian frowned as soon as he left the refining room, and a divine sense locked him all the time!
"The practice of Qi training is perfect." Li Xiuxian sneered with disdain in his heart.

In order not to disturb the monks who were following him, Li Xiuxian pretended to be nonchalant, walked around the market a few times, and then walked out of Qingmufang City!
"I should do something." Li Xiuxian thought to himself.

Suddenly, a dozen small fireballs flew out from behind!

Li Xiuxian sneered, and played a magic formula casually, and a gust of wind blew the dozen or so small fireballs aside!
"I recognize you!" Li Xiuxian looked at the monk who attacked him with a smile.

"I also recognize you, it was you who killed Lin San!" The old man snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian smiled: "If you didn't have evil thoughts in your heart and wanted Lin San to intercept and kill me, he wouldn't have died. In the final analysis, you killed Lin San!"

"Nonsense, today I will avenge my grandson!" the old man roared.

"So it's your grandson, no wonder you can't forget me for ten years!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

The old man roared, and stabbed Li Xiuxian with a golden magic sword.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly, and clamped the magic sword in his hand with two fingers. The red and black flame rose instantly, melting the golden magic sword into a puddle of molten iron!
The old man's face changed drastically. This is the spiritual fire, which only a foundation-building monk can master. The old man didn't believe that a monk who was only a third-level qi practitioner ten years ago turned into a high-ranking foundation-building monk in a blink of an eye!
He is a master of qi training and is well aware of the difficulty of breaking through to building a foundation. Even though he has stayed in the realm of qi training for several decades, he has never been able to cross this step.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Go to hell!" the old man roared.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly: "If you don't believe it, then die!"

A fist-sized fireball hit the old man's body, and the red-black flame instantly enveloped the old man. After a while, the old man was burned into coke!

With Li Xiuxian's current cultivation base, it is too easy to deal with a monk who has completed Qi training.

Li Xiuxian wasn't even interested in looking at his storage bag. After all, what kind of treasure could a monk who practiced Dzogchen Qi have in his hands, and after taking off the storage bag from the old man, Li Xiuxian went straight to the old house of Li's family.

Thinking about it now, it was undoubtedly the most correct decision to dismiss the servants and move out of the old house to focus on cultivation. If they were still nesting in this small town at that time, even if their cultivation could improve by leaps and bounds, they would not be able to build a foundation. Now the Li family already has three The foundation-building cultivator even surpassed the ancestors of the Li family!

"Hey! Where did so many people come from the old house of the Li family?" Li Xiuxian frowned, and through his spiritual sense, he found that there were a large number of people in the old house of the Li family, the number was no less than one hundred!
"What are Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao doing?" Li Xiu Yuanxian frowned.

"What a strong evil spirit! What happened?" Li Xiuxian's heart tightened.

When Li Xiuxian landed at the old house of the Li family, he found that Xiuyuan and Shuiyao were busy, pouring their spiritual power into the bodies of these mortals.

"What's going on?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Brother!" Li Xiuyuan was overjoyed.

"Brother Xiuxian, you are back!" Li Shuiyao also stopped what she was doing.

"What's going on? Why does my Li family have such a strong evil spirit?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Li Xiuyuan shook his head: "I don't know either. When we returned to Li's house, we saw Uncle Li's family. They all had a heavy evil spirit on them, so the two of us took their family into the old house, but no matter we No matter how hard you try, you can't get rid of the evil spirit on them, and there are more and more people in this small town!"

Li Xiuxian frowned. The Uncle Li that Li Xiuyuan was talking about was the housekeeper of the Li family who had served two generations of the Li family. He did not expect that such a thing would happen to them.

Li Xiuxian split a strand of spiritual power into Uncle Li's body, the deeper Li Xiuxian frowned, the deeper he frowned!

"Yin Sha Pill!" When Li Xiuxian inspected Li Bo's dantian, he found something extremely familiar.

"Yinsha Pill! You said that Uncle Li and the others have all become pill seeds?" Li Xiuyuan's expression changed.

"It should be, but this is a bit different from the Yin Sha Pill. The Yin Sha Pill can make mortals mutated, making them invulnerable and unconscious, but Li Bo and the others obviously don't have this symptom. Someone must have improved the Yin Sha Pill." Li Xiuxian He groaned.

"Who the hell is it? The blood-clothed boy has already been executed, and no one should know how to refine the Yin Sha Pill." Li Xiuyuan said.

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "Never underestimate a cultivator. Although only the blood-clothed boy knows the method of refining Yin Sha Pill, but he has refined so many Yin Sha Pills, it is inevitable that some will be left outside. It is not impossible for Yin Sha Pill to figure out the refining method of Yin Sha Pill."

"Then what should we do? Do we just watch Uncle Li and the others die?" Li Shuiyao's eyes were red.

Li Xiuxian sighed: "Let me think of a way."

The most troublesome part of the Yin Sha Pill is that it will gather all the essence in the human body in the dantian to form a Yin Sha Pill. Once the Yin Sha Pill is refined, those who have been exhausted by the pill will die. This is the result even if the Yin Sha Pill is taken out in advance.

Moreover, Li Xiuxian was more worried about who was refining the Yin Sha Pill than curing Uncle Li and the others. Li Xiu Xian, who had seen the horror of the Yin Sha Pill with his own eyes, knew exactly what kind of results this pill could cause.

Li Xiuxian walked around the old house of the Li family and found that the surrounding water sources were very abnormal. Ordinary people could not see anything with the naked eye, but it was obvious to a cultivator. Black gas!
Li Xiuxian threw a small fireball casually, and the black air was instantly refined when it touched the small fireball.

"Someone poisoned the water!" Li Xiuxian frowned!
"Aww!" Suddenly there was a long howl in the courtyard!
"Not good!" Li Xiuxian's face changed!
These originally peaceful pills suddenly became extremely violent, madly attacking everything they saw in front of them!
Li Xiuxian's figure kept shuttling among these people, using his spiritual power to stop their actions!
"Hey!" Li Shuiyao didn't notice for a while, her arm was cut by Danzhong!

"Be careful!" Li Xiuxian was startled, and hastily suppressed Li Shuiyao's wound with spiritual power!
At this time, the place where Li Shuiyao was injured turned black, and a cloud of evil energy kept rushing against it. If Li Xiuxian hadn't suppressed this cloud of evil energy in time, it might have broken into the dantian long ago!

"Xiu Yuan, kill them!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

"But, Uncle Li and the others..."

"It's useless, they are not human anymore, they are walking dead now, kill them!" Li Xiuxian roared.

Li Xiuyuan gritted his teeth, and typed out a series of spells in his hand. The spiritual fire instantly burned up these pill seeds, leaving a place of Yinsha pills on the ground.

"Shui Yao, use your spiritual power to fight against this evil spirit, absolutely don't let him enter your dantian!" Li Xiuxian said.

"En!" Li Shuiyao nodded, her forehead was covered with sweat.

"Ning!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, only to see a tiny gleam of lightning appear on his hand, and this ball of evil energy was consumed at an extremely fast speed after touching the ray of lightning.

"Be patient!" Li Xiuxian said.

"It's okay, I can hold on." Li Shuiyao's face was extremely pale.

"Bo!" Finally, this group of evil spirit dissipated under the attack of Lei Guang!
But Li Xiuxian's face did not ease at all, which means that someone is refining the Yin Sha Pill again, and this time the Pill Seed is even more terrifying than the last one. Once hit by the Pill Seed, the evil spirit on the Pill Seed will disappear It will invade the body and become a new elixir!

"Let's go, we can't stay here any longer, come with me to Qingmufang City!" Li Xiuxian said.

The three of Li Xiuxian looked out of the window with solemn faces. The reappearance of the Yin Sha Pill had brought a great impact to Li Xiuxian. Improvement, let these mortals be like zombies, and those who are attacked will become their same kind.

(End of this chapter)

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