Chapter 175
They thought that the plan was perfect, and even the real fake alchemy monks would come and go, but they were disrupted by a mid-foundation monk. Not only did they not gain anything, hundreds of thousands of spirit stones were stolen.The Lingshi Mine was destroyed, this time it really cost my wife and lost my army!
After escaping, Li Xiuxian didn't dare to stop for a moment. He continued to use the technique of thunder escape along the way, and when his spiritual power was exhausted, he swallowed the spirit pill to restore his spiritual power. After running wildly all the way, he actually returned to Hunyuan earlier than Jian Chen and others. One Qizong.

When Jian Chen and the others returned to Hunyuan Yizong, they were dumbfounded to find that Li Xiuxian had arrived before them!

Li Xiuxian actually survived the siege of the three fake alchemy monks, they felt dizzy when they thought of this.

Afterwards, Li Xiuxian told Shi Wanshan all the ins and outs of this matter, and handed over the hundreds of thousands of spirit stones obtained from the secret room to Shi Wanshan.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, Li Xiuxian left the main peak hall.

Li Shuiyao and Li Xiuyuan were fighting outside, only Ningxiang was left in Li Jiafeng, Li Xiuxian did not disturb Ningxiang, and entered the secret room alone.

Looking at the jade slip that the old man left for him, Li Xiuxian frowned. The old man actually obtained the inheritance of ancient weapon refining, and the records in this jade slip turned out to be the method of ancient weapon refining obtained by the old man.

The art of refining alchemy is so precious that even his own disciples would not easily teach it. Li Xiuxian never thought that the old man would leave such a precious thing to himself.

The old man did not introduce his name in the jade slips, but only thanked Li Xiuxian for allowing him to fulfill his dream for many years at the end of his life.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing, the old man's skillful refining method is so unknown, and he wants to open a free refining room in Qingmufang City, if it wasn't for Li Xiuxian's appearance, I am afraid that the old man would not be able to complete his project until his death wished.

Among the jade slips are the old man's insights into weapon refining over the years. For Li Xiuxian who doesn't know how to refine weapons, this is an extremely precious wealth.

Although Li Xiuxian has already learned the art of alchemy, it is good for him to learn one more art of alchemy if he is not overwhelmed with art.

Li Xiuxian also took the opportunity to comprehend "Nine Turns of Mysterious Kung Fu", and it was precisely because of Li Daitao's stiff technique that Li Xiuxian was able to escape many times.

As the name suggests, Nine Turns Xuan Gong is divided into nine turns, one turn for Qi training, three turns for foundation building, five turns for forming alchemy, seven turns for Yuanying, nine turns for transforming spirits, and nine turns for destroying heaven and earth.

But if you want to practice this "Nine Turns of Mysterious Art", there is a harsh condition, that is, you have to retrain the Sangong!

If Li Xiuxian got the "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong" during the Qi training period, he would definitely cultivate without hesitation. Even he doesn't know if it's worth it to rebuild it!

There is a clear statement in "Nine Turns of Mysterious Kungfu" that after dispersing kung fu, it will not affect the realm, which means that there is no bottleneck.

Li Xiuxian didn't want to practice martial arts at first, but a large number of secret techniques in "Nine Turns Mysterious Art" need to be based on Nine Turns Mysterious Art, and as long as Li Xiuxian wants to practice this "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", he must cross this hurdle, Rather than getting entangled in the future, it is better to take advantage of this period of time to practice.

The powerful secret techniques and profound methods in "Nine Turns of Mysterious Art" are a great temptation for Li Xiuxian. Once he succeeds in cultivation, even the cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment can compete with fake alchemy monks!

After repeated thinking, Li Xiuxian finally decided to practice "Nine Turns Mysterious Art".

However, before practicing the "Nine Turns of Mysterious Art", some preparations must be made.

In the following time, Li Xiuxian stayed behind closed doors, announced to the outside world that he was closed to death, entered the Wanhua Pearl to refine a large number of Qi Gathering Pills and Huanglong Pills, and then spent a lot of time waiting for these pills to become Medium grade, and prepared a lot of firefox flowers.

A month later, Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged around the Jasper Root, took a deep breath, followed the method recorded in "Nine Turns of Mysterious Kung Fu", and tapped several of his acupoints one after another. The speed was lost, and the liquid spiritual power in the body disappeared completely in less than half a stick of incense!

"It's broken the foundation building stage." Li Xiuxian sighed.

But the speed of the loss of spiritual power did not slow down, on the contrary, it was getting faster and faster, and it was half a stick of incense time for Li Xiuxian's spiritual power to disappear completely, just like a mortal!
If outsiders know that Li Xiuxian has become a mortal overnight, how many people will have unruly thoughts, Li Xiuxian has too many treasures, whether it is the highest-grade magic weapon or ancient treasure, it is a monk's dream treasures.

Once Li Xiuxian loses the ability to own these treasures, these treasures will instantly become Li Xiuxian's reminder!

Li Xiuxian felt that his body was extremely weak after San Gong. He knew that this was a normal reaction. After all, he lost so much spiritual power after San Gong, his body would not be able to take it anymore.

Li Xiuxian picked up the jade bottle beside him, which contained a low-grade Qi Gathering Pill. If a mortal body swallowed a middle-grade Qi Gathering Pill, his body would probably not be able to take it.

According to the cultivation method in "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong", Li Xiuxian refined the spiritual power in the Qi Gathering Pill, and guided this spiritual energy to circulate in the body. As if his body was about to explode, a majestic spiritual power surged out of his dantian!

"First level of Qi training!" Li Xiuxian was overjoyed. In just two hours, he broke through the boundaries of ordinary people and became a practitioner of first level of Qi training.

He clearly remembered that it took him three months to find the sense of qi under the guidance of his father, and it took him a year to break through this limit and become a practitioner of the first level of qi training.

But now he has shortened this time countless times, and in just two hours, he has completed what could only be done in the previous year.

But all of this was within Li Xiuxian's expectations. After all, he was already a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment before. Although Sangong means starting from the beginning, the road he walked before has become extremely smooth. If cultivation is compared to climbing a mountain, then now it is riding a horse-drawn carriage on a flat road, and the speed of the two cannot be compared at all.

Coupled with the abundant spiritual energy in the Wanhua Pearl and the help of the Qi Gathering Pill, Li Xiuxian's cultivation progress was greatly accelerated. These conditions were unimaginable before.

The quick breakthrough gave Li Xiuxian great confidence. Although he practiced Qi at the first level, the spiritual power in his body was more than that at the third level of Qi training before.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but think of the introduction in "Nine Turns of Mysterious Skills", every turn, the spiritual power in the body will increase exponentially.

The monks who have practiced the "Nine Turns of Mysterious Art" have incomparably powerful spiritual power, far superior to ordinary monks.

"This exercise is really incomparably mysterious. Compared with it, the Lie Yang Sutra that I practiced before is really useless!" Li Xiuxian sighed in his heart.

Strike while the iron is hot, Li Xiuxian took another Qi Gathering Pill and began to practice!
Two days later, Li Xiuxian's cultivation was promoted to the second level of Qi training!
Half a month later, Li Xiuxian's cultivation was upgraded to the third level of Qi training.

In another month, Li Xiuxian's cultivation base was upgraded to the fourth level of Qi training.

A year later, Li Xiuxian's cultivation was firmly on the twelfth level of Qi training, and he was only one step away from building a foundation.

The [-]th level of qi training has completed the first round of "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong". Li Xiuxian's spiritual power in his body is three times that of a monk of the same level!
This retreat took two years. Li Xiuxian directly cultivated from an ordinary person to the twelfth level of Qi training. The speed of cultivation is really unimaginable!
Two years is enough for a lot of things to happen. The war between righteousness and evil has entered a white-hot state. After putting in the effort, some monks succeeded in building foundations one after another, filling the vacancy of the foundation building monks.

In just two years, Hunyuan Qizong alone has cultivated nearly ten foundation-building monks, and Jian Chen and others have become the leaders of the new generation of foundation-building monks.

With the ancient Zhuxian sword in his hand, Jianchen has repeatedly made military exploits, and even leapfrogged to challenge the elder of the Gushamen who thought he was in the late stage of foundation establishment, and even cut off his arm. He deservedly became the No. 1 in the new generation of Zhengdao.

However, no matter how chaotic the outside world is, it will not affect Li Xiuxian who is cultivating in the Wanhuazhu. At this time, Li Xiuxian has entered the cultivation with all his heart and is preparing to concentrate his strength to break through.

As soon as Xuangong was transferred, the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body was extremely pure and powerful, even compared to the foundation-building monks. Li Xiuxian was looking forward to what the second and third turns of Xuangong in the foundation-building period would do to him. surprise!

"Buzz!" Li Xiuxian's spirit shook, and countless auras poured into his body. Under his guidance, these auras circulated in his body, and finally turned into a part of his body. The spiritual power in his body also increased rapidly!

The second turn of Xuan Gong!

The spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body increased again, almost six times that of the monks of the same class!
"Nine Turns of Xuan Gong" is indeed a treasure of Taoism. It is only the second turn of Xuan Gong that it has such strength. The spiritual power in the body in the early stage of foundation establishment is even more majestic than that in the middle stage of foundation establishment. This is just Xuan Gong Just turn two!
If it keeps growing at this rate, the third revolution of Xuan Gong is enough to be nine times that of a monk of the same level, or even more!
Now Li Xiuxian is confident that even if he encounters a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, he can suppress it without using ancient treasures!
Xiuyuan and Shuiyao, who were practicing in Lijiafeng, were shocked, and looked in the direction of Li Xiuxian in surprise!

"Brother is out!" Li Xiuyuan was overjoyed, his figure flashed, and then he appeared in front of Li Xiuxian's room, and Li Shuiyao also rushed there.

When Li Xiuxian's room door opened, Li Xiuyuan and Li Xiuyuan only felt that a majestic spiritual power was firmly suppressing them. They only felt this feeling in the monks in the late stage of foundation establishment.

"Brother, you made a breakthrough again!" Li Xiuyuan was overjoyed!

But then he felt that Li Xiuxian's realm hadn't broken through, not only had it not broken through, but it had dropped, from the original middle stage of foundation establishment to the early stage of foundation establishment.

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "No, it's just an occasional realization."

Li Shuiyao looked at Li Xiuxian curiously: "Why do I think Brother Xiuxian is much stronger?"

"I feel the same way!" Li Xiuyuan nodded.

"Maybe." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"By the way, each of you has one of these two wolf-toothed spiders." Li Xiuxian took out two snow-white wolf-toothed spiders from the Wanhua beads.

Two years later, the eggs of the two wolf tooth spiders also hatched. Considering that Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao didn't have spirit beasts yet, Li Xiuxian decided to give them the two wolf tooth spiders.

"What a cute little guy!" Li Shuiyao laughed.

"These two storage bags are spirit beast pills, which are very helpful for the growth and evolution of spirit beasts. They should be enough for several years." Li Xiuxian handed the two storage bags to the two.

Xiu Yuan and Shui Yaohua immediately set up a god control formation around them, dripped a few drops of their own blood into the formation, and then a talisman sank into the wolf tooth spider's head.

At this time, the easiest way to control the spirit beast, so you don't have to worry about the spirit beast betraying you in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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