Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 176 Mysterious Art 2 Turn

Chapter 176 The Second Turn of Mysterious Art
Although Li Xiuxian also knew this formation, he didn't use it on the little monkey and the red jellyfish.And Chi Jiao directly regarded him as his father.

"By the way, brother, in the past two years, in order to encourage the disciples to work hard to kill the enemy, a reward has been issued. If you kill five foundation cultivators, you will be rewarded with a middle-grade magic weapon, and ten will be rewarded with a top-grade magic weapon! If you kill late-stage foundation-establishment monks, you will be rewarded with top-grade magic weapons, and if you kill more than three late-stage foundation-establishment monks, you will be rewarded with an ancient treasure! Ancient treasure!" Li Xiuyuan narrowed his eyes at the thought of rewarding ancient treasures.

"Oh? The orthodox sects are willing to spend their capital. There are only a handful of late-stage monks in Yizhou. If you want to kill three late-stage monks, I'm afraid few people can do it." Li Xiuxian said.

"Brother guessed right, the one who kills the most now is Jian Chen. He killed three monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment and six monks in the early stage of foundation establishment. He only needs one to get a high-grade magic weapon! But he has an ancient treasure in his hand." Immortal Execution Sword, you don't even think much of a high-grade magic weapon." Li Xiuyuan said.

Ancient treasures, Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed a gleam, no one would dislike too many ancient treasures, let alone Xiu Yuan and Shui Yao didn't have ancient treasures in their hands.

A sound transmission talisman flew over, making Li Xiuxian go to the main hall.

Li Xiuxian knew that this was a mission. After all, he had been in seclusion for two years and hadn't accepted any missions. It was considered good that Shi Wanshan didn't forcefully break through, so Shi Wanshan gave the mission as soon as Li Xiuxian left the customs.

At the junction of Yue State and Liang State, among the rocks, Li Xiuxian commanded 36 keel bones to surround a Bone Sha elder, attacking non-stop.

Although the opponent's body was full of demon energy, it was amazing, even a layer of bone armor appeared on his body, but under the attack of the keel whip, Li Xiuxian caught a flaw and chopped it into two sections.

After skillfully putting the body of the foundation-building cultivator into the storage bag, Li Xiuxian disappeared into the vast plain with a flash of lightning.

After Li Xiuxian received Shi Wanshan's mission, he rushed to the Scarlet Plain without stopping. This is the main battlefield of the righteous and the evil. The monks simply set up temporary residences and practice rooms on both sides, like a small city where there are still many monks setting up stalls for business, selling some things they got from the monks of the magic way, or exchanging some for the right ones. Useful things for yourself.

Li Xiuxian threw the beheaded body of the Foundation Establishment cultivator on the ground, and someone immediately came to inspect it.

"Ling Xiangwen, the elder of the mid-stage foundation establishment of the Bone Shamen Sect." There was a sudden exclamation from this person!
Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning: "Is there a problem?"

"No, no!" The monk shook his head hastily.

This Ling Xiangwen can be regarded as a ruthless character, so far he has had a lot of blood on his hands since the start of the battle, he even beheaded a few elders in the Foundation Establishment period, but he didn't expect this evil star to be killed today!
"Senior dare to ask your name?"

"Li Xiuxian." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

The monk immediately looked for Li Xiuxian's name in the jade slips, but when he saw Li Xiuxian's record, he almost bit his tongue.

"Eight monks in the early stage of foundation establishment, four monks in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and one monk in the late stage of foundation establishment!" This monk almost collapsed, who the hell is this? In the past two years, there have been more monks.

After seeing that the other party had recorded this meritorious service, Li Xiuxian took off the storage bag from Ling Xiangtian's body, and what to do with the corpse was out of his scope of consideration.

Although Zhengdao promulgated this reward measure, but few people can get it. After all, the chance of being able to kill many foundation-building monks in a row while still alive is too small, and Zhengdao is only using this reward system It's just to stimulate the enthusiasm of the disciples to kill the enemy.

Anyway, as far as Li Xiuxian knows, apart from Jian Chen who got a high-grade magic weapon, no one else has obtained a high-grade magic weapon. As for those middle-grade magic weapons, they are not a big deal for the sect. If you give it, you will give it , Anyway, it can be snatched back on the battlefield.

After wandering around the camp and finding that there was nothing he wanted, Li Xiuxian returned to his stone house and took stock of today's harvest.

Most of the things on the elders of the Gushamen are bones, and they don't know what they need so many bones for. In the storage bag, I plan to sell it for some Lingshi.

Relying on several top-grade instruments in his hand, and the power of nine-turn Xuangong and two-turn, even if Li Xiuxian encounters a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, he can escape safely and return home.Similarly, if the monks in the early and middle stages of foundation establishment met Li Xiuxian, they would naturally die under his hands without the power to fight back.

As a result, Li Xiuxian has gained a little fame among the foundation-building monks of the six sects after this month.

Everyone knows that Hunyuanyi Qizong has a new ruthless character, who is only in the early stage of foundation establishment, but it is unbelievable that he has sniped more than a dozen monks in a row and retreated unscathed.

After practicing the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, Li Xiuxian's combat power has improved several levels. A few days ago, he met an elder of the Moyunmen in the late stage of foundation establishment. After fighting for dozens of rounds, he was killed by Li Xiuxian. For the first time, a monk in the late foundation establishment period fell.

In the previous battles, although the foundation-building monks on both sides fell, most of them were monks in the early foundation-building period, a few were in the middle-stage foundation-building period, and none of them were in the late-stage foundation-building period.

After all, the monks at the late stage of foundation establishment have already stood at the top of Yizhou. Even if they fight against the late stage monks of foundation establishment, they can run away if they are no match, but after meeting a freak like Li Xiuxian, they can't even run away. No matter how fast it is, can it be faster than Lei Dun?
Unlocking the prohibition on the stone house, Li Xiuxian entered the Wanhuazhu to practice. If he can practice the nine-turn Xuangong to the third turn, his strength will increase again. By then, even the fake alchemy monks will be no problem. But the difficulty of this third turn is better than the sum of the previous two turns.

However, Li Xiuxian was not discouraged. If the Jiuzhuan Xuangong was so easy to practice, it would not be regarded as a treasure by Taoism. The more difficult it is to practice, the greater the power after cultivation.

Chijiao has also grown up a lot in the past two years, and he got along well with the little monkey and the others, and even fought with the little monkey. The chance of winning against a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator with strength is also [-]%.

"Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Li!" There was a rush of shouts from outside the stone house, and Li Xiuxian had to quit the cultivation.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiuxian removed the prohibition from the stone house and opened the stone door.

"Senior brother Li, it's not good, the vampire, the elder of Moyunmen, led several mid-stage foundation-building monks and surrounded Senior Sister Leng and the others!" Ke Feng said.

This Ke Feng is also one of the new foundation-building monks, but his advancement is too fast, resulting in unstable foundation, so he is also a weaker one among the foundation-building monks.

Li Xiuxian frowned: "Senior Sister Leng?"

"It's Senior Sister Leng Ruling, they are trapped in the carrion swamp in the west!"

Before Ke Feng could finish speaking, Li Xiuxian turned into a ray of thunder and disappeared into the sky!
The vampire is exactly Gui Lao whose arm was cut off by Ling Yunzi. Although his arm was cut off, he is still a fake alchemy cultivator. It is not something that Leng Ruling and the others can resist!

Li Xiuxian was so anxious that he couldn't help but speed up a little bit!


There was the sound of monks fighting in the distance!
"Not good!" Li Xiuxian spat out a mouthful of blood, stimulated by the blood spirit technique, Li Xiuxian's speed increased sharply!

"Death!" Gui Lao's Shrouding Blood Demon hand pressed down, and beat the elder of Jiandingmen to death!
The fake alchemy cultivator is unstoppable, and the strongest in this team is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment. They did not expect to encounter the fake alchemy cultivator when they went out on patrol. Although they sent monks for help in time, they did not hold back. What hope, there is no fake Dan monk sitting in the camp, the result can be imagined!

"Kill!" Leng Ru blocked the two monks in the early stage of foundation establishment alone!

"Jie Jie! Suffer death!" The ghost veteran focused his eyes on Leng Ruling!

Leng Ruling's heart trembled: "Bing Chi Li Meteor Sword!"

An ice chinchilla greeted the falling Gorefiend's hand!

"Crack!" The ice slag, the ice cubes fell instantly, and the ice chinch would crumble under the hands of the blood demon!
The strength of the fake alchemy cultivator was fully revealed at this moment, even Leng Ruling of Bing Linggen could not resist the despotic power of the fake alchemy cultivator!

"Pfft!" Suddenly a golden thunder bead flew out, and under the attack of countless thunder and lightning, this mighty Gorefiend's hand was forcibly scattered!
The old ghost was startled, in his impression there was only one person who had this kind of attack - Li Xiuxian!

Seeing a flash of thunder, Leng Ruling disappeared in front of Guilao!
"Li Xiuxian! You are looking for death!" Gui Lao couldn't help but roared, the death bell in his hand was beating rapidly, bursts of sound waves hit, and these foundation-building monks were stunned by the sound waves no matter how they could resist it!
Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, and the dragon scale shield stood in front of him, resisting wave after wave of attacks.

"Are you okay?" Li Xiuxian looked at Leng Ruling in his arms and asked.

"You put me down first." Leng Ruling lowered her head shyly.


"At this time, let's still love each other, you go to the underworld to be a ghost couple!" The ghost boss roared, and the gorefiend immediately suppressed it!

"Be careful!" Leng Ruling exclaimed!
But Li Xiuxian was not afraid at all, and the thunder light in his hand flourished: "Five Thunder Palms!"

I saw a huge palm made entirely of lightning facing the Gorefiend's hand!

"Boom!" There was a huge roar, and the Gorefiend hand lost to the Five Thunder Palm!
Without using ancient treasures and top-grade magic weapons, Li Xiuxian relied on his own strength to forcibly take the blow from the fake alchemy monk!
"Impossible!" The ghost boss was taken aback!
He wouldn't be surprised if Li Xiuxian used ancient treasures to block the Gorefiend's hand, but Li Xiuxian blocked the Gorefiend's hand with his bare hands. Doesn't this mean that Li Xiuxian's cultivation is no longer inferior to him!

Li Xiuxian nodded in satisfaction with the power of his five thunder palms. The five thunder palms are a thunder system method that can be used at the foundation stage recorded in the Nine Turns Mysterious Art, which is even better than the lightning drawing technique .

There was already a trace of panic in Gui Lao's heart. This kid could block the Gorefiend's hand with his own strength alone. How could he be against the Gorefiend if he added Gu Bao?

Gui Lao ran away immediately after he slapped him, Li Xiuxian was no longer something he could resist, and probably only two sect masters could suppress him!
Li Xiuxian snorted coldly for the old ghost to run away without a fight, and then a flash of thunder flashed, chasing after the old ghost!
"Blood Spirit Art!" The ghost boss was shocked, and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which turned into a ray of snow and blood.

"Did you run away?" A stern look flashed across Li Xiuxian's face, a mouthful of blood spewed out, the speed increased again, and the distance between him and Gui Lao became smaller and smaller!

(End of this chapter)

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