Chapter 186

"It depends on the type. If it's a blood sultan, a common pill like Huiling Pill, one pill is about six or seven hundred spirit stones," the scholar said.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, the price was much lower than in Yizhou, where a third-grade elixir could sell thousands of low-grade spirit stones, and there was often no market for it.

However, thinking that the level of cultivation here is much higher than that in Yizhou, alchemy will naturally not decline like Yizhou. There must be a large number of alchemy masters, and the more alchemists there are, the more pills they will refine. The price of elixir must also drop.

"Here are forty blood sultans and forty spirit pills." Li Xiuxian took out two jade bottles, which were filled with pills.

The scholar was also frightened by Li Xiuxian's generosity. Although the five high-year medicinal materials were rare, they were not precious to some sects with ripening formations, but the third-grade elixir was really precious. After all, even if you have a large amount of elixir, you need to have equivalent alchemy skills to refine a third-grade elixir.

Pills such as Blood Sudan and Huiling Pill are only used in serious injuries or when life is in danger, so there are dozens of pills on the body.

"Counting one of your [-] low-grade spirit stones, there are a total of [-] pieces here, and a total of [-] low-grade spirit stones." The scholar said.

"Should be enough." Li Xiuxian took out 14 low-grade spirit stones from the storage bag. Counting the [-] low-grade spirit stones sold by the five elixir plants before, the total is [-] Lingshi is enough to buy this ice Chi Mingyue ring.

After putting away the spirit stone, the scholar handed over the thousand-year-old ice box containing the ice chiming moon ring to Li Xiuxian: "Congratulations, fellow daoist, for buying a top-quality magic weapon."

"I also want to congratulate Fellow Daoist for getting hundreds of thousands of spirit stones." Li Xiuxian smiled.

Li Xiuxian handed the Bingchi Mingyue Ring to Leng Ruling: "This is yours."

The look in Leng Ruling's eyes was very complicated, and finally he took over the Bingchi Mingyue Ring.

"I've bought something, let's go find a job and see if I can get a job." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

Leng Ruling couldn't help but give Li Xiuxian a blank look. A rich man who can take out tens of thousands of spirit stones needs to find a job, but Leng Ruling also knows that Li Xiuxian is only familiar with the outside world by looking for a job. The outside world knows nothing, and needs to integrate into it as soon as possible.

"What kind of job are you looking for?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"It should be a job like a guard." Leng Ruling said. "And you?"

"I should be looking for a job as an alchemist. It's easy and can improve my alchemy." Li Xiuxian said.

"I forgot, you are still a master of alchemy." Leng Ruling smiled.

"What kind of alchemy master, I'm afraid he's just an alchemy boy outside." Li Xiuxian laughed at himself.

There are many chambers of commerce in Qixia City, and some even select guards in the arena of Qixia City. As long as you think you are capable, you can go up to accept challenges from others. If you are favored by the chamber of commerce, you will be admitted, and you can get hundreds of dollars every month It ranges from thousands of spirit stones.

The stronger your strength, the more you will get. Strength is the most important thing. This principle will not change no matter where you are.

Leng Ruling found a job at the Chenxi Chamber of Commerce to transport a large amount of refining materials to Xuechan Palace.

Xuechan Palace is located in the extreme north, and it is covered with ice and snow all year round. It is said that when it is severe, it will be covered with frost for thousands of miles.

The trip is far away, and it will take at least two years if you count the round trip, but the rewards are also extremely rich. With Leng Ruling's mid-stage cultivation base, you can get nearly 2000 yuan of spirit stones, and getting 2000 yuan of spirit stones in two years is very important. It is not a small number for monks.

But Leng Ruling's purpose is not just that.

Xuechan Palace is not only famous for its ice and snow, but also the main spell in the sect is ice spell. It is undoubtedly the best place for Leng Ruling with ice root.

Leng Ruling also wanted to take a chance to see if he could enter the Xuechan Palace. If he could join a sect, it would be of immeasurable benefit to his own development.

Li Xiuxian is also supportive of Leng Ruling's decision. After all, only by joining the sect can they improve their cultivation. Often, a suggestion from the alchemy cultivator can save them half a year of hard work.

"After the alchemy is formed, I will go to Xuechan Palace to find you." Li Xiuxian looked at Leng Ruling and said.

"Well, if I can join Xuechan Palace, I will definitely wait for you there." Leng Ruling nodded.

Li Xiuxian sighed slightly. Although he is very reluctant to part with Leng Ruling now, the separation now is for the future reunion. The monk who established the foundation can be regarded as a master in Yizhou, but here he is just very ordinary It's just a member, and only by becoming a monk of alchemy can there be a little bit of self-protection ability here.

After leaving Li Xiuxian, Leng Ruling regained her icy appearance, and the cold air on her body was even colder than before. Even the foundation-building monks didn't want to get too close to the ice cube of Leng Ruling.

Li Xiuxian continued to live in Qixia City. He had to wait for Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao to finish their retreat. After all, some things had to be discussed by the three of them before they could make a decision.

This wait lasted for two months. After two months, Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao finally broke through, and their cultivation bases were stabilized in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

"Retreat for two and a half years, you really made me wait." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao smiled embarrassedly: "We didn't know it would take so long to retreat. But we also gained a lot from this retreat."

"Oh? Let's hear what you have learned." Li Xiuxian narrowed his eyes.

"Needless to say the cultivation level, brother, you must have seen it. Shui Yao and I comprehended the alchemy experience you left us in the alchemy room. We learned it very quickly. Now we have been able to refine two It's a pill." Li Xiuyuan said with a smile.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to learn so quickly." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"Brother paved the way for us. There are so many elixir in Wanhuazhu, which is enough for us to refine alchemy to our heart's content. Today's results are all fed out with elixir." Li Xiuyuan said.

Li Xiuxian nodded, and told the two of them in detail what had happened in the past few months. The more Li Xiuyuan and the other listened, they felt more and more miraculous. They never thought that the world of self-cultivation outside Yizhou would be so wonderful.

"Have you thought about how we should go in the future?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Li Xiuyuan frowned: "I think the three of us should separate."

Li Shuiyao was surprised: "Why? Isn't it good for us to follow Brother Xiuxian? Brother Xiuxian is so powerful, and he has Wanhuazhu, we can get twice the result with half the effort."

Li Xiuyuan shook his head: "Brother's cultivation level may be able to protect us in Yizhou, but now there are even monks of Dan Jie, no matter how powerful the elder brother is, it is impossible for him to take care of us while facing the monks of Dan Jie."

"But..." Shuiyao was about to refute when she was interrupted by Li Xiuyuan.

"Besides, we are by the side of the eldest brother, and we can only reveal the secret of the Wanhuazhu held by the eldest brother."

Li Xiuxian looked at his younger brother with relief. After time, he is no longer the reckless boy he was back then.

"But there is one thing that Xiu Yuan doesn't know." Li Xiuxian glanced at the two of them.

"whats the matter?"

"On the day I left Yizhou, there was a big battle between the monks in Yizhou and the monks here. I was targeted by a cultivator in the alchemy stage. I escaped by chance, but since I took his magic weapon, he must not He will let me go. He didn't see you when he broke through, so you are still safe." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao's expressions changed completely, how dangerous it would be to be targeted by a monk who formed alchemy!

"elder brother……"

"It's okay. Although a monk who formed an alchemy is difficult to deal with, it's still no problem for me to protect myself." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"This 36-section keel whip is considered a top-grade magic weapon, and I will give it to you today." Li Xiuxian handed the keel whip to Li Xiuyuan.


"Take it, I have an ancient treasure on me, and this top-grade magic weapon is of limited use to me." Li Xiuxian said.

"Although this Flying Tiger Wing is only a middle-grade magic weapon, flying magic weapons are extremely rare. Take it, Shui Yao."

In the next two days, Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao were also looking for jobs in Qixia City. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Li Xiuxian didn't follow them. Some things had to be experienced by themselves, and he couldn't help them arrange everything. Especially in this brand new world, even he doesn't have the ability to protect himself.

"Brother, I heard that a sect will come to Qixia City to recruit disciples in one year." Li Xiuyuan looked at Li Xiuxian with a happy face.

"I've also heard that some of the sects have elders from the Nascent Soul Stage!" Li Shuiyao said excitedly.

"One year later." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

One year later it will be the day when they separate. Li Xiuxian may join the sect, but he will definitely not be with Xiuyuan Shuiyao.

There are too many secrets in him, no matter which one is enough to attract the alchemy cultivator, let Xiu Yuan, Shuiyao draw a clear line with himself is the greatest protection for them.

"This year you practice in Wanhuazhu, try your best to improve your cultivation base, and hope to be selected." Li Xiuxian said.

Li Xiuxian opened the Wanhuazhu and took Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao in. As for himself, he had to make some preparations for himself.

Although his strength can now compete with that of the False Pill cultivator, this is too shocking for a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator, and the little monkey and Shura cannot be used, and the three ancient treasures cannot be taken casually come out.

Li Xiuxian kept flipping through the storage bag. He killed so many foundation-building monks, so he naturally had a lot of stock in his hand. Although he sold a lot in Yizhou, most of them were low-grade magic weapons. All the high-grade magical artifacts are kept, and it is not very difficult to find a few usable middle-grade magical artifacts.

Based on Li Xiuxian's current vision, the ones he takes a fancy to must be the best of the best.

A square seal, a long sword, and a golden bell, these were selected by Li Xiuxian from a dozen or so magical artifacts.

The Diamond Seal, a medium-grade magic weapon, can be large or small, and it can overwhelm people with force.

The Xinghe sword is a medium-grade magic weapon, the blade is hard, and a large amount of Xinghe sand has been poured into the blade.

The bell of the dead, the best magic weapon, the combination of attack and defense, and sonic attack.

After paying enough spirit stones, Li Xiuxian opened the restriction on the room and entered the Wanhuazhu to practice. One year's time cannot be wasted like this.

Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged under the Jade Root, absorbing the aura around him.

Strange to say, only Li Xiuxian dared to cultivate under the Jasper Root. Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao almost didn't lose their temper when they heard Li Xiuxian's words to practice under the Jasper Root. Since then, the two of them never dared to touch it. Touching this purple aura, you have to go to the alchemy room even to practice.

Two black alchemy furnaces were placed in front of Li Xiuxian, and there was a white flame dancing in the middle of one of them.

Bing Ling Leng Huo, the spiritual fire of heaven and earth itself is far more powerful than the spiritual fire produced by monks.

(End of this chapter)

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