Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 187 Fusion Spirit Fire

Chapter 187 Fusion Spirit Fire
Counting the three yin ghost fires and the red lotus karma fire in Li Xiuxian's body, Li Xiuxian has mastered three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires alone.

But it is a pity that none of the first two spiritual fires was refined by himself. The red lotus fire was directly injected into his body by Ling Daozi, and the Sanyin ghost fire automatically ran in, so when refining the spirit Li Xiuxian still didn't know anything about the fire.

Li Xiuxian played a formula, a trace of white flame was separated, and the things close to the white flame instantly turned into ice sculptures.

"What a domineering flame." Li Xiuxian sighed secretly, a stream of spiritual power was poured into it, and a white light rushed into his dantian fiercely, rushing wildly around in his dantian!

The dantian is the most important place for a monk, and there is no room for any mistakes. Li Xiuxian hastily mobilized his spiritual power to refine this trace of flame.

Under Li Xiuxian's crazily running spiritual power, he didn't realize that a water-blue light shot out from the alchemy room and submerged into his dantian. The spirit fires merged together.

"So simple?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

There was a trace of ice spirit and cold fire in the dantian, and the next big thing became very simple. Li Xiuxian refined the ice spirit and cold fire in the black furnace bit by bit. Although the process was simple, it was full It took Li Xiuxian half a year to get all the lotus flowers.

The three spiritual fires in the dantian form a delicate balance, black, red, and white, and the three support each other!
"Three-color spiritual fire." Li Xiuxian couldn't help laughing when he saw the flames in his dantian.

Li Xiuxian believes that his spirit fire will be even more powerful after merging with ice spirit and cold fire.

Half a year later, the three of Li Xiuxian left the customs together. At this time, Qixia City became very lively because of the school's recruitment of disciples.

As early as half a month ago, the various sects had already issued the task list in Qixia City.

The sect selects the disciple task document ", referred to as "task document", is the most formal way to select disciples within the various sects. Casual cultivators are used to calling this task document that leaps into the dragon gate, "Picking the Immortal" annunciation.

After Li Xiuxian heard the news, he really couldn't laugh or cry. Unknowingly, the three of them had been more popular than others for half a month.

The requirements on the task boards of different sects are also different. Some are killing monsters, some are collecting elixir and refining materials, and some are even hunting monks from rival sects. Anyway, the content of the tasks is varied.

The three of Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing when they looked at the tasks above. Even though the tasks were different, the difficulty of the tasks was the same. Li Xiuxian had never even heard of the names of some elixir. Li Xiuxian didn't dare to kill him either.

"This task is so difficult, no wonder only a dozen or so monks can join the sect every year." Li Xiuyuan sighed.

"Have you made your choice? We are already half a month behind others, we must hurry up." Li Xiuxian said.

Li Xiuyuan nodded: "I'll just join the Green Sword Sect. The task is relatively simple. Kill a second-level middle-grade monster and bring back the whole monster's body."

With Li Xiuyuan's cultivation base in the mid-stage of foundation establishment, plus the top-grade magic weapon Li Xiuxian gave him, it is not difficult to kill a second-level mid-grade monster. As long as you don't provoke those difficult monsters, this task should be Ninety-five percent.

Li Shuiyao chose the Nishang Sect, which is a sect dominated by female cultivators. The requirements for selecting disciples of this sect are very strange, as long as the cultivation base is achieved, the spiritual root aptitude is not too bad, and good looks are fine.But Li Shuiyao is qualified in all three points, so the chance of being selected is quite high.

"Brother, which mission did you choose?" Li Xiuyuan asked.

"This one." Li Xiuxian pointed to the top task.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao's expressions changed. They had seen this mission before, but this mission was definitely the most difficult to complete among all the missions.

Collect [-] kinds of elixirs above the second grade, and refine a third-grade elixir.

This is the task of the alchemy sect, the alchemy sect. Although it is not dangerous, it is extremely time-consuming. It takes a lot of time to collect twenty kinds of designated elixir. Even if they are given a month, they may not be able to collect them all. And Li Xiuxian There's only half a month left.

"Brother, do you want to reconsider, this task is very difficult." Li Xiuyuan reminded.

"Give it a try, maybe it will work?" Li Xiuxian smiled.

Next to Qixia City, the only place where these twenty kinds of elixir can be found is Lingxi Stream.

"Let's go, you also have to be careful, the most important thing is the rest of the monks, in order to get one more quota, they can do anything." Li Xiuxian said with a serious face.

Li Xiuyuan and Li Shuiyao's expressions also became serious, obviously realizing that this general election of sects would become extremely dangerous.

Although the sect general election had already started for more than half a month, those sects did not come to Qixia City, they just let a few disciples announce their sect's tasks, and as for the person in charge, they could only see them on that day.

Li Xiuxian restrained his aura and suppressed it to about the twelfth level of Qi training. This is also the most common practice. As for the foundation-building cultivators, they only accounted for a very small part of the cultivation base of great perfection.

Although half a month had passed since the sect general election, there were still a large number of monks entering the Lingxi stream, some of them in groups, and some of them went alone like Li Xiuxian.

After all, those tasks were not so easy to complete, and some monks even died in the Lingxi stream because of this.

Monsters and beasts are rampant in the Lingxi stream, and there are even third-level monsters. If they encounter a third-level monster, even a fake alchemist can only drink their hatred on the spot.

The twenty elixir that Li Xiuxian was looking for were all relatively precious elixir. Even counting the treasure left to him by Ling Daozi, Li Xiuxian still lacked seven elixir.

Purple Flame Thorn is a mutated elixir that usually grows near volcanoes and belongs to the second-grade elixir.

Chi Jingzhi grows in the lava fire.

The remaining five are cold tobacco, chalcedony, seven star grass, double sun flower, and dragon snake grass.

Li Xiuxian looked at the task list in his hand and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If it weren't for the elixir left by his master Ling Daozi, there were thirteen kinds of elixir for quests. Task.

"Little guy, it's up to you once." Li Xiuxian patted the Treasure Mouse on the head.

Treasure Hunter squinted his eyes and nodded. Obviously, he smelled a lot of elixir in the Lingxi stream, otherwise he wouldn't be so cute with his personality.

"Don't run around, there are third-level monsters here, be careful to be swallowed by him." Li Xiuxian reminded.

The treasure hunter shuddered all over, crawling shyly on the ground.

When Li Xiuxian saw the appearance of the treasure hunting mouse, he couldn't get angry. This guy had never been a timid master, and now he put on such a cowardly look.

"Squeak!" The treasure hunter yelled at a big tree full of two people hugging each other.

Li Xiuxian walked up holding Xinghe Sword, touched the trunk: "The trunk is hollow, and the treasure is inside the trunk?"

Treasure Hunter nodded immediately, and looked at Li Xiuxian excitedly.

Stab it!

The Xinghe sword pierced into the trunk in an instant, cutting the big tree in half like cutting tofu. In a pile of rotten bark, a elixir with two purple flowers swayed in the wind.

"What kind of elixir is this?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback, he had never seen such an elixir.

When a gust of wind came out, the two purple flowers shook slightly, and a trace of purple pollen spread with the wind.

A strange scent entered Li Xiuxian's nostrils!
Li Xiuxian's face changed, and he hurriedly stepped back a few steps, his consciousness had already started to blur after just inhaling a little bit!
The pollen of this flower actually has a psychedelic effect, even a Foundation Establishment cultivator would find it hard to resist. If Li Xiuxian hadn't been careful and didn't inhale too much, he might have passed out by now.

Li Xiuxian carefully put away the elixir and put it in the jade box.

He did not dare to put this elixir into the Wanhua Pearl to cultivate it. If there were a large number of such flowers in the Wanhua Pearl, it would be a great joy. I am afraid that as soon as he entered the Wanhua Pearl, he would be polluted by the pollen of this flower. Fainted.

"Quick, work harder, this bastard is dying." There was a sound of fierce fighting not far away.

Li Xiuxian walked over following the sound, and saw five or six monks form an array to kill a second-level monster.

The golden-eyed ape, a second-level low-grade monster, has infinite strength, but slow movements.

The cultivation of these five monks is not high, and they are all around the twelfth level of Qi training, but their advances and retreats are well-founded, and their cooperation with each other is very tacit. It's just a matter of time.

"Boom." The huge body of the golden-eyed ape crashed to the ground.

The faces of the five monks couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

"Brother, there is one more end, our five brothers will be able to enter the Great Vajra Gate." One of the monks laughed.

Li Xiuxian suddenly realized that he had also seen the mission of the Vigorous Vajra Sect. It happened to kill a second-level low-grade monster golden-eyed ape. For a monk on the [-]th level of Qi training, it is almost impossible to single out a Vigorous Vajra Ape However, if it is a team beheading, the situation will be quite different.

Judging from the monk's tone, they seem to have killed four golden-eyed apes. It is really rare for them to be able to do so with their cultivation base.

Suddenly Li Xiuxian's face changed, his body actually touched the restriction!

"Who is it?" The leading monk's expression changed, and he looked at Li Xiuxian viciously.

Li Xiuxian sighed secretly, he still underestimated the monks outside, while these people killed the golden-eyed ape, they kept their vigilance in the outside world, Li Xiuxian accidentally encountered these restrictions, and was discovered by five people in an instant.

"I'm just passing by by chance, and I don't mean anything malicious." Li Xiuxian said lightly to the five people.

"Hiding aside and sneaking around, there must be evil intentions, big brother, don't trust him, this person can't stay." One of the monks snorted coldly.

The leading monk frowned: "Fellow Daoist, please leave quickly, or don't blame my five brothers for being rude."

Li Xiuxian nodded, turned around and left, but even so, the five people did not relax their vigilance against Li Xiuxian, for fear that Li Xiuxian would launch a surprise attack.

"Brother, why did you let him go like this? With the strength of our five brothers, it's not difficult to keep him." One of the monks said angrily.

"This person is not simple. He must have been watching for a long time, but none of us noticed it. If he hadn't accidentally touched the restriction, we would not have found him." The boss sighed.

"That's right, this person hides his secrets. Although the aura that is exposed outside is only the [-]th level of Qi training, I always feel that this person's cultivation is more than that. I'm afraid he is a foundation cultivator." The second child said.

"Leave him alone, we only need to kill another golden-eyed ape to complete the mission," said the boss.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing in the distance. The means of outside monks are really emerging one after another. He didn't notice for a while that he actually followed the opponent's way. It seems that he still has to be more careful in the future. This time he is lucky, and next time he will not be so Good luck.

(End of this chapter)

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