Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 197 Barbarian Sacrifice

Chapter 197 Barbarian Sacrifice
"Pfft!" Bai Hongfei flew upside down in an instant.

Bai Hongfei, who was ranked top ten in the Neizong, had no power to fight back against this dark barbarian!

"And you! If you kill the copper hammer, use your life to fight it!" Seeing Li Xiuxian, the dark barbarian slapped Li Xiuxian.

Just relying on the palm wind can seriously injure Bai Hongfei, if he is hit by this black palm, there is no chance of his life.

"The Jade Flame Qilin Armor!"

The battle armor gave Li Xiuxian a little more confidence, and the top-quality dragon scale shield stood in front of him!
"Bang!" The shield shattered and people flew!

The dark barbarian looked at his palm: "Extreme magic weapon, I have underestimated you. I want to see how many top-grade magic weapons you have. You human monks without magic weapons are a bunch of waste!"

"Om!" The dark barbarian slapped Li Xiuxian again.

But the Biyan Qilin Armor only groaned a few times, and it didn't shatter!

"This battle armor is a bit weird, but it can't save you!" The dark barbarian slapped it down!
"Boom!" A big knife hit the dark barbarian's hand, knocking the dark barbarian back a few steps.

"Friar of Alchemy!"

"Barbarian sacrifice."

"Fire Black Sacrifice."

"Ancestor Chuxiong."

Both sides looked at the two facing each other in the sky in surprise.

"With your status as a barbarian priest, don't you think it's too much for you to attack a foundation cultivator?" Chu Xiong looked at Huo Hei with a gloomy face.

"Hmph, it was your monk who killed my god general first, and I just took the initiative to teach him a lesson! Huo Hei sneered.

"You are obviously a barbarian, but you still call yourself a god. If the head didn't tell me not to make a move, with my temperament, I will definitely keep you all here." Chu Xiong snorted coldly.

"Do you have the ability?" Huo Hei sneered.

"Bang!" A beam of light hit Huo Hei's chest without warning, and the powerful barbarian priest spat out blood instantly.

"Don't test my patience, get out!" Chu Xiong roared.

"You're ruthless! Let's go!" Priest Huo Hei snorted coldly, and left the spirit mine with the rest of the barbarians.

Although the barbarians lost a general and thousands of soldiers, they rescued tens of thousands of barbarians from the Lingshi mine.

Li Xiuxian, who recovered his life from the barbarian priest, couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Although he was blocked by the Jade Flame Qilin Armor and the Dragon Scale Soft Armor, if that palm fell, his fate would not be much better.

"It's really unlucky. I got such a serious injury once I came out. Don't think about it in a few months." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

Due to the barbarian invasion, almost half of the original defense force on the Lingshi Mine was lost. Li Xiuxian, a group of monks who came over, naturally took over the defense task of the Lingshi Mine.

All the barbarian miners were taken away, and the Pill Spirit Sect also needed to escort a group of miners back. During this period, Li Xiuxian and the others only needed to maintain order in the mine.

Li Xiuxian's eye-catching performance above attracted the attention of many interested people. He was also the only monk who beheaded the barbarian general in this battle, and his limelight even overshadowed the nine disciples of Neizong.

"It was you who killed the copper hammer?" Patriarch Chuxiong sat upright and said calmly.

"It's the disciple." Li Xiuxian nodded.

"Take it out and have a look." Patriarch Chuxiong said calmly.

Li Xiuxian took out the body of the copper hammer, and the ancestor of Chuxiong looked at the body of the copper hammer carefully: "You died with a sword piercing your heart, it seems that you have some amazing magic weapon on you, otherwise you wouldn't kill it so easily Barbarian General."

"The old ancestor is absurd."

"You did a good job this time. I heard that you are still a disciple of the Outer Sect, but you have made great contributions to beheading the barbarian general. You just need to work hard, and you will be able to enter the Inner Sect soon." Chu Xiong said.

"Thank you for the promotion, Patriarch." A gleam of joy appeared on Li Xiuxian's face.

"Give me your identity token."

"This time, because you beheaded the barbarian general, I want to give you a little reward. This hundred points is the reward for this time."

Chu Xiong put his own identity token and Li Xiuxian's identity token together, and saw a flash of light, and Li Xiuxian's token gained one hundred points.

Chu Xiong actually awarded his points to Li Xiuxian!

However, after Li Xiuxian was surprised, he understood that one hundred points was indeed a large amount for a disciple of a foreign sect like him, but it might not even look down upon a monk who formed an alchemy.

"Thank you, ancestor." Li Xiuxian took the token respectfully.

"The corpse of this copper hammer is left behind, I can use it."

Li Xiuxian nodded. The corpse of the copper hammer was of no use to him. Li Xiuxian would not lose a hundred points for a corpse.

As for the sledgehammer of the copper hammer, it was actually polished with fine gold, such a large fine gold is extremely rare in the cultivation world.

This barbarian is also extremely rich. With so much pure gold, Li Xiuxian also has the opportunity to repair the damaged puppet.

I got a few iron-clad puppets and a copper-clad puppets from the ruins of Qianyun Mountain before, but due to lack of materials, they have not been repaired for a long time. This large piece of fine gold is a good material for repairing the puppets. Repair, Li Xiuxian's combat power will be improved again, and even if he encounters a monk who has formed an alchemy, he can use the sea of ​​​​people to drown him.

After Li Xiuxian returned to his residence, after setting up several restrictions around him, he began to repair the puppets according to the method recorded in the jade slips.

What Li Xiuxian repaired was the bronze armored puppet, which was also the one with the least damage. Except for a few occasional breaks, the rest were intact.

Use your own three-color spiritual fire to melt the copper hammer into a liquid state, and under the control of your spiritual consciousness, cover this small ball of liquid on the damaged part. With the injection of a formula, the pure gold is completely solidified.

"Huh! This is even more difficult than alchemy!" Li Xiuxian was sweating profusely after repairing the four damaged places.

This is still relying on the three-color spiritual fire. If it is an ordinary spiritual fire, it may be enough to melt this pure gold.

It took two full days for Li Xiuxian to repair the bronze armored puppet, and took out a finger-sized soul stone from the storage bag and stuffed it in.

This soul stone is the core of the puppet, without this soul stone, the puppet would not be able to move at all.

Then it was stuffed with a very fast spirit stone, and under the control of Li Xiuxian's spiritual consciousness, the bronze armored puppet moved slowly.

"The soul stone is too small." Li Xiuxian frowned.

He took out the biggest soul stone in his hand, which was left by the puppet smashed by Xue Batian.

After dripping a drop of blood on the soul stone, Li Xiuxian stuffed the soul stone in.

"Crack!" The bronze armored puppet's eyes lit up.

Li Xiuxian realized that he had established a slight connection with this puppet. This bronze armored puppet could move freely according to Li Xiuxian's wishes, and it didn't have a trace of aura on it. dodge.

The only flaw is that this bronze armored puppet really consumes too much spirit stone, and it consumes more than a dozen spirit stones in just a short time.

After putting the repaired bronze armor puppet into the storage bag, Li Xiuxian walked out of the room.

Soon Dan Lingzong bought a large number of barbarian miners from nearby cities, and the spirit stone mine was opened again. Tens of thousands of barbarian miners wore chains and entered the spirit stone mine to continuously transport the spirit stones out.

Some supervising monks will also take the opportunity to take a few yuan, and each time they take a few yuan, it will not attract the attention of others, but at least a few dozen spirit stones will come into the account in a day, if it is in this year, tens of thousands of spirit stones It's no big deal, no wonder there are so many monks sharpening their heads to grab this errand.

As for these barbarian miners, they were captured by cultivators during the war and turned into slaves.

Due to the natural power of the barbarians, even if they are imprisoned by chains, they can still exert a lot of power, so it is perfect for mining.

There are dozens of spiritual mines in Dan Lingzong alone, not to mention the other sects. It is no wonder that the barbarians will attack the spirit stone mines to snatch those barbarians back.

But these have nothing to do with Li Xiuxian, Li Xiuxian just wants to finish this year in peace and stability, and then return to the sect to practice hard.

There were so many people in the Lingshi Mine that Li Xiuxian didn't dare to enter the Wanhua Pearl to cultivate. He wandered around the Lingshi Mine with nothing to do every day. As for the low-grade Lingshi, he didn't move a single piece.

He has never been short of such things as spirit stones. Selling a little pill will give you a lot of spirit stones, which is much faster than sneaking around like this.

"Over there, come here, Mr. Bai has something to ask for you." Suddenly several monks stopped Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian frowned: "Young Master Bai? That Young Master Bai?"

"Bai Hongfei, Young Master Bai." A monk said arrogantly.

"Son of the head." Li Xiuxian's expression changed.

"It's good to know, Mr. Bai has something to ask you, come with us."

Li Xiuxian hesitated for a while, and then decided to go with them. It is definitely not a wise choice to conflict with the son of the head here.

Following a few people to a luxuriously furnished room, Bai Hongfei looked at Li Xiuxian: "You killed the copper hammer?"


A strange color flashed in Bai Hongfei's eyes: "With your cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, you are able to kill barbarian generals. You must have a good magic weapon. Please make a price. I want your magic weapon."

Li Xiuxian was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Bai Hongfei to want the blood cloud painting halberd, if Li Xiuxian would sell the blood cloud painting halberd, then his brain is really broken.

Ancient treasures are comparable to magical treasures, and are even better than magical treasures in certain functions. More importantly, ancient treasures can be used even in the foundation building stage, but magical treasures can only be used in the alchemy stage. Otherwise, Li Xiuxian wouldn't let that magic weapon go away.

"My lord, I don't know what you mean?" Li Xiuxian smiled.

"Don't pretend to be confused, what I want is the magic weapon that you used to kill the copper hammer. According to my guess, it is at least a top-grade magic weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to kill the barbarian general so easily." Bai Hongfei laughed.

Li Xiuxian had a flash of murderous intent, but it was well hidden by him.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he took out the green sword received from the green-robed monk from the storage bag.

Bai Hongfei's eyes lit up: "Baby weapon! Where did you get it?"

"I got it by accident at this time, and it is also thanks to this treasure that I was able to kill the copper hammer." Li Xiuxian said.

Bai Hongfei nodded: "Although the Foundation Establishment cultivator can't use the magic weapon and can't arouse the power of the magic weapon, the magic weapon is a magic weapon, which is several times stronger than the magic weapon wall. It is not impossible to use this magic weapon to pierce the barbarian general's defense .”

"How many spirit stones do you want?" Bai Hongfei asked.

"Ten high-grade spirit stones." Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"Give it to him!" Bai Hongfei smiled proudly, holding the green sword in his hand and observing it carefully.

Even monks who form alchemy do not necessarily have a magic weapon. If they hand over this magic weapon to the sect, the points they will get will probably not be less than five digits. At that time, he can exchange the things in the Sutra Pavilion for only ten top-grade items. It's just Lingshi, he doesn't pay attention to it.

One high-grade spirit stone = 100 yuan middle-grade spirit stone = [-] low-grade spirit stones.

[-] spirit stones were sold for one magic weapon, and if word got out, most of the alchemy cultivators would squirt three liters of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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