Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 198 "Treasure Offering"

Chapter 198 "Treasure Offering"

It took them half their lives to refine a magic weapon, and they couldn't even refine a magic weapon in their entire life, but they were sold for a hundred thousand spirit stones.

"Mr. Bai, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave." Li Xiuxian said.

"Well, you are very good. I will tell my father about your entry into the Neizong." Bai Hongfei was in a good mood after getting a magic weapon.

Li Xiuxian pretended to be grateful and quickly thanked him, but when he turned around, Li Xiuxian's face was extremely gloomy, and no one would feel comfortable being forced to hand over a magic weapon.

Surprisingly, there are more than a dozen foundation-building monks hiding around the house. As long as he makes a wrong step, these foundation-building monks will cut him into pieces.

Li Xiuxian doesn't care about a green sword magic weapon. After he has the Nine Turns Mysterious Art, Li Xiuxian's vision is extremely high. If he can form pills, his magic weapon must be the earth-shattering magic weapons recorded in the Nine Turns Mysterious Art. He couldn't even do it, the green sword magic weapon was nothing more than a sharp piece of scrap iron in his hands.

However, a magic weapon saved him from a disaster, and even gained the favor of the head's son, but Li Xiuxian was very afraid of Bai Hongfei.

Time flies, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but opened his eyes, and couldn't help but sighed slightly looking at this familiar thing.

It has been a year since he came back from the Lingshi Mine. Since Li Xiuxian has been stationed in the Lingshi Mine for a year, Li Xiuxian did not receive any tasks in the next year.

With enough time, Li Xiuxian put all his energy into cultivation.

With a large amount of mid-grade Yellow Dragon Pill, coupled with the increasingly strong aura in the Wanhua Pearl, Li Xiuxian's cultivation base is also steadily improving, but there is still a long way to go before breaking through to the late stage of foundation establishment.

Li Xiuxian estimated that he would need at least three years to reach the late stage of foundation establishment.

In a year, Li Xiuxian also thought through the three ancient prescriptions given to him by the old woman. Coupled with the information in the Qinglian Pill, Li Xiuxian actually refined the Nourishing Pill and Zhuyan Pill. As for the Chalcedony Pill There is one more thing I don't want to understand.

After swallowing a Zhuyan Pill, Li Xiuxian felt the muscles of his face tightening constantly. He was nearly forty, but at this moment his appearance was changing little by little, becoming younger , like a young man in his 30s.

Although the aging speed of a cultivator is much slower than that of ordinary people, they will still grow old, but Zhuyan Pill can keep people's appearance at its best forever.

"If you take it out and sell it to female cultivators, you will definitely sell it crazy." Li Xiuxian laughed in his heart.

When Shuiyao heard that he could refine Zhuyan Pill, he kept pestering him, but at that time the conditions were limited, so Li Xiuxian didn't start refining it.

But now after refining, Shuiyao is no longer by his side.

"I don't know when we will meet again." Li Xiuxian put away Zhuyan Pill and walked out of the cave.

The one-year period has passed, and it's time to get the task for this month.

In the first two or two months, the sect will send you a voice transmission to let you pick up the quest, but then there will be no such good treatment. If you miss it, your points will be deducted automatically. Some new disciples are just like this. Expelled from sect.

"Hey, isn't this our great hero, the genius who killed the barbarian general!" Ma Rong smiled when he saw Li Xiuxian coming.

"What a genius, it's just luck." Li Xiuxian rolled his eyes.

"To be honest, how much oil and water did you get in the Lingshi Mine? I heard people say that some people got this amount in the Lingshi Mine." Ma Rong stretched out five fingers.

"Five thousand spirit stones?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"You're only worth [-] yuan!" Ma Rong said.

"With so much, I'm not afraid of being discovered." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"Fifty thousand spirit stones are all that matters. The Pill Spirit Sect doesn't pay much attention to them. The ones that take the most are not from the Outer Sect, but..." Ma Rong pointed in the direction of the vice peak.

Although they didn't say it, everyone knew that this errand was a waste of fat, otherwise the mere suppression of the mine slave rebellion would not let the disciples of the nine inner sects come forward. The disciples of the sect are all like this, and the disciples of the foreign sect are not much better.

"Tell me, how many spirit stones have you fished?" Ma Rong said with a wicked smile.

"One hundred thousand." Li Xiuxian said angrily.

Counting the ten high-grade spirit stones sold for magic weapons, Li Xiuxian really got [-] low-grade spirit stones during this trip.

"Okay, I still underestimated you. I thought it would be enough for you to get [-] to [-] spirit stones. I didn't expect you to get [-] spirit stones. Hurry up, give me some." Ma Rong laughed.

"Come on, seriously, what is the task for this month?" Li Xiuxian said seriously.

"Cut, you're really stingy." Ma Rong curled his lips.

"If even these things can't stop your mouth, I don't have anything left." Li Xiuxian smiled and took out two small jade bottles.

Ma Rong's eyes lit up, and he knew Li Xiuxian's habits after being with Li Xiuxian for several years. Li Xiuxian had at least dozens of pills in a small jade bottle, and one bottle was worth five or six bottles in the market.

He happily took Li Xiuxian's elixir: "Actually, with your alchemy skills, you can already enter the inner sect, so why stay in the outer sect?"

Ma Rong is not stupid, Li Xiuxian must be a master of alchemy who can produce so many pills, such alchemy is one of the few disciples even among the inner sect disciples.

"You think I don't want to. It doesn't matter that I'm in the Pill Spirit Sect. There are tens of thousands of disciples in the Outer Sect. It's not easy to get those elders to notice me." Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

"No, I heard that Elder Chu mentioned that he would recommend you to join the Inner Sect. What's the matter? No more content?" Ma Rong asked.

"Elder Chu just mentioned it casually, how could he really take it to heart?" Li Xiuxian shook his head.

"That's right, those are the ancestors of the alchemy, it is impossible to take the matter of the disciples of the outer sect to heart." Ma Rong smiled.

"Choose it. This is the task of this month, but it's ridiculous to say that this month's task is actually issued by the elders." Ma Rong pointed to the top task.

"One Zhuyan Pill, two thousand points."

Li Xiuxian was shocked. Counting the [-] points he got from guarding the spirit mine, Li Xiuxian only had [-] points. It's really worth a little money.

What's worse, Li Xiuxian happened to have Zhuyan Pill in his hand, and Li Xiuxian felt like a kitten was scratching his heart.

"Is this a mission issued by the elders?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"It's very strange. The mission issued by the elders' group will only be circulated between the inner sect and the elders, but this month's evil door, even our outer sect has a share." Ma Rong laughed.

"It's indeed evil." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"I happened to be refining Zhuyan Pill, and you came here, really his grandma's evil way." Li Xiuxian cursed secretly in his heart.

However, Li Xiuxian is not worried that the news of his refining Zhuyan Pill will spread. After all, even he himself did it on a temporary basis, and after refining it, he has not talked to anyone, and he has not even brought it out. Li Zhuyan Dan is still in the alchemy room.

This incident can only be said to be a coincidence.

"Where's the prescription of Zhuyan Pill?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Ma Rong looked at Li Xiuxian with a look of contempt: "Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be stupid? The pill formula of Zhuyan Pill has long been lost, otherwise how could a Zhuyan Pill have two thousand points!"

"Lost?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

A general ancient prescription can be left in a place like Yizhou where cultivation has declined. The outside world where cultivation is so prosperous should not be lost.

"Which one do you take?" Ma Rong asked.

"Let's take on the task of refining the Yellow Dragon Pill. Anyway, I've already refined it several times, so I'm too lazy to do it." Li Xiuxian directly put out two bottles of Huanglong Pill, exactly one hundred pills.

Ma Rong was not used to seeing this, so he directly allocated two hundred points to Li Xiuxian: "Congratulations, you have another month to practice."

Li Xiuxian glanced at the task of Zhuyan Pill on the top, and sighed slightly, the two thousand points are not so easy to get.

The more than [-] people in the inner sect couldn't help but frowned when they looked at the task at the top. Where could they find Zhuyan Pill, a elixir that had long been lost in the cultivation world?

It's fine if it's an ordinary task, they don't bother to do it at all, but this time the task was issued by the elders together, they are very clear about what it means.

The disciples of the Inner Sect have many times more information than the disciples of the Outer Sect. Only one of the three elders can be dispatched together. No matter who it is, they only need to complete this task. You can gain their favor, and just mentioning a few words at that time can save decades of hard work.

"Find it, find it for me!" The disciples of the inner sect controlled different numbers of disciples of the outer sect.

All of a sudden, a large number of disciples from the Outer Sect came out of the Pill Spirit Sect and frantically searched in Qingzhou. Some disciples from the Inner Sect even left Qingzhou to inquire about other states.

But how can it be so easy to find the lost elixir, even if the ancestor of jiedan is dispatched, it is difficult to find it, let alone a group of foundation establishment disciples.

A month later, Zhuyan Dan's mission was updated again.

Not only did the points increase to [-] points, but it also added a chance to enter the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion to select treasures.

The Sutra Pavilion is divided into eight floors. The first three floors are open to everyone, the fourth is only open to disciples of the Inner Sect, the fifth and sixth floors are open to elders, and the seventh and eighth floors are only accessible to the sect master. Enter.

Although this reward is very tempting, few people are interested in such an impossible task.

But the only person who can complete this task is afraid to take it for various reasons.

But the matter was not so simple as Li Xiuxian thought, even the disciples and elders of the inner sect were mobilized, he didn't want to touch this bad luck.

Although the points are tempting, it is not impossible to get them with his means, and there is no need to take risks for thousands of points.

Thinking about it this way, Li Xiuxian calmed down a lot and focused on improving his cultivation.

In the next few months, the task of Zhuyan Pill will always be the top priority, and the reward will also change from the original [-] points to [-] points, and the fourth floor of the Sutra Pavilion will become the seventh floor of the Sutra Pavilion. But still no one was able to complete it.

"Looking at this task, I really feel itchy. What if a Zhuyan Pill could fall from the sky?" Ma Rong looked at the top task and sighed.

"You're not afraid of being crushed to death." Li Xiuxian couldn't help laughing.

"I'm willing to smash me to death." Ma Rong rolled his eyes.

"The mission of the twenty blood sultan." Li Xiuxian pointed.

"Well, this is the panacea." Ma Rong threw a storage bag.

Li Xiuxian returned to his cave after receiving the elixir. Now his time is very tight, and he also wants to break through the late stage of foundation establishment as soon as possible.

Li Xiuxian had a feeling that as long as his Nine-Turn Mysterious Kung Fu reached the third rank, the later stage of Foundation Establishment was a certainty.

"Grandpa, why haven't you? I don't want to grow old!" A little girl who was only seventeen or eighteen years old kept tugging at an old man's beard.

(End of this chapter)

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