Chapter 199
"Don't pull it, don't pull it, grandpa has already greeted a few friends, as soon as there is news, I will give it to you immediately." The old man smiled wryly.

"Liar, grandpa is a liar!" Not only did the girl not stop, she even got more forceful.

"Don't talk, don't talk, you almost ripped off Grandpa's beard." The old man begged.

"Hmph!" The girl turned her head and left directly.

"Hey!" The old man sighed deeply.

Four months later, the Elders of the Pill Spirit Sect announced that the Alchemy Conference would officially start one month later, and disciples who wanted to participate in the Alchemy Conference had to sign up half a month in advance.

Li Xiuxian frowned when he heard the news: "Alchemy conference?"

"It's the alchemy competition, but it's basically a matter for inner sect disciples and has nothing to do with our outer sect, but you can go and have a try. How about it? Shall I sign up for you?" Ma Rong asked.

"What are the requirements for this alchemy conference?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"There is no requirement, that is, to refine the elixir within the specified time according to the elixir formula and materials provided, whoever refines the fastest and the quality of the elixir is the best will win." Ma Rong said.

"Before the competition, you don't know what kind of elixir to refine?"

"That's right. You also know that our alchemy sect focuses on alchemy, so the sect party pays special attention to disciples with alchemy talents. You only need to win the top [-] in this alchemy conference, and entering the inner sect is a sure thing .” Ma Rong laughed.

"Top twenty?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning.

"There are not many disciples of the Neizong who are proficient in alchemy. It is said that some people have refined fourth-grade elixirs."

Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked. The fourth-grade elixir could be refined during the foundation-building period, which was unimaginable even in Li Xiuxian's eyes.

Even with the help of the alchemy room in Wanhuazhu, Li Xiuxian's success rate in refining the fourth-grade elixir is only one level. He has tried many times, but he has never succeeded.

"It shouldn't be a problem to enter the top [-] with your alchemy skills. There is still a month to go, so you should practice hard. You should choose this task for this month." Ma Rong pointed to Huang Longdan's task.

"Twenty yellow dragon pills is an easy task." Li Xiuxian smiled and handed over a bottle.

"Being friends with you always has countless benefits." Ma Rong smiled, took out twenty Huanglong Pills from the jade bottle, and took all the rest into his pocket.

Li Xiuxian was also very concerned about the Alchemy Conference. After all, if he wanted to have a better cultivation environment, he had to enter the Inner Sect. Just because the disciples of the Outer Sect had assigned tasks every month, it gave Li Xiuxian a headache. You can't do it even in closed doors.

However, when Li Xiuxian returned to his cave, his eyes almost fell out. There were ruins everywhere. Pile them aside like weeds!
"Fuck!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but swear!
His cave was smashed!

"I shouldn't have any enemies in the Pill Spirit Sect. How could someone come to seek revenge?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help thinking.

"Tell you not to give it to me, tell you to lie to me..."

Not far away, there was a roar from time to time!
Li Xiuxian concealed his breath and touched it, only to see a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl holding a ribbon in her hand and constantly waving it. Anything touched by the ribbon immediately turned into pieces.

The seemingly weak ribbon has such power, even Li Xiuxian, who is used to the powerful magic weapon, showed a hint of horror in his eyes.

"Ancient treasure!" Li Xiuxian was secretly startled.

The ribbon in this woman's hand turned out to be an ancient treasure!
Not only that, the clothes, boots, and hairpins worn by the woman are all magical artifacts, and they seem to be of high quality!

"What is the origin of this woman? At least this little thing on her body is worth hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones." Li Xiuxian couldn't help thinking in his heart.

Since cultivating immortality, Li Xiuxian was the first time to see a monk whose whole body was covered with magic weapons.

Li Xiuxian almost didn't need to guess, his cave was ruined by this woman, and it was destroyed by a girl who was losing his temper, Li Xiuxian could only sigh secretly that he was out of luck.

Just when Li Xiuxian turned to leave, the red ribbon went straight to Li Xiuxian, and even Li Xiuxian was surprised by the speed.

Sting, there was a flash of thunder on Li Xiuxian's body, and he dodged the red ribbon!

But Li Xiuxian's heart sank suddenly, the other party found him!
But looking at the horror in the girl's eyes, it was obvious that the attack was not aimed at Li Xiuxian, but just happened to hit Li Xiuxian's direction.

"Who are you? You're hiding behind Miss Ben, you're not a good person at first sight!" the woman shouted coquettishly.

Her wavy hair is fluttering in the wind, her eyebrows are of appropriate shade, her pair of beautiful eyes are full of affection, her straight nose is straight, her cheeks are slightly dizzy, her lips are like dripping cherries, and her goose egg dimple is very glamorous. Her fragile skin is as frosty as snow, and her figure is exquisite. Although she is a little green, she will definitely be a beauty who will bring disaster to the country and the people when she grows up.

Seeing Li Xiuxian staring at her all the time, the girl was angry and annoyed, and stabbed Li Xiuxian directly with the red ribbon in her hand.

Li Xiuxian smiled slightly, and struck out the Five Thunder God Palms, stopping the red ribbon's offensive!
There was a flash of thunder on his body, and a powerful palm grabbed the girl's neck!
Although this young girl was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and her magic weapon was not bad, she obviously lacked actual combat experience, so she was subdued by Li Xiuxian with one move.

" do you want?" The girl's voice was trembling due to fear.

Li Xiuxian glanced at the girl: "You destroy my cave and take my elixir, what else do you want to ask me?"

"Ah? That cave is yours?" The girl was surprised.

"If it's fake, how do you think you should compensate me?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Accompany you?" The girl was surprised.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Yes, pay me."

"No, I'm still young, how about I give you the spirit stone!" The girl was already crying.

"What a mess, I don't like your immature body." Li Xiuxian said with a smile after letting go of the woman.


"What are you, go away, if I see you again, I won't be so lucky." Li Xiuxian said.

Afterwards, they cleaned up around the cave. Although the woman was more damaged, the cave was still there, and it only needed to be repaired a little.

" wait, I'll ask Brother Bai to deal with you!" The girl pouted and played a sound transmission talisman.

I saw the fiery red sound transmission talisman flying towards the main peak in an instant!

Li Xiuxian was shocked, the other party actually had such a high-level sound transmission talisman, and the direction of the sound transmission talisman was heading towards the main peak, Li Xiuxian suddenly realized that he seemed to have provoked an existence that he couldn't afford to provoke.

"Why are you afraid? If you are afraid, kneel down to this lady. Maybe this lady can spare your life. Otherwise, when Brother Bai arrives, you will definitely die." The woman looked at Li Xiuxian with a smile.

"Don't you think I can kill you before your brother Bai arrives?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

"Don't come here, if you come here, I will definitely let Brother Bai kill you!" The woman looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

"Open your mouth and swallow!" Li Xiuxian grabbed the woman instantly, opened his mouth forcefully, and a black pill entered the woman's mouth.

"Ahem, cough, what did you eat for me!" The woman looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

"Duanjin Rougu Pill, just one pill will kill you. If you don't want to die, send me another voice transmission and let your brother Bai go back." Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, I'll transmit the sound immediately!" A fiery red sound transmission talisman flew out again.

Bai Hongfei, who flew halfway, received the sound transmission again, but after learning the content of the sound transmission talisman, Bai Hongfei almost fell down. If ordinary people joked with him, he would kill him with a sword, but this existence even Even if he slapped him, he would have to smile and put his face close to let her slap him.

"Forget it, don't care about it." Bai Hongfei turned around and returned to the main peak.

"I've sent the sound transmission talisman, give me the antidote quickly." The girl said with a mournful face.

"If I gave it to you, you would definitely call for rescuers. Do you think I'm stupid?" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't think so." The girl looked at Li Xiuxian angrily.

"This person is really cunning, he even guessed it." The girl thought in her heart.

"Here, this is a temporary antidote. After one month, it will depend on your performance. If you are still good, I will give you another month's antidote." Li Xiuxian said.

" are worse than grandpa!" After taking the antidote, the girl turned into a red light and disappeared in front of Li Xiuxian.

Seeing that the girl was leaving in the direction of the main peak, Li Xiuxian knew that his guess was correct, there must be a big background behind this girl, otherwise Li Xiuxian would not let her go so easily with his temper.

"Grandpa, grandpa, Xiaoxue was bullied by bad guys today, and he even gave me poison. Grandpa, you must tear him into pieces!" The woman in red kept pulling at the old man's beard.

The old man secretly laughed in his heart, what happened to Xiaoxue today is under his surveillance, he knows the ins and outs of the matter clearly, as for the poison, where is it poison, it is clearly a mud ball.

Xiaoxue has been pampered and spoiled since she was a child, and the old man is even more obedient to her, no matter what unreasonable demands she has, she will try her best to satisfy it. Naturally, it is impossible for such a proud girl to taste the taste of mud.

"Grandpa doesn't know how to refine this antidote. You can ask others. Grandpa doesn't think he is a bad person. If you ask him, he will give it to you." The old man laughed.

"No, he's worse than grandpa, so I don't want to beg him!" Xiaoxue pouted.

"Then go and bother him, and annoy him to death! Anyway, this is what you are best at." The old man laughed.

"Hmph! I'm ignoring you!" Xiaoxue pouted.

The old man smiled slightly. If Xiaoxue had a new toy, he would be free. If this continued, his beard would really be stripped off one by one.

"Sister Ye, I want you to help me avenge!" Xiaoxue sat in the VIP room of Qianyu Building angrily.

"Hey, who offended our little sister Xiaoxue, tell me, I will definitely avenge you." Ye An laughed.

The appearance of Ye An, who had resumed her women's clothing, was no less than that of Xiaoxue!
"That's a very bad person, he actually stuffed an unpalatable and unsightly poison into my mouth!" Xiaoxue said angrily.

"Poison?" Ye An was taken aback.

Looking at Xiaoxue's lively appearance now, it is really difficult to connect her with poison.

"Well, he still refuses to give me the antidote. I must take revenge. Sister Ye, you must help me. It is best to strip him of his clothes, hang him from a tree and beat him, and then soak the pig cage!" Xiaoxue squeezed Fist said.

"Bah, where do you see this, you don't learn well at such a young age." Ye An blushed.

"It's written like this in the novels among mortals, and those bad guys are dealt with like this." Xiaoxue waved her fist.

(End of this chapter)

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