Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 212 Flower Formation

Chapter 212 Flower Formation
Thinking of this, Li Xiuxian immediately had an idea to test those strange flowers, but he didn't have to come forward himself. Li Xiuxian stretched out his hand, bent down to pick up a handful of stones, and then concentrated, his fingers slightly bent, and spiritual power poured into the stones, and the stones Throw it out.

"Pfft!" Nothing happened, the three-color strange flower was directly hit by Ye Bai's stone, the juice splashed, and it was divided into two parts, the flower head fell to the ground, and was swept down into the black abyss by the wind, nothing happened What a strange thing.

Li Xiuxian was startled, but he still didn't step forward. This time, he raised his hand and "plopped" a day's worth of stones in a "rain of flowers" technique. In the handful of stones in his right hand, not a single one was left behind. , all thrown at those three-color strange flowers.

But this time, something happened that he didn't expect. When all the stones flew towards those three-color strange flowers, suddenly, those three-color front flowers seemed to sense the danger, "Hulala..." There were hundreds of three-color strange flowers on the spot, flying up automatically, spinning and cutting towards Ye Bai.

The whistling of the wind, the sharp jagged edges of these three-color strange flowers brought phantoms in the wind, which was extremely terrifying, and the piercing whistling sounds sounded together, forming a piece in the air, hundreds of three The strange flowers, like hundreds of palm-sized rotating flower wheels, directly moved towards Ye Bai's overwhelming cover.

Li Xiuxian's face changed in astonishment, and only then did he realize that the moment just now was just a surprise, and he directly cut off the strange flower. If he hadn't been cautious and tried again, the consequences would be disastrous.

But since he already knew that the three-color flower was weird, Li Xiuxian would not be defenseless.

Wearing the Biyan Qilin Armor, Li Xiuxian was protected by a layer of aura, and the Five Thunder God Whip in his hand sent out several thunderbolts one after another, splitting the nearby three-color flowers into pieces.

Just look at the moment just now, an ordinary stone can easily break them, and you know that their defense is definitely not strong, so after this trial, even though I knew that the three-color strange flowers were as dangerous as I expected , but not yet to the point where he can threaten himself, the water hyacinth lotus can still be obtained.

Based on what he tried just now, these three-color strange flowers are vulnerable, and Ye Bai's sword formation is just a little touch, and they will be defeated, and they will not affect him at all, so although his scene is a bit risky, in fact those The three-color strange flower couldn't break through the body-protecting aura of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor, and attacked his body.

As long as he can't attack his body, Li Xiuxian will not be in any danger. Instead, he can calmly get the "water hyacinth lotus" to retreat directly.

Sure enough, when Li Xiuxian flew out, the whole body was filled with lightning, and the five thunder palms shot out, forming a grid in front of him. Before all the three-color strange flowers flew in front of him, they were crushed by the grid , one after another, the flowers fell like rain for a while, very colorful and gorgeous, at the same time, there were many other flowers in the ground that suffered, and were also affected by the thunder and lightning, one by one, they were struck into flower mud, and scattered in all directions.

The hundreds of three-color strange flowers were emptied immediately, and the scene was completely cleared. Li Xiuxian was about to fly to the "water hyacinth lotus", and the touch of his eyes had already clearly seen what was happening in front of him. The shadow of the "water hyacinth lotus" in the distance is as green as jade, with a pleasant fragrance, hidden in a cluster of red flowers, it is particularly conspicuous.

As soon as Li Xiuxian stretched out his hand, he was about to grab the "water hyacinth" plant below.

In the blink of an eye, Li Xiuxian's fingers had barely touched the edge of the "water hyacinth lotus", and he was about to grab it with his hands.

But at this moment, more three-color strange flowers flew up, rushing towards Li Xiuxian crazily. It happened to be on the same level as where Li Xiuxian was, and then, a scene that Li Xiuxian never expected happened.

After those three-color strange flowers were crushed, a kind of pink smoke was released, which instantly enveloped Li Xiuxian's whole body and the protective aura outside him. It looked as if he suddenly appeared in the valley. There was a pink cloud, and Li Xiuxian was in the middle of this pink cloud!
Li Xiuxian was taken aback, only then did he know it was not good, but it was too late, the surroundings were surrounded by this pink mist, Li Xiuxian just took a sip, his whole body suddenly softened, his spiritual power was not working well, at the same time, he His whole body began to go numb, with a slight pain.

"This is?"

The abnormality of Li Xiuxian's body caused the aura around him to dim for a moment, but his mind was still extremely clear. He knew that he underestimated the enemy.

I tried it just now, and thought that these three-color strange flowers were vulnerable to a single blow, and it was as I expected. If I suppressed them casually, the sky would be covered with fragments of these flowers. If it develops like this, it will only take one breath. You can rush through the flower array and reach the water hyacinth lotus, just get it.

The result of the matter was indeed exactly as he expected. In just an instant, he passed through the flower array, crushed them all, and flew over the "water hyacinth lotus". As long as you fly some distance ahead, you can stay away from these flowers and reach a safe place.

But what he never expected was that although these three-color strange flowers could not block his attack, after crushing them, the danger was even greater. This kind of pink smoke actually had paralysis, affecting the spiritual power of the whole body running effect.At the same time, Li Xiuxian became dizzy and began to feel dizzy at the same time.

Li Xiuxian was surprised again. The pink smoke not only had the effect of stagnation of spiritual power and paralysis of human senses, but also hallucination and fascination. Li Xiuxian's whole body began to feel stiff, and his hands and feet were far less flexible than before.

"Damn it, how could this happen?" Li Xiuxian's mind was spinning sharply after his fingers touched the "Ecstasy hyacinth" at the bottom, and the three-color strange flowers around him were flying towards him crazily. With one slap, these flowers were about to be smashed into pieces, but now Li Xiuxian no longer had the power to activate the spell.

He already clearly felt the spiritual power in his body becoming more and more sluggish. Every time he turned it, it was as if he was climbing a mountain with a heavy boulder. Perhaps in a short while, he would not be able to feel the spiritual power at all, and he would become a useless person. Self-defense and attacks are no longer possible.

Staying here, there is only one dead end. No matter how weak the attack of those three-color monster flowers is, they can still easily kill a human being who has no resistance at all. For this result, Li Xiuxian can't accept it at all of.

Li Xiuxian glanced at the mountain wall where the red flame vine was originally located. This mountain wall is extremely steep. It looks dangerous but actually has a glimmer of life. If you stay here again, you will definitely die!
Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth, exhausted the last sliver of spiritual power, and activated the Thunder Escape Technique, only to see a flash of lightning, and Li Xiuxian's figure completely disappeared!

Li Xiuxian only felt that his body was getting heavier and heavier, his body quickly petrified, stiffened, and his consciousness became more and more blurred. In a daze, Li Xiuxian grabbed a branch, which had exhausted his last strength, and immediately Then completely lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before Li Xiuxian woke up slowly. However, as soon as he woke up, he immediately felt a splitting headache. When he touched it with his hand, the back of his head was greasy. When he took a look in front of his eyes, with the help of the faint light, Li Xiuxian clearly I saw that the palm of my hand was bright red, full of blood.

Only then did Li Xiuxian remember that when he fell, he seemed to be grabbing something to buffer the force of his fall. The back of his head happened to hit him. He hurriedly touched it, only to find that after such a long time, the place where the back of his head was bleeding The scabs have scabbed over, and apart from some bleeding, there is no serious problem, which is a blessing in misfortune.

At this time, Li Xiuxian had time to recall what happened before. He was not dead. It was not easy to survive in such a dangerous situation. Why did I fall here, but those three-color strange flowers didn't even see their shadows.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuxian felt a headache again, and he simply didn't want to think about it. It's always the best that he is fine. At the same time, Li Xiuxian suddenly thought of something, and without caring about other things, he immediately sat down cross-legged, and after turning around, he discovered the profound energy in his body It has resumed operation, and there is no longer a sense of stagnation. At the same time, the numbness in the body and the dizziness in the brain have all disappeared, and the whole person has returned to a normal state.

Li Xiuxian, who discovered this scene, was overjoyed immediately. He knew that it was probably because of the aging of the pink flower mist that he returned to normal, but he didn't know how long he had been here, and what time is it now?
After recovering his strength, Li Xiuxian at least had a little confidence, no matter how dangerous the place was, he finally had a little bit of self-protection power.

Bai lowered his head to touch it, something hit him, and after a while, his small palm touched a square, stone tablet-like thing, and there seemed to be two ancient characters on it, but it was a pity that in the depths of the black abyss, the light was dim, can not see clearly.

At the same time, Li Xiuxian could clearly feel the fishy traces on it. Obviously, when he fell down just now, he happened to bump into this stone tablet just now.

With a movement of Li Xiuxian's finger, the Purple Prison Lightning Sword appeared out of thin air, and there was a smear of purple light in the cave. He leaned in front of the stele, and Li Xiuxian looked down, and finally saw those two. What is the font, "Luluo"

Then, Li Xiuxian turned to the other side, only to find that there were also two characters behind it, which he hadn't found before, and they were the word "Dongfu".

These four.I don't know how many years the ancient characters have been carved. They are covered with dust, and some places have become blurred. At the same time, the lower half of the two characters have been inserted into the soil upside down.Only the top half is exposed.

"This is really a stone tablet? And there are human characters on it. Could it be that there are still human traces here?"

Thinking of this, Li Xiuxian was overjoyed, people are most afraid of unknown things, if there is one.In a weird place, no matter how strong and courageous the person is, once he knows that someone has come in this place before, or even lived in it, the nervousness, uneasiness and other emotions in his heart will be weakened. At least, after all, there are places where people have been before, no matter how scary, at least it shows that there is still hope, not a Jedi.

If others can go out, I am sure I can too.

"Lihuo Cave Mansion? Could it be that this place is actually a secret place?"

(End of this chapter)

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