Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 213 Adventure at the Bottom of the Cliff

Chapter 213 Adventure at the Bottom of the Cliff
Li Xiuxian murmured, judging from the dust covered on the stone tablet and the desolation of this place, Li Xiuxian can clearly guess that no one has been here for at least hundreds or even thousands of years, even if there are people, It has long since passed away, so the only possibility is not that there are people living here, but that this place is actually an ancient secret place where the seniors of the Pill Spirit Sect once lived.

"Secret realm?" Thinking that he accidentally entered this place, it might be a secret realm, and Li Xiuxian couldn't help but feel a little excited. In the Frost Grand Canyon, there are very few secret realms in the first thousand miles, Li Xiuxian guessed Now I should be about [-] to [-] miles away from the valley.

If it was unlikely that a secret realm would appear under normal circumstances, even if it did, it would have been found long ago.

It's just that this place is so secretive, it's no wonder that no one has discovered it for thousands of years.When ordinary people see that cliff, they probably won't have time to hide. Who would dare to come down to explore it.

If it wasn't for my accident, avoiding those strange flowers, I would not be able to fall into this place. Before, I planned to avoid it and never dared to touch it lightly.

So the senior who thought of establishing his secret realm here is also a strange person, different from others, and just hides his cave in a place where others least want to go.

The longer the secret realm, the more forward it may be placed. This is not because the strength of the predecessors was not high, but at that time, the Frost Grand Canyon had not yet started to explore. When they entered the hundredth mile of the Frost Grand Canyon , it may be the same difficulty as ordinary disciples of Zijing Valley entering the [-]-mile Ice and Mist Grand Canyon.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Pill Spirit Sect, there were not many disciples, and they had just begun to explore, so some people's secret realms remained within [-] miles of the outer valley, but most of them were discovered by the many elders and disciples behind them. There are very few that can be preserved, and those that can be preserved intact, and those that have not been discovered are even rarer.

And the further you go in, the newer the secret realm may appear. This is the reason, because the previous exploration has been completed, they only need to enter directly, and a large number of secret realms will be located in the Frost Grand Canyon. range of facts.

In a blink of an eye, Li Xiuxian had countless thoughts in his mind. At the same time, he had already got up from the ground. It is not a problem to lie on the ground all the time, and now that he has woken up, one of them is to find a way to go out before talking; Second, since there is such a stone tablet here, it shows that this place may be a "secret place" left by the ancestors of the Dan Lingzong. Naturally, Li Xiuxian had to explore it.

Opportunities like this are hard to come by. Before this, although Li Xiuxian had heard of the legend of the "secret realm", he never thought that he would have such luck. If you find two secret books or treasures left by your predecessors, you will be prosperous.

Li Xiuxian's only adventure was in the land of five elements under the Wuming Peak, where he encountered the five-color divine light, but that time was not considered an adventure, and the adventure was almost the same. The land of the five elements.

But this time is completely different from the last time. The cave residence left by the seniors of the Pill Spirit Sect must not be in any danger. Li Xiuxian will not let go of this good opportunity.

With the help of the protective aura of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor, Li Xiuxian walked along the cliff.

Tu only heard his own footsteps, rustling, one sound, extremely ear-piercing, echoing in the empty stone cave, giving people a very terrifying feeling, but for a long time, Li Xiuxian did not see any "secret realm" The shadow of this stone road seems to be endless.

Gradually, the round hole was no longer visible above the head, and the stone wall along the road became more crowded and narrow. At the same time, the color of the stone wall gradually took on a crystal white color, just like jade. , smooth and transparent.

Fortunately, the aura of Li Xiuxian's body protection is still there. Li Xiuxian didn't know how long he had been walking. It was so long that he felt a chill. He walked alone for a long time in an environment without any popularity, and he could only hear his own footsteps along the way. , made him feel inexplicably uneasy in his heart, and at the same time, his footsteps accelerated. He wanted to get out of this passage as soon as possible, otherwise if it continued, it would take too long and it would be too much for him alone.

Suddenly, there was a soft "dong", which seemed to be the sound of water dripping on the ground. In such a quiet environment, how could this kind of sound escape Li Xiuxian's ears? The momentum was ready to go, and then I realized that I was too nervous.

"Is there water?" Since there is water, there must be an exit. Li Xiuxian was overjoyed, and quickened his pace, and the aura of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor's body protection shone a little more, waiting for the crisis that would come at any time.

After turning around a few more times, the long distance of this underground cave is really amazing. Obviously, man-made is completely incapable of such a large-scale project. It seems that it should be a natural cave. Li Xiuxian was even more surprised. The Grand Canyon of Frost Among them, there is such a karst cave, which has not been discovered all this time, it is really inconceivable.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in front of Ye Bai, and at the same time, the sound of water droplets became clearer. Suddenly, along the way, Ye Bai appeared in a semi-circular stone cave. Opposite the stone cave, there were two green stone doors. It is closed, covered with vines and dust, and no one has opened it for thousands of years.

Not far in front of it, there is also a stone tablet, which is exactly the same as the one Ye Zi touched just now.

On the stone tablet, on the left and right sides, there are still four big characters engraved, "Lihuo Dongfu"

Next to it, there was a small flowerbed, which seemed to have been planted with many other things before, but it was completely dead now, and nothing remained.

On the stone gate, there are two copper rings full of green embroidery, and three stone steps, which have been eroded by the years. Next to it, the sound of water drops that Li Xiuxian heard was seeping down from the top of the stone cave and along the stone gate. Yes, it seems that the years have changed, and the river above has changed its course and passed here.

Other than that, there was nothing abnormal, not to mention the existence of half a human figure. It was like a dead place, obviously no one had been there for an unknown number of years.

After concentrating on it, Li Xiuxian straightened his clothes to show respect, and then walked up slowly.

As soon as he stepped on the three stone steps, a very strange feeling came into Li Xiuxian's heart, as if the ancient gate was suddenly opened, or the ancient pages of history were opened lightly, and a memory was passed down.

Li Xiuxian touched the two red copper rings with his hands, and a cold feeling spread into his heart, which was completely cold. This feeling was completely different from ordinary copper rings.

"This is, Red Refined Matte?" Li Xiuxian was secretly surprised. Whose cave is this here? Even the two copper rings at the door are also top-grade refining equipment. The flame, when touched, seeps into one's body like ice. Its bone-piercing coldness is extremely strange. Many people use this material to refine magic swords and forge treasures.

And this red smelting ice copper is also the same material for refining the Jade Flame Qilin Armor.

Even Li Xiuxian didn't expect that the materials that had caused a lot of headaches before would be encountered here. These two copper rings are enough to re-refine the Biyan Qilin Armor. You only need to find the remaining few refining materials to re-refine it. Forging the Jade Flame Qilin Armor, the power is even higher.

Regardless of the theory of this "secret realm", just this pair of red ice copper rings made of red smelted matte is of great value, no wonder Li Xiuxian was so surprised.

Stretching out his fingers, he tapped lightly on the stone door. The sound of "Kong Kong..." was very dull in such a quiet environment, obviously the stone door was not thin.

Li Xiuxian frowned, put his fingers on the pair of cold dark red copper rings, and pulled them twice, but the copper rings remained motionless. Li Xiuxian looked down, only to find that it had been completely cast on the stone gate. There is a slight gap, coupled with the passage of time, the copper embroidery has grown a lot, even if there was some room for turning, it is stuck together now, and it cannot be moved at all.

Li Xiuxian smiled slightly, took a few steps back, bowed slightly, and said, "I'm offended."

The Lightning of the Five Thunder God Whip was lifted up, and the next moment, the stone gate opened with a "boom", splitting into ten pieces of stones of different lengths.

A somewhat dark cave appeared in front of Li Xiuxian. Li Xiuxian stood at the door and waited, but there was no hidden weapon or spring shot out from the west as imagined. Perhaps there were no such restrictions in this cave. It is its biggest barrier.

Or maybe it is because the time is too long, even if there are some restrictions, they have been destroyed by the long river of time, and it is no longer the time, so Li Xiuxian can enter it so easily.

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no mechanism activated, Li Xiuxian casually picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in. The stone rolled on the ground twice, and it was still as usual, so Li Xiuxian walked in.

This is a small hole with a radius of less than ten feet. It is square and round and can be seen at a glance. In one corner of the hole, there are two round pools that are no larger than the size of the surrounding area. One of them is constantly emitting cold air, while the other is roiling with heat waves. Ten cold and one hot, it is a spectacle.

Li Xiuxian knew that there might be underground springs, volcanoes and other places under the Frost Grand Canyon, so he was not surprised at all, but it was rare for them to be born in one place at the same time. The upper pool is so small, it was really not easy for the people who discovered it at the beginning.

I'm afraid that the ancient man opened his cave here because of these two springs. This kind of environment is rare.

Li Xiuxian took a closer look, under the cold spring, it was clear and clean, it looked like a piece of amber emitting cold air, with colorful lights flowing faintly in the middle, and the bottom was paved with black stones; while under the fire spring, White smoke is constantly coming out, the spring water is boiling, and there is a sound of "gurgling". The bottom is mostly a kind of red rock. It seems that there must be sulfur and other things underneath, so this landscape is formed.

In addition, there is nothing in the entire cave, no table, no chair, no bed, no stool, only a rotten futon, and on the futon, there is a white skeleton with crystal clear bones, sitting there , with a very narrow golden ancient sword across his knee.Beside him, there was a large, dusty parchment scroll.

Other than that, there is nothing else, Li Xiuxian's eyes moved, and first fell on the golden long sword on the knee of the skull. This sword is obviously covered with dust, but it is simple and unusual, exuding a powerful aura , there seems to be a feeling of sharpness that can cut everything.

(End of this chapter)

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