Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 217 Desolate Halberd

Chapter 217 Desolate Halberd
"Jiulong Shenhuo, come out!" Feng Qingyu pointed intently, and nine fire dragons covered with Jiulong Shenhuo rushed out!

"Wind and fire merge into one!" Li Feiyu also used his box-pressing stunt, and the wind and fire dragons merged into one, heading straight for the wild halberd.

"The red lotus avatar, now!" Li Xiuxian once again summoned the red lotus avatar, and saw that the red lotus avatar was in front and Li Xiuxian was behind. The flames on this red lotus clone kept rising, forming a fire dragon in the air!
"God fire transforms dragon!" Li Xiuxian shouted!
A fire dragon composed entirely of red lotus fire rushed towards the wild halberd!

Gathering the blows of the three top masters of Neizong, even the wild halberd did not dare to underestimate it. I saw that the wild halberd swung dozens of punches in a row, and the attack of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield was stopped. One of the fire dragons was caught by the wild halberd. hands!
"Pfft!" Huangji squeezed hard, and the fire dragon was crushed by him!
Feng Qingyu was furious, it would take years of nurturing for the lack of a fire dragon to condense!
"Bang!" Li Feiyu's Wind and Fire Twin Dragons had already arrived at this time, but Huang Ji punched out and collided with the Wind and Fire Twin Dragons!
"Thump, thump, thump!" Huangji only took three steps back, but the wind and fire twin dragons were abruptly scattered by him!

"Boom!" Before Huangji could take a breath, a scorching flame shot up into the sky, enveloping Huangji's body tens of feet in an instant!

"Do you think you can kill me like this?" Huang Ji roared!
This desolate halberd was indeed ridiculously strong, and it was unscathed under the scorching fire of the red lotus karma!

"This wild halberd is too strong!"

The combined attack of the three masters failed to take him down!

"Roar!" I saw Huangji slapping his body continuously, trying to extinguish these flames, but no matter how he slapped these flames, they were still burning!
"Heaven and earth spiritual fire, red lotus karmic fire, endless life, hell red lotus!" Li Feiyu sighed secretly.

This red lotus karmic fire ranks No. 40 and eighth among the spiritual fires of heaven and earth. It has the characteristic of never being extinguished. Unless the target is completely burned, this flame will never be extinguished.

Of course, if the red lotus karmic fire is scattered with absolute power, it can naturally be extinguished, but this is not something that barbarians who do not understand spiritual power can do!

The red lotus karmic fire couldn't burn Huangji to death, but it was enough to make him suffer a lot!
The abnormality of the barbarian halberd was also discovered by a barbarian priest riding a yellow wolf. After all, the huge man of more than 50 feet was surrounded by flames, so it was hard not to notice it.

The yellow wolf priest patted the sitting yellow wolf, and the yellow wolf immediately spewed out a thick khaki mist. This layer of khaki thick mist wrapped the body of the wild halberd, and the red lotus attached to the wild halberd The karmic fire was extinguished bit by bit!
"I want you to die!" Huangji roared!
"Shua!" A sword glow cut across the sky!
Huangji's face changed drastically, he actually felt a breath of death from the sword light, and he who used the body of the Rage God unexpectedly had someone who could hurt him!

"Bang!" Huangji crossed his hands, blocking this terrifying sword glow!

However, the powerful body he was so proud of lost its former glory under this sword light. His arms were torn apart by this sword light, and he could even see the white bones inside. , the golden blood was sprinkled like raindrops!
"Wei Sheng!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help being surprised when he saw the owner of the sword glow!
I saw the four swords around Wei Sheng spinning continuously!

"Ancient treasure! Four ancient treasures!" Li Xiuxian was shocked!

This No. 1 inner sect holds four ancient treasures in his hand, even the ancestor of Jiedan may not have four ancient treasures!
"Senior brother Wei Sheng has improved in the way of swords again!" Bai Hongfei exclaimed.

What a strength it is to severely injure the wild halberd with a single sword.

"Senior brother Wei Sheng is determined to surpass the ancient sword cultivator, specialize in the way of the sword, integrate the sword intent of the ancient sword cultivator, and use swords to form formations. Only senior brother Wei Sheng can suppress this desolate halberd!" Li Feiyu sighed slightly!
Li Xiuxian was startled, this Wei Sheng had also received the inheritance of the ancient sword cultivator, and he absorbed everything and stepped out of his own way of swordsmanship.

The sword light of the ancient sword cultivator is extremely sharp, and he cuts out ghosts and gods Piyi with one sword!
Li Xiuxian did not expect that besides Jian Chen, there would be someone else who received the inheritance of the ancient sword cultivator.

Although the Ancient Sword Cultivator has not become extinct in Middle-earth, the sun has faded away, and the glory of the Ancient Sword Cultivator has long since disappeared. However, once a monk obtains the inheritance of the Ancient Sword Cultivator, it must be a shocking event, and he can make a career in Middle-earth!
"The ancient sword cultivator, it turned out to be the ancient sword cultivator!" Huang Ji murmured, with deep fear in his eyes.

The wild god body is indestructible, and almost no one at the same level can break his wild god body. This can be seen from the fact that the three of Li Xiuxian were unable to break through his defense.

But Wei Sheng was able to severely injure Huang Ji with a single strike, breaking his barbaric divine body, revealing the power of the ancient sword cultivator!

"This Wei Sheng is really terrifying!" Li Xiuxian sighed in his heart.

This Wei Sheng's sword light is so sharp, even the Jade Flame Qilin Armor can't stop him with a few strikes.

"The wild halberd of the wild temple, today I will meet for a while!" Wei Sheng snorted coldly, the four swords around him twirled crazily, and a terrifying sword light shot out from the center of the four swords!
"Bang!" Golden blood spilled all over the sky!
A hideous wound appeared on Huangji's shoulder, and the wild god's body was as white as paper under Wei Sheng's sword.

"Damn it! Damn it! If he hadn't snatched my broken halberd with his despicable means, how could I be no match for you?" Huang Ji roared!
"Oh? Then you are not convinced?" Wei Sheng looked at Huangji lightly.

"You won't win by force, how can you convince me!" Huang Ji snorted coldly.

"Okay, I'll let you take back your weapon. I want to see what's so great about the No. 1 Wild Temple!" Wei Sheng laughed.

"Li Xiuxian, give him the weapon you collected! I will fight him fairly!" Wei Sheng said.

Li Xiuxian was taken aback for a moment, but still nodded, and threw the broken empty halberd he received from Huangji to Huangji.

The barren halberd gave Li Xiuxian a venomous look, and held the broken halberd in his hand, only to see that the broken halberd instantly rose to more than sixty feet, the same size as the barren halberd!
"This is your weapon, that's all!" Wei Sheng snorted coldly.

The four swords above his head formed a weird formation, and countless sword glows shot out from it in an instant!
Huang Ji was very afraid of these sword lights, and didn't dare to use his body to block them head-on, so he waved the broken sky halberd in his hand, smashing these sword lights one by one!

This shattered halberd is not a mortal thing, under the attack of Wei Sheng's sword light, there is nothing wrong with it, not even a scratch!

"This broken halberd is a treasure!" Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

All of these barbarians are extremely rich. Although the weapons in their hands are not magic weapons, they are more expensive than magic weapons. Even simple spears are made of fine iron. In terms of weapons and magic weapons, monks are no match for these barbarians.

The reason why the middle-earth monks were able to suppress the barbarians was because of the endless emergence of magic weapons and magic weapons.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution, the barbarians have gradually mastered the technique of forging in order to fight against the magic weapons of the monks. Although the forged weapons cannot move mountains and seas like magic weapons, they are not inferior to the powerful bodies of the barbarians!

And the broken empty halberd in Huang Ji's hand is obviously a fine product!
"Big Dipper!" Wei Sheng snorted coldly.

I saw that the formation of these four swords changed, and they echoed with the Big Dipper in the sky. Countless sword lights were like falling stars, completely submerging the barren halberd!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sword glow bombarded the barbarian god's body, making the sound of gold and iron intersecting!
"Senior Brother Wei Sheng's Beidou Tianshu Formation!" Feng Qingyu was shocked!
Wei Sheng inherited the sword intent of the ancient sword cultivator, and created it to control the formation with the sword and hurt the enemy with the formation. This Beidou Tianshu formation is Wei Sheng's most powerful sword formation!
"Wei Sheng! You can't kill me!" Huangji laughed crazily, and a broken halberd kept blocking the sword light!

"Really?" Wei Sheng sneered.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" With a slap of the palm, three swords flew out of the storage bag in an instant!
"Ancient treasure! Another ancient treasure! Where did Wei Sheng get so many ancient treasures!" Li Xiuxian was shocked!

In his opinion, having three ancient treasures on his body is already shocking, but this Wei Sheng has seven ancient treasures on him, and they are all sword-shaped ancient treasures!

"Not good! Get out quickly! Brother Wei Sheng is serious!" Li Feiyu, Bai Hongfei and the others all changed countenance and hurriedly withdrew for several miles!

Although Li Xiuxian didn't understand why these people were so panicked, but something that could scare Feng Qingyu and others must not be simple, and Li Xiuxian also withdrew for several miles!
"Big Dipper Tianshu Formation under full swing, Senior Brother Wei Sheng actually fully opened the Beidou Tianshu Formation!" Li Feiyu looked at the seven brighter and brighter swords in the air and lost his mind.

"Is this Beidou Tianshu formation so powerful? Li Xiuxian asked.

Li Feiyu nodded: "Five years ago, our inner sect disciples entered the Frost Grand Canyon and encountered a third-level monster Ziyunying. At that time, we were no match for the third-level monster. The inner sect disciples suffered heavy casualties. It was Senior Brother Wei Sheng who activated the Beidou Tianshu Formation and severely injured this purple cloud eagle, so we were able to escape." Li Feiyu broke into a cold sweat when he thought of the scene at that time.

The third-level monsters are equivalent to the existence of alchemy monks, and foundation-builder monks have no power to fight back!
But Wei Sheng was able to use the Beidou Tianshu Formation to severely injure Ziyunying. This strength is enough to make everyone fearful!

Yiyishu, Ertianxuan, Santianji, Sitianquan, Wuyuheng, Liukaiyang, Qiyaoguang, the seven swords named after the Big Dipper formed a sword formation in the air!
"Beidou Fumo!"

I saw a bright white sword glow shooting out from the sword array!

The sky and the earth changed color in an instant, and everyone couldn't help but look at the terrifying sword glow in the sky!

Even the alchemy monks who were fighting couldn't help but look at this sword light, which could even threaten them!

"Not good!" Priest Yellow Wolf stepped over, blocking the wild halberd behind him!

"Boom!" Priest Yellow Wolf raised the mace in his hand to meet the terrifying sword glow!

"Pfft!" A stream of golden blood spurted out!

The yellow wolf priest was actually injured in this confrontation!
Wei Sheng actually severely injured the barbarian priest with his cultivation base in the foundation period!

"Wei Sheng! Well done!" Chu Xiong laughed loudly, and a ray of light from the golden knife in his hand slashed towards the yellow wolf priest!

"Pfft!" The mace in the hands of Priest Yellow Wolf was knocked into the air!
(End of this chapter)

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