Chapter 218

"Die!" Chu Xiong roared, and slashed at the yellow wolf priest!

"Retreat!" The yellow wolf priest pulled up the unconscious halberd, jumped onto the yellow wolf's back, and fled south!

Qin Heng and Gao Fengming looked at the barbarian priest with apprehension. The long spear in this man's hand gave them a headache, and they didn't gain any advantage by joining forces.

"Middle-earth monk, that's all it is, I've broken my gun to learn!" The barbarian priest sneered.

"You barbarians are doomed!" Qin Heng snorted coldly.

"Our mission for this trip has been fulfilled, and the next time we meet is the date of your death!" The Broken Gun Priest sneered.

"Retreat!" The barbarian army surrounding Pill Spirit Sect receded like a tide!
"I want to leave!" Wei Sheng snorted coldly.

"Starry dots!" The formation of the seven swords in the sky turned, and countless sword glows fell down everywhere!

"Pfft!" How could ordinary barbarian warriors resist this terrifying sword light, they were all chopped into pieces!
With this move alone, thousands of barbarian warriors stayed in the Kuiyin Mountains forever!

Wei Sheng looked coldly at the retreating barbarians and snorted coldly, and put the seven swords back into the storage bag.

"Wei Sheng did a good job, the Black Fire Priest has been passed back to the Pill Spirit Sect, right?" Chu Xiong asked.

"Tu'er has activated the teleportation array and sent the black fire back to the Pill Spirit Sect."

"Okay, well done!" Chu Xiong couldn't help laughing.

Although nearly thousands of disciples were lost in this battle, even five disciples of the Inner Sect fell, and even more were injured, but compared with capturing the barbarian priest, these losses are nothing!

"After you go back, you will be rewarded for your merits!" Chu Xiong's voice spread throughout the Kuiyin Mountain Range.

"Here, return it to its original owner!" Wei Sheng threw the broken halberd to Li Xiuxian.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wei Sheng!"

In the realm of comprehension, strength is always respected, and the strength shown by Wei Sheng is enough to earn his respect.

In this battle, the Dan Lingzong lost more than 1 disciples, injured more than 68, ten disciples of the inner sect were killed, and [-] were injured. They wiped out more than [-] barbarian troops, and captured more than [-] barbarian generals. The high priest of the barbarians, Black Fire, won this battle.

Especially Wei Sheng's shocking sword at the last moment severely injured the barbarian priest Yellow Wolf, beheaded thousands of barbarian warriors, and raised his reputation in the Pill Spirit Sect to a new level!
After seeing Wei Sheng's terrifying strength, Li Xiuxian realized that he still underestimated the heroes of the world, thinking that with the nine-turn Xuan Gong and three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires, he would be able to dominate the foundation-building stage, but Wei Sheng was able to hit the foundation-building stage with his strength. Barbarian sacrifices, this is something Li Xiuxian dare not even think about.

"This Wei Sheng's sword formation is really too terrifying. The sword formation composed of seven ancient treasures is enough to instantly kill any foundation-builder cultivator!" Li Xiuxian sighed secretly in his heart.

"It seems that the Jade Flame Qilin Armor must be perfected as soon as possible. The Broken Sky Halberd obtained this time is the best material!" Li Xiuxian thought.

The whole body of this broken halberd is made of star iron, and the outside is even covered with a thick layer of Seventh gold. The star iron is extremely hard, and it is the first choice for alchemy monks to refine magic weapons, and Seventh gold is even rarer. , just adding a little to it when refining the magic weapon is enough to raise the magic weapon to a higher level.

In addition to the materials exchanged from the Sutra Pavilion, it is enough to increase the defense of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor by a large margin!

Due to Li Xiuxian's outstanding performance in this battle, he killed several barbarian generals, and he and Li Feiyu and others held off the wild halberd. It is a great credit, and it is only natural that there are so many rewards.

At this time, it was only a year before the Six Schools of Martial Arts. After returning to the Pill Spirit School, Li Xiuxian retreated, entered the Wanhua Pearl, and began to perfect the Jade Flame Qilin Armor!

Even in the heyday of cultivation in ancient times, the battle armor technique was rarely spread, and a single battle armor was enough to attract countless monks to frantically snatch it.

I am afraid that no one knows how valuable a complete battle armor forging technique is, but just a semi-finished Jade Flame Qilin Armor can save Li Xiuxian's life under the monk's hands. The power of the ancient battle armor can be seen in general .

The Jade Flame Unicorn Armor is a growable armor that can be continuously upgraded in the future, but the materials needed in the future will be more precious.

After all, no matter how good the battle armor is, if you can't gather the materials at all, you will only be greedy.

Compared with other growth-type battle armors, although this Jade Flame Unicorn Armor has extraordinary power, it has an obvious feature. The materials used to upgrade this armor in the future are extremely rare, but the basic materials are relatively easy to find. Other than the two, the rest can be bought in the market.

And the two most difficult materials to find, Purple Flame Matte and Gengjin, Li Xiuxian had a lot in hand, which was enough to complete this piece of Biyan Qilin Armor.

The method of refining is certainly not simple, and the person who refines is required not only to have very pure magic power, but also to have a spiritual sense far superior to that of monks of the same level. Only in this way can some subtle manipulations be carried out during refining.

And these two points.Li Xiuxian happened to be satisfied.

Li Xiuxian took out the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor, laid it flat on the ground, and took out all the materials needed. There are no less than a hundred kinds of scraps of materials. Refining the armor is also extremely cumbersome. If the complete armor technique was given to him, Li Xiuxian would never have the idea of ​​refining armor.

Li Xiuxian played a spell, and as soon as the three-color spiritual fire was released, the temperature of the alchemy room rose a lot in an instant.

The reason why he chose to refine the Jade Flame Qilin Armor in the alchemy room was because the refining of the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor had high requirements on the control of flames, and this alchemy room had formations to help, so it was relatively easy to control.

"The clone of the red lotus, come out!" Li Xiuxian played a spell, and a "Li Xiuxian" immediately appeared beside him

Under the control of Li Xiuxian, the red lotus avatar played out one after another formulas, holding various materials in the air, and under the burning of the red lotus karmic fire, these materials gradually melted into liquid, and then the red lotus avatar's formulas changed, These melted liquid materials were integrated into the Jade Flame Qilin Armor.

The three-color spiritual fire instantly surrounded the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor. Under the burning of the three-color spiritual fire, these materials and the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor were perfectly fused together. Under the control of Li Xiuxian's powerful spiritual consciousness, every tiny joint Everything is under control.

The details determine success or failure, and there is no room for carelessness in the refining of the Biyan Qilin Armor.

It will take dozens of days of hard work just to fuse these ten kinds of materials with the main body of the armor. If there is any mistake in the process, the entire armor will be scrapped. At that time, Li Xiuxian will not even have a place to cry. .

Li Xiuxian took out the Broken Sky Halberd. The layer of Seventh Gold on its surface is very useful, it is the most important raw material for refining the Biyan Qilin Armor, but this Seventh Gold is extremely hard, and it is difficult for ordinary spirit fire to melt it. Only the pill fire of the alchemy monk can do it.

If it weren't for Li Xiuxian's body possessing three kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires, he would not have dared to start refining the Jade Flame Qilin Armor.

If it hadn't been stimulated by Wei Sheng's Big Dipper Tianshu Sword Formation, Li Xiuxian would not be refining the Jade Flame Qilin Armor now.

Originally, he thought that with the defense of the Jade Flame Qilin Armor, no one at the same level could hurt him, but facing Wei Sheng's Beidou Tianshu Sword Formation, Li Xiuxian had no confidence at all.

If the head of the Pill Spirit Sect is so capable, how many capable people will there be in the whole of Middle-earth?
The flames of three colors were constantly burning the broken halberd. It took Li Xiuxian two months to peel off this layer of Geng gold, and it took another three months to financialize the Geng gold. About eight months had passed since the Gengjin and the Battle Armor were fused together, and there were only three months left before the Six Sects' Martial Arts Meeting.

"This Gengjin is indeed the ultimate material for refining magic weapons, it is so difficult to refine!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fusing Gengjin and the battle armor together means that most of the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor has been completed, and then only need to fuse the bits and pieces of materials with the battle armor, and finally add the purple flame ice Copper will do.

Two months later, the gate of the cave, which had been closed for a year, was finally opened. Feeling the bright sunshine outside, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. After nearly a year of hard work, he finally finished the Jade Flame Unicorn Armor. !

Although it is said to be completed, it has only completed the eighth floor, and the subsequent materials are still difficult to obtain with Li Xiuxian's current cultivation level, but even the [-]% completed Jade Flame Unicorn Armor's defense power is simply not the same as before.

Even Li Xiuxian, who is facing Wei Sheng's Big Dipper Tianshu formation, is confident of saving his life!

The Beidou Tianshu Great Formation is a powerful sword formation that even barbarian priests can hardly resist. It is almost a situation where you will be instantly killed when you form a core.

"You're finally out! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Just as Li Xiuxian was enjoying the rare peace, Xiaoxue suddenly appeared.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Don't you need to practice? Why are you so idle every time I see you?"

"What are you doing practicing? It's so boring. Let me tell you some good news. My grandfather also promised me to go to the Six Schools of Martial Arts. When the time comes, we will go together!" Xiaoxue said excitedly.

"I don't think this is good news." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

Xiaoxue stomped her feet angrily when she heard what Li Xiuxian said, "Xiao Hua, bite him!"

I saw a little snake jumping up from Xiaoxue's arm, and went straight to Li Xiuxian!

"Chijiao, play with him!" Li Xiuxian smiled slightly.

A red figure jumped out from Li Xiuxian's body, and fought with Hualinjiao. The two little snakes came and went, refusing to give in to each other!
Although the red dragonfly is still young, it has always grown in the Wanhuazhu. The Wanhuazhu, which is full of elixir, is the best shelter for monsters. It swallows a large amount of thousand-year-old elixir every day, which makes the growth of the red dragonfly very fast. , even if it is not as good as the second-level peak Hualin Jiao, but it is not far behind.

Moreover, these two monsters are not life and death enemies, so Li Xiuxian is not worried that Chijiao will suffer.

"Come back, Xiaohua!" Xiaoxue recalled the Hualin Jiao when she saw that the Hualin Jiao couldn't take advantage of it.

Seeing that there was no fight, Chi Jiao simply retracted into Li Xiuxian's arms.

"There are so many people in Neizong, why did you pester me?" Li Xiuxian asked involuntarily.

"Bah bah bah, who is entangled with you, don't be too sentimental, this girl is just in a good mood, just chatting with you!" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian dissatisfied.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly and nodded: "Okay, then you can talk about the six sects of martial arts, besides our alchemy sect, how many other sects are there?"

(End of this chapter)

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