Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 219 Refining Battle Armor

Chapter 219 Refining Battle Armor
As soon as he mentioned the Six Schools of Martial Arts, Xiaoxue immediately became excited: "The Six Schools of Martial Arts is just a collective name. In fact, there are not only six sects, but almost all sects with a certain status in Qingzhou will participate, because the six sects in Qingzhou are outstanding. This time, the martial arts of the six sects will show the limelight, so it will become a martial art of the six sects, and it becomes a habit to shout and shout."

"And those sects?"

"My Pill Spirit Sect is one sect, the Sword Blessing Sect is another sect, the Luoxia Sect is another sect, and there are the Thousand Illusion Sect, Demon Flame Sect, Blood Killing Sect, and the three demon sects." Xiaoxue said while breaking her fingers.

"The way of magic? Why is the way of magic included?" Li Xiuxian frowned. Due to the relationship with the Moyun sect, Li Xiuxian didn't have a good impression of the sect of the way of magic.

"It's normal. Although there will be some small conflicts between the various sects, the six major sects still get along relatively peacefully. The three sects of the righteous way and the three sects of the devil are about the same in strength, and no one can do anything to the other." Xiaoxue Said.

"Which of these sects is the strongest?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"They're all about the same. If you insist on asking, the Sword Sword Villa and the Demon Flame Gate are stronger." Xiaoxue said.

After Li Xiuxian listened to Xiaoxue's explanation, he also had a more general concept of the Six Schools of Martial Arts. The Six Schools of Martial Arts is a platform for younger disciples from various sects in Qingzhou to compete with each other. Zong Huiwu will solve it.

Due to the potential threat of the wild protoss in the south of Qingzhou, the factions in Qingzhou saw that it was relatively peaceful, and there were not many wars.

Of course, this An Ning is only compared to some big sects, some third-rate sects are not so lucky, and if they encounter an evil star, all the sects will be wiped out.

Wei Sheng of the last alchemy sect only got No.5, but thinking about it ten years ago, Wei Sheng was probably only at the early stage of foundation establishment. Not bad.

But this also means that four of the six factions were stronger than Wei Sheng ten years ago, and they probably won't be so weak ten years later.

"If you participate, you must be careful of the blood-handed god Tu of the Demon Flame Sect, Yun Xiaotian, who is cruel and ruthless, and countless disciples died at his hands. No one survived, and the rest of the monks were so scared that they didn't dare to go on stage." Xiaoxue reminded.

"He killed so many sect disciples, and those sects didn't respond?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Even if there is, so what? The Demon Flame Sect is so powerful that ordinary sects don't dare to be their enemies." Xiaoxue said.

"Thank you for your reminder." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"You still have a bit of conscience!" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian proudly.

Li Xiuxian also deeply remembered the name Yun Xiaotian in his heart, and only hoped that this time the Six Schools of Martial Arts would not encounter this blood-handed god, otherwise it would be really difficult.

"What are you going to do next? You won't be retreating again, right?" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian sadly.

"No, there's only one month left, what kind of door is closed!" Li Xiuxian said with a wry smile.

"That's good, go to Frost Canyon with me!" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian with a smile.

"You're crazy!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help shouting.

Li Xiuxian has a deep understanding of how dangerous the Frost Grand Canyon is. Just entering the Frost Grand Canyon for hundreds of miles is dangerous. Li Xiuxian doesn't want to enter it again, unless he can have Wei Sheng's strength sometime.

"Why are you so timid? Is the Frost Grand Canyon not a place to eat people?" Xiaoxue said disdainfully.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly, this Xiaoxue is really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, Li Xiuxian admits that Xia Xue's cultivation base is good, and the magic weapon on his body is also extremely sophisticated, but this doesn't mean anything, even Li Xiuxian can easily take him down, let alone Bingshuang There are many crises in the Grand Canyon.

"Just be safe. If you really want to go, go find Wei Sheng. Among the Neizong, he is probably the only one who has the guts to enter the Frost Canyon." Li Xiuxian said.

"If you want to tell me, I've been there a long time ago, but Senior Brother Wei Sheng is still in retreat, otherwise why would I come to you?"

"I still want to live for a while, so you can let me go." Li Xiuxian said with a wry smile.

"It's really boring, then you go out with me, I haven't gone down the mountain for a long time, I want to go to the common world to have fun." Xiaoxue said.

Li Xiuxian hesitated for a while, thinking that this ordinary world could not be more dangerous than the Grand Canyon of Frost, and it would be a good choice to take a walk down the mountain.

After becoming a disciple of the Inner Sect, Li Xiuxian has a lot more time for himself. Unless there is an urgent matter in the sect, Li Xiuxian can do whatever he wants.

As for those tasks, you can do them or not, as long as you live on, no one will care if you don’t do them for ten years.

However, this kind of situation rarely happens to the disciples who enter the inner sect. After entering the inner sect, it is much easier to earn points. The monthly salary of the sect alone can't do much. Whenever they have time, these inner sect disciples will take on some tasks. Earn points.

Li Xiuxian hadn't gone down the mountain since he entered the Pill Spirit Sect, but he missed the ordinary prosperity a little bit.

"Where are you going?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Go to Xuanjing, the capital of the Daxuan Dynasty!" Xiaoxue said excitedly.

"Xuanjing, there should be the ancestor of Jiedan sitting there." Li Xiuxian asked.

"It seems to be that the emperor of the Daxuan Dynasty was at the early stage of alchemy." Xiaoxue nodded.

Speaking of the Daxuan Dynasty, it seems that it is still a subsidiary dynasty of the Pill Spirit Sect, and it will pay a large amount of spiritual stones and magic weapons to the Pill Spirit Sect every year in exchange for the protection of the Pill Spirit Sect.

In Qingzhou, there are no less than ten small and medium-sized dynasties that are only attached to the Dan Lingzong. There are also some families, aristocratic families and the like. It's a very common thing at all.

It is these dynasties and aristocratic families that continuously provide the sect with fresh blood, and the sect also makes efforts to protect these aristocratic families and dynasties. The two parties have a mutually beneficial relationship.

As far as Li Xiuxian knew, in the Daxuan Dynasty, there was an elder of the Pill Spirit Sect who served as the national teacher.

"It seems that there is a mission to go to Xuanjing in the inner sect!" Li Xiuxian suddenly thought.

"Follow me to see!"

"Send Elder Tantai's relics back to the Tantai family, three hundred points."

The Tantai family is one of the best families in the Daxuan Dynasty, and there is no other reason, that is, there is an ancestor in the alchemy period sitting in the town.

Thanks to the care of the ancestor Jiedan, the Tantai family has had the wind and the rain for hundreds of years, and even the Daxuan royal family has treated them with courtesy.

However, Patriarch Jiedan is also a human being and will die. Two months ago, the only Patriarch Jiedan of the Tantai family sat down and put all his savings in a storage bag before he died. Send these things back to the Tantai Family.

Li Xiuxian also sighed when he saw this task. The ancestor of Jiedan seems to have infinite scenery, but if he can't go further, the only thing waiting for him is the result of sitting down.

Three hundred sect points are not too much, and the young master is not too much, but if it is taken along the way, there is no need to worry about so much.

After accepting this task, the cultivator in the miscellaneous affairs office handed over the storage bag to Li Xiuxian.

The soul imprint on this storage bag is not damaged, so there is no need to worry about someone stealing the contents.

Dan Lingzong also has an unwritten rule. After the elder Jiedan sits down, the sect will take back the magic weapon on him and put it in the scripture storage pavilion, so there will be no too precious things in this storage bag Otherwise, I wouldn't be so relieved to put it in the chores department.

However, this gimmick alone is enough to tempt people's heart for the collection of the ancestor of Jiedan's life. Holding such a storage bag is a great test for Li Xiuxian's heart.

"Let's go, it will take more than half a month to go back and forth!" Xiaoxue muttered.

"Okay, let's go!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

When Xiaoxue saw the flying sword under Li Xiuxian's feet, she couldn't help curling her lips: "As you are, with this level of flying sword, you are not afraid of being laughed at by others."

It turned out that the flying sword under Li Xiuxian's feet was only middle-grade, so it's no wonder that Xiaoxue despised it.

"It's better to be restrained when going out. A monk like you who is full of treasures can easily be robbed by others." Li Xiuxian laughed.

"Hmph! I don't see who would dare, that thieves don't have eyes and dare to rob me, I want him to taste the power of this Hunyuan Xianling!" Xiaoxue clenched her fists tightly.

I don't know if Li Xiuxian is a crow's mouth, but not long after he finished speaking, a dark green flying knife suddenly appeared, and the target was Xiaoxue who was full of aura!
Xiaoxue was so shocked that she even forgot to dodge. She who is usually pampered and pampered, when has she ever experienced such a dangerous scene!
Stab it!

Seeing a flash of thunder in the sky, Xiaoxue felt a huge force coming from her back, and she left the original place in an instant, and the dark green throwing knife flew into the air!

At the moment of lightning and flint, Li Xiuxian pulled Xiaoxue away to save her from being murdered!
Li Xiuxian himself was in a cold sweat. Xiaoxue's position in the Pill Spirit Sect was not simple. If something happened to her by his side, he might not be able to get away with it!

"Stinky boy, you dare to ruin my good deeds!"

"Ah! What an ugly person!" Xiaoxue couldn't help but screamed when she saw this person's face.

But this person's appearance is indeed a bit scary, there is not a single part of his body that is intact, and his face is even more hideous!

Being called ugly in front of someone, this person was furious: "I want to die!"

Countless flying insects appeared on this person, rushing towards Li Xiuxian.

"Raise worms with your body!" Li Xiuxian was startled.

No wonder this person looks so abstract. It turns out that he has practiced this kind of evil technique, using his own body as a nourishment for poisonous insects. Such a disgusting practice is actually willing to practice!
"It's Yongzhou's Wandumen!" Xiaoxue was shocked!
"I still have some knowledge!" The ugly monk sneered!
"Five Thunder God Palms!" With Li Xiuxian's palm strike, countless thunderbolts formed a grid, and these disgusting bugs couldn't get over the thunder pool even half a step.

The distance between Yongzhou and Qingzhou is more than a million miles. How could the monks from Yongzhou come to the border of Qingzhou, and even engaged in robbing houses?
"Boy, you are hiding something!" The ugly monk looked at Li Xiuxian.

"Your Excellency, you and I have no grievances in the past, and we have no grudges these days. Why do we have to fight to the death? How about just letting us go?" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"Hmph, I usually hate this little boy like you the most. I just see you unhappy today, and today I want to kill you couple! Let you dare to say that I am ugly!" the ugly-faced monk roared.

(End of this chapter)

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