Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 220 Insect Control Monk

Chapter 220 Insect Control Monk
Because something went wrong in the practice of poisonous kung fu, resulting in the current appearance of neither human nor ghost, ugly people are most jealous of others saying that they are ugly, and Xiaoxue's exclamation just now has violated his big taboo.

"Misfortune comes from your mouth, you have to remember in the future, don't be so high-profile when you go out!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but glanced at Xiaoxue.

"You couple, go to hell!" Numerous milky-white worms emerged from the ugly-faced cultivator's body, and there was a long straw on the head of these worms!

"Brain-eating worms, you must not be touched by them. Once touched by them, they will enter your head along your blood and suck your brains dry!" Xiaoxue's face changed drastically.

Li Xiuxian's face was also a bit dignified. This was the first time he had fought against this kind of insect-controlling monk, and this person was born in the family of ten thousand poisons, so he must have a deep research on poison techniques. If he was poisoned, he would be in trouble!

However, with Xiaoxue's reminder, Li Xiuxian felt a little more confident. Although this Xiaoxue is not strong enough, she knows some secret things, even the Yongzhou Wandu Sect.

These milky white brain-eating worms were extremely fast. They were still on the ugly-faced monk just now, their body bent slightly, and with a flick of force, they came to Li Xiuxian in the blink of an eye!
"It's so fast!" Li Xiuxian was shocked, if it was an ordinary monk, he would really make such an ugly face.

But compared to the speed, Li Xiuxian has never been afraid. A single Thunder Escape technique is enough to make him proud of his peers, not to mention the even more powerful Purple Thunder Fire Escape.

The purple lightning flashed across Li Xiuxian's body, and completely disappeared in front of the ugly-faced monk.

"What a quick way to escape!" The ugly-faced monk was shocked!
"Ding!" Li Xiuxian who appeared suddenly looked at the ugly monk with a stiff face.

His surprise attack turned out to be fruitless, and the surface of this ugly-faced monk was so hard that even the five Thunder God Whips couldn't pierce an inch!
Li Xiuxian was startled, and this ugly-faced monk was even more horrified. If it hadn't released a large number of weevils on the surface of its body in time, it would have suffered a big loss from this move.

However, most of the weevil beetles that reached the second level of monsters were killed or injured, which made the ugly-faced monk very heartbroken!

The weevil beetle is only the size of a thumb, but its body is extremely hard. The weevil beetle that has reached the second level of monsters is the best among them. Killed more than 60 of them at once!

"You...you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!" the ugly-faced monk roared.

Wandumen is located in Dulongling in Yongzhou, where the mountains and rivers are poor, and almost no monks are willing to stay in that place full of miasma and poisonous fog.

Poisonous insects are everywhere on the Poisonous Dragon Ridge. Once an ordinary monk enters, he will be attacked by countless poisonous insects and beasts. Even a monk who has formed a pill does not dare to step into it easily.

But Wan Dumen can survive in this Dulong Ridge, and tame the poisonous insects in Dulong Ridge, and even developed a set of evil sect's poisoning skills mainly based on poisonous insects.

If we talk about the strongest sect in Middle-earth, perhaps no one can name an exact name, but if we talk about the most disgusting sect, I am afraid that the ten thousand poisonous sect is the only one.

Due to the weirdness of Wandumen's poisonous kung fu, people who practice this poisonous kung fu become extremely ugly, and the uglier they are, the stronger their cultivation base is. Turning into a huge insect nest, there will be countless poisonous insects to help in the battle.

But the Wandu sect monk who robbed Li Xiuxian and the others obviously hasn't reached that point yet!
"Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?" Li Xiuxian sneered, and dozens of thunder beads shot out from the Five Thunder God Whip in his hand.

These dozens of thunder beads exploded in the insect swarm, and the poisonous insects fell like raindrops. In an instant, tens of thousands died!
The ugly-faced monk's face changed: "Ancient treasure!"

"What on earth are you coming from to own an ancient treasure!" The ugly-faced monk was shocked!
"Ask the origin of the robbery!" Li Xiuxian sneered, and the five Thunder God whips flew out, and a thunderbolt as thick as a bowl struck the ugly-faced monk!

"Buzz buzz!" A lot of bugs crawled out of the ugly-faced monk's ears, flew up into the sky, formed a circle in the air, and blocked the thunder and lightning!

"Zizizi!" These bugs are not afraid of thunder and lightning!
A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the ugly-faced cultivator. Li Xiuxian showed extraordinary strength in a short fight. If it hadn't been for several poisonous insects, he might really suffer in Li Xiuxian's hands.

"The lightning worms are back!" The ugly-faced cultivator waved his hand, and these bugs that were constantly flashing with lightning came back to the ugly-faced cultivator's body, and penetrated into the ugly-faced cultivator's body through the ear hole!

Seeing this disgusting scene, Xiaoxue almost vomited, even Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, this Wandumen's technique is too evil!
The mouth of the ugly-faced monk kept wriggling, as if he was chewing something. Seeing this scene, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb. When he thought of this disgusting monk chewing these poisonous insects in his mouth, Li Xiuxian felt nauseous. cold.

However, Li Xiuxian also put up all his energy, this ugly-faced cultivator would definitely not be aimless, there must be some mystery in it!

"Pfft!" I saw a white thing fly out of the ugly monk's mouth!

Just as Li Xiuxian was about to use the Five Thunder Whips to resist, the white thing exploded instantly, and a light green gas filled the air instantly!
"Toxic! Don't breathe!" Li Xiuxian was shocked!

But it was too late for Li Xiuxian to remind. Xiaoxue, who had no actual combat experience, could not have a sharp intuition for danger like Li Xiuxian did. She also held her breath after Li Xiuxian reminded her, and she had already inhaled a small amount of light green poisonous mist!
"Puff puff puff!" The ugly-faced monk sneered, and a large amount of white particles spewed out of his mouth.

These white things exploded when they approached Li Xiuxian, and a large amount of poisonous mist wrapped Li Xiuxian in it. Even if Li Xiuxian didn't breathe, he would be corroded by the poisonous mist!

Stab it!

The bright thunder and lightning split a gap in the pale green poisonous mist instantly, but before Li Xiuxian rushed out, the gap has been automatically restored!
"What the hell is this?"

"Hahaha, no problem, these are the hatchlings of poisonous insects that I worked so hard to collect, and this is just an appetizer!" The ugly-faced monk laughed wildly.

"This... this is..." Li Xiuxian actually saw some tiny black spots in the light green poisonous mist!

These tiny black spots are actually devouring the poisonous mist, and their bodies will swell a bit every time they swallow up a portion of the poisonous mist!
These tiny black spots turned out to be poisonous insects. If these poisonous insects were allowed to grow up, Li Xiuxian would die without a place to bury him!
"The clone of the red lotus!" Li Xiuxian hastily summoned the clone of the red lotus.

As soon as the avatar came out, the surrounding temperature instantly increased several times. The poisonous insects seemed to be afraid of the red lotus avatar. They stepped back a few steps, and the light green poisonous mist also retreated as soon as the poisonous insects retreated.

Li Xiuxian suddenly realized that these light green poisonous mist are all composed of poisonous insects. In addition to these black poisonous insects, there are so many poisonous insects. Inhaling these light green poisonous mist means inhaling a large number of poisonous insects into the body. One bite is enough to kill!

Li Xiuxian hastily immersed his spiritual consciousness into Xiaoxue's body. At this time, small green dots appeared in Xiaoxue's blood. These small dots continued to devour Xiaoxue's blood and reproduce continuously. No guarantee!

Li Xiuxian frowned, and poured spiritual power into Xiaoxue's body. Although these poisonous insects were difficult to deal with, they were extremely fragile, and the spiritual power would be wiped out as soon as the spiritual power was twisted!

However, Li Xiuxian discovered that this method is a temporary solution, not the root cause. These poisonous insects will leave dozens of eggs after death. These eggs will hatch as soon as they touch the blood. If you kill one, dozens of them will come out, and you can't kill them all!

"What a vicious method!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"If you get hit by my Gu worm, you will definitely die!" The ugly-faced monk laughed loudly.

"Then let you come to be buried with me!" The red lotus fire exploded in an instant, and the light green poisonous mist hurriedly retreated under the burning of the red lotus fire!

"Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire!" The ugly-faced monk was shocked!
Gu worms are naturally afraid of fire, but after being cultivated by the monks of the Wandu Sect, they have a strong resistance to the monk's spiritual fire, but they are not enough for the heaven and earth spirit fire. Every kind of heaven and earth spirit fire contains terrifying energy!

"Speak! The way to detoxify!" A chill came out of Li Xiuxian's body, and the poisonous mist close to his body turned into ice cubes!

"Bing Ling Leng Huo! You actually have two kinds of heaven and earth spirit fire!" The ugly-faced monk was shocked.

It is a great luck to get one kind of heaven and earth spirit fire, but this person actually has two kinds of heaven and earth spirit fire!

"Flee!" A large number of poisonous insects emerged from the ugly-faced monk, and these poisonous insects rushed forward one after another, rushing towards Li Xiuxian fearlessly.

But none of the poisonous insects could get within ten feet of Li Xiuxian, and they were either burned to ashes or frozen into ice cubes!

"Want to run?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

The purple thunder flashed by, and instantly caught the ugly-faced cultivator, and stepped on the ground with one foot!

"Hand over the antidote!" Li Xiuxian's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Don't even think about it, if you kill me, the chick next to you won't even want to live!" The ugly-faced monk sneered.

"Hand it over for the last time!" Li Xiuxian's eyes were red.

"Hahaha, I want your woman to accompany me..."

"Bang!" The ugly-faced monk's head burst instantly!
Li Xiuxian looked at the ugly-faced monk's body coldly. Once the ugly-faced monk died, the poisonous insects parasitic on his body turned into blood one after another. After taking off the ugly-faced monk's storage bag, Li Xiuxian searched for the antidote .

But there is no antidote that Li Xiuxian wants in this storage bag except for some bottles and cans, and the extremely fast jade slips!
Seeing the green energy on Xiaoxue's face, Li Xiuxian's heart sank violently, and hastily sealed Xiaoxue's heart veins with spiritual power. If the poisonous insects invaded the heart veins, it would really be hopeless!
"Qingxin Jiedu Pill, let's see if it works!" Li Xiuxian stuffed Qingxin Jiedu Pill into Xiaoxue's mouth.

As soon as the elixir was ingested, it turned into a wave of heat that spread throughout Xiaoxue's limbs and bones, and the spreading poisonous gas was also stagnated, but it was only able to resist the spreading poisonous insects, it was impossible to expel them.

"Bell Spirit Stone Milk!" Li Xiuxian had a flash of inspiration.

Zhonglingshi milk is the most precious treasure in the world, it has the effect of life and death, human flesh and bones, and can cure all kinds of poisons!

Li Xiuxian hurriedly poured a bottle of stalactite milk into Xiaoxue's mouth, and looked at Xiaoxue nervously!

This bell spirit stone milk is indeed the most precious treasure in the world, every drop is extremely precious, the green color on Xiaoxue's face fades instantly after this bottle is poured!
(End of this chapter)

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