Chapter 221
Seeing that Xiaoxue was safe and sound, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If something happened to Xiaoxue, he would really have no choice but to flee to the end of the world. He couldn't bear the anger of the alchemy cultivator.

After a stick of incense, Xiaoxue woke up leisurely.

Looking at Li Xiuxian in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's over!" Li Xiuxian's hanging heart was completely relieved.

"Bang!" Li Xiuxian slapped Xiaoxue on the back!
"Wow!" A mouthful of light green poisonous blood spurted out!

" bully me!"

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly: "If it wasn't for me, you would have died a long time ago. Look, these are poisonous insects in your body!"

Xiaoxue sniffed her nose: "It's disgusting, I don't want to watch it!"

These are poisonous insects in Xiaoxue's body. Although they are dead, staying in Xiaoxue's body for a long time is also a hidden danger. Li Xiuxian uses his own spiritual power to help Xiaoxue force these poisonous insects out. It is also a challenge for him. Damage Xiaoxue's body.

"Remember what I said in the future, there is no need for the Pill Spirit Sect outside, and it is better to restrain your outfit." Li Xiuxian said.

"Oh!" Xiaoxue lowered her head, and put away all the top-grade instruments on her body.

Xiaoxue who has lost her aura has a special flavor, like a lotus flower with a pure heart!

"Do you have an ordinary magic weapon? If not, I will lend it to you!" Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"Really not!" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian in embarrassment.

With her status, the most inferior magical artifacts on her body are probably more difficult to find a top-grade magical artifact on her body than an ancient treasure on a casual cultivator.

Li Xiuxian smiled, and handed a soft water sword to Xiaoxue: "A middle-grade magic weapon, let's use it alive."

In order to take care of the injured Xiaoxue, Li Xiuxian deliberately slowed down his pace. Originally, it only took seven days to travel, but it took him ten days to arrive.

When the vast Xuanjing City appeared in front of Li Xiuxian, Li Xiuxian couldn't help admiring the magnificence of the Xuanjing City. Just that majestic imperial city would take a lot of manpower and financial resources to build. The entire Xuanjing City has The formation is guarded, and the spirit stones that maintain this formation every day are an astronomical number.

However, for Xuanjing City, although these cost a lot of spirit stones, just relying on the taxes in Xuanjing City is enough to offset the high cost.

Xuanjing City is extremely prosperous, and there are a large number of monks trading here every day, and the tax revenue in a day is also a terrifying figure.

Li Xiuxian has also heard that there are tens of millions of spirit stones flowing in Xuanjing city alone in a day, and Xuanjing city will hand over a large amount of spirit stones to Dan Lingzong every month. As for the number, it is beyond Li Xiuxian's ability to know. .

"The cultivation level of Qi training is perfect." Li Xiuxian could clearly see the cultivation level of the two guards guarding the city gate with just a glance.

The strength of the Daxuan Dynasty is also quite good. An ordinary soldier can be a mortal, but if he wants to be an official, he must have a cultivation base. The higher the cultivation base, the higher the climb. The Daxuan Dynasty is also one of the best dynasties in Qingzhou.

Li Xiuxian showed the identity badge of Dan Lingzong, and the eyes of the two soldiers guarding the city gate lit up, and they gave a military salute to Li Xiuxian.

The Daxuan Dynasty is a subsidiary of the Pill Spirit Sect, and treats the disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect with great courtesy, and dare not be rude in the slightest.

Xiaoxue looked at the bustling Xuanjing City quite excitedly, as if she was very interested in everything here.

"Have you never gone down the mountain?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking when he saw Xiaoxue's "hungry and thirsty" appearance.

"I seldom come down. Grandpa is with me every time. He doesn't let me run around at all. It's boring!" Xiaoxue said.

"Has your grandfather not come back yet?"

"Well, I said I was going out to find some elixir for alchemy. It's been almost a year since I went out, and I haven't come back yet." Xiaoxue nodded.

"But that's okay, if he's been in the Pill Spirit Sect, I won't have a chance to come out to play at all!" Xiaoxue said with a smile.

Li Xiuxian shook his head involuntarily: "Let's get down to business first, I'll give this storage bag to the people of the Tantai family first, and after finishing this matter, I'll take a stroll around Xuanjing City with you!"

"En! Hurry up!" Xiaoxue urged Li Xiuxian, holding Li Xiuxian's hand.I can't wait for Li Xiuxian to finish the matter now.

Suddenly the ground shook violently, and the expressions of the people on the whole street changed, and they hurriedly hid aside!
Five burly bay red horses rushed straight towards a carriage inlaid with gold and inlaid with jade!

"Spirit beast?" Li Xiuxian frowned.

These five claret horses turned out to be spirit beasts. Although they were only first-level low-grade spirit beasts, using spirit beasts to pull a cart was quite a feat.

"Go away!" The boy driving the car saw that there was still someone standing in the middle of the road, so he whipped him up!
This whip turned out to be directly aimed at Xiaoxue's face!

"The dog fights the power of the people!" Li Xiuxian's figure flashed, and the whip was held in his hand.

"Inferior magic weapon." Li Xiuxian sneered, pulled the young servant down with force, and burned the whip with a ball of flames in his hand!
"Bold! How dare you even stop the Third Prince's carriage!" The servant roared.

This boy actually has a cultivation base, but the cultivation base of the sixth level of Qi training is really nothing in Li Xiuxian's eyes, and he knocked the boy to the ground with a single blazing finger.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be very good." Xiaoxue clapped her hands to cheer.

Li Xiuxian smiled: "If I still have to pester a disciple in the Qi training period, where will I save my face?"

"Where is the person so bold! Even dare to hit the prince's dog?" An angry roar came from the carriage.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning: "Then please take care of your dog!

"My prince's dog is naturally trained by me, so there's no need for you to do it for me!" The curtain on the carriage was lifted, and a young man dressed in Washington looked at Li Xiuxian with an angry face.

"Hey! The little snake in your hand is not bad. This prince wants it. How much is it? Let's make a price." The third prince looked at the flower scale dragon wrapped around Xiaoxue's hand and said.

The flower-scaled dragon that has shrunk countless times is indeed similar to a small snake, but the aura of being a second-level peak monster is still there, and the third prince has taken a fancy to the flower-scaled dragon at a glance.

"Don't sell it!" Xiaoxue covered the scales as if she was afraid of being snatched away by the third prince.

The third prince's jealousy flashed with murderous intent, no one has ever dared to disobey him in Xuanjing City, this chick is simply impatient!
The undisguised murderous intent of the third prince naturally cannot escape Li Xiuxian's eyes, and Li Xiuxian did not expect that the third prince's murderous intent would be the result of a disagreement!
But Li Xiuxian is not a person who is afraid of things. A third prince of the subordinate dynasty of the Pill Spirit Sect dares to be so presumptuous. There is a Xiaoxue who even Elder Lian Dan wants to please!

If Li Xiuxian killed the three princes on the spot at this time, the Daxuan Dynasty wouldn't even dare to fart!
The Daxuan Dynasty seems to be powerful, and the current king is even a master in the alchemy period. Maybe there are some masters in the Daxuan Dynasty, but once it loses the protection of the Pill Spirit Sect, the Daxuan Dynasty will be destroyed by the surrounding countries in an instant. captured.

A dynasty and a prince, which is more important, I believe the king of the Daxuan Dynasty is very clear.

"If I don't sell you, what will you do to me?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to see someone who is even more arrogant than me today. Today you have to sell it, and you have to sell it if you don't!" The third prince shouted.

"Papa!" The three princes were stunned by the sudden two slaps.

Not only the third prince, but even Li Xiuxian and Xiaoxue looked at this person who dared to slap the third prince in surprise!
"Evil barrier! Don't kneel down yet!" The young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes roared angrily.

"Brother!" The third prince was like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Kneel down!" the man roared!
Although the third prince is arrogant and domineering, he is like a sick cat in front of the eldest prince, not daring to resist at all!

"You two, I'm not strict in discipline, so I'll offend you."

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Forget it, let's forget about it, and take care of your younger brother in the future!"

"Definitely, definitely!" The eldest prince nodded.

"Brother..." The third prince wanted to say something, but was slapped down by the first prince!
After Li Xiuxian and Xiaoxue walked away, the eldest prince helped the third prince up: "Do you know your mistake?"

The third prince nodded: "I know I was wrong."

The eldest prince slapped him again angrily: "You know what's wrong, I don't think you even know where your mistakes are, do you know who these two people are? How dare you pay attention to these two people!"

"What identity?" The third prince was taken aback.

"You... If my mother didn't ask me to take good care of you before she died, I really want to slap you to death!" The eldest prince said angrily.

"Do these two people have any background?" With such a shivering body, there must be no background. " said the third prince.

"You..." The eldest prince looked as if he hated iron.

"These two are disciples of the inner sect of the Pill Spirit Sect. Are you looking for death if you hit them carefully? If I didn't come in time, I'm afraid your head is already in a different place!"

"Impossible! On them..."

"Shut up, go back and reflect on yourself!" The eldest prince grabbed the third prince and flew directly to the imperial city.

The Tantai family is also one of the best in Xuanjing City, it is not difficult to find the location of the Tantai family.

After Li Xiuxian and the others revealed the token of the Pill Spirit Sect, the people of the Tantai family invited them into the Tantai family as if they were inviting their ancestors.

"Old man Tantai Lin, what is the purpose of the two envoys coming here?"

Li Xiuxian didn't say much, and directly handed a jade slip and storage bag to Tantai Lin: "Everything is recorded in this jade slip, these things are the relics of Elder Tantai."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, Tantai Lin seemed to have lost all his support, and slumped on the chair: "Uncle he... Uncle he..."

"Elder Tantai's deadline has come, and he will sit down two months ago." Li Xiuxian said.

"This... this..." Tantai Lin couldn't believe the news was true.

The Tantai family's glory today is all due to their uncle Tantai Zhanfeng. As long as Tantai Zhanfeng is still there, the Tantai family will not fall in Xuanjing City!
Although he knew that there would be such a day sooner or later, Tantai Lin still couldn't accept it when this day came. The loss of an ancestor who formed an alchemy would be a fatal blow to the Tantai family, even if the Tantai family could survive , but it is no longer the glory of the past!
(End of this chapter)

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