Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 222 Xuanjing City

Chapter 222 Xuanjing City

"Patriarch Tantai, please mourn." Li Xiuxian persuaded.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that it's hard to accept for a while." Tantai Lin shook his head.

"Come here, call the two envoys to stay."

"No, we both have something to do, so let's leave!" Li Xiuxian said.

"Since you two have something to do, I won't stay any longer!" Tantai Lin nodded.

Li Xiuxian cupped his hands and left the Tantai family under the leadership of the servant!
"The matter is over, let's go play!" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian excitedly.

"Well, but it's agreed, we can only stay here for two days, after two days we have to rush back to Pill Spirit Sect." Li Xiuxian said.

"I know, I know, you are so wordy, you can talk better than my grandfather." Xiaoxue interrupted Li Xiuxian impatiently, and dragged Li Xiuxian to run around in the streets of Xuanjing City.

Xiaoxue's targets are all mortal shops. As for those shops that sell things for cultivators, she is not even interested in taking a look. After all, there are not many things that she can take a fancy to in such small shops.

Clay figurines, candied haws, these things that can be seen everywhere in the world, make Xiaoxue smile, happier than getting a top-quality magic weapon.

Some people saw that he was well-dressed and that he looked like an outsider, so they all thought they had met a fat sheep, and they all drank and recommended things from their stalls.

Xiaoxue had never seen such a battle before, she was immediately fooled by this group of people and couldn't find her way, she reached out to take out the spirit stone from the storage bag.

It's a pity, for Li Xiuxian, what can escape his eyes, those things on the stalls look like shoddy goods, to deceive those newcomers who don't know the goods, how could Li Xiuxian be fooled by them.

At the moment, Ju smiled slightly, and once someone came forward to offer him a reward, he would refuse them all.

Of course, they won’t point it out on purpose. Everyone has their own way of living, and this is also their way of living. It’s impossible for him to force you to buy and sell. It all depends on your own eyesight. .

If you have the intention of making a profit, even if you are fooled, you can't blame others.

Of course, occasionally there are some good things on the street stalls outside, but it takes a lot of time to find them out, Li Xiuxian doesn't have the skill.

Really good things are not casually placed on the stalls like this, unless the owner is ignorant of the goods, and it is not uncommon to occasionally check for leaks.

However, for those who really want to buy some good things, they still have to go to the shops on both sides. Although the price may be a little higher, it is much more convenient and easy to find.

Moreover, quality, reputation and so on are also guaranteed.

People sell and buy some more expensive things, but they would rather go to the small shops on both sides of the street than the street stalls.

However, although he rejected their promotion, Li Xiuxian still watched it with great interest. He had never been in contact with such a place and such a crowd. It was the first time he came to Xuanjing City, so naturally everything he saw was new.

Compared to Li Xiuxian's looking around, Xiaoxue is not so elegant, her hands are full of candied haws, and a basket of roast chicken is hanging on her back. She doesn't look like a cultivator, even Li Xiuxian pretends not to know her light snow.

There are many mortals in Xuanjing City, and there are also many monks. After being seen by these monks, Li Xiuxian really wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.

What troubled Li Xiuxian the most was that this Xiaoxue lost her image without her image, she yelled while walking while eating.

"Miss, stop playing, others think you are a beggar!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"I don't care what they do, as long as I'm happy. This candied gourd is really good, I'll buy some more. One spirit stone can buy a basket!" Xiaoxue said with a smile.

"That's right, you made the stall owner feel stupid when you brought out a piece of spirit stone. I'm afraid such a fat sheep is rare." Li Xiuxian rolled his eyes and said.

After Xiaoxue swallowed the candied haws, she licked the syrup on her hands. She had to admit that this vulgar action looked playful and cute in Xiaoxue's hands.

"Are ordinary things so delicious?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

"It's much more delicious than that bigu pill." Xiaoxue said with a smile.

Li Xiuxian shook his head involuntarily. For him, he can't avoid these things. His spiritual root is poor. If he eats these miscellaneous things again, he will never be able to get ahead in this life. As long as there is a trace of harm , Li Xiuxian will put an end to it.

However, Xiaoxue's spiritual root is very good, it is a nine-level spiritual root. Even if these mundane things have some side effects, they are extremely limited.

Walking, unknowingly, Li Xiuxian has come to the end of the street. On a dilapidated wooden board, there are three big characters "auction house", among which the word "Xing" is missing one side. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a The way an "auction house" should be.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, a thin, black and thin boy who looked a little yellow and hungry came to Li Xiuxian cautiously, and asked Li Xiuxian in a low voice: "Master Immortal Master, do you want to buy some spiritual treasures?"


When Li Xiuxian turned his head, seeing the cautious look of the black and thin boy, he smiled unconsciously and asked, "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

His original intention was just to ask casually, and he didn't really intend to buy anything.Coming here is purely passing by, early tomorrow morning, he and Xiaoxue will leave this place, and the Six Sect Martial Arts will start soon, he must not miss this important event.

Therefore, before coming here, he did not pay too much attention to Xuanjing City. If Xiaoxue hadn't stalked him to accompany him, he would not have come to Xuanjing City at all, and naturally he would have nothing to buy. It's just a little funny to see the boy like this, so he replied like this.

No, what the boy said made him a little interested.

"My lord, tonight in Xuanjing, there will be a small underground auction. It is said that many good things will appear, such as high-level panacea, cultivation techniques, even fourth-level spiritual herbs, and some extremely precious magic weapons. Appeared, adults are interested, go and have a look?"


Li Xiuxian's eyes moved, but his heart was a little bit excited. At an ordinary auction, no matter how small, there must be two finale items, which must be very good. However, Xuanjing City is the capital of a dynasty. There will be one or two things that are very strange, but they are not fake.

"Auction! Alright, I'm going!" Xiaoxue became energetic as soon as she heard that there was an auction. After stuffing a large basket of food into the storage bag, she begged Li Xiuxian to go to the auction.

He had nothing to do, nodded immediately and said: "Alright, then take me there."

At this moment, he also understood what this black and thin boy was doing.

Obviously, this must be a profession, recruiting customers for major auction houses and underground stores, and then earning a meager share according to the transaction ratio to support themselves.

Such people are not uncommon, and such people exist in Yizhou.

They live on this, the more customers they attract, the more transactions they make, the more profits they can get, but most of them will still be miserable.

Because, there are often not many transactions that can really be facilitated, especially, even in such a seemingly humble industry, there are still many poor people competing in it, and the rewards that everyone can share will be even greater. thin.

For those of them who have no strength to restrain chickens, who are not capable of going into the mountains to hunt monsters, but who don't have many skills to support their families.

Even an extremely meager income is enough for them to survive in Xuanjing City.

For this, they are already extremely satisfied, as for more others, they really dare not expect extravagantly.

And what they look forward to the most every day is also what they are often disappointed with. Maybe it is to find someone with some financial resources. Under their guidance, they can buy one or two things in the auction house in Xuanjing City.

In this way, perhaps they can rely on the meager cut income of their one or two transactions to survive.

Occasionally, when you are lucky, you can meet one or two wealthy and generous people. Such people are usually the customers they are most eager to see, because such people are qualified to buy those more precious things.

Correspondingly, selling one of these things may be able to cover their usual harvest of more than ten days, or even dozens of days. Unfortunately, there are not many such opportunities, and most of the time they will still live in poverty.

However, all of this had nothing to do with Li Xiuxian. The black and thin young man in front of him was unusually shy. He also looked shy when he was soliciting business. From the looks of it, he was just a newcomer to this business.

For such a person, Li Xiuxian still has a slight liking for him, unlike other old oily people who can go up and down, fool you to death, and are tempered by life into a smooth person.

Such a person may have a much better life than a teenager, but Li Xiuxian doesn't like it.

Therefore, for now, Li Xiuxian is not a person who lacks spirit stones. If he wants to get them, he can get tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spirit stones into his account at any time.

Therefore, if, as the young man said, there is really something good at this auction, he would not mind helping the young man to reach a deal or two so that he would not return empty-handed tonight.

Of course, he will definitely not overflow with sympathy for no reason. He must have something he really wants before he will make a move. , I am sure that the spar spent like water is used as a little bit of capital to sympathize with others.

To strangers, he is just a passerby, and he doesn't need to be so generous.

"Okay, my lord, this way please..."

Hearing Li Xiuxian's agreement, the black and thin young man was overjoyed immediately, his name was Ah Ku, he was always slow in words, he always attracted the fewest deals, and his life was extremely difficult.

Just now I saw Li Xiuxian walking here alone, but he mustered up the courage to come up, but he was already very hungry, so he had to brace himself, he didn't want Li Xiuxian to be so talkative, and he agreed as soon as he said it.

Li Xiuxian nodded, and immediately, under the leadership of the black and thin boy, the two of them bypassed this long street and came to another more remote road. The lights here are much darker, but there is a large-scale The Monolith Auction House stands.

(End of this chapter)

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