Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 223 Underground Auction

Chapter 223 Underground Auction

But it was much better than the auction house that Li Xiuxian saw just now with half of its signboard broken.

At least, it still has a three-point momentum. Although it is simple, it is not ordinary.

The black and skinny boy Ah Ku stepped forward and knocked on the door, not long after, the door opened, and a thin old man's head in yellow clothes and a paper crown on his head poked out.

He glanced at the two of them first, and when he saw Li Xiuxian, his eyes lit up immediately, he waved his hand, and said to the black and thin boy: "Ah Ku, you did a good job this time, go on, after a cup of tea , the auction is about to start, you still have a little time."

"After the statistics are over, you can come to the front desk to receive the reward."

The black and thin young man Ah Ku happily left, and said goodbye to Li Xiuxian: "My lord, I'm taking my leave." Immediately, he left in a hurry, obviously to attract the next customer.

The black and skinny boy Ah Ku left, only Li Xiuxian, Xiaoxue and the old man in yellow were left in the arena. When they first came here, Li Xiuxian would naturally not be careless, and his vigilance had already been raised to the highest level.

And Xiaoxue still looked heartless, just looking around a lot.

But the old man turned a blind eye and said directly: "My lord, please follow me, the auction will start soon."

Li Xiuxian nodded and didn't say anything, he walked in with the thin old man. When he passed a dark cabinet, the old man handed Li Xiuxian two masks, Li Xiuxian put them on casually, and gave the other to Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue also looked at the mask with interest, she was pure in heart and didn't know what kind of role this mask was playing, maybe it was just for fun.

The further you go in, the darker it gets, and the auction site is not in the stone room in front of you, but under the stone room, after passing through a long corridor, a huge closed stone door appears in front of you.

The old man took a step forward and patted the door three times. Immediately, the door opened, and the light that came out at that moment made Li Xiuxian's eyes hurt slightly.

The old man in yellow bowed slightly to Li Xiuxian and said: "My lord, please come in, the auction is here, please find a seat and sit down, the auction will start in a while."

"I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first," the old man said before leaving.

Li Xiuxian nodded and walked in. He was slightly surprised by the scene in front of him.

Different from its appearance, what appeared in front of Li Xiuxian was a huge underground auction venue with bright lights.

This place can accommodate at least thousands of people sitting on the wall at the same time. The fist-sized luminous pearls light up one by one, like the bright moon in the sky, illuminating the auction house as bright as day. Li Xiuxian counted, a total of 24 .

Like night pearls, one is at least worth a thousand gold, but here it is used for lighting. It can be seen that Li Xiuxian still underestimated this auction house. It seems that it is not simple.

"The scale is much larger than the Wanjin Auction, and the things must be much better." Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

At the Wanjin Auction, a high-grade magic weapon is enough to shock the audience. Such a thing may not be possible here. Although a high-grade magic weapon is not as bad as a middle-grade magic weapon, it is not a rare thing.

On the front, there is a huge stone platform. On the platform, the curtain is closed. Obviously, the auction house has not officially started yet.

Li Xiuxian randomly found a secluded place, sat down, and immediately began to look at the people around him.

There are many people around who wear the same mask as him, but there are also a few people who show their true colors, and the aura revealed by these people is often very powerful, or dressed gorgeously, either rich or rich. Gui, obviously not a mortal.

At this time, in this auction house, there are already [-]% of the attendance rate. If it is normal, for a small auction house, this number may seem a bit shabby, but for this auction house, But it is already an extremely terrifying number.

Because that means that there are at least a thousand people present in this auction house at this time.

However, these have nothing to do with Li Xiuxian. When others saw him coming in, they didn't move their eyes. Only where Li Xiuxian chose to sit, there was a young man in white clothes who turned his head and glanced at Li Xiuxian.

If it wasn't for his attire, he would definitely be a man. At first glance, Li Xiuxian would even think he was a woman.

This young man, one of the few who did not choose to wear a mask, had a golden ancient sword embroidered on his chest, full of aura and vivid, which seemed to be a very special symbol.

Li Xiuxian's eyes narrowed slightly. It is impossible for him not to know this sign, and I am afraid that there are not many people in Qingzhou who do not know it.

"Worship the Golden Sword Disciple of Sword Villa!" Li Xiuxian's heart trembled.

The Golden Sword disciples in Baijian Villa are extremely rare, probably less than one hand, and their status is comparable to the top ten disciples of the Neizong of the Danling Sect, or even a little stronger.

Sword Worship Villa enters Taoism with a sword, with a sword in hand, the sword glow is extremely terrifying. It is modeled on the ancient sword cultivator, pursuing the highest state of unity of human and sword. This Sword Worship Villa is also the only one in Qingzhou who dares to fight the wild gods in close combat sect.

Li Xiuxian did not expect to meet a golden sword disciple in this small city of Xuanjing. Could it be that there is something heaven-defying in this underground auction that is attracting this golden sword disciple?

Xiaoxue also noticed this golden sword disciple: "Yu Wenxiao!"

"You know him?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Well, the No.1 of the last Six Schools of Martial Arts, who defeated Senior Brother Wei Sheng with one move, is also the opponent that Senior Brother Wei Sheng must win this time." Xiaoxue said.

"We defeated Wei Sheng with one move? Did Wei Sheng use the Beidou Tianshu Formation at that time?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"Yes, at that time, Senior Brother Wei Sheng had already mastered the Big Dipper Tianshu Formation. The formation was composed of Tianshu, Tianji, Tianxuan, and three swords, but he broke it with one move!" Xiaoxue said.

Li Xiuxian was horrified. At that time, Wei Sheng had already mastered the Beidou Tianshu Formation, and his strength should not be weak. However, this person was able to defeat Wei Sheng with one move. I am afraid that he also holds a terrifying ancient treasure in his hand. After ten years, his strength may be even stronger. , is really Wei Sheng's rival.

"It is said that he was able to form alchemy two years ago, but he suppressed his own cultivation." Xiaoxue said.

Xiaoxue knows a lot about the secrets of some sects, but this alone is not comparable to Li Xiuxian.

His "skin seems a little too white, and it always gives people a strange feeling, but Ye Bai just met by chance, and he didn't bother to inquire.

Therefore, on the surface, he remained calm, and even did not respond. Seeing the young man in white turning his head, in order not to be rude, he nodded casually, then turned his head and leaned on the chair. , closed his eyes and rested his mind, waiting for the start of this underground auction.

Seeing this, the young man in white didn't show any expression. He just took a look, and after seeing that there was nothing unusual about Li Xiuxian, he turned his head away.

The atmosphere in the auction hall was silent, and almost no one spoke.

After a moment.

An old man in red walked to the front of the stage, and the curtain slowly opened, revealing sixteen young girls lined up inside, each holding a delicate purple jade tray in their hands.

Apparently, on each tray was the same lot, but they were all covered with red silk, so no one could see what was on it.

The old man in red walked to the front of the stage and clapped his hands. Immediately, the door at the back began to close. Even if someone came over, they couldn't get in.

He smiled and nodded to everyone, and then said with a smile on his face: "Okay, I'm the red robe, Gong is the number one auctioneer of the Giant Stone Auction House. I'm sure many of you already know me, but there are also others who don't know me. It may be the first time for a few people to see you, but these are not the point."

He smiled slightly and said: "The point is, the red robe is here. First of all, I would like to welcome all friends to come to the auction meeting in this auction house in their free time. Whether it is a newcomer or an old man, as long as you come here once, Welcome to the second time."

"Of course, if you have any rare items that you want to auction, you can also entrust them to this auction. This auction will do its best to prepare for you."

"Except for the additional 5.00% handling fee, the rest will not be charged. If the item is really valuable, we can even give you various discounts. About this, you can ask our auctioneer later, and I won't say much here now. gone."

"Okay, don't waste everyone's time. Everyone here is participating in the auction. I must be impatient, so I won't talk nonsense. Now, Hongta is here to announce that this auction is officially start"

"First of all, this is a Heaven Breaking Sword Art. This is the sword art left by the ancient sword cultivator. It cuts out the world and destroys it with one sword. The starting price is [-] low-grade spirit stones! Each price increase must not be less than [-] low-grade spirit stones."

Just for the opening, it is a book of ancient sword cultivators' sword formulas. This auction house is really generous. Although the reserve price of this Myriad Spirit Stone is low, the price will definitely increase exponentially. The more people compete, the higher the price will be. Gao, the reputation of an ancient sword cultivator is enough to drive most people crazy.

The ancient sword cultivator was once synonymous with power. Although the sword cultivator has declined now, his mysterious sword formulas have been spread from time to time. A copy of the exquisite sword formula left by the ancient sword cultivator is enough to double the combat power of a monk!
In the arena, several people had already stood up, looking at the stage with fiery eyes, and resolutely gritted their teeth.

Someone touched his body, a little unwilling, obviously, the crystals he brought were not enough, but he didn't want to give up such an opportunity, after thinking about it, he stood up and said: "What if there are not enough crystals? things instead?"

Hearing this, the red-clothed auctioneer on the stage, Hong Pao, smiled and said: "Of course, okay, since a friend asked, let me explain again here, the rules of this auction, please Everyone must remember, don’t make mistakes, otherwise, you and I will not look good.”

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and Fang said: "First, this auction is a small auction, held once a month, and all the items to be auctioned are rare items of high quality."

"In addition to the ancient sword cultivating sword art and breaking sky sword art, there are more than a dozen rare items. I will list and display them one by one later. Please seize the opportunity and bid enthusiastically. Don't miss the opportunity."

"The rules of the auction are very simple. Bids are made in units of lower-quality spirit stones. First, the store will call out a base price for spirit stones, and limit the minimum price increase each time. Then, everyone will bid according to this rule. The highest price wins."

(End of this chapter)

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