Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 224 Golden Sword Disciple

Chapter 224 Golden Sword Disciple
"Finally, it's what this friend asked just now. If you don't have enough spirit stones, you can use other items of equivalent value to convert them. The auction house has its own specialist to evaluate how much it will be. It won't pollute everyone. Please rest assured about this treasure.”

"The Jushi Auction House has been standing in this town for nearly a hundred years. It has always been fair and honest. Its reputation is known to everyone. It has always been fair and just. If the valuable customers are not satisfied with the price, they can choose not to sell it. The bank will not become stronger. It's a matter of buying and selling."

"However, if there are those who insist on making troubles and shouting prices, but they can't come up with the spirit stone they are asking for, this auction will also follow the rules. Please be careful and don't come. This point is to Don't forget it."

Speaking of this, he also put the word "rule" a little more heavily. Obviously, this "rule" is definitely not a good thing.

Hearing this, everyone in the audience had different expressions, but most of them had heard of the reputation of the "Great Stone Auction House", knew what it did, and would never covet one or two treasures from you. After all, for merchants like them It is said that fame trumps everything.

If you want to build it, you don’t have dozens or hundreds of years to think about it, but if you want to destroy it, it’s too easy. Whoever wants to break his rules, let alone you, an outsider, don’t agree, their own high-level, it’s impossible Sit back and watch, once discovered, it must be severely punished.

Therefore, everyone is very relieved about exchanging strange objects for spirit stones here.

"Okay, do you understand the rules? Now that you understand, I won't waste your time anymore. Lot No. [-] is a copy of the Sky-breaking Sword Art. Please bid your own bids!"

"eleven thousand!"

"Fourteen thousand!"

"sixteen thousand!"

As soon as the red-robed old man finished speaking, some monks eagerly started bidding.

Even if this Heaven-breaking Sword Art is in the Pill Spirit Sect, it must be on the fourth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. It cannot be won without a few thousand points. The reserve price of [-] spirit stones is not its real value at all. At least the sword formula will be in [-] spirit stones.

People here have fewer chances to see this kind of precious cheats. Once it appears, it will be more precious in their eyes than people in sects like Pill Spirit Sect.

In just a short while, the "Breaking Heaven Sword Art" has already risen to [-] spirit stones. This speed can be regarded as extremely astonishing, especially since this is just the beginning.

"Thirty thousand spirit stones!"

Suddenly, a person in the corner broke the silence, stood up, and said coldly.

This man was a man with a scar, wearing a gold lithium fish gown, after shouting, he coldly glanced at the surrounding people, implying a warning.

There was an uproar in the audience, and in the blink of an eye, the price of this Heaven-breaking Sword Art broke the high price of [-] yuan. Although everyone knew that it must be more than this price, they still couldn't help being a little surprised to see the speed increase so fast.

In the end, I don't know what kind of sky-high price to auction.

However, some of the bidders who originally had the idea of ​​picking up a bargain, when they heard the [-] yuan, couldn't help but sighed dejectedly, knowing that it was impossible to take advantage of the loopholes.

The price of this secret book will eventually climb to a terrifying sky-high price. Even if they want to get their hands on it, they can't afford it at all, so they can only give up helplessly. Of course, there must still be a few people who can afford this price.

"Thirty-five thousand!"

A deep voice came from the corner. He didn't care about the scarred man's warning and ignored it. After seeing that no one was bidding any more, he raised his head and said calmly.

This person, his whole body is hidden under a huge black mask, from head to toe, it is pitch black, except for a pair of eyes, others can't see anything, his age, gender, strength can only be seen faintly, a pair of lake-like blue eyes Strange eyes, surprising.

The man with the scar frowned, stood up suddenly, and his eyes fell on the mysterious man in black robe who suddenly shouted the price with a gloomy look.

"Friend, Yan Luo, the king of hell, this roll of Heaven-breaking Sword Art is of great use to me, how about saving face, friend?"

"Hmph!" A cold snort came from the mouth of the mysterious black robe, and the man and woman could not be heard clearly.

"Yan Luo, the iron-faced king of hell—not in my eyes—don't think that you are a tyrant in this city of Xuanjing, and I will be afraid of you. If you want to grab this Heaven-breaking Sword Art, then bid with me! !"

Hearing the voice of the black-robed man, the entire auction hall was silent, and then burst into laughter. Obviously, there are quite a few people who know this iron-faced Yama, but they really put him in their eyes. people, but few.

Seeing this, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but smile. There are really many of these self-righteous people, and there is no shortage of them anywhere.

Doesn't this man with the scar know that even if others agree to him doing this, the Boulder Auction House will never allow it?Otherwise, if all of them were able to overwhelm others with their power, his Boulder Auction House would have ceased to operate long ago.

Since this "Great Stone Auction House" has been able to open here for so many sessions, there must be a big force behind it to support it, otherwise, it would not be able to last so long in Xuanjing City, which is full of powerful people.

They will definitely fail to guard against this trick. If they do too much and don't wait for others to make a move, the Boulder Auction House will issue a warning to him. If it really affects their auction, then it is not a matter of warning. What the man with the scar did was like a joke.

Hearing the laughter all around, the bare-handed Yan Luo Gao Xiaodao's face suddenly became ugly, looking at the mysterious man in black, there was a killing intent in his eyes, which flashed away.

However, immediately, his body froze, and immediately his face became pale. Others didn't know what happened, but Li Xiuxian, who had a great sense of consciousness, at that moment, felt a hidden sound wave, suddenly from the It was transmitted from upstairs in the distance, reaching the ears of the man with the scar.

Apparently, some masters in the Jushi Auction House are already warning him, and the strength of the incoming person can make the unscrupulous and unscrupulous bare-handed Yan Luo Gao Xiaodao have such an expression, which is obviously extremely terrifying.

Except for Li Xiuxian, no one noticed this abnormality at all, even Yu Wenxiao didn't know about it.

In terms of strength, Yu Wenxiao may be much stronger than Li Xiuxian, but in terms of spiritual consciousness, no one among the foundation-building monks can match Li Xiuxian.

A moment later, amidst the commotion and ridicule all around, the scarred man sat down with an ugly face, but he didn't dare to make trouble anymore, but he was still a little unwilling, gritted his teeth, and reported a number of "[-]" .

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the feeling of forgiving disappeared, because the mysterious black-robed man who bid just now directly raised his hand again.

"Sixty thousand!"


There was a sound of gasping from the people around, this person unexpectedly added [-] yuan all of a sudden, I don't know why, what a big deal.

And Yan Luo, the iron-faced king of Hades, leaned heavily on the chair suddenly, his face was ugly, and he couldn't make a sound. Sixty thousand low-grade spirit stones were already beyond his limit. It is also impossible to bid for so many spirit stones.

"[-] for the first time, [-] for the second time—does anyone want to increase the price? This Heaven Breaking Sword Art is the ultimate skill of ancient sword cultivators. This kind of opportunity can never be repeated—"

After finishing speaking, the red-haired auctioneer on the stage deliberately took a look at Yan Luo, the iron-faced king of hell, but unfortunately, he could no longer bid.

In the end, the red-haired auctioneer had no choice but to slam the auction hammer in his hand, and the volume of "Heaven-breaking Sword Art" fell into the hands of the mysterious black-robed man.

"The following is Lot No. [-], the highest-grade magic weapon, the Drizzle and Breeze Sword. The base price is [-] low-grade spirit stones, and each increase in price shall not be less than [-] low-grade spirit stones."

"Let's start, the auction—"

Immediately, another burst of fierce bidding began, but this time it was much hotter than before. After all, although the secret book is good, not everyone can practice it. But as long as you get it, you can double your combat power, who wouldn't want to get it.

Even among the Pill Spirit Sect, there are not many people who possess the highest grade, even among the disciples of the Inner Sect, there are no more than double digits.

At this time, a top-grade magic weapon appeared in the boulder auction in Xuanjing City, and the sensation caused by it was naturally even greater.

However, for all of this, Li Xiuxian just watched with folded arms, and had no intention of bidding. Whether it is the Heaven-breaking Sword Art or the best magic weapon, it is not a must for him. He has already mastered the skills. , Nine-turn Xuan Gong, Zi Lei Huo Dun has enough for him, it is not worth it at all.

As for the magic weapon, he already has several ancient treasures, and an ordinary top-quality magic weapon is naturally not in his eyes.

Especially since the price must not be low, he naturally cannot throw all the precious spirit crystals on such a sword. Unless there are really extremely rare and precious things, he will not bid.

As for Xiaoxue, she dismissed it even more. The value of any item she took out on her body was much higher than the top-grade magic weapon on the stage. She came to this auction more to try new things. She didn't even think about buying some things. In her eyes, these instruments are not as interesting as the candied haws in her hand.

In the end, this top-quality magic weapon was auctioned for a sky-high price of 20 yuan. It was bought by a young man who was wearing a green robe and a mask, but he knew that he must be young at first glance, which aroused the envy of others.

Then, the third and fourth items, magical artifacts, secret books, treasures, ganoderma lucidum, ancient medicines, appeared one by one, and each item was auctioned for a decent price. Every time, the price was at least [-] yuan. , can be called staggering.

It's a pity that everything, although precious, couldn't catch Li Xiuxian's eyes. He just looked at it quietly, and secretly felt astonished at the power of this boulder auction house.

Fourth-grade pills, thousand-year-old medicines, in the eyes of the world, these things belong to the existence of heavenly materials and earthly treasures!

If a third-level low-grade spirit grass grows to 1000 years, the price will increase several times. It is very easy to sell tens of thousands of spirit stones. Among Li Xiuxian's Wanhuazhu, such spirit medicines are not rare.

"Lot No. 11, Earth Fire Bead, which grows in the ancient lava and has been formed as a bead for 3000 years. It is born with spirit and contains a huge fire attribute aura. If a friend with fire spirit root gets it, wear it all year round. body, it is more effective in cultivating with half the effort, and it has the effect of optimizing the spiritual root!"

"The base price is [-] spirit stones, and each price increase must not be lower than [-] spirit stones!"

(End of this chapter)

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