Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 225 Earth Fire Orb

Chapter 225 Earth Fire Orb

Li Xiuxian's eyes suddenly burst into fiery light, he is determined to get this fire bead!
Although the base price is only [-] low-grade spirit stones, the price increase must not be lower than [-] spirit stones each time, so the transaction price of this earth fire bead will definitely not be low!
"Sixty thousand low-grade spirit stones!"

"Eighty thousand!"

The monks below couldn't wait to make an offer, and Li Xiuxian could feel that the final transaction price of this Earth Fire Bead was definitely a sky-high price!
But no matter how high the price is, Li Xiuxian will take it!
Li Xiuxian's own spiritual root is the fire spiritual root, and most of the exercises he cultivates are based on fire. If he has an earth fire bead in his body, he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. Moreover, the fire bead here has a full 3000 years of fire, and the other The effect is far better than those ordinary earth fire beads. "What's so special about that thing? Isn't it just an earth fire bead? Do you need to be so excited?" Xiaoxue looked at Li Xiuxian puzzled.

Li Xiuxian could only helplessly smile at Xiaoxue's indifference, this Xiaoxue is completely full of men who don't know how hungry men are hungry, the 3000-year-old earth fire beads are just ordinary goods in Xiaoxue's eyes, Li Xiuxian is really speechless about this.

In a short period of time, the price of this earth fire bead has skyrocketed to one hundred thousand spirit stones, and there is no tendency to stop at all.

Everyone knows that Earth Fire Orbs of such a high age are hard to come by. Once they miss it, they will regret it for life, and some Huolinggen monks will give all they have regardless of everything!
"13!" Yu Wenxiao said suddenly, raising [-] in an instant!

Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, what does Yu Wenxiao want this earth fire bead for?
With Yu Wenxiao's cultivation base, forming alchemy is not a problem, so why care about this small earth fire bead?
No matter how you look at it, this Yu Wenxiao doesn't look like that kind of monk with fire roots!
However, not many of them knew Yu Wenxiao, but they knew the ancient golden sword on his chest!
"Worship the Golden Sword Disciple of Sword Villa!"

Many people looked at Yu Wenxiao in surprise. The level of this auction has not attracted the level of the disciples of the Golden Sword. Why did this Yu Wenxiao appear in the auction.

Some people who wanted to quote couldn't help sweating for themselves after seeing Yu Wenxiao's identity.

This Yu Wenxiao is different from the previous Yan Luo, Yan Luo is just arrogant, and is simply a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone.

But Yu Wenxiao is the chief of Baijian Villa, the champion of the last six martial arts competitions. Not only is his status distinguished, but his strength is even more amazing. With Wanjian Villa backing him, it is true that the whole Yizhou dares to make trouble with him There are only a handful of them.

It is really uneconomical to confront Yu Wenxiao for an Earth Fire Orb.

Hongpao couldn't help but frowned too, but this Yu Wenxiao had done his best, if he had made an offer at the beginning, the price would have been much lower than it is now.

Although Yu Wenxiao felt a little overwhelming, he didn't say anything from the beginning to the end. He just stood there quietly, which made everyone feel inexplicable pressure.

13 spirit stones are already the original value of the Earth Fire Orb. It is obvious that this huge stone auction house is willing to earn some spirit stones and make friends with the chief disciple of the Sword Worship Villa.

"13 low-grade spirit stones, 13, is there any higher, is there any higher?"

Just when Hong Pao was about to strike his gavel, a price was suddenly quoted from the audience that surprised everyone.

"16 million!"

Yu Wenxiao's eyes burst out with a bright light, and the atmosphere of the entire auction house changed!
Hong Pao was also taken aback, he didn't expect that someone would be so stupid as to oppose Yu Wenxiao.

Facing Yu Wenxiao's aura, Li Xiuxian just frowned. Although Yu Wenxiao was strong, if he wanted to overwhelm him with his aura alone, it was obviously not enough.

In terms of strength, Li Xiuxian is indeed not as good as this Yu Wenxiao, but the gap between the two sides is not that far. Other monks might be afraid of Yu Wenxiao's aura, but Li Xiuxian is not.

"16 low-grade spirit stones, is there a higher one, is there a higher one!"

The face of the red robe was almost wrinkled with laughter. The ultimate goal of their auction house is to make money. The higher the transaction price of each item auctioned, the more shares he will get.

"18!" Yu Wenxiao said lightly.

"20!" Li Xiuxian immediately followed Yu Wenxiao to quote.

The rest of the monks couldn't help but gasp when they saw such crazy quotations from these two people. The price increase of 2 to [-] is really generous!
Xiaoxue couldn't help but glanced at Li Xiuxian. During these days of contact, she knew that Li Xiuxian was not such a wasteful person. It was really unwise to have a conflict with Yu Wenxiao for an Earth Fire Orb.

"Stop screaming, you will be very troublesome if you meet Yu Wenxiao." Xiaoxue couldn't help but tugged on Li Xiuxian's sleeve.

"Don't worry, I still have a sense of proportion. This Earth Fire Orb is very useful to me. I will get it no matter what I say." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"30!" Yu Wenxiao still looked calm, as if he didn't take out the 30.

"As expected of a disciple of the Golden Sword, it seems that his wealth is unusually rich." Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

The price of 30 has already exceeded what he has on him. Li Xiuxian really can't compete with Yu Wenxiao if he is fighting for spirit stones, but the auction house can auction off precious items in exchange for spirit stones, so Li Xiuxian is not too worried!
"35 million!"

Yu Wenxiao couldn't help but frowned. The price of 30 yuan was not low, and even far exceeded the price of the Earth Fire Bead. If it wasn't for her favor, he wouldn't have placed the Earth Fire Bead at all. in the eyes.


"40 million!"

Facing Yu Wenxiao, Li Xiuxian did not back down. An Earth Fire Orb, which was originally only about 20, instantly increased to 40.

The one who is most happy here is probably the red robe, and the 40 is enough for him to get a lot.

And looking at Yu Wenxiao's appearance, as if he was determined to win, it seems that the price will still increase.

Although Hongpao couldn't see Li Xiuxian's face, but for a high price of 40 for a ground fire bead, his determination was extraordinary, so this 40 is just the beginning, and the price of the ground fire bead will still rise Space.

"50!" Even Yu Wenxiao couldn't help frowning when faced with this price, 50 Lingshi is not a small amount for him.

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, if this Yu Wenxiao deliberately made trouble with him, it would be really hard to get the Earth Fire Orb today, but the 3000-year Earth Fire Orb is hard to come by, if its effect is that of an ordinary Earth Fire Orb Dozens of times, Li Xiuxian would never let it go.

"60 million!"

"Stop it, you are really going to offend Yuwenxiao!" Xiaoxue said hastily.

Xiaoxue really didn't understand why this always timid person risked offending the chief of Baijian Villa, and even Yu Wenxiao, the chief of Qingzhou's younger generation, to get this fire bead.

"80!" Yu Wenxiao's words were filled with anger. He had never been looked down upon so much.

"100 million!" Li Xiuxian was not afraid at all.


"Crazy! Crazy, these two people are crazy!"

"One million low-grade spirit stones, these two..."

Hongpao looked at the two with a smile, everyone could see that they were both strangled, and one of them was about to be drained of their spirit stones.

"Hmph!" Yu Wenxiao snorted coldly!
This time he came here just to take pictures of the fire beads, but he didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to kill him halfway, regardless of his status as a disciple of the Golden Sword. , 100 million low-grade spirit stones, even he has to weigh it carefully, spending millions of low-grade spirit stones to win a smile for a beautiful woman, it's not worth it.

"One million spirit stones, is there any higher one, is there any higher one!"

"make a deal!"

In the end, this earth fire bead was sold at a price of 100 million spirit stones. The red robe almost made his mouth crooked.

But no one noticed that there was a smile on Li Xiuxian's face, and he didn't feel any frustration after spending 100 million.

"Lot No. 12, the fourth-grade spiritual iron, a piece of cold silver Yin iron, the starting price is 15 spiritual stones, and each increase in price must not be less than [-]!"

"Lot No. 13, a spider red ring, the starting price is 15 spirit stones, each time the price increases, it must not be less than [-]!"

"Lot No. 14, a Baise Yinzhi flower, the starting price is 18 spirit stones, and each increase in price must not be less than [-]!"——

In just a moment, the following three items appeared one after another. Whether it was the piece of fourth-grade spiritual iron, cold silver Yin iron, or the next top-grade elixir, Baise Yinzhi, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but shine. It's not something that must be won, so Li Xiuxian simply didn't bid.

Until the No.15 lot, it is also one of the last two finale lots.

"As we all know, Zilei Thunderbolt Beads were produced in the Leicang Cave Mansion of Tianzhou, and they are more prestigious than the long-renowned Tianleizi. Each one has a huge power that reaches the sky and can threaten the strong alchemy!" Red Robe He pointed to something in the red cloth and said.

"As for the importance of this thing, you probably don't understand it yet. Next, I will explain it to you in detail—"

Then, the red-clothed auctioneer went on and on, introducing it for a long time before he finished the prestige of the "Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Bead". There was a flash of ecstasy.

He originally had no hope for tonight's auction, but he planned to finish watching it. Tonight, he just came out for a visit occasionally, and entered this place out of boredom, but he didn't think so. The second auction item shocked him so much that he almost passed out.

"Zi Lei Thunderbolt Bead is such a magical object, how could it be possible to have it here, this object must be photographed, at all costs!" Li Xiuxian made a secret decision in his heart.

He has used Tianleizi before, and its power is extraordinary. This purple thunderbolt bead can actually threaten the strong at the alchemy stage, so it must be used.

But just when everyone thought that the purple thunderbolt beads were hidden in the red cloth, when the red robe uncovered the red cloth, everyone's eyes went dark!
Under the red cloth is actually just a jade slip!

"The refining method of Zilei Thunderbolt Beads starts at 20 spirit stones, and each increase should not be less than [-]."

Everyone's expressions seemed to be poured with cold water. The refining method of the Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Bead is not as attractive as a Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Pearl?

(End of this chapter)

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