Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 226 Crazy

Chapter 226 Crazy
Zilei Thunderbolt beads are notoriously difficult to refine. Even the Zilei Thunderbolt beads refined in Leicang Cave Mansion in one year will not exceed double digits.

Even if the founding school is like this, let alone laymen like them, so this Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Pearl is not as attractive to them as a single Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Pearl.

Although Li Xiuxian's enthusiasm has diminished, he is still very interested in the refining method of the Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Pearl. After all, there are a lot of Purple Thunder in the Wanhua Pearl. If these purple thunders can be refined into Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Pearls If so, it is a weapon for self-defense.

The thing that can threaten the core formation monk is exactly what he needs now. Li Xiuxian is now at the late foundation establishment stage. If he is in danger in the future, he must be an extraordinary foundation establishment monk like Wei Sheng, or even a true foundation establishment monk. The strong man of Dan, and mastering the Zilei Thunderbolt Orb, is equivalent to giving Li Xiuxian three more lives.

Therefore, no matter what the price is, it is not an exaggeration.

However, he also knew that based on the value of this object, other people present may not necessarily be fools. Although it is not as attractive as the Zilei Thunderbolt Bead, once mastered its refining method, no one is sure whether it will be refined. Once it is refined, it will be a big bargain. Everyone is willing to believe that they are the luckiest person, so Li Xiuxian really has no bottom in his mind as to what kind of sky-high price can be auctioned in the end.

However, he had already made up his mind, and in desperation, he even planned to take out some of the treasures on his body to exchange them. Of course, that was a helpless move that could only be done when there was absolutely no way to think about it.

Normally, he still wouldn't do this. Now, let's look at the situation first, and then talk about it.

It's just the reserve price. In the end, it's really hard to imagine how far it will be auctioned.

Of course, in terms of the value of the "Zixia Thunderbolt Pearl", it is indeed worth the price, but it is still a bit surprising that the price is like this at the very beginning.

However, he has already made up his mind that no matter how difficult it is, he will take it into his hands, so now he is not so disturbed in his heart, and is still very cautious.

What matters is nothing more than the price they are willing to pay, but this is only for people like Li Xiuxian who want to get it at all costs.

For others, the sky-high starting price of 20 was already enough to crowd out a large group of poor people, and this group of people started cursing immediately.

Although I know that no matter how low the starting price is, even if it is only priced at [-] spirit stones, at the end of the auction, it will definitely be an unimaginably sky-high price, and they cannot afford it, but it is still a bit unwilling to reject them at the first step. .

It's a pity that no matter how depressed or protested they are, the result will not change in the slightest, because as soon as the red-clothed auctioneer's words fell on the stage, there were people bidding immediately below, and the increase in the price was even faster. It was to make everyone present look at each other in blank dismay, their faces changed instantly, and they could hardly believe their ears.

Because, the person who was shouting the price in the audience shouted it to: "50!"

"Is this man a madman?"

These words were the thoughts of everyone in the audience, even the red-clothed auctioneer on the stage. Although he had thought that the scene might be a little hot, he didn't expect that it would be so hot.

A sudden price increase of 30?Who is this person? He is so rich and powerful. Immediately, everyone turned their heads to look at the source of the sound. Immediately, they saw Li Xiuxian wearing a blue ghost mask, standing quietly among everyone, as if Stand out from the crowd.

At this time, the tyrannical aura emanating from his body actually had an aura of Ling Ran, which was shocking.

Obviously, he didn't intend to wait any longer, and changes would happen later, and changes would cause waves. If he wanted to get this "Zixia Thunderbolt" earlier, it would be better to make a move earlier, otherwise, no one would know what would happen next. whats the matter.

If such an opportunity is missed, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Li Xiuxian made a decisive bid, and once he made the bid, it was so ruthless, so absolute, it was jaw-dropping.

"It's him again! Just spent 100 million yuan, and now he's here to join in the fun again. How many spirit stones does this person have?"

Some monks who did not have spirit stones in their pockets said angrily, as if this could relieve the depression in their hearts.

From the northeast corner, a chuckling voice sounded: "What an insolent young man, what a big tone... It's something to look forward to, well, I'll offer 51!"

Following the sound, a woman in green stood up from the crowd. She was wrapped in a dress like a lotus leaf, and she also wore a mask on her head, but it was red-faced and fangs, which looked a little sinister.

For a woman, it is rare to choose this kind of mask. There are thousands of people in this hall, but there are only four or five people who choose this kind of fierce face mask to enter. Among them, she is the only one, which is really an anomaly.

No one knows the identity of this person, but everyone understands that the person who can afford the sky-high price of 51 must not be simple.

"You're crazy, where did you get so many spirit stones?" Xiaoxue couldn't help but tugged on Li Xiuxian's sleeve.

Counting the Earth Fire Beads that were photographed before, Li Xiuxian has already spent 150 million low-grade spirit stones. Even among the disciples of the inner sect of the Dan Lingzong, few people have such a wealth. Li Xiuxian has only been in the sect for two or three years. Where did he get so many spirit stones?

The auctioneer's voice became a little rambling. Even though he had held so many auctions, this was the first time he had seen such an intense situation.

Li Xiuxian's previous transaction price of 100 million had already shown him Li Xiuxian's impressive strength. It was foreseeable that this auction would be even more intense than that of the Earth Fire Pearl.

"This lady bid 51 yuan. Is there any higher price? The Zilei Thunderbolt Bead is the treasure of the Leicang Cave Mansion. One piece of the Zilei Thunderbolt Bead can crush the bones of ordinary Xuanzong-level powerhouses. It is worthless." It is estimated that this opportunity is only once, please bid enthusiastically, if you miss it, you will never get it again."

Sure enough, his fanning was still very successful. Soon, another person stood up, held up a sign, looked a little dignified, and shouted hesitantly: "52!"

After shouting, he took a special look at the woman in green and at Li Xiuxian's side.

Obviously, he was a little jealous of these two people in his heart, but he couldn't let go of the "Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Bead", so he had to bite the bullet and quote a price.

And after the price was announced, it was even more heartbreaking. Such a sky-high price has already caused a large number of people to push them out of the door.

It can be said that Li Xiuxian's first bid turned away a large number of people who were interested in it, making them secretly hate Li Xiuxian, but in this giant stone auction, there was no People dare to be presumptuous, so there is only helplessness and cold eyes.

And the red-clothed auctioneer on that stage, and the mysterious green-clothed woman, also cast their gazes in the direction of Li Xiuxian. Obviously, they also understand that the real big head tonight is probably the one who dares to take a bite. Shout out the mysterious young man of 50.

None of the people here knew his origin, but no one dared to ignore him.

Li Xiuxian's eyes calmly swept over the thousands of people in the hall, and there were few people who dared to look directly at him. Then, he turned his eyes to the stage, and said very calmly: "70!"

The hall was completely silent, and the audience fell into a dead silence.


The entire hall was silent for more than ten seconds, and then suddenly boiled up, like a pot of boiling oil dripping into ice water.

"Boom", the thousands of people in the hall were all stunned, even the red-clothed auctioneer on the stage who was looking forward to hearing such a terrible number was the same.

He was looking forward to it, but this way of increasing the price...was too far beyond his imagination...

"70..." Some stammered: "Others hesitated for a long time before finally calling 51, 52, and he just called 70. Could it be that he was going to be like this 20, 20?" Wan's addition, this man is really a lunatic, he is crazy!"

Undoubtedly, what this person said was the voice of most people present. Regarding the price offered by Li Xiuxian, everyone thought that Li Xiuxian must be heartbroken; however, Li Xiuxian was very indifferent about it.

Before, he couldn't think of it, but now, the opportunity appeared in front of him, how could a mere 70 spirit stones be in his eyes.

As long as you can buy it, let alone 70, it is 170 million, 270 million, and it is worth it.


"Crack, crack..."

Crisp applause.There were continuous sounds, and in the front seat of the lobby, an arrogant young man covered in silver shirt raised a pair of narrow, cold eyes like blades, stared in Li Xiuxian's direction, and praised him all the time.

"Wonderful, wonderful. It's been a long time since I've seen such a wonderful fight for the rich. I didn't expect to meet such a wonderful fight for the rich when I arrived in Qingzhou. It really makes my hands itchy. Why don't you come and participate once, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, this young man in silver shirt, who was one of the few people in the hall who didn't wear a mask, stretched out a finger with a smile.

"I'll pay 100 million!"

"Who is he?"

Almost everyone has such a question in their minds, a monk who can casually take out 100 million spirit stones is definitely not an ordinary person, maybe he is a core disciple of a certain sect.

The Yinshan youth also glanced at Li Xiuxian: "Before you spent 100 million, this time I also spent 100 million. Let's see if you can surpass me?"

Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning. The Yinshan youth obviously had no interest in the refining method of the Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Bead, and he came here for him.

But Li Xiuxian is not afraid, he really has never been afraid of Lingshi, maybe he doesn't take Lingshi seriously at ordinary times, but as long as he is willing, he can gather millions of Lingshi in a short time!
The mysterious young man in silver shirt stretched out a finger and shouted "100 million!

The atmosphere in the entire "Great Stone Auction Field" fell into an eerie silence again, and everyone's heartbeats could be heard clearly. As soon as the number "100 million" came out, many people's eyes immediately turned red, and their breathing was rapid and heavy like a cow.

"One—one million!"

On the stage, the red-clothed auctioneer felt that his head was a bit insufficient. This price had far exceeded his expectations. Although the "Purple Thunder Thunderbolt Bead" was precious, the one that was auctioned this time was only a refined one. It is not certain whether you can get it through practice or not.

(End of this chapter)

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