Chapter 233

Master Xuanhuo cupped his hands when he saw Zhou Xian: "Fellow Daoist Zhou, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have the same demeanor."

Zhou Xian smiled: "So is Master Xuanhuo, his cultivation in the late stage of alchemy is really enviable to others!"

At this time, a passage appeared on the Yunshan Wuhai Sword Formation, Zhou Xian stepped aside and said, "Fellow Daoists of the Pill Spirit Sect, please!"

Daoist Xuanhuo nodded, and strode into the Yunshan Wuhai sword formation.

Li Xiuxian and the others saw that the master had entered, so naturally they had no choice but to enter, but they were all terrified when they entered the Yunshan Wuhai Sword Formation. After all, this was a terrifying formation that killed dozens of alchemy monks at once. !

Except for monks like Li Xiuxian who rushed out of Yizhou who didn't know this allusion, the power of the Yunshan Wuhai Sword Formation had been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Although he knew that Sword Worshiping Villa didn't have the guts to murder them, but he still felt uncomfortable in such a terrifying formation.

Fortunately, this period of time was not long, it was just a cup of tea, and Li Xiuxian and the others left the range of the formation.

Immediately, they felt that their eyes lit up, and Tianjian Peak, where the sect of Baijian Villa was located, appeared in front of them.

"Fellow Daoists of the Pill Spirit Sect, this way please!" Zhou Xian led the group of Pill Spirit Sect to a mountain peak.

"This Jianxia Peak is specially used by us to entertain distinguished guests at the Sword Mountain Villa, and it is also a resting place for fellow Taoists of the Pill Spirit Sect." Zhou Xian said.

There are hundreds of houses on the Jianxia Peak, and it is no problem to accommodate four to five hundred people.

And this time, there are only more than 100 people from Dan Lingzong, so many houses are more than enough for them.

"Dear friends, please take a good rest after a tiring journey. If you are interested, there is a market on the mountainside of Tianjian Peak. You can go shopping." Zhou Xian said with a smile.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhou, for your kindness." Master Xuanhuo nodded.

After Zhou Xian left, Master Xuanhuo's brows were tightly frowned: "What a sword-worshiping villa, it actually gave us a blow!"

"This Sword Worship Villa is proud of its cloud, mountain, mist and sea sword array, and looks at no one. It's really hateful!" Elder Geng He snorted coldly.

"For a while, the sea and the sky are wide open, Sheng'er's Big Dipper and Tianshu formation has been completed, even Yu Wenxiao can't easily defeat him." Chu Xiong said.

Master Xuanhuo nodded. Ten years ago, Wei Sheng's Big Dipper and Tianshu formation hadn't been completed yet, but he managed to survive Yu Wenxiao's sword. Now that the formation has been completed, Wei Sheng may not lose to Yu Wenxiao.

The big formation of the Big Dipper, together with the seven ancient swords, doubled Wei Sheng's strength several times!
"Sheng'er, it's up to you this year!" Xuanhuo sighed slightly.

Li Xiuxian found a random room on Jianxia Peak, and closed his eyes to rest in it.

The No. [-] sect in Qingzhou deserves to be the No. [-] sect in Qingzhou. The entire sect is built on one spiritual vein. Even if you don’t use the spirit gathering array, there will be a lot of spiritual energy overflowing, which is of great benefit to the monks. What about some spiritual herbs that have become extinct from the outside world!
"Idiot, let's go to Fangshi for a while, let's go and see what is the difference between the Fangshi of the Sword Sword Villa and the Danlingzong." Xiaoxue directly kicked the door of Li Xiuxian's room.

"A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, it's better to be more stable on someone else's territory." Li Xiuxian said helplessly.

"Hmph, I'm not a gentleman, I'm a woman, you just say a word, do you want to accompany me or not!" Xiaoxue muttered.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

Many sects have come to Sword Worship Villa. At this time, the market of Sword Worship Villa has become extremely lively. For these foreign monks, Sword Worship Villa always accepts that they can kill as much as they can. How many strategies.

But for Li Xiuxian, I won't be moved no matter what you say.

The entire square city is composed of several streets, criss-crossing, with rows of shops of various sizes, which looks quite extraordinary.

On the street, there are quite a few monks, and occasionally the sound of bargaining can be heard, making it very lively.

It seems that this Sword Worshiping Villa does have something extraordinary, otherwise it would not have attracted so many immortal cultivators in such a short period of time.

Li Xiuxian took Xiaoxue into one of the streets casually.

This is also the widest street. Most of the treasures sold are spirit weapons, and there are also many high-grade talismans.

After all, in the world of cultivating immortals, the importance of equipment is self-evident.

And there are a lot of miscellaneous studies in Baijian Villa, no matter whether it is refining or making talismans, it has some experience, especially the refining technique. It is said that the school has mastered several methods of making weapons in ancient times that have been lost now. A refined magic weapon has additional attributes and is quite powerful.

Of course, these treasures are also very valuable, enough to make ordinary monks lose their fortunes, but the immortals who will come to worship the sword villa also have a certain background, either they have a big sect behind them, or they have other adventures and are very rich , people who wait for nothing will not appear in this trade fair.

Therefore, even though a magic weapon of the same grade requires twice or even three times as much spiritual stones as outside, there are still a large number of monks who are willing to be "taken advantage of". Watching two monks on the twelfth level of Qi training fight for a black ghost knife, their faces flushed.

The ghost head knife is ordinary in shape and has nothing attractive.However, just such a medium-grade magic weapon is priced at four thousand spirit stones.

Although Li Xiuxian didn't care, he couldn't help but secretly stunned, but after knowing that every time this ghost knife attacks, it can automatically release a mid-level earth-attribute spell called "Jacking the Top", it's not surprising. Still worth the money.

Not to mention.This kind of treasure with additional attributes.Even Li Xiuxian was a little moved.But after walking around the whole market.But a little disappointed.

Most of the shops are for sale.Most of them are medium-grade instruments.Top-grade land is a hot commodity.Not only did it attract several monks to bid for it as soon as it appeared.Even some sects participated in the snatching.

Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not fight with them.Anyway, I have an ancient treasure in my hand.No matter how good these instruments are.Compared with the treasures owned by oneself.It's still a bit worse.

As for Xiaoxue, this girl is purely here to watch the excitement, and she will go where there are many people, and there is almost no time to stop.

Li Xiuxian pays more attention to the pharmacies on both sides. He has never forgotten to refine the Lihuo Pill. With his aptitude, it is almost impossible to break through by himself, so he can only rely on external forces. It is his best choice, a Lihuo pill can increase the success rate of forming a pill, but there are many refining materials and most of them are precious materials.

Even if Li Xiuxian had treasures such as Wanhuazhu in his hands, he still couldn't gather so many spiritual herbs in a short period of time.

However, Li Xiuxian always felt that there was a divine sense that was erratic. Li Xiuxian felt that this divine sense was not malicious, and it also gave him a feeling of deja vu.

"Who the hell? I still know someone in Baijian Villa?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning!

"It's him!" Li Xiuxian suddenly thought of someone, and his heart was shocked!
"It's you!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

Xiaoxue was taken aback: "What are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for many years, you are already in the late stage of Foundation Establishment! You are really enviable!" A figure flashed past.

"Wan Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to escape too!" A smile appeared on Li Xiuxian's face.

"Who said it wasn't? Even I didn't think I could escape." Wan Tian smiled.

"This is..." Xiaoxue looked at Wan Tian suspiciously.

Li Xiuxian smiled: "This is Wan Tian, ​​a good friend of mine before."

"Hi, my name is Xiaoxue, and I'm the senior sister of this idiot." Xiaoxue smiled slyly.

"You are a disciple of Sword Worship Villa!" Li Xiuxian's sharp eyes saw the small silver sword on Wan Tian's chest.

"Disciple of the Silver Sword, you are actually a disciple of the Silver Sword. Your status in Baijian Villa is not low!" Xiaoxue looked at Wan Tian in surprise.

In the Sword Worship Villa, disciples are divided into three categories, gray sword disciples, silver sword disciples, and golden sword disciples.

Gray Sword has the largest number of disciples, tens of thousands, and their status is similar to that of the outer sect disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect.

The number of Yinjian disciples is about a hundred, and their status is comparable to the disciples of the inner sect of the Dan Lingzong.

As for the Golden Sword disciples, there are only a few of them, even stronger than the top ten disciples of the Neizong of the Pill Spirit Sect.

In just a few years, Wan Tian not only joined the Sword Worship Villa, but even became a disciple of the Silver Sword, which shows how extraordinary he is.

"Is it possible?" Li Xiuxian was surprised.

Wan Tian nodded: "Otherwise, how could I be promoted as a Silver Sword disciple?"

Li Xiuxian is relieved, if the upper management of Baijian Villa knows that Wan Tian possesses three Yin ghost fires, they will definitely cultivate them well. After all, a monk with heaven and earth spirit fires is rare. Not bad, being promoted to Silver Sword Disciple is also reasonable.

Who else came out at the beginning?

"As far as I know, Jian Chen seems to have escaped too. You didn't see it back then, and we underestimated Jian Chen!" Wan Tian sighed slightly.

"Oh? What happened? What happened later?" Li Xiuxian asked.

After Jian Chen was abandoned by his master, instead of giving up, he fought more and more fiercely. He didn't know where he got the four ancient treasures, which were amazingly powerful. Stop him. At that time, even the monk who formed the alchemy was injured by his sword energy, otherwise we would not be able to escape.

Li Xiuxian was startled, as far as he knew, Jianchen only had one ancient treasure in his hand, and that was the Zhuxian Sword. When did he have four ancient treasures?
"Be more specific."

"I don't know very well, but at that time, Jian Chen used these four ancient swords to form a formation, and after forcing the monk Jiedan to retreat, he left with the sword. However, the monk Jiedan who was injured by the sword energy at that time exclaimed One sentence: Zhuxian Sword Formation!" Wan Tian shook his head.

"Zhuxian Sword Formation!" Xiaoxue couldn't help but yelled out.

"What? You know?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

Although Xiaoxue's cultivation and fighting skills are a mess, she is much more proficient in various secrets of the cultivation world than Li Xiuxian, a rookie!
(End of this chapter)

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