Chapter 234

"Idiot, you are such an idiot, you don't even know the Zhuxian Sword Formation!" Xiaoxue couldn't bear Li Xiuxian's ignorance.

Li Xiuxian smiled embarrassingly: "Sister, please clarify."

Being called senior sister by Li Xiuxian in front of friends, Xiaoxue also felt that she had a special face.

"Okay, I'll tell you for the sake of your attitude. This Zhuxian Sword Formation was created by ancient sword cultivators, and it has infinite power. You only need to gather all four ancient swords, plus the formation diagram of Zhuxian Sword Formation Then you can launch this formation. Once these four ancient swords are unleashed, even the monks in the Nascent Soul stage would not dare to fight straight, and their power is even higher than that of Senior Brother Wei Sheng's Big Dipper Tianshu formation." Xiaoxue sighed One sound.

Li Xiuxian was shocked. He originally thought that his luck was the best, but he didn't expect Jian Chen to hide it so deeply. He only took out one of the four ancient swords.

"Zhuxian Sword, Killing Immortal Sword, Trapping Immortal Sword, and Absolute Immortal Sword, the four swords come out together. They claim to be able to kill even real immortals in the sky. In ancient times, they belonged to the number one killing formation in the cultivation world. The Shu Grand Formation is also slightly inferior." Xiaoxue said.

Li Xiuxian was amazed that Jian Chen had hidden such a powerful ability. He was probably the only monk who was able to escape from the hands of the alchemy monk in a big way at that time. A monk of alchemy.

"I don't know where Jian Chen is? Will he also come to participate in these six sect martial arts?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but think in his heart.

"Teacher, I will rely on you this year as Yujianzong." A white-haired old man said looking at the young man with Yijian's eyebrows.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will do his best." The young man nodded.

The white-haired old man nodded, perhaps it was God's inexhaustible Sword Master who let him discover such a talent, with a clear sword heart, he is really the best candidate for practicing swordsmanship.

Yujianzong has been passed down for more than 500 years, and it has been passed down to his generation for the third generation of No.40. However, the sect withered, and the entire Yujianzong was the only one. The name of Yujianzong has survived in name only.

In Qingzhou, when it comes to kendo, outsiders only know Baijian Villa but not Yujianzong, but when it comes to the subtlety of kendo, Yujianzong is not weaker than Baijian Villa.

With the rise and fall of the country, the formerly powerful Yujianzong has also faded away. If you want to regain its glory, you must get a good ranking in the Six Schools of Martial Arts. What is left behind, Yu Jianzong can rise within 100 years.

And all these hopes come from the young man in front of him. If he hadn't met this young man who passed out in the forest by accident, Yu Jianzong would not have this hope.

Although it is clear that this young man is not from Middle Earth, it doesn't matter, everything can be put aside until Yu Jianzong's revival.

"Li Xiuxian, I hope you are still alive!" The man's eyes looked into the boundless sword array of clouds, mountains, fog and seas.

In an instant, the sea of ​​clouds and mist rolled violently, as if they were afraid of this young man!
The sharp sword energy soared into the sky, and for a while, the cloud mountain and fog sea formation was suppressed by this sword energy!
"Where is the evildoer, dare to come to my Worship Sword Villa to act wildly!" Several bursts of shouts came from the big formation.

This Yunshan Wuhai Great Formation is the foundation of his worship sword villa, and it is also their facade. Today, someone suppressed the Yunshan Wuhai Sword Formation face to face, which undoubtedly slapped them hard in the face!
"Jian Chi, the No. 40 third-generation head of Yujianzong, brought his disciples to participate in the Six Sects' Martial Arts Competition." The old man said calmly.

"Yujianzong, why did Qingzhou have this sect?" There was a voice of ridicule in the big formation.

Jian Chi frowned tightly: "Why do fellow Taoists make things difficult for me?"

"Leave quickly, if not, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!" roared the monks in the formation.

"I'd like to see what's so powerful about this Great Array of Clouds, Mountains, and Seas of Mist that shocked Qingzhou!" Jian Chen snorted coldly.

The Ancient Jade Immortal Sword in his hand slashed out, and the terrifying sword intent on the off-white sword glow made all the monks in the formation shudder!
This is the sword intent to destroy everything, to cut everything, such a terrifying sword intent, even the alchemy cultivator would be terrified!
"Presumptuous!" The monks in the formation operated the large array of clouds, mountains and seas of fog, and countless mist gushed out, and the sword glow that Jian Chen cut was instantly swallowed by the mist!

But these monks in the formation couldn't help but gasped, a hole was torn open in the unfavorable cloud mountain and fog sea formation. Although they only exerted one or two percent of the strength of the formation, they also It is enough to kill any foundation-building cultivator, why would it be torn apart by a small sword light!

"Yunshan Wuhai Sword Formation, that's all!" Jian Chen laughed disdainfully.

"Bold madman!" A fiery red flying sword rushed out from the formation, and slashed at Jian Chen!

"Cultivator of Alchemy!" Jian Chen's eyes showed a trace of solemnity, but it was only solemn, without the slightest hint of fear in his eyes!

The Immortal Execution Sword in his hand slashed out sword lights, and the extremely fierce sword lights continuously bombarded the fiery red flying sword!

"Splitting the sword shadow!"

In an instant, the slashed sword light was divided into two, two into four, and instantly turned into a sky-filled sword light. Under the bombardment of the sky-filled sword light, the fiery red flying sword became crumbling, as if in a violent wind and huge waves. A leaf boat in the middle of it!
"Has there ever been such a terrifying cultivator in Qingzhou?" The alchemy cultivator was startled, and hurriedly recalled his flying sword.

"Fellow daoist, this little disciple is reckless, but the two of us really have no malicious intentions. We just want to participate in the six sects of martial arts. Anyone who is willing to participate in the six sects of martial arts in Qingzhou sect can participate. Why did you exclude me from the sword sect?" Outside?" Jian Chi said.

"Yu Jianzong?" The monk who formed the alchemy couldn't help frowning.

With his experience, he has never heard of the name of Yujianzong, but the other party is not small, even a disciple can have such terrifying strength, and the only one who can beat this person in Baijian Villa is only the disciple of Jinjian .

"Could it be some hidden sect?" Brother Jiedan couldn't help thinking.

In Zhongtu, some sects have groups of disciples, the number can reach tens of thousands, but there are also some sects that pay great attention to inheritance, and they are often inherited in the same line. A person will only accept one disciple in his life. Although there is a danger of severing the inheritance, it can The person who is favored must be the best among monks, and once he grows up, his achievements will be limitless.

"Please!" After pondering over and over again, Brother Jiedan still invited the two Jian Chis into the Sword Worship Villa.

There are tens of thousands of disciples, dozens of elders of Jiedan, and four elders in the Sword Worshiping Villa, and they are not afraid of causing trouble between these two!

Jian Chen put away the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand and carried it on his back, completely in the attire of an ancient sword cultivator!

The alchemy cultivator was shocked, Jian Chen's performance was so much like an ancient sword cultivator!
"Could it be possible that another ancient sword cultivator sect was born?"

"My apprentice's sword light has improved again, I wonder how well you have practiced Zhou Tian Dayan Sword Art?" Jian Chi asked.

"Reporting to Master, the disciple of Zhou Tian Dayan Sword Art has already reached the fourth stage of cultivation, and he has been able to activate 960 magic swords to form the Zhou Tian Dayan Sword Formation." Jian Chen said calmly.

Jian Chi nodded. In just a few years, Jian Chen was able to practice the Zhou Tian Dayan Sword Art to the fourth stage, and his aptitude was indeed extraordinary.

Zhou Tian Dayan Sword Jue is the unique skill of the Yujian School, and Yujianzong relies on the word Yujian. No one in Qingzhou can match the skill of Yujian. It cannot be compared to swordsmanship.

The Zhoutian Dayan Sword Art, once practiced, can stimulate countless flying swords to fight for oneself, and the formed Zhoutian Dayan Sword Art is even more powerful, the more magic swords are activated, the more powerful the Zhoutian Dayan Sword Formation The power of the sword will be stronger, and if it reaches the ninth level, it will be able to fly ten thousand swords together, and its power will be unpredictable.

"You have four ancient swords as your core, plus my Imperial Sword Sect has accumulated more than 900 high-grade artifacts for you over thousands of years, and the Zhoutian Dayan Sword Formation formed is enough to sweep everything!
Jian Chen nodded. This Zhoutian Dayan Sword Formation is indeed good, but it is still slightly inferior to the Jade Dynasty Sword Formation. However, Jianchen has never used the Jade Dynasty Sword Formation in front of outsiders, even if it is the Jade Dynasty Four Sword Formation. He also changed his name to Taihuang Four Swords.

In the next few days, more and more people gathered at the Sword Worship Villa. There were hundreds of sects participating in this martial arts meeting of the six sects, and the total number of people exceeded a thousand. This was the first time for Li Xiuxian to have such a grand occasion. See you.

Li Xiuxian even saw a few monks in it, and saw that these monks all had ring scars on their heads, and they were wearing cassocks. Each of them had Buddha's light shining on their bodies, and they looked solemn and solemn.

"This is Buddhist cultivation, but Qingzhou doesn't have any powerful Buddhist sects." Xiaoxue said.

"Buddha cultivator?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"You don't know, do you? Buddha cultivators are similar to cultivators. Their skills are powerful and powerful, and they have a great restraint effect on monks of the magic way. But don't be fooled by their appearance. These bald donkeys are full of my Buddha Compassionate, but he kills people more ruthlessly than a demon cultivator, but he still looks compassionate."

It can be seen that Xiaoxue has a very bad impression of Buddha Cultivator.

However, Li Xiuxian also deeply remembered the word "Buddhist Cultivator" in his heart. He didn't expect that besides righteous demons, there was also a Buddhist Cultivator.

"The most powerful sect of Buddhist cultivation is Tianzhou Mani Temple. It is said that the founder of the Mani Temple, Sakyamuni, attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree and ascended to immortality." Xiaoxue said.

Li Xiuxian's eyes popped, he saw five acquaintances, these five people were the five people he met outside Qixia City, when his whereabouts were accidentally smashed by these five people, nothing happened.

I didn't expect to see them in Baijian Villa.

"That's the Great Vajra Sect. It specializes in body training. The copper-skinned and iron-framed body is comparable to the barbarians." Xiaoxue said.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your advice." Li Xiuxian smiled.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, taking care of you as a junior is what a senior sister should do!" Xiaoxue happily patted Li Xiuxian on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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