Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 335 Demonic Sense

Chapter 335 Demonic Sense
Li Xiuxian did not go to Sky Demon City to have a round with Di Yun and others, but returned directly to the Soul Refining Tribe.

As soon as he returned to the Soul Refining Tribe, Li Xiuxian entered the small valley and opened the formation to prevent anyone from entering it.

Among the Wanhua Pearl, the roar of the Golden Lingzi Demon continued to be heard, but they were trapped by the Tiangang Sword Formation and could not move at all.

The lightning power on the golden thunder sword thread also drained their vitality little by little. Compared with when they first entered, these golden spirit child demons were already a little sluggish.

If this continues, I am afraid that these golden spirit child demons will die due to exhaustion of vitality, and will no longer be able to differentiate.

Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not let this kind of thing happen, the Golden Lingzi Demon is closely connected with the great success of the soul banner.

After firing a formula, Li Xiuxian's whole body was instantly enveloped in a black mist, and grievances rushed out of the black mist from time to time.

Looking at the concentration of the black mist, there are at least hundreds of thousands of wronged souls in this soul streamer!

Li Xiuxian's ten fingers connected, and a black tentacle suddenly protruded from the black mist and sank into the body of a golden spirit child demon.

"Huh?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning.

The soul of this golden spirit child demon is so closely connected with the body that even the strength of the soul banner cannot pull it out!

"What a tough soul!" Li Xiuxian looked at this golden spirit child demon in surprise.

This golden spirit child demon is indeed the most difficult one among monsters. The soul and body are perfectly fused together. Unless their bodies are destroyed, they cannot be drawn out at all.

And the body of this golden spirit child demon will split once it is attacked, it is even more difficult to injure it.

If it weren't for Li Xiuxian's possession of a set of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword to form the Tiangang Sword Array, it would be impossible to imprison these golden spirit child demons!
"I don't believe it anymore!" A trace of simplicity flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes, and the magic formula in his hand changed, and the current on the golden thunder sword wire increased sharply!

"Roar!" The Golden Spirit Demon screamed as it was stimulated by the electric current, struggling continuously.

While struggling, there was a slight gap between the soul and body of the Golden Lingzi Demon, and Li Xiuxian was overjoyed by this discovery.

"Quick!" A golden thunderbolt as thick as an arm crashed down.

Faced with such a powerful thunder and lightning, the Golden Lingzi Demon had no power to resist at all, his whole body was scorched black, and he fell limply on the ground without a sound.

To Li Xiuxian's astonishment, the soul of the Golden Lingzi Demon completely dissipated with the death of his body, and there was no time for Li Xiuxian to draw his soul.

"What a weird structure!" Li Xiuxian exclaimed.

This golden spirit child demon is indeed a rare monster, such a strange structure is really unheard of.

The only way to extract his soul is when he is not completely dead, but the soul and body of the Golden Lingzi Demon are so compatible, it is very difficult to extract its soul.

However, Li Xiuxian did not intend to give up, and kept trying in the Wanhuazhu.

Cultivation has no time, and two years have passed in a flash.

The soul-refining tribe has grown several times in the past two years, with more than 4 members. There is a large tribe nearby, and there is a city called Jianxin City. The soul-refining tribe has never been the same!
In two years, Li Shang's cultivation has been consolidated in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and Lihun's cultivation is about to break through the middle stage of foundation establishment.

"Boom!" The sudden shaking caused the entire Soul Refining Tribe to panic.

In the valley where Li Xiuxian lived, a pure black mist rushed out, covering the entire tribe.

From time to time, grievances came out of the black mist, and those who were still cultivating just now found that the souls in their soul banners did not listen to their commands, and completely cut off contact in the black mist!
Li Shang and Li Hun also looked at the black mist in the sky with horror on their faces, the tens of thousands of wronged souls in their soul banners were all absorbed by the black mist!
"Patriarch! What's going on? Our soul banners have become empty shells!" one person asked.

In the entire soul-refining tribe, except for the soul flags of Li Shang and Li Hun who can hold more than tens of thousands of souls, the soul flags of the other monks can only hold thousands of souls at most, but the number of soul flags can also hold more than a few thousand souls. achieve the same effect.

Lihun shook his head helplessly, he was also confused about this sudden change.But the origin of the black mist is the valley where the ancestors lived, so it shouldn't be harmful to the Soul Refining Tribe.

Li Hun could only comfort the frightened clansmen in this way.

But no matter how he comforted them, uneasiness still spread among the Soul Refining Tribe.

"Release the soul and enter the black mist several times a day to increase the power of the soul!" Li Xiuxian's voice slowly came from the valley, echoing for forty miles.

The moment his voice came out, all the clansmen within forty miles knelt down, without any exception. The reverence in the eyes of these people was extremely strong, and the opposite side of their kneeling was the valley where Li Xiuxian lived.

After the appearance of this black mist, for a whole day, within a radius of forty miles, there will often be black mist lingering. In this black mist, countless souls of humans and beasts howl.

Almost at this moment, their connection with their souls was restored, and they obviously felt that their souls were much stronger.

Li Shang also looked at the valley where Li Xiuxian was in admiration. Only the ancestors could do this.

This black mist is exactly the soul banner that Li Xiuxian sacrificed and refined. In two years, Li Xiuxian not only successfully extracted the soul of the golden spirit child demon, but also increased the soul in the soul banner hundreds of times.

Moreover, most of these souls are the souls split from the Golden Lingzi Demon, comparable to the souls of alchemy monks!

Besides Li Xiuxian, among the Kyushu monks, who can gather so many souls? Even if there are monks who can ruthlessly slaughter tens of thousands of monks, how many monks can there be among them, and what kind of monks can kill tens of thousands of monks?

But the Golden Lingzi Demon made all this possible!

Although Li Xiuxian's soul banner now only has more than 3000 million souls, its power is definitely stronger than a soul banner with [-] million souls!

And the souls in the soul-refining tribe lost contact the moment the soul-respecting banner appeared, which was Li Xiuxian's intentional way to stay.

All the soul banners refined by the soul-refining tribe are under the control of respected soul banners. As long as Li Xiuxian is willing, they can take their souls as his own in an instant.

"Li Shang greets Master!" Li Shang knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

"In the middle stage of foundation establishment, yes, you worked very hard." Li Xiuxian nodded in satisfaction.

This Li Shang is definitely at the level of a genius, and he has reached the middle stage of foundation establishment in less than ten years. At Li Shang's age, Li Xiuxian was still spinning in the Qi training stage.

"Thank you, Master, for your compliment!" A gleam of joy flashed across Li Shang's face, but he soon returned to normal.

For Li Shang, only Li Xiuxian's praise could make him smile.

Li Xiuxian appreciates Li Shang's calmness very much. Li Shang is only in his 20s, and his personality is so calm, which is really rare. Thinking of his younger siblings still relying on him at this age, Li Xiuxian can't help showing a trace of fascination in his eyes .

In the rare leisure time, Li Xiuxian took out the spiritual wine that he carried with him, and drank slowly.

After a few glasses of wine, his eyes became more reminiscent, and the fragments of living with his younger siblings kept flashing in his mind.

Suddenly, he had an extremely strong urge to leave this blood prison, leave Kyushu, return to Yizhou, and return to the place where he was born and raised.

This impulse became more and more intense, and it almost occupied Li Xiuxian's entire mind at the end. The cup in his hand shattered with a snap, and the fragments pierced into his hand, but at this moment, Li Xiuxian ignored it at all. deep memory.

Li Shang was startled, Master's behavior at this time was really abnormal.

But Li Shang didn't dare to mess around, he could only look at Li Xiuxian from the sidelines, and prevented anyone from approaching Li Xiuxian.

"Go home!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

The thought of going home and reuniting with his younger siblings occupied Li Xiuxian's whole body in surprise. For this purpose, he could let go of his cultivation!

This is a sign of madness, and at the slightest, one's cultivation base will be completely abolished, and at the worst, one's life will be lost.

Some people in the soul-refining tribe also noticed Li Xiuxian's abnormality, and they all leaned over, but they were stopped by Li Shang, and even summoned a soul banner.

"Those who cross the border will die!" Li Shang snorted coldly.

To Li Shang, these people are just slaves captured by the Soul Refining Tribe, how can these people compare to the safety of the master!

"Boom!" Li Xiuxian suddenly erupted with a powerful aura, and the coercion in the later stage of forming an alchemy instantly enveloped the entire soul refining tribe.

Lihun looked at the valley where Li Xiuxian was in horror: "What happened to the ancestor, did he meet a strong enemy?"

Li Xiuxian's coercion is so great, how can ordinary monks resist it, and some monks with low cultivation bases were directly shocked to death.

Li Shang, who was closest to Li Xiuxian, was the first to bear the brunt of it, and almost all the coercion in the later stage of forming an alchemy hit him.

If Li Shang hadn't reacted in time and opened the soul flag to summon a large number of souls to protect the surroundings, he would have been shocked to death in an instant!
But even so, the souls guarding around Li Shang turned into flying ash in an instant, and most of the souls in Li Shang's soul banner disappeared in an instant, and even the four-winged ink dragon, the main soul, was shaken away!

"Master!" Li Shang exclaimed.

Li Xiuxian has already lost his temper. If he releases the coercion with all his strength, the soul-refining tribe will be destroyed in Li Xiuxian's hands in less than a stick of incense.

"Run away!" Li Hun showed the courage that a patriarch should have at this time.

Commanding the clansmen to escape from the formation, leading some powerful clansmen to release their souls to resist Li Xiuxian's coercion.

"Buzz!" Just when Li Xiuxian was about to go crazy, a cool force flowed through Li Xiuxian's whole body in his dantian!
Li Xiuxian came back to his senses in an instant, and found that the situation was not good at this time, so he hurriedly suppressed his coercion, and exerted all his spiritual power to suppress this evil thought. "Li Shang handles the affairs here!" Li Xiuxian rushed into the valley after leaving these words, and the formation in the valley was fully activated, and outsiders could not enter at all.

(End of this chapter)

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