Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 336 Relics

Chapter 336 Relics

Li Xiuxian plunged headlong into the Wanhua Pearl, forcibly suppressing the evil thoughts in his heart.

This madness came so suddenly that Li Xiuxian was completely defenseless. If it wasn't for the refreshing force in his dantian to wake him up, the consequences would be unimaginable!
"It's so dangerous!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help being afraid when he thought of his own madness.

Even if you wake up a little later, your cultivation will be greatly damaged, and you may even fall into the alchemy stage and become a foundation-building monk!
For those who practice the Tao, the Tao takes firmness as the way, and foreign objects do not move it, which is called the mind of the Tao!

Just like vulgar customs penetrating the body, attacking the heart and transforming the Tao, rebelling against the origin and inverting the spirit, it is becoming a demon!
Reminiscing is not terrible, but what is strange is that the whole mind is completely immersed in it.

Among the monks in ancient times, there was a theory of foreign demons entering the body. It said that when the ascetics communicated with the heaven and the earth, and when they felt the way of heaven, some extraterrestrial demons would incarnate into tens of thousands and melt into nothingness without a trace.

Being invisible, on the other hand, means being everywhere!

The extraterrestrial demon entered the body, arousing the Dao fire in the monk's body, burning the primordial spirit, thus taking away the life of wisdom and destroying Dao Dharma.In the eyes of the ancient monks, the alien demons are extremely terrifying things, and if they are not careful, the alien demons can enter the body, causing a lifelong gap.

Li Xiuxian did not expect that he would be entered by this extraterrestrial demon!
Li Xiuxian was also puzzled by this matter, he thought that his Dao heart was strong, and he had never made a mistake for hundreds of years, and this evil thought came too silently.



Li Xiuxian's ears suddenly heard the roar of the Golden Lingzi Demon!
Li Xiuxian suddenly raised his head and looked at the golden spirit child demon trapped in the Tiangang sword formation in surprise.

He didn't even know how many golden spirit child demons he had killed in the past two years.

Since Jin Lingzi Demon is a demon, he naturally has a trace of demonic thoughts in his body!
Li Xiuxian killed so many Jin Lingzi demons, naturally he was haunted by evil thoughts, and the evil thoughts even caused the extraterrestrial demons to enter his body, and he lost his mind in an instant.

This time it was Li Xiuxian who was lucky, if he caused inner demons during cultivation, even with the help of Wanhuazhu in time, he might not be able to wake up.

Thinking of the consequences of going crazy, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sweat for himself.

At this moment, Li Xiuxian's eyes are clear, and he has obviously suppressed this evil thought, but when this evil thought will appear again, Li Xiuxian does not know.

If the evil thought regenerates, Li Xiuxian doesn't know what the consequences will be.

It is easy to enter the magic, but difficult to get out!

It is not easy to completely dissolve the evil thoughts in the body. Even though the "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong" practiced by Li Xiuxian is the supreme treasure of Taoism, it has a deterrent effect on the evil thoughts, but it cannot cure them.

Among the avenues of the heavens, only the Buddhist family can completely resolve the evil thoughts.

The Buddha sect's mental method is the nemesis of this evil thought, so the number of Buddhist monks who died due to madness is the least among all sects.

But here is a blood prison, a place where demons are prevalent, so how to find Buddhist exercises to resolve demons?
Li Xiuxian could only smile wryly about this, the Golden Lingzi demon greatly increased the strength of his honor banner, but at the same time it also planted a trace of demonic thoughts in his heart.

Sure enough, the old saying goes, good luck comes with misfortune, and misfortune comes with good fortune.

Fortune and misfortune are cause and effect of each other and transform each other.

Fortunately, the "Nine Turns of Xuan Gong" practiced by Li Xiuxian is peaceful and profound, the essence of Taoism. Although it is not as good as the Buddhist sect's kungfu in restraining demons, temporary suppression is not a problem.

At least within 50 years, Li Xiuxian is sure to suppress this demon, and it is hard to say what will happen after 50 years.

"Gap between thunderstorms!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sighed.

The gap between thunderstorms is the most dangerous place among the three forbidden areas. There are constant thunderstorms in that place, and as long as the alchemy cultivators get hit by one, they will be wiped out.

Such a dangerous place, Li Xiuxian really dare not set foot on it easily!
"50 years!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a trace of determination in his eyes.

Withdrawing the formation outside the valley, Li Xiuxian walked out of the valley, looking at the soul refining tribe he had built, Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing.

The purpose of establishing this tribe in the first place was to allow themselves to have a side of power so that they could gain a foothold in this blood prison.

Now he has gained a firm foothold in the blood prison, but he is haunted by demons!

"Master! You!" As soon as Li Xiuxian walked out of the valley, Li Shang came over and immediately noticed Li Xiuxian's abnormality.

Usually Li Xiuxian is a fairy, even if he uses blood and spiritual power, he will not have such a demonic aura!
Seeing Li Shang's surprised expression, Li Xiuxian smiled: "I'm fine, I have to go out for a while, and you will take care of this soul refining tribe."

Li Shang was startled: "Master is leaving?"

Li Xiuxian is the patriarch of the soul-refining tribe, and even the god in Li Shang's heart. If Li Xiuxian leaves here, Li Shang really doesn't know what to do next?

"Go to Sky Demon City for my teacher's business!" Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

Li Shang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "I hope Master will go and come back soon!"

Li Xiuxian nodded, purple light flashed on his body, and disappeared into the sky.

"Buzz!" When approaching the Sky Demon City, a gloomy light flashed on the elder token on Li Xiuxian's body, and a gap instantly appeared in the formation above the Sky Demon City.

Li Xiuxian entered the Sky Demon City directly through this gap, not the city gate.

After Li Xiuxian entered the Sky Demon City, the gap in the formation was instantly healed.

This elder's token is equivalent to a pass token. With this token, one can walk freely in the Sky Demon City, which naturally includes the large formation guarding the outside.

The moment Li Xiuxian entered the city, Di Yun felt something in his heart: "After two years away, I finally came back."

The largest building in the Sky Demon City is the Sky Demon Tower. This is the symbol of the Sky Demon City. Like the Gathering Tower in the Obsidian City, the Sky Demon Tower also has the effect of accelerating cultivation. An important means for big forces to attract strong people.

"Stop coming, this is the Sky Demon Tower, no one else is allowed to enter!" Two soldiers in armor stopped Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian flicked the token around his waist, and the two immediately moved out of the way.

The two soldiers were even more puzzled, they all knew the elders in the Heavenly Demon City, why hadn't they seen this person before?

In the Sky Demon City, Li Xiuxian is probably the only elder who has not even entered the Sky Demon Tower once.

The authority of Li Xiuxian's elder token can only enter the sixth floor. As for the upper three floors, only Di Yun, the two unseen elders, the second elder, and the city lord Di Qing are eligible to enter.

According to Li Xiuxian's estimation, the first elder and second elder who did not show up should be the legendary monk Nascent Soul.

The three elders, Di Yun, are both at the fake infant stage, so those two must be at the Nascent Soul stage, and there must be Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in the top ten major cities, otherwise they would not be able to gain a foothold in this chaotic blood prison .

"Elder Li, it's been a long time, I'll leave Abyss, and you'll be safe and sound!" Di Yun laughed.

"Old fox!" Li Xiuxian cursed secretly in his heart.

But Li Xiuxian greeted Di Yun with a smile on his face: "Elder Di is really forgetful. If I hadn't helped you hold back the Golden Spirit Demon, how would you have been able to seal this gap?"

Di Yun's face froze, then he smiled: "Elder Li's great contribution, my Sky Demon City will never forget it, if it wasn't for the disappearance of Elder Li that day, my Sky Demon City will definitely reward Elder Li heavily."

Li Xiuxian smiled: "That's good!" "

When Di Yun noticed Li Xiuxian's expression, his face changed drastically: "Elder Li, you..."

"Elder Di, you have also seen that, little brother, I am haunted by demons!" Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile.

"Inner Demon!" Rao even a person like Di Yun turned pale with panic when he heard the word Inner Demon.

Cultivators are most afraid of encountering inner demons. It is still light to destroy your cultivation base. If it is serious, it will not even save your life.

Li Xiuxian was able to suppress Li Xiuxian's inner demons, and Di Yun was surprised by such a method.

"Demon? I'm afraid I can't help you. Even a monk named Nascent Soul won't help." Di Yun shook his head.

He already subconsciously thought that Li Xiuxian had come to ask for help.

"This little brother naturally knows that the best way to resolve the demons is to use Buddhist exercises to restrain them. I am here this time to ask for a book of Buddhist exercises to resolve the demons. Even if it cannot be resolved, suppressing them with Buddhist exercises Okay." Li Xiuxian said.

"Buddha sect skills! Elder Li, are you joking? How can there be Buddha sect skills in this blood prison?" Di Yun gave a wry smile.

"Could it be that with the power of the Sky Demon City, you can't even get a copy of the Buddha sect's exercises?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

Di Yun smiled wryly: "It's not that you can't get it, but there is none at all. When this blood prison was established, few monks from the Buddhist sect entered it. If it is the Xuanmen kung fu, I still have some in Tianyao City, but the Buddhist kung fu There is really no Dharma. Not only my Sky Demon City, but I am afraid that the entire Blood Prison will not be able to find a single Buddhist exercise."

"Is there no other way?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help sighing.

"It's not impossible. Although Buddhist monks seldom enter the Blood Prison, they have done so. Although they haven't obtained Buddhist exercises, there are a few relics in my Heavenly Demon City, which are also useful for suppressing demons. "

"Relic!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help being moved.

Buddhist alchemy monks can not only condense golden elixir in the dantian, but also condense a relic in the center of their eyebrows.

The higher the cultivation level, the bigger the condensed relic, which contains the purest power of Buddhism!
But not all Buddhist monks can condense relics, they must be monks who are proficient in Buddhism to condense them. It can be said that relics are more precious than monks' golden elixir.

Moreover, Buddhism's guarding of relics is extremely strict. When Buddhist monks know that their time is approaching, they will sit in the sect, and the relics will be kept by the sect.

Even if a Buddhist monk dies outside accidentally, Buddhism will take back the relics at all costs, which has also caused the scarcity of relics in Kyushu.

Li Xiuxian also did not expect that there would be relics in this blood prison, which must be said to be a surprise.Although the purpose of Li Xiuxian's coming to Sky Demon City was not to suppress demons, but this was also a surprise, and Li Xiuxian had no reason to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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