Chapter 337
There are relics in this blood prison, which has to be said to be a miracle.

If there is a relic, then Li Xiuxian will be more confident in suppressing the demons, and it will definitely last for a hundred years.

"Elder Di, where is this relic now?" Li Xiuxian asked.

A flash of light flashed in Di Yun's eyes: "The relic is in the Heavenly Demon Pagoda!"

A gleam of joy flashed across Li Xiuxian's face: "Can you give it to me, Li is willing to exchange anything on his body."

Di Yun nodded: "Elder Li speaks quickly, so I won't say much. Elder Li entrusted me with the method of refining the soul banner. The three relics in the Heavenly Demon Pagoda are Li. Elderly."

"Soul banner!" Li Xiuxian was shocked!
There are quite a lot of magical skills in the Blood Prison, but the supernatural powers of extracting souls and fighting for oneself, such as soul refining, are extremely rare, even in the Sky Demon City.

Otherwise, the Nine Nether Tribe would not have been so helpless, snatching the soul banner of a little foundation-building cultivator.

This day, Demon City has coveted Li Xiuxian's soul refining technique for a long time. Since Li Xiuxian wants to ask for it, it is the best opportunity to trade.

"The soul banner is the capital for Li to live and work. If I give it to you..."

"Elder Li, don't worry, my Sky Demon City will never spread this technique to the outside world." Di Yun said solemnly.

Li Xiuxian hesitated for a while, and finally sighed: "That's the only way to go."

Li Xiuxian took out a jade slip with black filaments. This jade slip is exactly the jade slip for the soul refining technique, but Li Xiuxian modified some things in it, and the modified content is very cryptic, unless it is very good for the soul refining technique. People who study it, otherwise they will not be able to see the clues.

In this blood prison, there is no one who has mastered the soul refining technique except Li Xiuxian, and the only one who can know this hidden danger is Li Xiuxian.

After handing over the jade slips, Di Yun immediately soaked his consciousness into the jade slips, and in less than half a stick of incense, Di Yun read the contents of the jade slips.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and with his cultivation base, he didn't see any problem with the soul refining technique in the jade slip.

"Since there is no problem with this jade slip, Elder Di should also give me the relic." Li Xiuxian said.

"Naturally, Elder Li, please follow me." Di Yun smiled.

Di Yun led Li Xiuxian around the Sky Demon Pagoda a few times, and stopped in front of a stone gate.

This is the seventh floor of the Sky Demon Pagoda. A token flashed in Di Yun's hand, and a ray of light flashed by. The stone door opened automatically!
"This is the treasure house in my Heavenly Demon Tower. These three relics are placed in the sixth cabinet on the outermost third floor." Di Yun said.

Li Xiuxian nodded and walked straight into the treasure house. He directly found the cabinet containing the three relics. When he opened the cabinet, he saw a strong Buddha light shooting out!

"What a powerful Buddha light!" Li Xiuxian exclaimed.

Among the three relics, two are only the size of an eyeball, and one is as big as half a fist!

This relic, the size of half a fist, was probably left by a Buddhist monk in the Nascent Soul stage, and the Buddha's light contained in it had reached an extremely terrifying level.

If it weren't for the fact that most of the cultivators in the Blood Prison were monks of the demonic way, and only a small number of them were cultivating Xuanmen skills, this relic would not be so neglected.

If there are Buddhas cultivating here, they will definitely go crazy. Just wearing these relics on their bodies will be of great benefit to their cultivation, and practicing Buddhist skills will get twice the result with half the effort.

It's a pity that no one in this blood prison will realize the value of this relic.

Demon monks are very repulsed by the Buddha's light. Even if they are obsessed, they would never think of using relics to suppress the demons. Otherwise, how could it be Li Xiuxian's turn to use the three relics?

Just being illuminated by this Buddha's light, the demons that had been haunting Li Xiuxian receded a lot in an instant, and the black air between his brows also faded.

If you wear these three relics on your body for a long time, it will be very easy to suppress the inner demons, and even completely dissolve the inner demons.

After putting away the three relics, Li Xiuxian looked around, and found that there were quite a lot of things in this treasure house. There were a lot of pills and magic weapons that were rarely seen in the outside world.

However, these things are covered by a thin layer of light curtains, which are obviously protected by restrictions, so naturally Li Xiuxian will not touch this bad luck.

The treasury is a powerful place, and the other party is already giving you face by allowing you to come in. If you don't know what to do, even if the other party kills you, you deserve it.

"Elder Li, are you satisfied?" Di Yun asked with a smile.

"This relic is indeed infinitely mysterious. Under the radiance of this Buddha's light, my little brother's inner demons have already disappeared a lot. After a long time, I don't have to worry about my inner demons anymore." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"That's good, here is 1 yuan of blood spirit crystals, even if it is the reward from the Sky Demon City for Elder Li's outstanding performance last time." Di Yun threw out a storage bag, which was filled with blood spirit crystals of different qualities , the lowest quality is the third grade, and the highest even reaches the eighth grade.

Li Xiuxian sighed, Yaocheng is really rich and powerful this day, and he didn't even frown when he took out so many blood spirit crystals at once.

"Brother, I have another question. This golden spirit child demon is notoriously difficult to deal with. How did my virtuous brother kill it?" Di Yun asked.

Li Xiuxian sighed secretly, as expected he had asked this question.

Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly: "Elder Di, you think highly of me too. How could I have the ability to kill this golden spirit child demon? Every time I attack, it splits it up. In the end, I have no choice but to use my The art of refining the soul, extracting its soul, can kill it in the end."

Di Yun's eyes were full of splendor, he didn't expect this soul refining technique to be so effective, even the golden spirit child demon could be killed.

Seeing Di Yun's face, Li Xiuxian smiled secretly: "Don't you want to know? I've already told you!"

Li Xiuxian's words are half true and half false. It is true that he used the soul banner to extract the soul of the Golden Lingzi Demon, and he also extracted thousands of souls, otherwise he would not be haunted by demonic thoughts.

But if it is just relying on the soul banner, then Di Yun will not be able to extract the soul of the Golden Lingzi Demon for the rest of his life, unless he also has the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword to cooperate, but the probability of this is infinitely close to zero.

"My dear brother, since you have come to the Sky Demon Pagoda, staying here for a while will be of great benefit to your cultivation." Di Yun said with a smile.

Li Xiuxian shook his head: "My little brother still has a tribe to take care of. If he stays out for a long time, I don't know what troubles will happen."

Di Yun nodded: "In that case, I won't keep my younger brother."

"Buzz!" Just as Li Xiuxian was about to leave, the badges on Di Yun and Li Xiuxian lit up simultaneously.

Li Xiuxian didn't know the meaning of this bright light, but Di Yun was shocked and then overjoyed.

"Brother, something important has happened. I can assure you that if you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" A mysterious smile appeared on Di Yun's face.

"What's the matter?"

"Bringing a baby!" Di Yun said each word with a pause.

"Really!" Li Xiuxian asked excitedly.

It is a rare thing for a monk to conceive a baby. If he can watch the whole process of conceiving a baby from the sidelines, it will be of great benefit to him to conceive a baby!
But Li Xiuxian was also secretly startled, this day Demon City deserves to be the most powerful city in Blood Prison, apart from the two elders who can't see the end of the dragon, Sky Demon City is about to add a Nascent Soul cultivator!
Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Li Xiuxian couldn't help looking at Di Yun, who kept smiling: "Could it be you who gave birth to the baby?"

Di Yun shook his head: "No, no, it's the Lord of the Heavenly Demon City, Di Qing, who is known as the number one cultivator in the past thousand years, is only over two hundred years old, and he has crossed that hurdle. Compared to him, my uncle would be ashamed."

Li Xiuxian's heart was shocked, this Di Qing was only two hundred years old and could conceive a baby, this is really surprising, or shocking!
It takes a lot of talent to do this. Over two hundred years old, even a monk who is called a genius is just spinning around in the alchemy stage.

"It's such a grand occasion, of course Li can't miss it." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"It will be a month after the birth of the baby. It seems that Brother Xian is going to live in the Heavenly Demon Pagoda."

Li Xiuxian nodded: "There is nothing more exciting than witnessing the birth of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

While the two were talking, the entire Sky Demon City began to operate, and invitations flew in all directions like snowflakes.

The strength of Sky Demon City itself is the number one in Blood Prison. If there is another Nascent Soul cultivator, then their strength can dominate Blood Prison. Even if they are also among the top ten major cities, there is no force that can stop them.

Di Qing's birth this time is the best moment to show her strength to the outside world and frighten the heroes.

With the strength of the Sky Demon City, he is not afraid of other monks making trouble. If there are such bold people, then the Sky Demon City will let these people know why his Sky Demon City is called the number one city in the Blood Prison.

"Di Qing's baby, it should be the effect of those few drops of magic essence." Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

It can't be blamed that Li Xiuxian would associate this matter with the magic essence. It was too coincidental that Di Qing got the news of the baby not long after Di Yun got the magic essence.

Li Xiuxian looked at the ten drops of magic essence in his palm, this magic essence was too weird, Li Xiuxian had never seen or heard of it before, let alone how to use it.

If he swallowed it directly, Li Xiuxian didn't know what would happen.

Li Xiuxian faintly felt that if he wanted to conceive a baby, the key to it was the ten drops of magic essence in his hand.

"It seems that we must get the method of using the magic essence." A trace of determination flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes.If he can conceive a baby, then his chances of breaking through the gap between thunderstorms will be much more successful, and his chances of returning to Kyushu will also be greatly increased!
(End of this chapter)

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