Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 343 The product of one night's romance?

Chapter 343 The product of a one-night affair?

For this dragon's blood, Li Xiuxian was always vigilant. Like this kind of old monster who didn't know how many years he had lived, killing him would probably be no more difficult than crushing an ant.

And until now, Li Xiuxian didn't know why Dragon Blood showed two completely different sides in such a short period of time.

One must know that when they first met, Dragon Blood had dealt with him with the intention of killing him. If Li Xiuxian hadn't resorted to all means, his body would have been drowned in blood by now!

But at this moment, Dragon Blood seemed to be treating a friend he hadn't seen for many years, as if he had forgotten that he had millions of descendants who died at the hands of Li Xiuxian.

Maybe this blood mist tea is just a good drink in the eyes of Longxue, but for a monk of Li Xiuxian's level, it is no different from a panacea, and the aura contained in it is hundreds of times stronger than Zengyuan Dan!
Drinking a cup is enough to equal Li Xiuxian's months of penance, and it is also a great temptation for Yuanying monks.

Moreover, Li Xiuxian couldn't guarantee whether there was anything strange in the blood fog tea.

In the realm of comprehension, miraculous skills and methods emerged one after another, coupled with the unfathomable dragon blood, his methods must not be guessed by a monk of Li Xiuxian's level.

This dragon blood is so powerful that it can definitely be ranked among the top three monks that Li Xiuxian has encountered. Even the Heaven-Hating Corpse Emperor who forced Li Xiuxian to look like a stray dog ​​is definitely not an opponent of this dragon blood.

Among the monks that Li Xiuxian knew, perhaps only a demon general could compete with him!

"What? Are you afraid that it's poisonous?" Longxue frowned when he saw Li Xiuxian not moving.

Li Xiuxian smiled awkwardly: "Where? It's just the first time I've seen such a strange tea, so I can't help but study it more."

"This blood mist tea is made by the old man using the unique blood essence in the blood sea, plus the ghost orchid that grows in the blood sea. These things are only available in the blood sea. There is no semicolon other than this one. .” Dragon Blood laughed.

Li Xiuxian nodded, and drank the blood mist tea in the cup in one gulp.

Not only does the scarlet liquid not have any fishy smell, but it has a burst of refreshing fragrance, which melts instantly in the mouth, and the enthusiasm is like fire. Li Xiuxian felt that the spiritual power in his body was catalyzed by the blood mist tea, and it began to boil and burn. .

Li Xiuxian even wondered if what he was drinking was tea. This hot feeling was like drinking a glass of high-concentration alcohol.

Dragon Blood seemed to have expected this kind of reaction from Li Xiuxian long ago. He sipped the blood mist tea in his cup one mouthful at a time, without Li Xiuxian's scorching look at all.

The skin of Li Xiuxian's whole body became bright red, and drops of blood even appeared on the skin!
After a few breaths of effort, Li Xiuxian turned into a blood man, and Li Xiuxian's face was extremely distorted, obviously enduring great pain.

But Li Xiuxian gritted his teeth and persisted. He knew that this was not some trick of the dragon's blood, but the medicinal effect of the blood mist tea itself.

This dragon's blood is at least at the cultivation level of the god transformation stage, so there is nothing wrong with drinking this kind of blood mist tea with incomparably overbearing medicinal effects.

But Li Xiuxian is just a small alchemy cultivator, the medicinal effect of this blood mist tea is too strong for him, and it will take a certain amount of time to absorb and refine it.

Although this process is extremely painful, if you survive it, the rewards will definitely be extremely significant.

This strange thing will have the best effect only when it is taken for the first time. If it is taken in the future, even if it is of great benefit to Li Xiuxian, the benefits will definitely not exceed the first time.

Li Xiuxian frantically circulated the spiritual power in his body to divide, absorb, and refine the medicinal effects of the blood mist tea, and finally incorporated it into his dantian.

"It's an authentic Daoist technique, with extremely pure spiritual power and a solid foundation. There is a trace of fairy spirit in the body. Although it is very weak, it does exist." Dragon Blood murmured.

"Huh!" After half an hour, the flush on Li Xiuxian's body gradually receded.

Li Xiuxian let out a long sigh of relief: "Thank you, senior, for your success!"

In just half an hour, the spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body skyrocketed again, pushing Li Xiuxian to the peak of the false baby stage in one fell swoop, and he was only one step away from the birth of a baby!

"Very good, very good, it really didn't disappoint me. You don't have to thank me, this blood mist tea is good, but you have to use it with your life." Dragon Blood laughed.

When Li Xiuxian thought of the feeling of burning all inside just now, he was afraid for a while. If he couldn't hold on just now, he might be burned to death by this overbearing medicine!

"Your swords are very interesting." Said lightly.

But this sentence set off a huge wave in Li Xiuxian's heart!

"It's over, the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is being targeted by him!" Li Xiuxian had this thought in his mind instantly.

"But what surprised me even more is that I haven't seen your five-color divine light for tens of thousands of years." There was a trace of nostalgia on Longxue's face.

Li Xiuxian's heart skipped a beat, he rarely used the five-color divine light, and had no choice but to use the five-color divine light to take back his Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

"Is he alright?" Dragon Blood's tone was slightly sad.

"Him? Which one? A hairless peacock?" Li Xiuxian had several questions in his mind.

But Li Xiuxian would not be so stupid as to pull out the four tail hairs of the hairless peacock.

Looking at the situation, this old man has a little relationship with the hair-shedding peacock. Even if the two have nothing to do with it, it has a little relationship with the ancestors of the hair-shedding peacock. , God knows what troubles this old man will cause.

An immortal who has lived for tens of thousands of years, Li Xiuxian feels horrible when he thinks about it. Even a cultivator of Huashen is only more than 5000 years old, but this immortal has lived for tens of thousands of years. He is definitely not human.

"Could it be a relative of the hairless peacock?" Li Xiuxian thought to himself.

"Senior, do you mean the ancestor of Kong Xuan?" Li Xiuxian asked tentatively.

Anyway, bragging and not paying taxes, this old man obviously has a little relationship with the five-color light. As for friendship or evil fate, Li Xiuxian is not known, but now Li Xiuxian has no choice but to pull Kongxuan Daqi came to ease his situation, anyway, the result would definitely be better than him talking about the hairless peacock.

"Sure enough!" Dragon Blood sighed.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, he made the right bet on this step.

"At that time, I felt that the five-color divine light was very familiar, so I threw out all the remaining 35 swords." Longxue sighed.

"Predecessors and ancestors know each other!" Li Xiuxian already shamelessly regarded himself as Kong Xuan's descendant.

"Know, not only know, forget it, don't mention the past. This old bird actually has offspring. If it weren't for the five-color light on your body, I really wouldn't recognize you." Longxue laughed.

"Senior also has many sons and grandchildren, and this sea of ​​blood is full of your descendants." Li Xiuxian laughed.

"It doesn't matter if you don't mention those things, but they are just things that you randomly made out when you were bored, and they have multiplied so much before you know it." Dragon Blood waved his hand, as if to say something unworthy of mentioning.

Li Xiuxian's eyelids twitched, this old man turned the sea of ​​blood into his territory with a few random moves, and even created a mysterious race that even the monks in the blood prison were terrified of.

"The blood sea is so powerful, why is this blood prison still the territory of those human monks?" Li Xiuxian asked.

In fact, I have wanted to ask this question for a long time. With the strength of Dragon Blood, it is almost a matter of flipping the top ten main cities of Blood Prison. Why are they still in this sea of ​​blood?
"Have you ever seen adults and children robbing toys?" Dragon Blood laughed.

Li Xiuxian understood that it wasn't that this old man didn't like fighting, but that he didn't like this bloody place at all.

Indeed, in his eyes, the person with the highest cultivation level in the Blood Prison is only the late Nascent Soul. Such a cultivation base can be regarded as a master in the Blood Prison and even in Kyushu, but in the eyes of his old man, they are just a group of children. Just play house.

"Although you have inherited the five-color divine light of that old bird, you are not very pure. Presumably it is the result of that old bird's flirtatious night." Longxue snorted coldly.

"It's a romantic night!" Li Xiuxian's face became extremely strange. Now it seems that this ancient monster clan is still a merciless prodigal son?

"However, you are lucky. Although this old bird is merciful, there are only a handful of people who can inherit his five-color divine light. But counting his age, he will either die of old age or ascend to the ascension!" Dragon Blood said.

The lifespan of the monster race is indeed much longer than that of humans, but no matter how long it is, there is an end. If it can't go any further, even a power like dragon blood will return to ashes.

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly: "It's a great fortune for the younger generation to inherit the five-color divine light, and I dare not ask for anything extravagantly."

"You have a kind heart, but since you are an old friend, I can't be too cold. I have a little friendship with your ancestors, and I also have a little understanding of his five-color divine light. Back then, we exchanged cultivation experience. He mentioned the five-color divine light when he was in the middle of the night. Now it’s just cheaper for you.” Dragon Blood opened his mouth wide, and a piece of iron fell to the ground.

"This is the cultivation experience of the two of us, you should understand it carefully!"

"Thank you, senior!" Li Xiuxian thanked.

Although the cultivation method of the monster race is not suitable for the human race, there are also similarities between the two, especially the five-color divine light. Li Xiuxian has always relied on the four feathers. It would be a pleasure if he could cultivate it by himself .

But as for the intention of this Dragon Blood, Li Xiuxian is still unclear. He thinks that Dragon Blood will be so good to him not only because he is Kong Xuan's descendant, but also seems to have something for him to do.After much deliberation, he couldn't figure it out, so Li Xiuxian simply gave up thinking about it and devoted himself to the cultivation. This is a big advantage that fell from the sky. If you don't take advantage of it, if you are stronger, you will be safer .

(End of this chapter)

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