Chapter 344
On this piece of iron, mysterious spirit patterns criss-crossed. Li Xiuxian immersed his consciousness into it, and found that this piece of iron turned out to be something similar to a jade slip.

The information contained in it is too huge, and it is already remarkable that Li Xiuxian can understand one percent of it with his current cultivation.

The information in the iron sheet is also all-encompassing, not only the cultivation experience, but even some ancient secrets.

"How long has this old monster lived?" Li Xiuxian sighed.

Even among the monster clan, there are only a handful of people who can live for tens of thousands of years. This old monster can live so long, and it must be a famous existence among the monster clan.

However, there is no mention of dragon blood in this piece of iron, even Kong Xuan rarely mentions it.

Soon Li Xiuxian forgot these questions, and was attracted by the narrative in front of him.

Kong Xuan, the great sage of the monster clan, is extremely talented, and the five-color divine light claims to be able to brush everything!
Li Xiuxian's eyes showed a blaze of fire, and below it turned out to be the complete cultivation method of the five-color divine light.

Although Kong Xuan's five-color divine light is the result of his extraordinary talent, it also has a lot to do with his own cultivation.

The talent is amazing, and there are many examples where everyone is lost in the end.

This Kong Xuan belonged to that kind of great monster with extraordinary talent and hard work, that's why he became the famous great sage of the monster clan in ancient times.

The source of the five-color divine light is the five tail hairs on the tail, which is the source of the five-color divine light.

There is nothing in the world that can get rid of the five elements. The five elements are the most basic elements that make up this world. If you can cultivate the five-color divine light to the level of Kong Xuan, then you will be able to brush everything!

The way of cultivating the five-color divine light is easy and easy, but also difficult. There is only one way, which is to continuously absorb the energy of the five elements of heaven and earth and inject them into the tail hair. The more five elements you absorb, the stronger the power will be.

If one can find a place where the five elements are abundant, the sacrificial practice will be twice the result with half the effort. Back then, Kong Xuan also experienced nine deaths before he cultivated his five-color divine light to great success, leaving a great reputation in ancient times.

The four tail hairs Li Xiuxian plucked from the tail of the hairless peacock at the bottom of the valley must not be as good as Kong Xuan in quality, and there are only four. It is very difficult to reproduce the prestige of the five-color light in ancient times, but if we follow the above This cultivation method can also increase the power of the five-color divine light by several levels.

Li Xiuxian glanced at the four tail hairs in his palm, and there was a flash of inspiration on them. I'm afraid Li Xiuxian didn't know that the tail hairs that the little monkey plucked out would have such a big name?

This hairless peacock is obviously inextricably related to the ancient monster clan great sage, and it is even very likely to be the descendant of Kong Xuan. The energy of the five elements there has also reached a very strong level, which is quite rare even in Kyushu. At least Li Xiuxian has not found a place where the energy of the Five Elements can surpass that valley.

That is the best place to practice five-color divine light!
However, Yizhou was isolated by the formation of ancient monks, and it was extremely difficult to enter Yizhou. Maybe he could break through the formation of ancient monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, but this was only possible.

For the four tail hairs, Li Xiuxian secretly sighed, it would be a pity if these four tail hairs were left like this.

Holding one of the tail hairs, Li Xiuxian circulated his spiritual power, and the majestic spiritual power instantly wrapped the tail hair, and the energy of the five elements in the whole room skyrocketed!
"Drink!" Li Xiuxian yelled loudly, and saw that this tail hair gradually melted on Li Xiuxian's hand, and melted into Li Xiuxian's palm bit by bit, and merged with Li Xiuxian's index finger!
Li Xiuxian actually fused the original tail hair of the five-color divine light with the index finger of his right hand, and they will never be separated from each other ever since!

After fusing one, Li Xiuxian struck while the iron was hot, and fused the remaining three into his right hand.

If these tail hairs really belonged to Kong Xuan, then even if Li Xiuxian was exhausted, he might not be able to refine them, let alone fuse them.

But the owner of the hair-loss peacock is only a second-level monster. With Li Xiuxian's cultivation base of the fake baby stage, it is naturally easy to refine it.

Li Xiuxian shook his right hand, and after confirming that there was no accident in the fusion, he operated the spiritual power in his body according to the exercises on the iron plate.

At this moment, the Qi of the Five Elements in the entire sea of ​​blood rushed into the room where Li Xiuxian was like crazy.

The sudden change startled Li Xiuxian. If so much energy of the five elements entered his body at once, it would probably blow him up.

But Li Xiuxian's worry is obviously superfluous. As soon as these five elements enter the room, they are all absorbed by Li Xiuxian's right hand. These four fingers seem to be a bottomless pit, absorbing all the five elements that can be absorbed crazily.

At the same time, the bones of Li Xiuxian's four fingers were undergoing astonishing changes, and the four fingers became as flawless as white jade under the infusion of a large amount of spiritual energy from the five elements.

This phenomenon lasted for a quarter of an hour before it stopped. At this time, all the nearby five-element aura was absorbed by Li Xiuxian, and there would be no five-element aura for him to absorb in a short time unless he was willing to change to another place .

Moreover, in this blood prison, there are not many five-element auras. If one wants to cultivate the five-color divine light to great success in this blood prison, it is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Dragon Blood smiled and looked at the direction where Li Xiuxian was. There was such a large amount of five-element aura just now, and he also contributed to it. Otherwise, how could Li Xiuxian, a fake baby monk, gather so many in the sea of ​​blood where there is not much five-element aura? Five elements aura?
"Kong Xuan's five-color aura is really domineering!" Long Xue looked thoughtfully at the direction where Li Xiuxian was.

In the quiet room, Li Xiuxian was studying this piece of iron carefully, and the spirit patterns on it alone showed that it was extraordinary.

Li Xiuxian even tried to burn this piece of iron with spiritual fire, but the iron piece did not deform in any way, so Li Xiuxian burned it with four-color spiritual fire.

But this piece of iron is intact as before, the four-color spirit fire didn't even leave a single scar on the piece of iron, and it's still cold to touch.

This material is simply appalling!

Li Xiuxian transplanted all the information in the iron sheet into the jade slips, and it took ten jade slips to barely copy the information contained in a small iron sheet.

Looking at this piece of iron, Li Xiuxian let out a muffled snort, and a ray of lightning slashed out from the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword.

"Clang!" The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword was bounced out!
"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped!
The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword can't do anything to a small piece of iron!

"Little monkey, smash it for me!" Li Xiuxian directly threw this piece of iron into the Wanhua Pearl.

The little monkey let out a roar, and his body swelled rapidly, and he didn't stop until he reached a full hundred feet. When he punched it down, the whole Wanhua Pearl trembled, and a deep hole was punched out in the black soil!
But at the bottom of the pit, the piece of iron was still in good shape, not even bent at all.

Seeing this situation, Li Xiuxian didn't have the mood to try again, this piece of iron was obviously not a mortal thing, at least with Li Xiuxian's current methods, he couldn't do anything about this piece of iron.

"Is the information recorded by the ancient monks so evil?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but think.

This piece of iron is obviously not a whole piece, there are irregular breaks at the edges, and even the spirit pattern is incomplete, obviously it was forcibly divided by people with great magical powers.

Thinking of someone being able to destroy this piece of iron, Li Xiuxian couldn't help but shudder. How much cultivation is needed to do it.

After carefully collecting this piece of iron, Li Xiuxian took out a Zengyuan Pill and started his own cultivation.

Dragon's Blood didn't seem to bother Li Xiuxian either, as if he had forgotten about this inconspicuous existence.

It took ten years to practice in the sea of ​​blood. During these ten years, Li Xiuxian kept trying to break through that bottleneck, but every time he failed.

Although when Di Qing broke through, he had touched the bottleneck of that layer, but now he still can't break through it.

The bottleneck of Yuanying seems to be so unbreakable, even if Li Xiuxian has ten times the current strength, he can't break through.

In the past ten years, Dragon Blood has not been doing nothing. It has been paying attention to Li Xiuxian's movements almost all the time. Every time the Nascent Soul Tribulation condenses halfway, it will disperse. In the past ten years, this situation has been no less than ten times.

"If the Nascent Soul is not formed, then there is no certainty!" Dragon Blood sighed slightly.

"Forget it, the old man will help you!" A trace of pity flashed in Longxue's eyes, obviously he was going to help Li Xiuxian, but the price involved was enough to make his heart ache.

"If you still can't break through, then I will kill you with my own hands!" The voice of Dragon Blood suddenly came from Li Xiuxian's soul.

Li Xiuxian was shocked, he didn't know why the dragon's blood suddenly became like this, but before he could react, a ball of blood the size of a washbasin rushed into the quiet room.

"This is my natal blood, which can help you break through the bottleneck!" Dragon Blood snorted coldly.

Li Xiuxian was shocked, this dragon blood took the wrong medicine today, and suddenly took out all the essence and blood of his life?
"How to use it?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help swallowing.

"Refining!" After leaving two words, the dragon's blood was silent again.

Looking at this mass of blood, Li Xiuxian didn't know what happened, but the huge power contained in this blood is almost not below the magic essence, it is pure power, and it is really possible to help Li Xiuxian break through that layer of bottleneck .

Moreover, Li Xiuxian had inspected this lump of blood several times, and confirmed that there was nothing strange in it.

However, Li Xiuxian couldn't absorb such a large mass of blood at once, so he could only use his spiritual consciousness to separate out a drop and slowly refine it.


"Aw!" A dragon's roar suddenly came from Li Xiuxian's body!
(End of this chapter)

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