Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 345 Divine Beast

Chapter 345 Divine Beast
The sudden dragon chant startled Li Xiuxian.

Although Li Xiuxian has never heard the real dragon chant, at most he has heard the roars of some three and dragons, but he has a feeling.

The voice coming out of his body is Dragon Yin!
Dragon, this mythical beast that only exists in legends actually exists.

Even in Tianzhou, where cultivation is the most prosperous, no pure dragons have appeared in the past thousand years. At most, there are some monsters with the blood of dragons. If you want to see dragons with pure blood, you can only go back to ancient times.

Now Li Xiuxian's body actually came out with a pure dragon chant sound, how could this not surprise Li Xiuxian.

"Blood essence! The blood essence of the old monster!" Li Xiuxian instantly found the source of the dragon chant.

It turned out to be the essence of dragon blood, and this drop of essence exuded amazing power, and more importantly, this drop of blood actually had the power of a dragon faintly.

"What is the origin of this old monster? A drop of blood essence can possess such terrifying power." Li Xiuxian looked at the ball of blood essence floating in the air in horror.

If he could really refine this mass of blood essence, he might be able to break through the bottleneck that has been troubling him all this time!
Nascent Soul stage, before this was a realm that Li Xiuxian couldn't even imagine.

Being able to break through to the alchemy stage has already made Li Xiuxian wake up from his dreams with a smile, but now he is told that he can even touch the Yuanying stage that was originally out of reach, Li Xiuxian feels dizzy.

This drop of blood was cut open bit by bit in Li Xiuxian's body, and merged into Li Xiuxian's flesh and skin.

Just this drop of essence and blood made Li Xiuxian completely reborn!

The meridians in Li Xiuxian's body widened and strengthened several times.

This also means that Li Xiuxian's body can carry more spiritual power, and the power it exerts will be stronger.

But what shocked Li Xiuxian the most was that his ten fingers turned out to be extremely sharp, and the ten fingers were like the claws of a monster.

Li Xiuxian even believed that as long as he wanted to, he could easily crush an ordinary magic weapon!

Fortunately, these changes were not irreversible. Under Li Xiuxian's control, the changed fingers returned to their original appearance.

Looking at the cloud of blood in the air, a trace of determination flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes. Although he didn't know what the origin of the blood was, there was no doubt that it would be of great benefit to Li Xiuxian, and could even help He breaks through.

That being the case, Li Xiuxian had no reason to refuse. He gritted his teeth, took out a drop of blood, and started refining.

Refining this ball of blood essence is not a simple matter, Li Xiuxian only refines two or three drops every day at most.

Even with Li Xiuxian's cultivation base in the fake infant period, he could not bear the terrifying power contained in this blood essence. If he refined too much at once, then Li Xiuxian's end would be extremely miserable.

Ten years, this ball of blood essence has been refined for ten years!

"Aww!" In the quiet room where Li Xiuxian was, a loud and clear dragon chant echoed in the sea of ​​blood.

The entire sea of ​​blood boiled in an instant, and all the lizardmen living in the sea of ​​blood looked at Li Xiuxian's direction with reverence, which was also the place where the dragon chant was coming out.

Even Qingfengmingyue, the two Nascent Soul stage boys, looked at Li Xiuxian's direction in horror, and they staggered and almost fell to the ground.

If the dignified Nascent Soul stage monks were scared to the ground by the sound of the dragon's roar, if this matter spread, it would be really ridiculous.

"This boy did not disappoint me!" Long Xue said with a faint smile.

In the entire sea of ​​blood, if anyone was indifferent to this dragon's chant, then there was no one except Dragon Blood.

In the room where Li Xiuxian was, there was no figure of Li Xiuxian, but a bloody little dragon that was tens of feet long was replaced.

This little dragon is not purely blood-colored, there is a hint of purple gold between the scales, and there are two small bags on the forehead of this little dragon, if you don't observe carefully, you will not find it at all. Two gold-colored dragon horns.

A dragon appeared in Li Xiuxian's room, and it was a small dragon!
"What is this?" The little dragon had a wry smile on his face.

"Boom!" Before the little dragon could react, a huge cloud of catastrophe floated over the sea of ​​blood. This cloud of catastrophe was so big that it was dozens of times larger than when Di Qing crossed the catastrophe!
There is almost a consensus in the cultivation world that the bigger the robbery cloud, the stronger the power of the thunder that descends.

Di Qing's calamity cloud is already big enough, three or four times that of ordinary Nascent Soul monks, but Li Xiuxian's is even more outrageous, dozens of times that of Di Qing. Under this kind of catastrophe, there is only one end-death!

"Buzz!" Li Xiuxian only felt that the space around him began to shake, and the scene in front of him changed, and he left the palace under the blood sea in an instant, and appeared above the blood sea.

"Boy, enjoy the power of this blood!" Dragon Blood's voice came out.

That's right, this bloody little dragon is exactly Li Xiuxian, and ten years have transformed Li Xiuxian from a human into a dragon!
"Blood!" Li Xiuxian murmured.

He seemed to have seen this word somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while.

Since he couldn't remember it, Li Xiuxian simply didn't think about it. Things that he didn't even remember were not important things, and the key now was how to survive this terrible catastrophe.

In the form of a dragon, he found that he couldn't even use the magic weapon in his body. Without the magic weapon, it was undoubtedly a dream to resist the thunder.

"Boom!" Jieyun didn't give Li Xiuxian time to prepare, and the first thunder fell immediately!
"Hey!" Li Xiuxian, who couldn't dodge in time, was directly hit by this thunder.

From the beginning, it was already a lavender sky thunder, and the power contained in it was enough to smash the monks in the late stage of alchemy to pieces!
Even Li Xiuxian himself was in despair. Facing such a terrifying sky thunder, it would undoubtedly be the most stupid act to insist on it.

But to Li Xiuxian's surprise, when this terrifying thunder fell on him, he couldn't feel any pain!

"This...!" Li Xiuxian looked at himself in horror. At this time, he was actually surrounded by lightning, but the surrounding lightning did not affect him in any way. On the contrary, he was constantly absorbing the lightning.

On the blood-colored scales, the lavender arc was instantly absorbed by that purple-gold fine line.

"Mastering the talent of thunder and lightning is not bad among the dragon clan." Dragon Blood nodded in satisfaction.

The thunder that made Li Xiuxian so fearful turned out to be just a paper tiger!

Although Jie Yun roared angrily, those lightning bolts could not cause even a little damage to Li Xiuxian.

When the last thunderbolt hit Li Xiuxian's body, it just blasted away a few scales, it didn't hurt Li Xiuxian's root!
"Dragon, as expected of a legendary dragon!" Li Xiuxian sighed.

It is not unreasonable for the dragon to be called a divine beast by the monks. Just this strong defense ability is enough to make the monks envious. Even with the blue flame unicorn armor, Li Xiuxian does not think that his defense can be stronger than it is now.

"Wait! Bloodline!" A message suddenly flashed in Li Xiuxian's mind.

In ancient times, a hundred schools of thought contended, and it was recognized by the practitioners that cultivation was the most prosperous period.

"The Divine Beast Family!" Li Xiuxian's breathing suddenly became extremely heavy.

In ancient times, I am afraid that no one would not know that these cultivators with the blood of divine beasts, monks with the blood of divine beasts are almost synonymous with invincibility, and almost ruled an era. In that era, I am afraid that only those terrifying ancient sword cultivators could compete with these divine beasts. The monks of the family competed.

However, like the ancient sword cultivators, these mythical beast families were submerged in the long river of history.

Ancient sword cultivators still have inheritance, and until now there are some surviving ancient sword cultivators walking in Kyushu. Even though the glory of ancient sword cultivators is gone, no one dares to underestimate these monks who live by swords!
Unlike the ancient sword cultivators, these divine beast families were completely extinct, just as they came so suddenly, they disappeared so suddenly.

No one knows how these mythical beast families disappeared, such a powerful force, even the ancient sword cultivators have to be afraid of it.

The extinction of the mythical beast family made it possible for future generations to know that such a powerful force existed in ancient times only in some classics.

The mythical beast is just a general term, and it is a compliment to the power of this kind of people!
These people, like the current Li Xiuxian, can switch between human and beast bodies at will, and the power they erupt is enough to instantly kill any monk of the same level.

Li Xiuxian didn't expect that he would become the legendary beast family!

And these are just refining a mass of blood essence!

"Very good. Although it is only a young dragon, it is still strong enough. If you grow up, your future will be limitless!" Dragon Blood said lightly.

Li Xiuxian was startled, Long Wei, he felt the extremely powerful Long Wei from the dragon's blood!
Perhaps this point of Longwei was not obvious when he was still a human, but when he became a dragon, he could clearly feel the extremely terrifying coercion of Dragon Blood!
"Dragon!" Li Xiuxian looked at the dragon's blood in surprise.

Dragon Blood nodded: "Are you surprised? The one standing in front of you is actually a dragon?"

Li Xiuxian smiled wryly: "It's really surprising."

Dragon Blood glanced at Li Xiuxian: "You should be capable now, prepare well, maybe this time we can break through the gap between thunderstorms and find a way out of this damn blood prison."

Li Xiuxian's mind moved, the gap between thunderstorms, the gap between thunderstorms!
The way out of the blood prison is actually in the gap between thunderstorms!Hearing this news made Li Xiuxian both surprised and happy. What surprised him was the danger of the gap between thunderstorms. That place was a place that even monks of Nascent Soul dared not set foot on. He was happy that he finally saw the hope of returning to Kyushu.

(End of this chapter)

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