Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 350 Level 2, Thunder Net

Chapter 350 Second Level, Thunder Net
This thunder-thundering gun was like a ferocious beast that kept swallowing thunder and lightning. As if it had sensed Li Xiuxian's existence, the thunder-thundering gun smashed down one by one thunderballs overwhelmingly.

"This is a thunderstorm. It is the most common lightning between thunderstorms. Although its power is not strong, it is deadly enough for a Nascent Soul cultivator!" Longxue said lightly, and swept the sky full of thunder balls away. .

Facing the sky full of thunder balls, it would be a lie to say that he is not afraid, especially when these thunder balls are enough to kill him, Li Xiuxian dare not be careless in saying anything.

It was originally filled with the thunder-attribute aura of the purple mist body. At this time, countless huge lightning bolts are constantly flashing in front of it. The huge thunderbolt is extremely cautious in his heart.

The various methods of the ancient monks are really amazing. With just a few powerful magic weapons, they have arranged such a terrifying place like a gap between thunderstorms. Even the old monster Dragon Blood dared not go deep into it.

This is just the periphery of the gap between thunderstorms, the power of thunder and lightning is so terrifying, if one enters the center of the thunderstorm, Li Xiuxian may be wiped out in an instant.

Even dragon blood, a divine beast comparable to the stage of transformation into a god, would not dare to get close to this Thunder Spear. If he really did, I am afraid that in the next second he could become the next incarnation that Li Xiuxian refined. needed materials.

It's no wonder that the dragon's blood was so excited after seeing the five-color light on Li Xiuxian's body. Only the five-color light in the world can charge the thunder gun without touching these terrifying thunderstorms.

"I'll try my best!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

Leaving the Blood Prison is not the responsibility of Longxue alone. Without the help of Dragonxue, Li Xiuxian would not be able to leave this terrifying gap!

Li Xiuxian bent the four fingers of his right hand, and a five-color light flashed out!
"Bang!" At the moment when the five-color divine light was brushed out, countless thunderstorms appeared around the thunder gun, and the countless thunderstorms exploded, blocking the five-color divine light, and the violent explosion blasted the five-color divine light. Scatter!

"Fellow Daoist, go deep inside and pull out this Thunder Spear!" Li Yixuan said in Li Xiuxian's body.

"Are you crazy? This lightning is so powerful, with my current cultivation, I'm afraid I'll die if I touch it!" Li Xiuxian roared.

"Fellow Daoist, have you forgotten that I am the incarnation of Jasper Root refining? I can even devour the lightning power of the Thunder Falling Wood, so naturally this lightning power can also be!" Li Yixuan laughed.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help being stunned. If Li Yixuan didn't take the initiative to mention it, he really wouldn't remember this matter. When refining the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, Biyugen completely absorbed the power of thunder and lightning from the Thunder Falling Wood net!

Although the thunderstorm in front of him was violent, Jasper Root might not be able to absorb it!
"Then I'll bet on it!" Li Xiuxian thought to himself.

"Boom!" A thunderstorm suddenly exploded beside Li Xiuxian.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be afraid, I'm here!" Li Yixuan smiled faintly, and saw that Li Yixuan showed his original form in Li Xiuxian's body, a piece of emerald green bamboo, densely covered with some mysterious spirit patterns!

At this time, the 160 spirit patterns emitted a dazzling light, and the lightning power beside Li Xiuxian seemed to be drawn by it, and all of them were sucked into it, without causing any harm to Li Xiuxian at all!

A flash of surprise flashed in Longxue's eyes. He thought he had looked up to this young man, but he still underestimated him, and he was able to withstand even a thunderstorm.

Although the power of this thunderstorm is not strong, it hardly does any harm to him, but it is fatal to the Nascent Soul cultivator, but Li Xiuxian can continue!

"It's so good!" Li Xiuxian was overjoyed, he didn't expect this jasper root to be useful!

The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword whose mark has been wiped off by the dragon's blood is worried that there is no place to sacrifice it. This place with sufficient lightning power is the perfect place to sacrifice Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor!

"Earth Fiend Formation, come out!" 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords burst out, forming a mysterious formation amidst the thunderstorm!

"Suck it!" Li Xiuxian roared!
The Great Formation of Earth Fiend suddenly moved, and the power of thunder and lightning within a hundred miles gathered frantically. Under the sacrifice of countless thunder and lightning, the aura of nine-day thunder and lightning increased at an extremely astonishing speed!

During the gap between thunderstorms, the speed of refining the magic weapon of the thunder system is a thousand times, ten thousand times faster than ordinary sacrifices!
But how many people dare to enter the gap between thunderstorms to sacrifice magic weapons, and how many people can refine such a magical material as jasper root into magic weapons?

If it weren't for the unique material of the jasper root, let alone absorbing such violent lightning power, it would be enough to blow monks below Huashen into scum!

"Great opportunity! Quickly use the five-color light!" Dragon Blood yelled.

At this time, the power of thunder and lightning in a radius of a hundred miles was attracted by the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, and the surroundings of the Thunder Gun were already defenseless. At this time, using the five-color divine light could definitely pull it out of this formation!
Li Xiuxian nodded, bent his four fingers, and an incomparably huge five-color light flashed out. Facing this ancient monk's magic weapon, Li Xiuxian dared not be careless in the slightest!
"Swipe!" The five-color divine light instantly submerged into the thunder gun, and the huge gun body began to tremble, and the entire gap between thunderstorms began to tremble!
"It's not enough, let's work harder!" Dragon Blood roared!

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" It was another three bursts of five-color light!
The huge gun body of the Thunder Spear gradually shrunk in the five-color divine light, and then it turned into a beam of thunder and fell into Li Xiuxian's hands.

"Thunder Spear!" Li Xiuxian looked at the spear in his hand.

This is obviously an ancient treasure, and it is a rare thunder-type ancient treasure, and it is also a top-notch thunder-type ancient treasure!
Compared with this thunder gun, the previous Ancient Treasure Five Thunder God Whip is as fragile as a child's toy.

Even the current Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is not as powerful as this Thunder Spear in terms of lightning power!

The supernatural power of this thunder gun should be those thunderstorms!

The methods of the ancient cultivator are simply unimaginable. Using an ancient thunder-type treasure as the core, they can actually create a gap between thunderstorms that even dragon blood would be afraid of!
"Boy, don't be too happy, this is just the first level, there are two more levels to come!" Dragon Blood seemed to have seen through Li Xiuxian's thoughts, and immediately poured a basin of cold water.

"There are still two levels!" Li Xiuxian turned pale with shock.

Being able to collect this thunder gun is already a result of luck, there are two more levels in the back!Li Xiuxian couldn't help shivering.

Li Xiuxian would not naively think that the next two levels would be easier than this thunderstorm!
"The second level is the Thunder Net. The core of the formation is a fan. I stopped here a few times before!" Longxue sighed slightly.

Li Xiuxian's expression changed several times, and he shook his head with a wry smile.

"Don't think about collecting this fan this time. The speed of the lightning net is too fast. Once you are entangled by the lightning net, there will be countless thunder and lightning surrounding you. Even if the old man is surrounded by this lightning net, he will inevitably fall. .” Dragon Blood said.

"Then how should we spend it?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"Speed!" Dragon Blood said lightly.

"Speed?" Li Xiuxian was taken aback.

"That's right, it's the speed, only the extremely fast speed, if you rush through the area of ​​the thunder net before the thunder net has time to react, then you will be safe!" Dragon Blood said.

Li Xiuxian nodded. He still has a certain degree of confidence in speed. Although he is not as good as Dragon Blood, he is rare among Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Just to clarify, Lei Wang can only pass one person at a time. If two people pass through together, it will definitely cause Lei Wang to encircle and suppress us. At that time, the two of us will definitely die!" Dragon Blood said solemnly.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely wait for the senior to get through the thunder net before setting off."

Immediately with a sway, he appeared in a gap in the thunder net. When he swayed again, he was already 500 meters away. Blast toward the dragon blood.

"Bang..." There was a loud explosion, and dense thunderstorms bombarded the position where Longxue was standing, but Longxue's body had already turned into a phantom.When it resurfaced, it had passed the second hurdle.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, his eyes were extremely solemn, and he looked solemnly at the second level ahead.

It's easy to see the dragon's blood, but I'm afraid only the person involved can understand the danger. As long as the dragon's blood slows down, the dragon's blood will definitely die!
Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, and tapped his feet, a purple light flashed under his feet, and the purple light flashed.

In a blink of an eye, Li Xiuxian appeared 300 meters away, and he only needed one more flash to leave this thunder net area!
"Boom!" The entire thunder net suddenly became extremely violent. The moment Li Xiuxian revealed his figure, countless thunder and lightning rushed towards Li Xiuxian!

"Oops!" Li Xiuxian's face turned pale!

Although he had already stood up, the speed of the thunder net was ridiculously fast. Even though Zi Lei Huo Dun was the first-class escape method in the cultivation world, it still couldn't compare to the speed of this thunder net. A trace of lightning touched Li Xiuxian's heel.

Almost instantly, the entire thunder net surrounded Li Xiuxian!
"Oops! This kid!" Longxue was shocked, but he didn't dare to enter the area of ​​the thunder net. If he stepped into it at this time, not only would he not be able to rescue Li Xiuxian, but he might even get into it himself.

"Earth Sha Sword Formation!" Li Xiuxian arranged the Earth Sha Sword Formation desperately. At this time, only the Earth Sha Sword Formation can help him resist this boundless thunder net.

"Li Yixuan, help me!" Li Xiuxian shouted!
"Don't worry, fellow daoist, you and I are one, so naturally I won't stand by and watch!" Li Yixuan said lightly. "Get up!" Li Yixuan let out a low voice, and a phantom of a bamboo appeared behind Li Xiuxian. This phantom was like a protective umbrella, and all the thunder and lightning that approached the phantom of the bamboo were absorbed by Li Yixuan!

(End of this chapter)

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