Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 351 The Spirit of Destruction

Chapter 351 The Spirit of Destruction
The Thunder Net of the second stage, even a strong man like Dragon Blood would be afraid of it. With Li Xiuxian's Yuanying initial cultivation base, falling into it, it can be said that he will definitely die!

Dragon Blood can only be anxious at the edge of the Thunder Net, not because he doesn't want to save Li Xiuxian, but because he can't save him. If he steps into the area of ​​the Thunder Net at this time, it will mean ruining one ten-thousandth of Li Xiuxian's hope of surviving up!

"With the body of a blood dragon, he should be able to last for a while. If he seizes this opportunity, he may not be hopeless. Boy, you have to hold on!" Dragon Blood was also burning with anxiety.

This Li Xiuxian is the key to whether he can leave the Blood Prison, if something happens to this kid, then all his expectations will come to nothing!

For Dragon Blood, an old monster who has been imprisoned by the blood prison for tens of thousands of years, this is even more uncomfortable than killing him!

The door to escape from the Blood Prison had been opened to him, but when he approached this door, the door suddenly closed!
The last level is the most dangerous level in the gap between thunderstorms, the thunder of destruction, this is the terrifying thunder to be faced in the third level.

During the tens of thousands of years trapped in the blood prison, Dragon Blood has seen it too many times, and every time he faced this terrifying thunder and lightning, he returned without success.

The appearance of Li Xiuxian made him see a glimmer of light. With the five-color divine light on his body and being a cultivator of Lei Linggen, he could resist one or two even in the face of the thunder of destruction.

But now this ray of dawn is completely swallowed by darkness, Dragon Blood doesn't believe that a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul can survive under this terrifying thunder net, this thunder and lightning is something that even he fears!
Countless thunder and lightning surrounded Li Xiuxian tightly like an egg shell. Even the dragon's blood couldn't see what happened inside, and naturally he couldn't see the emerald bamboo that was constantly absorbing the violent thunder and lightning!
"The power of thunder and lightning is so violent. Compared with Zilei in Wanhuazhu, she is almost a good girl!" Li Xiuxian sighed.

If he hadn't refined the jasper root into an incarnation outside his body, if he hadn't refined 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords made from the jasper root, he would have been wiped out in the terrifying thunder and lightning at this time.

The thunder net of the second level can almost instantly kill monks below Huashen!
"This thunder and lightning is too fierce, even I can't resist it for a long time!"

Li Xiuxian nodded. Although the Jasper Root is miraculous, there is a limit to the power of lightning it can absorb. Facing the endless thunder and lightning, it is a dead end to persist here!
"Wanhuazhu!" Li Xiuxian shouted.

A terrifying vortex rushed out of Li Xiuxian's dantian, and the huge suction pulled these terrifying lightning into the purple mist!

Supplemented by this terrifying thunder and lightning, the purple mist in the Wanhua Pearl began to roll violently.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help shivering when he saw the violent purple mist, he seemed to see himself entering the Wanhua Pearl next time.

Due to the Wanhua Pearl, a crack appeared on this layer of solid eggshell.

Although it was small, it was enough for Li Xiuxian. The 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword instantly condensed into a huge sword completely composed of lightning!
"Five Qi Chaoyuan Sword Art!"


The "eggshell" that originally had only a crack started to crack!
Li Xiuxian stepped on the Seven Stars, and before the next wave of thunder nets appeared, he turned into a purple light and soared into the sky. The next time he appeared, he had already appeared on the edge of the thunder nets!

Originally thought there was no hope in this life, but Li Xiuxian gave Longxue a big surprise, with the strength of Yuanying's early stage, he escaped from the thunder net!

"Hahaha, good boy, he is indeed the descendant of Kong Xuan!" Longxue happily patted Li Xiuxian on the shoulder.

Li Xiuxian gasped involuntarily, how strong is the dragon's blood?I'm afraid only Dragon Blood himself knows this.

If Li Xiuxian's body hadn't been transformed by dragon blood, his body would have fallen apart after being patted like this a few times!
"Jie Jie Jie Jie, how many years, how many years! I finally see you again!" In the boundless thunderstorm, a group of deep purple thunderballs quickly approached Dragon Blood!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The Thunder of Destruction actually produced wisdom!" The dragon's blood was like seeing a ghost!
"Jie Jie, if I swallow you, I can transform into a human form, and this blood prison can no longer trap me." The Destroying Spirit laughed wildly.

"Rewind! Rewind!" Dragon Blood was shocked.

He has calculated thousands of times, but he has not calculated that spiritual wisdom has been produced in this kind of destruction.

This spirit of destruction can mobilize the thunder of destruction around it, which is enough to make Dragon Blood and Li Xiuxian die without a place to bury them!

"Spirit of Destruction!" Li Xiuxian also looked at the purple thunder group in astonishment.

In places where elements are dense, there is indeed a certain chance of giving birth to spiritual wisdom. These things have the ability to control elements when they are born. The spirit of destruction produced in this thunder of destruction can naturally control the thunder of destruction around him.

"I want your bodies!" The Spirit of Destruction roared, and a purple-gold long sword flew out of the purple thunder cluster!

"The Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword is actually the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword! You actually fused this sword!" Dragon Blood's eyes were about to pop out.

This Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword is the heart of the final stage, and it is also the most powerful magic weapon among the three treasures in the gap between thunderstorms!
Just like its name, it is a magic weapon that can directly cut off the soul of a monk. The spirit of destruction and the purple lightning soul-eating sword are simply not something they can resist!

Although the cultivation of the spirit of destruction is not as good as that of the dragon blood, at most it is at the level of the Nascent Soul stage, but the ability of the spirit of destruction makes the dragon blood extremely fearful. Fighting with the spirit of destruction in this place full of thunder of destruction is undoubtedly a must. The most stupid behavior!
"I have been waiting for you for more than 1000 years. I wanted to devour you 1000 years ago. Unfortunately, I was too weak at that time. Now I am strong enough to devour you and break through this damned blood prison!" Spirit of Destruction Roared.
"1000 years ago!" Longxue was startled. He never thought that the spirit of destruction would have been born 1000 years ago. If he could have discovered and scattered the spirit of destruction at that time, I am afraid that the situation today would not be the same.

"Die!" The Spirit of Destruction snorted coldly, and the surrounding Thunder of Destruction surrounded Dragon Blood and Li Xiuxian as if they were alive!

"Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword!" Naturally, Li Xiuxian would not sit still, and immediately set up the Earth Fiend Sword Formation!

"Six-turn Xuangong!" Li Xiuxian did not hesitate to operate the nine-turn Xuangong to the extreme, facing this spirit of destruction, he could not allow him to hide anything!

Dragon Blood also snorted coldly, only heard a loud dragon chant, and then Li Xiuxian saw a hundred-foot-high dragon appearing in front of him!
The aura of this blood-colored dragon also increased again and again, and the huge coercion almost made Li Xiuxian unable to breathe!
"Dare to fight me in the thunder of destruction, how stupid!" The spirit of destruction snorted coldly. He is invincible in the thunder of destruction. fact!

"Boy, I will try my best to hold this guy back. You seized the opportunity and took the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword. This guy's ability to generate wisdom is mostly due to the Purple Lightning Soul-eating Sword. Losing the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword Sword, the strength of the spirit of destruction will definitely be greatly reduced." Dragon Blood transmitted voice to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian nodded, the power of this Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword has surpassed the magic weapon that Li Xiuxian has seen, even the imitation Heaven-shattering Seal in the hands of the Yin and Yang Demons is not as powerful as it should be.

He even had a feeling that as long as the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword was cut down, he could easily cut the imitation Heaven-shattering Seal in half!
"Roar!" Dragon Blood roared, and his huge body rushed towards the purple thunder group!
"Looking for death!" The Spirit of Destruction snorted coldly. Under his control, the surrounding Thunder of Destruction hit Longxue's body like raindrops, and the huge explosion shattered the scales on Dragonxue's body!
No one knows better than Li Xiuxian how strong the defense of the dragon's scales is. Even his immature dragon can resist the thunder of the Nascent Soul Stage.

But in front of this thunder of destruction, the dragon's blood scales are like paper paste!
"Hmph!" Dragon Blood snorted!
There was a flash of blood on his body, and the wound that was blown out by the thunder of destruction healed!

As an alien species among the dragon clan, the most powerful thing about dragon blood is its recovery ability. Although the Destruction Thunder is strong, it can't kill him with just a few hits!
"I'll let you see my dragon clan's secret technique!" Dragon Blood roared!
"Aw!" The resounding dragon chant, the sound waves are like substance, passing through the thunder of destruction, directly piercing the body of the spirit of destruction.

Even Li Xiuxian didn't expect that this dragon's blood would have such a skill!
Li Xiuxian didn't expect it, and the spirit of destruction naturally couldn't expect it, and fell into a dizziness after being hit by this sound wave!
"It's now!" Dragon Blood roared.

With a swipe of the dragon's tail, it directly hit the purple thunder ball!

"Roar!" Dragon Blood couldn't help but let out a wail. This purple thunder group was the most powerful part of the Thunder of Destruction, and the tail of Dragon Blood exploded the moment it touched it!
But the sacrifice of dragon blood was not without effect, the lightning protecting around the spirit of destruction was scattered, revealing the true colors of the spirit of destruction!
A round thunderball!
That's right!This round thunder bead is the true face of the spirit of destruction!
Above the Spirit of Destruction, a purple-gold long sword is releasing astonishing thunder and lightning!

More than [-]% of these thunderbolts were absorbed by the spirit of destruction. After absorbing so many lightning bolts, it's no wonder that this guy will develop intelligence!
"Give it to me!" There was only one chance, Li Xiuxian waved his right hand, and a huge five-color aura rushed towards the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword, but Li Xiuxian didn't think it was enough, and more than a hundred five-color auras appeared one after another! "I'll help you too!" Longxue roared, his body expanded further, circling around to surround the spirit of destruction and Li Xiuxian, this dragonxue actually wanted to use his body to block the surrounding thunder of destruction!

(End of this chapter)

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