Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 352 Space Cracks

Chapter 352 Space Cracks
"Boy, you have to be quicker, my old life is in your hands!" Longxue smiled wryly, his body was full of blood, and the thick blood light blocked the violent thunder of destruction outside.

"Boom!" Hundreds of five-color divine lights tore through the outer protection of the spirit of destruction!

"I caught it!" A gleam of joy flashed across Li Xiuxian's face.

The five-color divine light has already enveloped the purple lightning soul-devouring sword, and it only takes two or three breaths of time, and he can pull out the purple lightning soul-devouring sword in just this little time!
"Boom!" Suddenly a terrifying sword light on the Purple Lightning Soul Eater slashed towards Li Xiuxian, and the spirit of destruction has recovered from the dizziness!
"Damn human, dare to snatch my Purple Lightning Soul Devourer Sword, I will let you die!" The violent roar of the spirit of destruction came from the gap between the thunderstorms!
If he was hit by this sword, Li Xiuxian would definitely die, but the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword is an ancient magic weapon that even dragon blood is afraid of!

"Earth Fiend Sword Formation!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword stood in front of Li Xiuxian, and took over the sword light forcefully!
"Pfft!" Li Xiuxian's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Even though the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword resisted, the power of this sword light was too powerful, and Li Xiuxian was severely injured in an instant, and even the Jade Flame Qilin Armor on his body had several cracks due to this blow!

"What a powerful magic weapon, what kind of magic weapon is this Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword!" Li Xiuxian's eyes showed deep fear.

The power of this purple lightning soul devouring sword is too powerful, and in the hands of the spirit of destruction, the power displayed is not as simple as one plus one equals two!
"Give it to me!" Li Xiuxian swallowed a few drops of stalactite milk one after another to suppress the injury in his body, his spiritual power was running wildly, and the suction of the five-color divine light also doubled.

The Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword hanging over the Spirit of Destruction has faintly moved towards Li Xiuxian. If this trend is maintained, within a quarter of an hour, Li Xiuxian will be able to successfully collect the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword!

But can he hold on to Dragon Blood for a quarter of an hour?If it weren't for the dragon's blood to block the thunder of destruction outside with his body, how could Li Xiuxian have the ability to face the spirit of destruction head-on, and he would have been blown into ashes by the thunder of destruction long ago!

"Looking for death, even a mere Nascent Soul cultivator dares to come!" The Spirit of Destruction snorted coldly.

Not one or two Nascent Soul cultivators died in the Thunder of Destruction area anymore. As long as the Destruction Spirit is willing, a cultivator of this level can wipe him out in an instant.

"I think how long you can last?" The Destruction Spirit glanced at the dragon blood struggling on the periphery.

Even if the dragon's defense is astonishing, there is only a dead end in the face of the endless attacks of the thunder of destruction!
"You can't keep your hands! Fight!" Li Xiuxian roared angrily!
A huge dragon shadow suddenly appeared on Li Xiuxian's body, it was more than ten feet tall, and its whole body was blood red, just like the dragon's blood itself.

After the dragon shadow appeared, it raised its head to the sky and let out a long, earth-shattering cry, which shook the whole world's face.

As soon as the sound of the dragon's chant stopped, the dragon shadow flew up into the sky, then fell in a general circle, and disappeared into Li Xiuxian's back.

The blood on the back was shining through the body, and a blood dragon pattern appeared immediately, from blurred to clear, several inches in size, lifelike.

At this time, Li Xiuxian's whole body was glistening with blood. From his cheeks to his arms, blood-colored scales the size of a thumb appeared, which were crystal clear. After a sharp pain on his head, two small horns emerged, red as blood.The palms of his hands also became pointy, transforming into unusually hard and sharp nails.

This Li Xiuxian turned into a dragon body.It's just that Li Xiuxian still has a human face, and the scales appearing on his body are blood red.

At this time, Li Xiuxian has become a creature between a dragon and a human, and this is also a trace of skill that Li Xiuxian has explored from it!
Li Xiuxian, who was originally only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, after using this secret method, his cultivation level is close to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul!
"Roar!" Li Xiuxian roared, the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords in the sky were forcibly compressed by him with powerful spiritual power, and a golden sword covered by lightning was held in Li Xiuxian's hand. Its power is no less than that of the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer Sword!
"Chop!" Li Xiuxian waved the Golden Thunder Sword lightly, and a terrifying sword glow approached the spirit of destruction!
"Looking for death!" The Spirit of Destruction snorted coldly.

A terrifying sword light also cut out from the Purple Lightning Soul Eater hanging above his head!

Two sword lights, one gold and one purple, collided in the air, and the whole space began to distort!
"Good opportunity!" A bright light flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes, and he shot more than a hundred five-color divine lights with his right hand, enveloping the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer Sword!

"Come here!" Li Xiuxian roared!
If the spirit of destruction sticks to the purple lightning soul-devouring sword, even the five-color divine light may not be able to pull the purple lightning soul-devouring sword from the body of the spirit of destruction.

However, this spirit of destruction is very arrogant, thinking that he is invincible in the thunder of destruction, and has no intention of defending at all, so he drives the Purple Lightning Soul Eater to face Li Xiuxian head-on!

Li Xiuxian relied on his profound cultivation to gather 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords together. Although they are powerful, they are only enough for one blow!
Under the traction of the five-color divine light, the Purple Lightning Soul-Eating Sword approached Li Xiuxian bit by bit, no matter how angry the spirit of destruction was, it couldn't change this fact!

The ability of the spirit of destruction to be so powerful is inextricably linked to the Purple Lightning Soul-devouring Sword. Without the Purple Lightning Soul-devouring Sword, he is like a tiger that has lost its teeth. For Li Xiuxian's letter, there is no trace at all. threaten!

"Death!" Li Xiuxian roared angrily.

The Golden Thunder Sword split into 72 handles in an instant, piercing into the body of the Destruction Spirit almost at the same time!

"Ahh! Even if I die, I won't make it easier for you!" A terrifying force suddenly erupted from the Destroying Spirit!

"No, he's going to explode himself!" Dragon Blood roared.

If the spirit of destruction is allowed to explode, what will happen to this area full of thunder of destruction?
Dragon Blood felt terrifying just thinking about it.

"We must not let him blew himself up!" Dragon Blood roared, and the huge dragon claws slammed at the spirit of destruction!

"Jie Jie! You are doomed!" The Destroying Spirit laughed wildly.

In a blink of an eye, a black thing four to five feet long and several feet wide appeared in the sky above the sword array.

When Li Xiuxian was stunned and didn't understand what was going on, a large piece of multi-colored glow came out of the long strip in a flash.

Because the distance was too close and the speed of the glow was too fast, neither Spirit of Destruction nor Li Xiuxian, who was standing on the edge of the sword formation, were covered by the glow without the slightest precaution, and then under a huge suction.Swept straight into the air.But the dragon's blood, which retreated more than ten steps away, was lucky not to be covered in it.

"Not good! This is a space crack!"

In an instant, Li Xiuxian came to his senses.Immediately shocked, he was about to forcibly break out from the rays of light.

But it doesn't matter when it comes to transporting mana, Li Xiuxian said "shua", and his face turned pale.All the spiritual energy suddenly disappeared from the body without a trace.There is not a trace of mana that cannot be brought up.

Li Xiuxian broke out in a cold sweat, and was swallowed by the crack in space when he saw it, he was in a hurry and could only use a panicked move with his spiritual sense to the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword who was forming an array below.And the devil soul who was also sucked into Xiaguang seemed to be facing the same experience as Li Xiuxian, and his face was full of horror.

With a flash of sunlight, Li Xiuxian and the Spirit of Destruction were swallowed by the crack in the black space without any resistance, and then there was a clear sound from below, and hundreds of golden sword lights appeared all around at the same time, and then turned into countless The foot-long golden red shot towards the crack.

"This. It turned out to be a space crack!" Longxue stared blankly at the space crack that had healed.

A crack in space unexpectedly appeared in the gap between the thunderstorms, and it sucked away the spirit of destruction and Li Xiuxian!

It is reasonable to say that there will never be a space crack here, but the core of the thunderstorm gap was taken away by Li Xiuxian, and the formation was already unstable.

Li Xiuxian and the spirit of destruction fought here again, and the golden thunder sword and the purple lightning soul-devouring sword bombarded with all their strength, causing a crack to appear in the originally unstable space.

Thinking of the horror of the space crack, even Dragon Blood couldn't help but sigh. If he was lucky, Li Xiuxian might survive, but if he was unlucky, he might have died in this space crack.

Without the Spirit of Destruction and the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword, the Thunder of Destruction that made Dragon Blood fearful disappeared completely.

Losing two positions one after another, the gap between thunderstorms will weaken within a hundred years, and will definitely disappear within a thousand years. By then, there may only be two of the three major forbidden areas of the Blood Prison.

Dragon Blood sighed slightly, no matter what, he was finally able to leave this ghostly place.

After groping for a while in the gap between thunderstorms, Dragon Blood took out several palm-sized spirit stones from the storage bag.

The aura emanating from a palm-sized spirit stone is stronger than tens of thousands of spirit stones!

"Five top-grade spirit stones with different attributes are really willing to lock up ancient monks like me!" Longxue sneered.

After the five spirit stones were embedded, a white light wrapped the dragon's blood and disappeared in the gap between the thunderstorm in an instant!

To activate this formation, five top-quality spirit stones with different attributes are required!

The best spirit stone, even if you dig all over a large spirit stone mine, you may not be able to dig out a top quality spirit stone.

The best spiritual stones in the entire cultivation world can be counted with one slap, but this dragon blood actually has five pieces in his hand, and they are all of different attributes. The value of them is simply incalculable!I don't know what the dragon's blood did, which caused the ancient cultivator to imprison him in the blood prison at such a huge price. Not only did he use three powerful magic weapons to seal the only exit, but even You have to use the best spirit stones to leave!

(End of this chapter)

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