Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 353 Spirit Medicine Garden

Chapter 353 Spirit Medicine Garden

At the moment when he was swallowed by the crack in space, Li Xiuxian only felt the dazzling light around him, and he couldn't look directly at anything, so he could only close his eyes tightly.At the same time, because of the loss of mana in the body, I felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

I believe that if it weren't for the strong body that is now half human and half dragon, it would have been unbearable for a long time and passed out directly.

But after a while, Li Xiuxian only felt a movement of the spiritual power in his body, and it became unobstructed instantly, and his magic power was restored.He suddenly had a flash of surprise, and first regained control of his body, allowing his figure to levitate and stabilize.

At the same time, after a few wild flashes of nearby Xiaguang, it also dissipated.Expose everything around.

Li Xiuxian took a glance, and with a "swish" figure, he escaped from the original place for more than ten feet in an instant, because the spirit of destruction was also floating in the air, almost next to him.

This made Li Xiuxian startled, and hurriedly avoided.

Li Xiuxian didn't take a closer look at the situation here, but there was no need to take a closer look.Because the space here is only tens of feet in size, everything can be seen at a glance.

No one else was here, just him and the spirit of destruction.This made Li Xiuxian's heart sink!
After a little sensing, you can find that the aura here is amazingly thick, and there seem to be some spiritual herbs and medicines planted around, and there is a complete stone pavilion and a half corridor. The walls of the space and the sky are gray, and there is no other thing.

This place actually seems to be an incomplete medicine garden.Li Xiuxian was surprised in his heart, but now that the enemy is in front of him, his life is at stake, so naturally he has no intention to study this in detail.He looked coldly at the opposite Spirit of Destruction, covered in purple light, clenched his fists, and a golden arc emerged from his body. At the same time, a purple fireball descended from the sky above his head, hovering above his head.

The spirit of destruction on the opposite side also looked at this place.Surprised expressions appeared on the two faces.But soon a strangeness appeared on his face.

"Where is this place? There's not even a trace of lightning power!" The Destroying Spirit couldn't help but shudder.

All his abilities are above thunder and lightning. He is invincible in the thunder of destruction, but if he leaves the thunder of destruction, he may not even be able to beat ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators!

Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords surrounded the spirit of destruction as agreed in advance, and the golden thunder sword threads pierced into the spirit of destruction like spirit snakes.

The Spirit of Destruction is the purest force in the Thunder of Destruction, and it is also of great benefit to the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword. Naturally, Li Xiuxian will not let it go for nothing.

If this thunder of destruction can also be integrated into the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, the power of Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword will definitely be multiplied several times!
"You court death!" The Destruction Spirit was furious.

Even if he falls into the sun, he is not something a Nascent Soul cultivator can rub at will.

"It's stabbing!" A lavender lightning bolt rushed out of the body of the spirit of destruction and hit Li Xiuxian's body.

"Crack!" An electric current covered Li Xiuxian's whole body in an instant!
"Hmph, mere human beings dare to fight me, so I want this body!" The Destroyer Spirit sneered, "You only have this little strength? Sure enough, without the Destroyer Thunder, you are just a waste!" Li Xiuxian said coldly snorted.

Half-human, half-dragon, his defense has reached a terrifying level, and the weakened Spirit of Destruction doesn't even have the ability to hurt him!
"Break it for me!" Li Xiuxian flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, and the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword frantically absorbed the pure lightning power in the spirit of destruction.

"Damn it, you damned human being, even if I die, I won't let you go!" The Spirit of Destruction roared, and his body began to swell rapidly.

"Self-explosion, come again?" Li Xiuxian was startled.

The strength of the spirit of destruction is not very good, but if he blew himself up, then it would be a completely different concept.

Li Xiuxian didn't dare to gamble, and hastily withdrew the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords to protect his surroundings.

"Quack, stupid human, I will definitely come back!" The Destroying Spirit suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and charged into the air.

"Tricked!" Li Xiuxian was angry and anxious, he was actually deceived twice by this spirit of destruction, and it was the same method!
But before the spirit of destruction could be happy, a silver light in the sky suddenly surrounded it.

Li Xiuxian could even see the terrified expression of the Spirit of Destruction. A silver flame surrounded the Spirit of Destruction in the silver light, and it disappeared in an instant. As soon as the Spirit of Destruction was extinguished, the silver flame in the air quickly receded and recovered. gray color.

Only Li Xiuxian was completely dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Silver flames! This kind of powerful restriction doesn't seem to be a means of the human world." Li Xiuxian thought in his heart.

Such a formidable enemy was killed by the space restriction without him doing anything, which naturally surprised him.

At this time, he raised his hand and put away the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords.

"This should be a famous site in ancient times. I heard that in ancient times, monks with great supernatural powers could use some treasures to open up a small space with aura far superior to that of the human world, and use it as a medicine garden to cultivate various elixir. Of course, the quantity It is very rare. But then something happened, all the ruins disappeared, and the monks in the future will never be able to find any of them. I didn't expect that this accident made me discover the legendary elixir Garden" Li Xiuxian sighed looking at the ruins full of elixir.

Li Xiuxian had seen relevant records of the Spiritual Medicine Garden in the classics before.But I always thought it was just some rumors, but I didn't expect such a thing to exist, so I looked around.

Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged directly, closed his eyes, slowly released his consciousness, and began to check every inch of this space to see if he could find any secrets or a way out.

Li Xiuxian's expression began to be calm, but after a while it seemed that he hadn't gained much, and he seemed a little anxious.But after a while, his eyelids blinked a few times, a strange look suddenly appeared on his face, and he opened his eyes suddenly.

He stood up at once and walked towards a corner of the space in a few steps.In front of more than a dozen weird spirit grass bearing purple berries, he stopped with a trace of excitement.

"Hey! This seems to be Wanmeng fruit, which has turned into a deep purple. At least it will have this color after it has had medicinal properties for more than ten thousand years.".

"No one has visited the wreckage of this medicine garden for tens of thousands of years. I would be surprised if the properties of the medicine hadn't lasted more than ten thousand years!" Li Xiuxian said calmly, suppressing the excitement in his heart.He didn't pick anything immediately, but quietly observed it for a long time before turning around and heading straight to another corner.

"Dragon Grass"

"Wind Spirit Flower" murmured the names of these rare anomalies or elixir that had long been extinct from the outside world.

The spirituality of these herbs are all over ten thousand years old, and Li Xiuxian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

After turning around for a few times, Li Xiuxian found that most of the elixir here were extinct in the outside world, and they were all about ten thousand years old. If they were taken out, it would be enough for the Nascent Soul cultivator to steal his head.

With this batch of elixirs, some pills that Li Xiuxian wanted to refine but could not be refined can also be refined.

Especially the formula of the magic marrow pill obtained in the blood prison, some of the rare elixir are all available here, and the elixir in the Wanhua Pearl is enough to refine it.

With a casual finger, Li Xiuxian pulled out a elixir.

What Li Xiuxian did not expect was that as soon as the elixir left the ground, it burned instantly, and a ten thousand-year-old red cloud fruit instantly burned to a pile of ashes. Even Li Xiuxian, who regarded the elixir as grass, felt heartbroken.

Not only this red cloud fruit, Li Xiuxian found that almost half of the elixir in the elixir garden could not leave the soil, and some elixir would burn even if touched.

Li Xiuxian frowned involuntarily. Doesn't this mean that he can only watch?
"Wanhuazhu!" Li Xiuxian immediately thought of this magical bead.

Since you can't leave this piece of soil, then simply move the entire elixir garden into the Wanhua Pearl. I believe that with the magic of the black soil in the Wanhua Pearl, there is absolutely no problem in transplanting these elixirs!
"Get out!" Li Xiuxian pointed his index finger, and 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords landed around the elixir garden!

"Give it to me!" Li Xiuxian roared.

I saw a mighty power roaring out from the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword submerged in the ground, and the whole land of the elixir garden began to shake. Li Xiuxian actually wanted to transplant the entire land of the elixir garden into the Wanhua Pearl.

For the Nascent Soul cultivator, it is not a problem to move mountains and fill the sea, let alone just cutting a small piece of land?

Li Xiuxian opened the Wanhua Pearl, and thousands of square meters of elixir were instantly sucked into it.

The moment they entered the Wanhua Pearl, these elixirs seemed to have grown legs, firmly fixed in the black soil, and did not spontaneously ignite.

Having harvested so many precious elixir, Li Xiuxian was also in a good mood, and began to look at this elixir garden.

Dilapidated, the place I am in is probably only a part of the elixir garden. What happened in ancient times that made the elixir garden established by the monks of the spirit world dilapidated like this.

Li Xiuxian took a deep breath and scanned the entire elixir garden with his consciousness, trying to find a way out of the elixir garden.

This elixir garden is a space opened up by ancient monks and even spiritual monks, and it is already dilapidated. Who can guarantee how long this space will last? If this space collapses, Li Xiuxian will be the first to suffer.

After Li Xiuxian searched around, he didn't find any teleportation array in this space.

If there is no teleportation array, the only way to leave this place is to break the space, but the ability to break the space is only possessed by the monks who transform the spirit.

Li Xiuxian's cultivation is not bad, but it has not reached the level of breaking the space! "Are you really going to be trapped here?" Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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