Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 354 Tear Space

Chapter 354 Tear Space
When he was several feet away from the wall of space, Li Xiuxian shook his sleeves without speaking.After a burst of golden light, dozens of golden flying swords flew out of the sleeves, and then under the pinch of Fajue, they condensed into a golden giant sword on the top of the head in a blink of an eye, about ten feet long.

Raise your hand again.Li Xiuxian pointed at the sword.

There was a loud rumbling thunder, golden arcs bounced from the sword, and the thunder of destruction was unleashed by him without hesitation.

Then he opened his mouth again, and a wisp of four flames spewed out lightly, and also hit the blade.

Immediately, the purple flames and golden lights on the giant sword flickered intertwined, and the sound of thunderbolt continued one after another, and the momentum increased greatly.

Li Xiuxian let out a low shout.The giant sword turned into a golden-purple startled rainbow after circling at low altitude.Aim at the wall of space in front of you and chop down fiercely.

There was a loud noise, and a dazzling light burst out in front of it. The whole space was shaken and buzzed.

Li Xiuxian hurriedly made a tactic with both hands, and Jinghong flew back with a "whoosh", and after the astonishing brilliance faded, it returned to a giant sword.

After the dazzling light in front gradually disappeared, Li Xiuxian took a closer look and narrowed his eyes.

I saw that where the space barrier in front was cut by the giant sword, there was no rupture at all.Just twisting and shaking for a while, it was safe and sound.

But Li Xiuxian's eyes kept flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"It seems that it's a bit whimsical to want to break the space here!" Li Xiuxian smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he would be trapped in this elixir garden just after he left the blood prison.

After all, the blood prison is a living place, and there is no need to worry about the space collapsing, but this elixir garden can be said to be empty, and there is also a space that may collapse at any time.

If he wanted to go out from now on, he had to figure out how he got here. The collision between himself and the spirit of destruction opened up a crack.

"The wreckage of the space here was barely preserved after some shocking changes. After so many years, it was already on the verge of annihilation. He also saw that the barrier was shaken by a giant sword just now. And According to ancient books, the grayish yellow color of the wall of the space is a harbinger of instability in the entire space.

If you want to leave this place, you can only find the weak point of this space, and attack with all your strength to tear a hole in this space.

However, Li Xiuxian has searched this space inside and out, and found no particularly weak places.

As for Li Xiuxian in the sky, he couldn't help but shudder. He still clearly remembers the scene where the spirit of destruction was wiped out by the silver flame without any resistance.

He didn't think that he would be much stronger than the spirit of destruction. Even if he had dragon scales to protect his body, his fate would definitely not be much better than that of the spirit of destruction when he encountered the silver flame.

Since the weak point of the space cannot be found, there is only one stupid way!
"Boom!" The four divine fire avatars flew out in an instant, and they played out several formulas in succession. Four completely different spiritual fires spread in the elixir garden, and the whole elixir garden burst into flames in an instant.

This method is stupid, but it is very useful. Since you can't find it, let that weak point come out by yourself.

As for whether the restriction of the Spiritual Medicine Garden will be triggered, Li Xiuxian is not worried at all. It is not a big deal if the four divine fire avatars are lost, at most it will take a little time to regroup.

Immediately, Li Xiuxian closed his eyes, released his powerful spiritual consciousness, and began to search the entire space bit by bit.

The delay this time was not long, and within just a stick of incense, he found what he was looking for.

Li Xiuxian didn't get up either, his figure flashed with inspiration.It turned into a blue rainbow and flew into the stone pavilion.

After Guanghua subsided.Li Xiuxian's figure was revealed.He immediately stared at a point five or six feet high in the pavilion, and the blue light flickered in his eyes with his hands behind his back.

It looked empty there, but in Li Xiuxian's eyes, there was a faint blue light spot there.Only the size of a grain of rice, it looks vague and dim.Sensing carefully with the divine sense, there is also a faint wave of polar aura radiating nearby.

Looks like it's here.Li Xiuxian had a happy expression on his face, thought for a while, turned his palm, and a purple long sword emerged from the palm of his hand out of thin air.

It was the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword in the gap between the thunderstorms!
In terms of power alone, the power of this sword is hardly inferior to that of the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords. What surprised Li Xiuxian even more was that the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword didn't seem to be an ancient treasure, and it could be absorbed into his body.

The purple light gradually gathered on the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword!

"Drink!" Li Xiuxian gave a low drink.

A huge purple sword light rushed towards the blue spot of light!

The entire space began to shake violently, and there was even a tendency to collapse, but after two or three breaths, the space stabilized again.

With the body of a half-dragon, coupled with the Purple Lightning Soul Devouring Sword, it is almost the strongest power that Li Xiuxian can exert now. Since this can't tear the space apart, it means that his strength is not enough.

If the spirit of destruction is still there, then perhaps the strength of the two of them can be combined to open up this space, but now... .
Li Xiuxian shook his head helplessly. Judging from the extent of the shaking of the space just now, it would take twice as much strength to tear apart this space.

At least this kind of power is still not possible with his initial Yuanying strength.

A strange color flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes. It is not impossible to increase his strength by double or even triple. The Lightning Soul Eater Sword, the Incarnation Outside the Body, and 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords are enough!
"Middle Nascent Soul Stage." Li Xiuxian sighed secretly.

Although he is now at the peak of Yuanying's early stage, it is not a short-term thing to break through. Even if the concentration of spiritual energy in the elixir garden is astonishing, even four or five times that of Wanhuazhu, it will take at least 30 minutes. time of year.

"Collecting the elixir in the elixir garden should be able to refine the Yunmeng Pill." Li Xiuxian sighed.

The Yunmeng Dan in his mouth is naturally the formula he saw in the Qinglian Danjing. Although there are a lot of prescriptions in the Qinglian Danjing, not all of them can be used. The elixir needed for it has long since disappeared in the cultivation world.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and no matter how strong the Qinglian Pill Sutra is, it can't refine this kind of elixir that lacks elixir.

However, Li Xiuxian was also lucky. He found these extinct elixir in the elixir garden. The ingredients for Yunmeng Pill were almost ready. Even if there were a few missing items, other elixir could be used instead. It will not affect the efficacy of any medicine.

With the help of this elixir, he is sure to cultivate to the Dzogchen realm in the early Yuanying stage within 30 years, and then he can start to hit the bottleneck. After decades of hard work in this space and then leave, Li Xiuxian has nothing to object to. The concentration of spiritual energy is even several points stronger than that of Wanhuazhu, which is naturally considered a rare opportunity.

But the only thing that worries him is whether this space can last for decades. If it collapses during this period, it will be really fun.

After thinking carefully for a long time, Li Xiuxian had to come to the conclusion that he really wanted to live in this space for a long time, and he couldn't help but smile wryly, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Li Xiuxian sat cross-legged unceremoniously in the middle of the stone pavilion, took out the jade slip that recorded the ancient alchemy formula again, and carefully studied the refining method of Yunmeng Pill.

This Yunmeng Pill is also a great pill in ancient times, it is already a sixth-grade middle-grade pill, the difficulty of refining is naturally not ordinary, and there are not many people in Kyushu who dare to guarantee that they can refine this Yunmeng Dan.

The refining and fusion of hundreds of elixir is enough to make an alchemist dizzy in a hurry, and the difficulty of refining is not even lower than that of Tianchen Pill!

If it was another monk, it would take at least decades of research to refine the Yunmeng Pill for the first time, but for Li Xiuxian, research is not as good as hands-on.

Now that these elixirs have been transplanted into Wanhuazhu, there is no need to worry about the quantity of elixirs!
After learning about the refining method of Yunmeng Pill, Li Xiuxian got into the alchemy room and began to refine Yunmeng Pill.

The combination of hundreds of elixirs is also a big challenge for Li Xiuxian, and this is also the first time he has refined a sixth-grade elixir.



When the refining process started, there were almost a series of explosions. If the black furnace was not strong enough, it would have been blown to pieces by the series of explosions.

Hundreds or even thousands of failures also brought huge gains to Li Xiuxian, and the experience accumulated from them gave Li Xiuxian confidence in the refining of Yunmeng Pill.

In this world, only Li Xiuxian dared to make alchemy regardless of the cost. If it was another sect, even the Kunlun Saint Realm, the largest sect in Tianzhou, would have been stripped of their underwear.

"It's done!" Li Xiuxian's eyes lit up.

Hundreds of failures finally brought success, and the two pure white pills were lying quietly in the pitch-black pill furnace, looking extraordinarily dazzling!
After the first time, there will naturally be the second time. In two years, Li Xiuxian has refined more than 50 furnaces of Yunmeng Pill, more than 100 pills, which is definitely a high-yield for the sixth-grade elixir. up.

Li Xiuxian looked at the more than 100 pills of Yunmeng, if he couldn't break through after swallowing so many pills, then he would really kneel down to himself.

After swallowing a Yunmeng Pill, Li Xiuxian practiced with all his strength, trying to break through as soon as possible so that he could leave this elixir garden.

There are still many people in Kyushu that make him worry, and he has already wasted too much time in the blood prison, and he doesn't have much time to squander here!I hope that the efficacy of this Yunmeng Pill is really as powerful as it is said in the legend, otherwise Li Xiuxian's escape time will be extended again!

(End of this chapter)

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