Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 356 Level 4 Monster Beast

Chapter 356 Level [-] Monster Beast
The only understanding of Yongzhou is that there is a Dulong Ridge and a Wandu Gate in Yongzhou.

In the barren Yongzhou, the Wandu Sect is the king here, there are almost no sects, and the family dares to resist this ruthless demon sect.

Recalling that he had killed a disciple of the Wandumen, Li Xiuxian shook his head. With his current cultivation level, he naturally didn't have to worry about the Wandumen's revenge.

Li Xuan glanced at the direction of the pool. There was still half of the water in the pool, but after being stirred up by Li Xiuxian, there was only a little water left. Not to mention making tea, it would be a problem to fill up a cup.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan's heart ached, but facing the unfathomable Li Xiuxian, they could only forcefully smile, for fear of bringing disaster to their family.

Seeing the weird expressions of these three people, Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, only then realized that his position was actually a pool of water, and subconsciously looked back.

The liquid in this pool has a clear fragrance, obviously it is not mortal.

However, it was Li Xiuxian's turning around that made the three of them tense. This spiritual spring was almost the root of their three families, if it was snatched away by Li Xiuxian. .
Li Xiuxian glanced at the three of them casually. The spiritual water in this spiritual spring is not strong. With Li Xiuxian's eyesight, he can naturally see that this spiritual spring has the function of washing scriptures and cutting with him. Speaking of it, it is no different from ordinary spirit water, so he naturally despises it.

Li Xiuxian didn't like it, but it didn't mean that these monks didn't like it either. For Yongzhou, which is poor in mountains and rivers, a spiritual spring is also extremely rare.

The three families were relieved to find that Li Xiuxian did not have any greed for this spiritual spring.

Although the three of them have occupied this spiritual spring for hundreds of years, if Li Xiuxian took a fancy to it, they would have no choice but to hand it over, not daring to say no.

"I haven't joined the WTO for a long time, and I'm a bit unfamiliar with Kyushu. Can the three fellow Taoists tell me what happened in Kyushu in the past hundred years?"

"Of course you can. If you don't mind seniors, you can go to the hall of my Li family to rest for a while. We must know everything and talk endlessly!" Several people felt relieved when they saw that Li Xiuxian was not interested in their spiritual spring.

Li Xiuxian nodded: "Then disturb the three fellow Taoists."

"Where is it, it is our honor to entertain such an expert as Senior!" Li Xuan said with a full smile.

"Senior, this is the Muchun tea specially made by my Huang family." Li Xuan waved his hand.

A beautiful woman nodded and handed a teacup to Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian picked up the teacup and took a sip in his mouth casually. It was a bit bitter at first, but after a while, the tip of his tongue was full of saliva, and it became strangely fragrant.

"That's right, it's indeed a rare spiritual tea." Li Xiuxian's mouth moved slightly, a smile appeared, and he praised it.

Perhaps for these three families, this wood spring tea is a rare panacea, but for Li Xiuxian, it is only a recreational drink at most. It is already very good to have such a good evaluation.

"Senior's cultivation is unfathomable, but his face is a little strange. Could it be that senior is not from Yongzhou?" Qian Yuandao couldn't help asking about it.

"Li is indeed not from Yongzhou. You don't need to worry about anything. After asking some questions, I will leave this place and return to my hometown immediately. I won't stay here with you." Li Xiuxian didn't say his name Meaning, he just looked at Qian Yuandao with a half-smile expression.

"Senior is worrying too much. It is a great blessing for me to see senior. How can I be disrespectful to chase senior away." Li Xuan was startled, and his face changed drastically.

"Okay! I also came from a low-level monk back then. I naturally know some of your fears and expectations. As long as your answers satisfy me, I don't mind giving you some benefits. After all You can see me, so you have some chance with me." Seeing the round face, Li Xiuxian wanted to explain something with a look of sincerity and fear.He waved his hand and said calmly.

"Senior, what do you want to know? Feel free to ask. Although our family is not big, but some news is still well-informed. It must satisfy senior!" Li Xuan was overjoyed when he heard this.Even more respectful.

Li Xiuxian nodded, the question he wanted to ask was not a secret matter, as long as the monks who were a little concerned about Kyushu should know it.

"What happened recently? It's best to talk about all the major events in the past hundred years." Li Xiuxian said.

"The major event in a hundred years is only the invasion of Western warlocks." Li Xuan said.

"The West?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning, he had never heard of the existence of this organization.

In fact, this is no wonder Li Xiuxian, he was dragged into the blood prison not long after he formed the alchemy, and he didn't have time to know some things that should be known.

The west borders Liangzhou Yuzhou, and a group of people who practice magic live on the grasslands in the west. Their core is the Temple of Fran, which is almost a mysterious force no less than a wild temple. In a hundred years, Western warlocks will invade Middle Earth and rob resources.

After listening to the three people's explanations, Li Xiuxian nodded. It seems that this Western warlock is not to be underestimated. He can fight with the monks of the two states at the same time!
"By the way, I heard that the barbarians are not stable recently, and Qingzhou is not very peaceful recently." Huang Yuanming added.

Li Xiuxian was shocked. Qingzhou, if the barbarians invaded on a large scale, it would undoubtedly be very difficult to resist with the strength of Qingzhou.

After asking several questions in succession, Li Xiuxian had a general understanding of the situation in Kyushu.

To describe it in one word is - chaos!

Except for Tianzhou, there are wars in almost all the states. The monster race in the million monster mountains in the north is not peaceful, and the monks in the Penglai fairy sea in the east are not peaceful. The middle land and Kyushu are facing pressure from all directions.

With a wave of Li Xiuxian's hand, three magic weapons with surging spiritual light appeared in front of everyone.

"These three artifacts are Li's thank you."

"Extreme magic weapon!" Li Xuan and the others couldn't help but exclaimed.

A small cultivation family like theirs doesn't even have a few high-grade magic weapons, let alone top-grade magic weapons.

When they came back to their senses and wanted to thank them, they found that Li Xiuxian had long since disappeared.

Regarding this, they could only smile wryly, no one thought that this senior would leave so simply.

"I didn't expect to arrive in Yongzhou. It will take some time to get to the Sea of ​​Chaos!" Li Xiuxian smiled wryly.

There was nothing Li Xiuxian could do about it, the space of the Spiritual Medicine Garden was erratic, even if he appeared in Tianzhou, there was nothing strange about him.

Now the entire Kyushu is in turmoil, even Tianzhou, which has always been in a transcendent position, can't just sit idly by. If the strength of the states alone, it is impossible to resist the attack of foreign enemies.

But now Li Xiuxian is more worried about Xiuyuan and Shuiyao in the sea of ​​chaos.

If the entire Kyushu is in turmoil, then the sea of ​​chaos will definitely not be detached from the outside world, and that place will only become more chaotic!

"Teleport!" Li Xiuxian threw out a few high-grade spirit stones and teleported them directly to the sea of ​​chaos.

Only Li Xiuxian could do the extravagant way of opening the teleportation array by himself.

According to his own memory, Li Xiuxian was flying rapidly in the sea of ​​chaos. With his current cultivation level, he didn't have to worry about it at all. If anyone dared to rob him without opening his eyes, he would just be wiped out.

"It should be here!" Li Xiuxian looked at the island below and took a deep breath.

When he was hunted down by the Heavenly Corpse Emperor, the jade slip he gave to Shuiyao recorded the location of this island. If Shuiyao and the others were still alive, they must be on this island.

Thinking of the joy of reunion, even Li Xiuxian couldn't help getting excited.

"It's so strong, it's a level four monster!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning as he looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

"Second Immortal Xiaoyao, don't come out to see this king!" An angry shout came from the demon cloud.

Two figures rushed out of the island under Li Xiuxian's feet.

"Xiaoyao Erxian met King Lei Peng!"

"Xiuyuan, Shuiyao!" Li Xiuxian was startled.

"This king has protected you for more than a hundred years in this chaotic sea. How do you think about the request made by this king?" The demon cloud dispersed, and an eagle-eyed man looked at the two arrogantly.

"King Lei Peng, I will consider this matter for a while, Sister She."

"Pfft!" Before Li Xiuyuan finished speaking, he spurted a mouthful of blood.

"Second brother!" Shui Yao exclaimed.

"Give you three points of color, you really think you are a person, and it is your blessing to let your sister marry this king's son." King Lei Peng snorted coldly.

"Oh? What is that son of yours? How can he be worthy of my sister!" With one step forward, the coercion of the middle stage of Nascent Soul was completely released.

King Lei Peng was shocked, he didn't realize how this monk appeared here!
"Big brother..." Shuiyao could hardly believe her eyes, the big brother who had been missing for more than 200 years appeared in front of them again.

"Which onion are you? It's not up to you to take care of this king's affairs!" King Lei Peng roared angrily, and punched Li Xiuxian with his fist.

"Be careful!" Shui Yao exclaimed.

King Lei Peng's reputation in the Sea of ​​Chaos is almost known to everyone, and even a few Nascent Soul cultivators died in his hands.

"Your pair of wings are quite useful." Li Xiuxian sneered, from the moment King Lei Peng made a move on Xiu Yuan, his fate was already doomed.

Even though this King Lei Peng is a fourth-level top-grade monster, comparable to a powerful existence in the late Yuanying period, Li Xiuxian has no fear! "噗!" A golden long sword whizzed and slashed at King Lei Peng's fist.

(End of this chapter)

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