Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 357 Fierce battle against King Lei Peng

Chapter 357 Fierce battle against King Lei Peng
"What a powerful magic weapon!" King Lei Peng was startled, he would definitely suffer if he confronted head-on, so he quickly withdrew his fist and avoided Li Xiuxian's Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

"Magic weapon of thunder attribute!" King Lei Peng's eyes lit up.

Thunder attribute magic weapons have always been extremely rare, even with the strength of King Lei Peng, he has not obtained a magic weapon suitable for him!

"Such a magic weapon can only exert its strongest power in my hands. It is a waste in your hands!" King Lei Peng snorted coldly.

All of a sudden, King Lei Peng's body was full of thunder, and golden thunderbolts transformed into golden rocs in the air, waving their wings and heading straight for Li Xiuxian.

King Lei Peng is originally a monster of thunder attribute, so he has his own uniqueness in controlling the power of thunder and lightning, which makes Li Xiuxian envious.

These Lei Peng's momentum is astonishing, even if it is a Nascent Soul cultivator, they are afraid of three points. No wonder this Lei Peng King is so arrogant. Seeing that Li Xiuxian is a Nascent Soul cultivator, he has no restraint.

Ordinary monks would definitely be terrified, and even lose the confidence to fight this King Lei Peng, but it would be too whimsical to use this to deal with Li Xiuxian.

The Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword in Li Xiuxian's hand came out, countless thunder and lightning gathered in the air, and a golden thunder and lightning giant sword formed in the air.

Seeing the giant sword taking shape, Li Xiuxian stretched out his hand to punch it expressionlessly.

The golden light shone slightly, and the giant sword fell down, stopping in front of Li Xiuxian.

Li Xiuxian opened his mouth, and a slender four-color flame blurted out, hitting the giant sword right in time.

The golden sword trembled slightly, and then a layer of four-color flames wrapped the sword inside, burning blazingly.

Li Xiuxian hesitated for a moment, rubbed his hands together, and struck out another spell, triggering the thunder of destruction in the sword.

After absorbing the power of the spirit of destruction, the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword already contains a trace of destruction thunder. There will be more and more.

The total number of Destruction Thunder in the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is also an extremely terrifying number!

Suddenly there was a low thunderclap, and countless slender golden arcs appeared in the four-color flames of the giant sword, flickering endlessly.

Seeing this, Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed coldly, he pointed at Lei Peng in the sky with one hand, and said "go".

Amidst the buzzing sound, the huge sword turned into a golden rainbow and shot straight towards Lei Peng.

"You're not good enough to play thunder and lightning with me!" King Lei Peng snorted coldly.

Lei Peng in the air rushed towards the giant sword without hesitation!

"Crack!" The moment the two intersected, thunder and lightning raged, and several lightning bolts landed on the small island below. The small island was immediately split in half by the terrifying lightning and sank into the bottom of the sea!
"Not good!" Li Xiuxian was startled, at this time Shuiyao and Xiuyuan were still beside him, he could not care about these thunder and lightning, but Shuiyao and Xiuyuan couldn't care less!
"Fellow Daoist, protect the two of them!" A radiance flashed across Li Xiuxian's body, and a monk who looked exactly like Li Xiuxian landed around Xiu Yuan and Shuiyao.

This person is Li Xiuxian's external incarnation, Li Yixuan, and Li Yixuan's surroundings are like an enchantment. No matter how violent the thunder and lightning outside are, there is no thunder and lightning within a radius of ten feet.

"Brother?" Li Shuiyao looked at this monk who looked exactly like her elder brother in surprise.

"Ahem, ahem, who are you!" Li Xiuyuan looked at Li Yixuan.

Li Yixuan just smiled slightly: "I believe fellow daoists will explain this to you."

"Break it!" Li Xiuxian opened his mouth and spit out a flame, supported by the four-color spiritual fire, the flame on the giant sword rose instantly, and in conjunction with the thunder of destruction, it actually overwhelmed Lei Peng.

"Impossible!" King Lei Peng roared angrily.

The difference between the middle stage of Nascent Soul and the late stage of Nascent Soul is only one level, but the strength is very different. Now he is actually overwhelmed by a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and he is still in his best thunder and lightning supernatural power!

"You're looking for death!" King Lei Peng roared angrily, a flash of lightning flashed in his hand, and a fan fell into his hand, and a large number of thunder and lightning appeared in the sky instantly!
"Oh? The magic weapon of fate!" Li Xiuxian's eyes flashed a strange color.

For monsters, magic weapons are extremely rare. Unexpectedly, King Lei Peng actually has a magic weapon in his hand, and it seems that the quality of the magic weapon is not bad.

"Junior, these are the feathers that fell off when I became a fourth-level monster. I entrust human beings to refine them into magic weapons. If you are wise and hand over the sword in your hand to me, maybe I can spare you all." Fate, otherwise you will definitely die without a whole body!"

"Looks like it's not enough to be honest!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

"What other means do you have!" King Lei Peng said with a disdainful smile. It is already the limit for a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul to be able to do this.

King Lei Peng only thought that Li Xiuxian was talking big.

"Die to me!" The Lei Peng fan in King Lei Peng's hand slapped down mercilessly, and Li Xiuxian's figure was submerged by the thunder and lightning in an instant!

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Just as Shuiyao and Xiuyuan were about to stand up, Li Yixuan pressed them down: "Look carefully, Fellow Daoist is fine!"

Li Xiuyuan looked at the terrifying thunder and lightning in the sky in disbelief. Although he is only a monk of alchemy, he still has a certain understanding of King Lei Peng's strength. It is the strength of a fourth-level top-grade monster, which is equivalent to Nascent Soul The existence of the later stage is also the top existence in this sea of ​​chaos.

There was a smug look in King Lei Peng's eyes. He even dared to challenge him in the mid-Yuanying period. It's not like he had never killed a monk of this level. Li Xiuxian dared to confront him, but he could only say that he didn't know how to live or die!
"As expected of a fourth-level high-grade monster, its strength is truly extraordinary!" Li Xiuxian's voice came from the thunder and lightning!

King Lei Peng seemed to have seen a ghost, looking at Li Xiuxian who was safe and sound under the thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning could not hurt him at all.

"Impossible. Could it be that he is the legendary body of Thunder Spirit? Otherwise, it's impossible to be fine!" King Lei Peng was shocked and angry.

If this Li Xiuxian really has the body of thunder and spirit, then even he has to be afraid of it, that is the most special physique in the world, and his immunity to thunder and lightning has reached a terrifying level.

The body of thunder?Li Xiuxian is naturally not that kind of heaven's darling.

Around Li Xiuxian, 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords are forming a golden light curtain, all these lightnings are resisted by this layer of golden light curtain, and this layer of golden light curtain is even absorbing these lightnings.

"Damn it!" King Lei Peng roared angrily.

Lightning was his strongest method in the past, but today it has become his weakness!
"I want you to die!" King Lei Peng's figure rapidly swelled, and this King Lei Peng actually showed his real body!
Although the fourth-level monsters can take shape and have magic weapons, compared with human forms, the strongest monsters are their bodies!
Looking at King Lei Peng with his wings spread a hundred feet wide, Li Xiuxian couldn't help showing a dignified look in his eyes.

Fighting against King Lei Peng was far less easy than he showed. When the fourth-level monsters fought with their bodies, it was undoubtedly their strongest moment. Even Li Xiuxian did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

Li Xiuxian performed the Xuan Gong without hesitation, and at the sixth turn of the Xuan Gong, Li Xiuxian's momentum soared, and he was no less than King Lei Peng who had revealed his body!
But this is still far from enough. It is easy to defeat the opponent in the battle between Nascent Soul monks, but it is very difficult to kill him first, especially since Lei Peng is a monster that is good at speed. It's easy to get away with him.

A fourth-level monster as an enemy is enough to make Li Xiuxian sleepless.

"Kill him!" Li Xiuxian revealed his dragon body without hesitation.

His whole body was covered by a layer of blood-colored scales, his ten fingers turned into sharp claws, and a dragon tail kept swinging behind him.

"Hiss!" Shui Yao and Xiu Yuan couldn't help but gasped.

Is this still their big brother?How did it become a monster?

"Look carefully, this is the strongest form of fellow daoist!" Li Yixuan reminded.

"Death!" The 36 Tianleihuang swords around him condensed into a huge sword, and when he slashed down with one sword, the lavender arc crackled!

"I'm afraid of you?" King Lei Peng roared, his wings crossed, like a shield protecting his body underneath.

"Clang!" The giant sword slashed on King Lei Peng's wings, and there was a sound of gold and iron intersecting.

The wings of King Lei Peng are so hard!
But Li Xiuxian's attack has not yet been played, and he opened his mouth to spit out a four-color flame, and the power of the giant sword fused with four-color spiritual fire soared, and King Lei Peng couldn't resist it.

"What kind of freak is this kid!" King Lei Peng found sadly that he was not the opponent of this junior.

"Escape!" King Lei Peng made a decisive decision. With his speed, even a monk in the late Yuanying period could not catch up with him!

"Want to leave? Are you still leaving?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

I don't know when, 36 nine-day thunder emperor swords have formed the Tiangang sword array, and the golden thunder sword threads have completely entangled King Lei Peng.

No matter how strong this King Lei Peng is, he will not be able to break through the Tiangang Sword Formation in a short time!
"Little monkey! I'll leave it to you!" Li Xiuxian opened the Wanhua Pearl, and a purple figure roared out, punching King Lei Peng in the head.

This punch beat King Lei Peng to a point where gold stars shot out in front of his eyes.

The feathers on his body are harder than King Kong, and his head is his key protection object. Even a magic weapon may not be able to penetrate it. Now he was blown away by a punch. How terrifying is this purple figure?
"Roar!" The little monkey roared excitedly, its body expanded rapidly, and it bombarded King Lei Peng's head with one punch after another. "Damn, damn! I must kill you, I must kill you!" King Lei Peng roared angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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