Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 359 The Man of the Temple

Chapter 359 The Man of the Temple
"It's you...!" Wei Sheng couldn't help but screamed after seeing the face of the shooter.

"You're not dead!" Bai Hongfei was taken aback.

"Dead?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help touching his nose. Anyone who disappears for hundreds of years will be regarded as dead.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning when he saw the scene of his former life turned into such a scene. A purple long sword pierced seven sword lights in a row, and several barbarian priests who besieged Wei Sheng died without any resistance!

"Yuanying stage!" Wei Sheng exclaimed, not seeing him for more than two hundred years, this Li Xiuxian is already a strong person at the Nascent Soul level, the speed of his cultivation must be too fast. "

"Shenhuo avatars come out!" Li Xiuxian played a formula, and the four avatars of Shenhuo immediately joined the battlefield.

Even though these four divine fire avatars are only [-]% of the strength of Li Xiuxian's real body, [-]% of the strength of a Nascent Soul cultivator is enough to sweep everything, even barbarian priests cannot resist these four divine fire avatars.

With the addition of these four divine fire avatars, the pressure on the disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect was greatly reduced!
"Where's Elder Linghu?" Li Xiuxian asked.

Back then, the old man took good care of him, and even gave him a token.

"I have already left with the high priest of the barbarians." Wei Sheng sighed slightly.

Li Xiuxian nodded. It is no exaggeration to describe the battle between Nascent Soul cultivators as devastating. If the two Nascent Soul cultivators fought without any scruples, the entire Pill Spirit Sect would be reduced to ruins. It is also reasonable for Elder Linghu to lure the other party away.

Bai Hongfei looked at Li Xiuxian who had already condensed the Nascent Soul, and couldn't tell what it was like. When he first saw Li Xiuxian, he was just an ordinary foundation cultivator. He even looked down on Li Xiuxian a little bit, but after a hundred years, he was already The high-ranking Nascent Soul cultivator, but he is only in the middle stage of alchemy.

Bai Hongfei knew that if there were no adventures, then his life would be like this.

"By the way, where is Li Feiyu? Why didn't you see him?" Li Xiuxian asked suddenly.

Li Feiyu, who had a good relationship with him in the Pill Spirit Sect, had never seen him, which gave Li Xiuxian a bad feeling.

"Junior Brother Li..." Wei Sheng shook his head, his face full of bitterness.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiuxian's heart skipped a beat.

"Only three days ago, Junior Brother Li and a barbarian priest died together," Bai Hongfei said.

"Dead?" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

However, at this moment, a white light hit Li Xiuxian's back like a shooting star chasing the moon!
"Be careful!" Wei Sheng just wanted to remind, but it was too late, the white light had already hit Li Xiuxian's back.

This white light is a shining bone arrow. Among the barbarians, only the Bone Bow Tribe can use this kind of bone arrow!

"If you hit the moon with my move, you will definitely die!" A burly man holding a dragon bone bow in the barbarian army snorted coldly.

"The high priest of the barbarians!" Wei Sheng's face was extremely ugly.

They thought that the appearance of a Nascent Soul-level powerhouse on their side was already a sure sign of victory, but who knew that the barbarians were hiding so deeply, a barbarian high priest was actually hiding in this army, and Li Xiuxian was the most lax In an instant, the killing arrow was shot.

Wei Sheng and the others are only at the alchemy stage. If a Nascent Soul cultivator deliberately wants to hide it, how can they find out?
"Pfft!" From the center of the explosion, a purple sword light roared out!

"Not good!" The high priest of the bone bow tribe hastily raised the dragon bone bow in his hand to resist.

There are some weird runes engraved on this dragon bone bow. These weird runes built a protective wall in front of the high priest of the bone bow tribe.

"Hmph, I forgive you for not being able to destroy the treasures of my protoss!" The high priest of the Bone Bow Tribe sneered.

Although he was surprised that Li Xiuxian was still alive after taking an arrow from himself, he was full of confidence when he remembered that this bone bow was specially blessed by the Wild Temple.

But what happened next was really hard for him to accept.

This purple sword glow easily pierced through this line of defense as if it had cut through a piece of white paper, cutting off the dragon bone bow in his hand.

Due to being resisted by the dragon bone bow, the sword light deviated slightly from the direction, and cut 1 from his right arm." Ah." The barbarian high priest couldn't believe his eyes, his right arm was so easily captured Cut it off!
The barbarians are covered in copper skin and iron bones, and their physical strength has reached a terrifying level when they reach the realm of the high priest. Even if it is a magic weapon, it may not be able to leave a trace of scars on their bodies.

"This is the high priest of the barbarian race? What a disappointment!" Li Xiuxian's voice suddenly came from behind the high priest of the barbarian race.

At some point, Li Xiuxian had already arrived behind the high priest!
"You." Before the barbarian high priest could make a sound, a purple sword shadow flashed in front of his eyes.

He actually saw his body falling little by little!
"How is it possible?" the barbarian high priest thought in his heart, how could it be possible for a person to see his own body.

"Receive!" A black mist gushed out from the soul banner, directly pulling the soul of the barbarian high priest into the soul banner.

"Hiss!" Wei Sheng and Bai Hongfei gasped in unison.

Like killing a dog, Li Xiuxian killed the high priest of the Bone Bow Tribe with two moves. Even though they knew that Li Xiuxian was on their side, Li Xiuxian's strength still made them terrified.

"Run away!" Someone in the barbarian team shouted.

The entire barbarian army began to flee.

What a joke, even the high priest was slaughtered like a dog, what are they, how can they have the qualifications to fight against the Nascent Soul cultivator?

"Run?" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, naturally he would not let these barbarians go.

Hearing that his friend died at the hands of these barbarians, although Li Xiuxian didn't show any grief, it didn't mean he really didn't care.

Moreover, people who are not of our race will have a different heart. Li Xiuxian knows very well that he will not think that if he let these barbarians off today, they will reform themselves and put down their weapons in the future.

"Leave it all to me!" Li Xiuxian's face was full of murderous intent.

Although the murderous intent was not aimed at Wei Sheng, Wei Sheng couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Countless unjust souls suddenly emerged from the Zunhun Banner, including King Lei Peng who was killed by him, some barbarian priests who had just been killed, and even more souls of the Golden Lingzi Demon.

These are basically the souls of Jindan and above, and it couldn't be easier to use them to slaughter these barbarians.

That's right, this is almost a one-sided massacre, which is equivalent to King Lei Peng who existed in the late Yuanying period. A black lightning spit out was enough to turn hundreds of barbarians into ashes. The souls of these dead barbarians were respected again. Absorbed by the streamer, or become a member of the soul streamer or become the food of the soul in the soul streamer.

With the power of one person, turn the whole battle situation around!

Naturally, the disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect will not be idle. Facing these executioners who killed their fellow sects and ruined their sect, all they have is anger.

"Kill!" Wei Sheng yelled, the Big Dipper Tianshu array glowed again, Wei Sheng stepped on the Seven Stars and rushed into the barbarian army.

The Beidou Sword Formation was fully fired, and Wei Sheng at this moment was like a Shura emerging from hell, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the barbarians!

"Boom!" A big hole was suddenly smashed out on Danling Peak!
"Damn humans, how dare you slaughter my wild gods like this!" A giant with a height of one hundred feet punched the black mist in the sky.

"The high priest of the barbarians!" Li Xiuxian's heart moved, and a sword glow shot out from the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Sword.

"Pfft!" The sword that killed the high priest of the Bone Bow Tribe actually left a small scar on the fist!

"What a strong defense!" Li Xiuxian was startled, the Purple Lightning Soul Devourer Sword was almost his most powerful magic weapon, even the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword was nothing more than that.

Li Xiuxian was terrified in his heart, but he didn't know that the high priest was even more terrified. A simple sword broke through his defense!
He is an elder in the wild temple, and his body is not as hard as those high priests in the tribe can compare.

"Be careful, he is from the wild temple, and his strength is unfathomable." An old man with white hair fluttering in the pit stood up.

"Elder Linghu!" Li Xiuxian's eyes popped.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Elder Linghu had obviously used some kind of life-burning secret method to forcibly increase his strength.

"In the late stage of Nascent Soul and the secret method of burning life, he can't help it?" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath, he had to re-examine this giant with a height of hundreds of feet.

"Elder Linghu, take it quickly." With a flash of purple light under Li Xiuxian's feet, a bottle of stalactite milk was poured into his mouth.

"Hmph, Master Linghu, today is the day when your Pill Spirit Sect will perish. I'll see how you, old and young, can resist my barbarian army!" The giant laughed.

"Huang Jianyi! Even if I die, I will hold you back!" Master Linghu roared frantically.

The elders in the wild temple will add a word "Huang" in front, then the tribe he belongs to, and finally his position in the wild temple.

Huang Jianyi means that he is the strongest among the wild sword tribe in the wild temple!
"Elder Linghu, heal your wounds first, leave it to me!" Li Xiuxian sighed slightly.

Although Huang Jianyi is powerful, several times stronger than King Lei Peng, it is not so strong that it cannot be resisted. It's no longer that little alchemy cultivator!

This time, the Wild Temple actually dispatched the No. 1 Man Sword Tribe, which shows that he is determined to win the Pill Spirit Sect.

"Hahaha, the little baby who doesn't even have full hair wants to fight the old man, die!"

As soon as the word "death" came out, a huge fist shadow fell down.

There is no doubt that if he is hit by this punch, there will be a big hole in Danling Peak! "little monkey!"

(End of this chapter)

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