Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 360 Desolate God Battle Skill

Chapter 360 Desolate God Battle Skill
"Roar!" A gigantic figure rose up from the Danling Peak, no less than the hundred-foot giant in the air!
"Bang!" Two punches clashed, and a strong wind swept across the entire Danyun Peak in an instant.

The majestic palace that stood on Danling Peak for an unknown number of years was submerged by this terrifying gale, disintegrated, and disappeared completely!

One punch, just one punch, the aftermath of this punch would destroy Danling Peak in sevens and eighties. If this punch directly hits Danyun Peak, then this Danyun Peak may no longer exist.

"The wild temple, it's really terrifying!" Master Linghu's face was ashen, he combined with the strength of his two juniors couldn't compete with this wild sword, and the two juniors died in his hands instead.

If Master Linghu hadn't obtained a volume of secret law in his early years, and greatly improved his strength at the cost of burning his own life, he might have died in the hands of Huang Jianyi a long time ago.

This huge figure is naturally a little monkey, and at this moment the little monkey has revealed his own body, and his body as high as hundreds of feet is facing Huang Jian from a distance.

In terms of strength, the little monkey is definitely not inferior to anyone. Even though Huang Jianyi is powerful, he still cannot completely overwhelm the little monkey in terms of strength.

"What a beast, I didn't expect you to have such an ancient beast on your body, but do you think this beast can stop me?" Huang Jianyi snorted coldly.

"Crack, creak!" Seeing that Huang Jianyi looked down on him, the little monkey raised his fist and was about to attack.

"Come back!" Li Xiuxian called to stop the little monkey.

Perhaps the strength of the little monkey is not inferior to Huang Jianyi, but the strength of the barbarian high priest is not just strength. If there is a real fight, the little monkey may suffer.

The little monkey glared at Huang Jian, then returned to its original size, and jumped onto Li Xiuxian's shoulder.

Facing the elders of this wild temple, Li Xiuxian did not dare to be careless.

The Wild Temple can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in Kyushu. Although the Wild Temple has been dormant these years, no one dares to underestimate this force. Is it waiting?

Just revealing the tip of the iceberg is enough to destroy the Dan Lingzong, one of the six sects in Qingzhou.

"The elders of the wild temple, I'll come for a while!" Li Xiuxian sneered.

The hatred between Danlingzong and Manhuang is almost endless, and it is almost impossible for the two sides to stop. Since they cannot reconcile, then they have to defeat each other.

Li Xiuxian flipped his right hand, and a colorful fan appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, monstrous flames burst out from the fan!

This treasure is the reward that Li Xiuxian received in the Six Schools of Martial Arts. The Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan, combined with the four heaven and earth spiritual fires in Li Xiuxian's body, is enough to maximize the power of the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan.

"Small tricks!" Huang Jian sneered with disdain, and pressed down on the flame with a huge fleshy palm.

"Pfft..." The flames of four colors were instantly dispersed.

"Sprinkle!" Golden raindrops suddenly fell in the sky.

"Damn it, damned cultivator!" Huang Jianyi suddenly roared angrily.

I saw a huge wound on Huang Jianyi's giant palm, which seemed to be pierced by something.

"Cut, it's just piercing through, the barbarian's body of the wild god really has some skills!" Li Xiuxian was very dissatisfied with the palm that only pierced Huang Jianyi.

Using the Xiantian Gengjin Sword Qi, coupled with the bonus of the Purple Lightning Soul Eater Slash, can only do this. It can only be said that Huang Jianyi's defense is too strong.

"Damn cultivator, I want you to die!" Huang Jianyi roared, and smashed down his fist hard, with more than a hundred punches in a row.

"Spray!" Li Xiuxian's body shook, and the 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords in front of him formed a Tiangang Sword Formation to block the punch.

"What a powerful force, is this the power of the barbarians?" Li Xiuxian was also quite shocked.

"Boom, boom!" Huang Jianyi frantically bombarded Li Xiuxian's sword formation as if he was tireless.

"Golden Thunder Sword Silk, come out!" Li Xiuxian hit out a formula, and countless golden thunder sword threads in the Tiangang Sword Formation entangled Huang Jianyi's falling fist.

Under the blocking of Jin Lei Jiansi, the strength of Huang Jianyi's fist suddenly decreased.

"Hmph, do you think this can stop me?" Huang Jianyi snorted coldly, the veins in his right hand popped up, and a terrifying force instantly enveloped the entire Danling Peak. All were shaken away by this force.

"This is." Master Linghu looked at the battle in the sky in horror.

"How can I, the wild gods, be able to compete with little immortal cultivators like you? If you can die under the hands of my wild god, you deserve to die!" Huang Jianyi sneered.

A huge sword fell into the hands of Huang Jianyi. As the strongest man in the Manjian tribe, he can only display his greatest strength with a sword.

"Weird runes." Li Xiuxian couldn't help frowning when he saw the runes of the giant sword.

As far as he knew, Manhuang didn't know about refining weapons and alchemy, but the rune of this giant sword was obviously a product of refining tools, but this rune was not the rune of a cultivator.

"The previous dragon bone bow is, and so is this giant sword. Could it be that your wild temple has mastered the art of refining!" Li Xiuxian asked coldly.

"Hahaha, stupid immortal cultivator!" Huang Jianyi snorted coldly, and slashed down with his sword involuntarily.

This sword is mixed with the power of destroying heaven and earth. There is no doubt that if this sword cuts down the entire Pill Spirit Sect, it will be completely annihilated.

"You can't force it!" Master Linghu roared.

"Huh! If you can answer it, you can answer it. My barbarian god's combat skills are invincible. The sword swallows the world!" Huang Jian roared.

"What a big piece of Gengjin!" Li Xiuxian's eyes burst into a fiery light. Such a big Gengjin is really rare. If there is this piece of Gengjin, then 36 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Swords will be obtained, making up one hundred and eight Take the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword.

"I'm going to do my best!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly.

"Roar!" A dragon's chant resounded through the sky, and the whole world paused.

"Dragon!" Huang Jian frowned. He had seen Jiao a lot, but this was the first time he had seen a dragon.

"Bang!" With a swipe of the dragon, Li Xiuxian's tail collided fiercely with the giant sword.

In an instant, the entire Danling Peak shook, and a huge force seemed to push this mountain peak up from the ground.

But the power on this giant sword is too powerful, even if the body of the dragon is revealed, it can't be completely offset. Li Xiuxian's tail was cut by this giant sword.

"I've accepted this giant sword!" A five-color divine light shot out, and a circle of runes suddenly erupted on the giant sword to resist the suction of the five-color divine light.

"Come here!" Li Xiuxian slapped his paw, and the rune disintegrated instantly, was absorbed by the five-color divine light, and escaped Huang Jianyi's control.

"You. Court death!" Huang Jian was furious. It is the most shameful thing for someone to take away a weapon among the barbarians.

Facing Huang Jianyi's punch, Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, and greeted him with his front paws!

"Boom!" The powerful force caused both of them to fly backwards.

"Huh, it's so dangerous!" Li Xiuxian looked at the tail that had recovered to its original state, and couldn't help but sweat for himself.

My true spirit blood is obtained from dragon blood, which is a variant of the dragon clan, the blood dragon.

Li Xiuxian didn't inherit any supernatural powers from Dragon Blood, but in terms of physical recovery ability, if Dragon Blood was ranked second, no one would dare to recognize the number one.

Even if a limb is severed, Li Xiuxian can recover within a certain period of time.

However, this kind of ability will only be effective when in the body of a dragon. If it is in the body of half-human and half-dragon, at most it will recover faster. up.

"Earth Fiend Sword Formation, come out!" After Li Xiuxian recovered his human body, he immediately set up the Earth Demon Sword Formation to surround the Baizhang Huangjian.

"Xuan Gong six revolutions!" Li Xiuxian roared, his momentum doubled!

"Destroy!" Countless small golden thunder swords in the sword array blasted at Huang Jianyi's body.

Li Xiuxian opened his mouth, and spit out a burst of spiritual fire on the Purple Lightning Soul Eater: "Cut!"


"Damn cultivator, I want you to die, I want you to die!" Huang Jianyi roared crazily, no matter how strong the defense of the Huangshen body is, it is impossible to be intact in the face of Li Xiuxian's attack.

"Die! Rage God's Fist!" Rage Sword punched out one by one, and actually blasted a hole in the Earth Fiend Sword Formation!
In an instant, a terrifying fist enveloped Li Xiuxian. In front of this fist, Li Xiuxian found himself extremely small, as if he was fighting against the whole world.

An image of a desolate god gradually appeared in Li Xiuxian's mind, defeating Li Xiuxian's defense bit by bit.

"Could it be that there really is a desolate god in this wild place?" This thought suddenly flashed in Li Xiuxian's mind. "

"Li Yixuan hasn't come out to help!" Li Xiuxian roared, and suddenly the entire earth sword formation began to spin violently.

"Thunder of Destruction, Destroy!" Li Yixuan and Li Xiuxian shouted at the same time.

"Crack!" An almost black lightning struck Huang Jianyi.

Even Li Xiuxian doesn't know how strong the destructive thunder contained in the 72 Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword is, but it is enough to put this Huangjian to death.

Even dragon blood is afraid of three points, let alone this Huang Jianyi, although the barbarian body is strong, it is not as good as the dragon!
"Damn it, I definitely won't just let it go!" A khaki light broke away from Huang Jianyi and left quickly.

"No, we can't let him leave!" Master Linghu roared.

"Dare to leave the body within the range of the honored soul banner, it's simply reckless!" Li Xiuxian's mouth twitched.

The black mist covering Danling Peak suddenly surged strangely, and black tentacles instantly entangled and pulled into this khaki light.

"Not one left!" Li Xiuxian's voice spread throughout the Pill Spirit Sect!

"Kill, kill these barbarians!"

"Don't keep any of them!" The disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect were also red-eyed, even if they were asked to stop, they might not be able to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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