Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 361 Goodbye Yiren

Chapter 361 Goodbye Yiren
Without the seat of the high priest, the fate of the remaining barbarians can be imagined. The more than [-] barbarians who besieged the Pill Spirit Sect were killed, and the [-] corpses almost covered the Pill Spirit Sect!
The disciples of the Pill Spirit Sect also began to clean the battlefield, collecting corpses for the disciples in the sect.

Some disciples were able to be buried in the ground, but some disciples didn't even leave their bodies in this battle, and they didn't even have a chance to be buried in the back mountain.

"Junior brother, if you hadn't helped me this time, my ten thousand year foundation of the Pill Spirit Sect would have been ruined." Master Linghu sighed.

The last time I met Li Xiuxian, he was just a small foundation cultivator, but in a blink of an eye, he became a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

Even with Master Linghu's extraordinary status in the Pill Spirit Sect, he only dares to be compared with his senior brothers.

This is the case in the cultivation world. If you have strength, others will respect you. There is nothing strange about this.

Li Xiuxian was able to repel Huang Jianyi. This strength alone was enough to impress Master Linghu, a monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage, at least he couldn't do it himself.

Besides Master Linghu and Li Xiuxian, there were several alchemy cultivators in the hall.

These monks are undoubtedly some familiar faces, Wei Sheng, Bai Hongfei, Feng Qingyu, these are the new generation of alchemy monks of the Pill Spirit Sect.

In 200 years, the generation of Daoist Xuanhuo either sat down or died in this great battle. The remaining alchemy monks of the Pill Spirit Sect are less than ten, which can be said to be seriously injured.

If Master Linghu, a strong man in the late Yuanying period, was not in charge, he might have fallen out of the seat of Qingzhou's six sects.

This time he was hit hard, and without hundreds of years of cultivation, the Pill Spirit Sect would not be able to return to its original style.

Wei Sheng looked at Li Xiuxian with a hint of envy all the time. A hundred years ago, they were monks of the same level, but a hundred years later, although he successfully advanced to become a monk of alchemy, Li Xiuxian was even faster, and he was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul !

Wei Sheng thinks he is very talented, but he still has no confidence in conceiving a baby.

Infant formation has less to do with aptitude, and more to do with chance and understanding of the Dao of Heaven.

"Junior brother advanced to the mid-stage Nascent Soul with a lifespan of less than 500 years. I'm afraid the whole of Qingzhou will be shocked if I say it. It seems that there is no need to talk about the late stage of the Nascent Soul in the future, and it is very possible for the junior brother to advance to the stage of transformation!" Linghu The teacher couldn't help but said, his words were full of envy.

In the history of the immortal cultivation world in Qingzhou, I am afraid that there are really only a few people who can match it. This kind of cultivation speed has nothing to do with the individual's cultivation aptitude.Most of it depends on the chance of the individual, and this is not forced.

"Transforming God!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. The matter of transforming God is still too far away for him. At least these things can only be considered in the late Nascent Soul.

"What happened in the past 200 years, why did this barbarian invade so brazenly?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"It's hard to explain this matter!" Master Linghu smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it!"

Master Linghu sighed: "In the past 200 years, the world of cultivating immortals in Kyushu has been turbulent. First, there was the rise of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and then there was chaos from all directions. The barbarians, the Flan people, the Million Monster Mountain, and the Penglai Fairy Sea, these four areas have always been occupied by Kyushu. The suppressed places are all putting pressure on Kyushu."

"Does Tianzhou not care?" Li Xiuxian asked out of the mouth.

Among the Kyushu, Tianzhou has always been in a detached position. The reason why Kyushu can subdue the Quartet is that Tianzhou is also indispensable.

"I have made a move, but so what if I make a move. This time, the four parties are in trouble together. Even Tianzhou is at a loss. They have to face the masters of the four top forces of the Falan Temple, the Million Monster Mountain, the Wild Temple, and the Penglai Heavenly Palace at the same time. Even Tianzhou doesn't dare to say that it will win." Master Linghu shook his head.

Except for the Wild Temple, Li Xiuxian didn't know about the other forces, but it was not an ordinary force to be able to stand side by side with the Wild Temple.

He has already understood the strength of the wild temple. Just a wild sword is enough to destroy the alchemy sect. If it is not for the blood of the true spirit of the dragon blood, the outcome of this wild sword is really unknown. Woolen cloth.

The Savage Temple, which has been dormant for a long time, is a killer move once it reveals its fangs.

From what Master Linghu said, this Pill Spirit Sect was not the first sect to be targeted by the wild temple. At least dozens of Qingzhou sects were wiped out by the barbarians, and all the treasures in the sect were looted.

Moreover, the monks sent by Tianzhou are not monolithic, they are all masters who do not work hard, otherwise the battle in Qingzhou would not have been defeated to such an extent.

In the eyes of these Tianzhou monks, it is their utmost benevolence to help Qingzhou, and it is absolutely impossible for them to work hard for Qingzhou.

All the monks in Tianzhou have an arrogance in their hearts, and they simply disdain the monks in the other eight states, even if you are a monk in Nascent Soul.

If you haven't been to Tianzhou, you won't understand the prosperity of Tianzhou's cultivation. It's no wonder these Tianzhou monks are so proud.

"Junior brother, I have a request for my brother, I hope my junior can agree." Master Linghu suddenly knelt down in front of Li Xiuxian.

Wei Sheng, Bai Hongfei and the others were also surprised. Master Linghu's status in the Pill Spirit Sect is so noble. In the Pill Spirit Sect, only others can kneel to him, so it's his turn to kneel to others.

Li Xiuxian was startled, a wave of spiritual power supported Master Linghu, and he still respected this old man Li Xiuxian.

Master Linghu only felt that a majestic spiritual power was supporting him, and the purity of his spiritual power was no less than that of a late Nascent Soul cultivator, so he couldn't help but raise his opinion of Li Xiuxian in his heart.

"Elder Linghu just speak up if you have something to say." Li Xiuxian said with a smile.

"Since the younger brother said so, then I will say it directly. I hope that the younger brother can stay in the Pill Spirit Sect. As long as the younger brother is willing, I am willing to give up the position of the chief elder of the Alchemy Spirit Sect." Master Linghu said.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help laughing when he heard what Master Linghu said.

Seeing Li Xiuxian's smile, Master Linghu thought it was a disagreement.

"Junior brother, become the Supreme Elder of the Pill Spirit Sect, and the resources of the Pill Spirit Sect can be used by the younger brother!" Master Linghu was afraid that Li Xiuxian would disagree, so he hurriedly increased his bargaining chip.

Now that Qingzhou is in troubled times, if he usually uses his cultivation in the late Yuanying stage, he can naturally protect the Dan Lingzong safe and sound, but at this time, he may not be able to do what he wants.

In addition, the Pill Spirit Sect encountered a catastrophe, if it encounters a strong enemy again, I am afraid it will only fall.

"Elder Linghu, I'm not laughing because I disagree, but because I was originally a disciple of the Pill Spirit Sect, so how could I say no?" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"Then junior brother means that he agrees?" Master Linghu was overjoyed.

"Naturally!" Li Xiuxian nodded.

"That's very good, my Pill Spirit Sect will be saved." Master Linghu laughed.

"By the way, where is Xiaoxue, why didn't you see this little girl?" Li Xiuxian asked suddenly.

"Xiaoxue. Ah... this girl." Master Linghu shook his head helplessly.

"What's wrong? Could it be that something happened to Xiaoxue?" Li Xiuxian became anxious immediately. Although Xiaoxue was a little unreasonable, she was kind-hearted, and she could be said to be Li Xiuxian's best friend in the Pill Sect.

"The cold poison in Xiaoxue's body can no longer be restrained, time is running out." Master Linghu shook his head.

It turned out that Xiaoxue was born with cold poison, which is the root cause of the disease from her mother's womb.

Back then, Xiaoxue's mother was hunted down by her enemies. Although she managed to escape in the end, she was injured by the enemy's icy power, which is why Xiaoxue left behind this disease.

If it wasn't for Master Linghu, a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul Stage, who suppressed it all these years, and coupled with the accumulation of more than ten thousand years of the Pill Spirit Sect, Xiaoxue would have been out of her wits long ago.

With the growth of age, the cold poison in Xiaoxue's body became stronger and stronger, and even Master Linghu, a late Nascent Soul cultivator, was unable to suppress it.

"Take me to have a look, maybe I can help!" Li Xiuxian said.

With the four spirit fires of heaven and earth in the body, it may not be impossible to dissolve the cold poison in Xiaoxue's body.

"Alright, come with me!" Master Linghu nodded, and after ordering Wei Sheng to rectify the Pill Spirit Sect, he led Li Xiuxian into a secret room.

'Hiss, what a strong cold! "As soon as Li Xiuxian entered the secret room, he felt the terrifying cold air. Even his cultivation base in the Nascent Soul stage was like this. How can Xiaoxue, a monk of alchemy, resist it?
"this is..."

"This is the ultimate treasure of our sect, the Fire Dragon Stove! Only the pure Yang Qi in the Fire Dragon Stove can stop the cold poison in Xiaoxue's body from erupting." Master Linghu sighed slightly.

No wonder Li Xiuxian was so shocked, this fire dragon furnace was exactly the same as his black furnace!
"What is the origin of this fire dragon stove?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

"This old man is not clear about this matter, since the existence of Pill Spirit Sect, this fire dragon furnace has always existed!" Master Linghu said.

"Why? Junior brother is also interested?" Master Linghu asked.

Li Xiuxian smiled, and flew into the dragon furnace.

"Xiaoxue!" Li Xiuxian was shocked. At this time, Xiaoxue's skin was pale, and her whole body was covered with a thin layer of ice slag. Except for a faint breath, she was almost no different from a corpse.

This trace of aura is also due to the fire dragon furnace, if it wasn't for the pure and yang energy in the fire dragon furnace to suspend this breath, Xiaoxue probably wouldn't be able to hold on for so long.

Li Xiuxian held Xiaoxue's right hand, and a pure fire-type spiritual power poured into Xiaoxue's body!

"Hiss!" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but gasped.

No wonder even late Nascent Soul cultivators like Master Linghu are helpless. The cold poison in Xiaoxue's body is too terrifying. With just one touch, the cold poison penetrated into Li Xiuxian's body along with Li Xiuxian's spiritual power. .

"Looking for death!" Li Xiuxian snorted coldly, as soon as the ice spirit came out, the cold poison was absorbed instantly.

"This cold poison is weird. Who did Xiaoxue's mother meet back then to have such a weird cold air?" Li Xiuxian was puzzled.Master Linghu didn't say a word. Back then, Xiaoxue's mother was also very gifted. She was already a monk who had formed the alchemy Dzogchen in less than two hundred years of life, and half of her feet had entered the Nascent Soul stage. Seriously injured, this person is obviously a Nascent Soul cultivator!
(End of this chapter)

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