Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 364 The Enemy Meets

Chapter 364 The Enemy Meets
The thunder of destruction exploded in Liangye's body, and Liangye's body instantly turned into a pile of coke, and even his soul was scattered by the thunder of destruction before he could escape.

The defense of the barbarians is indeed formidable. Even if their defense can block the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword made from jasper roots, it will definitely not be able to stop the destruction thunder contained in the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword, not to mention the destruction thunder that explodes in the body. On the other hand, this power enough to destroy everything is naturally not so easy to deal with.

Without any resistance, Liang Ye became Li Xiuxian's dead soul under the sword, and Shura's side was almost resolved.

The barbarians have copper skin and iron bones, but they can't compare with Shura who knows no pain, not to mention that Shura has a blood-transforming knife in his hand that can block gods and Buddhas. The defense that the barbarians were proud of was completely disintegrated.

After absorbing the blood of hundreds of barbarians, this blood-transforming knife is also very dazzling. Every time it absorbs a drop of blood, this blood-transforming knife is undergoing transformation. If it weren't for its weirdness that made Li Xiuxian jealous, I am afraid that Li Xiuxian would have taken it as his own. Magic weapon.

"It's a pity that there are so many souls." Li Xiuxian sighed slightly, and the absence of the soul banner meant that he could not collect the souls of these people.

"This storage bag is a bit interesting." Li Xiuxian glanced at the storage bag on Liang Ye's body, and the refining method was completely different from that in Kyushu, and it was a completely unfamiliar method.

Li Xiuxian put away this storage bag. Although this barbarian has mastered a little weapon refining technique, it obviously hasn't been spread like that of immortal cultivators. Only some powerful people will get these weapons engraved with runes. As for Those ordinary barbarians still use the crudest and crudest weapons.

I just don't know if the barbarian's refining technique has not been learned for a long time, or if he has endured it for an unknown period of time, and it was not exposed until this moment.

And there is another point that Li Xiuxian is very concerned about. Kyushu has subdued the Quartet for more than ten thousand years?

In ancient times, Kyushu monks firmly ruled the Quartet. Although the Quartet caused chaos from time to time, it never put pressure on Kyushu at the same time like this time.

"What are they planning?" I thought to myself.

The Wild Temple, the Temple of Fran, the Mountain of Million Monsters, and the Penglai Immortal Palace, no one knows how terrifying the power of these four forces that have existed since ancient times is. The only thing that can compete with them is Tianzhou. But whether Tianzhou can fight with these four forces at the same time is still unknown.

This trip to Tianzhou may be able to solve this doubt for him.

As a cultivator, he has long wanted to go to this place where cultivation is most prosperous, and only when he has been to Tianzhou can he truly experience cultivation.

"Can Leng Ruling enter Xuechan Palace, one of the top ten sects in Tianzhou?" Li Xiuxian couldn't help but sweat for Leng Ruling.

At that time, they were just rookies who had just arrived and didn't know much about the affairs of Kyushu. Leng Ruling probably didn't even think that the Xuechan Palace he wanted to join would have such a big background.

But when he thought of Leng Ruling's Ice Spirit Root, Li Xiuxian smiled. If even Leng Ruling's aptitude could not enter Xuechan Palace, there might not be many people left in Xuechan Palace.

"Jizhou!" Li Xiuxian took a deep breath.

He will never forget that he was chased by the hateful corpse emperor in Jizhou and had nowhere to go. If he hadn't been vigilant, he might have died in the hands of the hateful corpse emperor.

Think back in the past, how arrogant and domineering Hetian Corpse Emperor was when he left the customs. As soon as he left the customs, he destroyed Wanxiang Mountain, one of the righteous ways of Jizhou, and occupied half of Jizhou with continuous fighting along the way.

If it weren't for the consideration of the reaction of the monks in Tianzhou, it is very likely that the entire Jizhou would be included in the bag.

The Heavenly Corpse Emperor, who has fused the body of the Corpse Emperor, is far superior to ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators in terms of strength. Even Master Linghu in the late Yuanying period may not be the opponent of the Heavenly Corpse Emperor.

Back then, the Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor didn't even use magic weapons. If all the magic weapons were used, Huang Jianyi might not even be the opponent of the Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor. Coupled with a hundred years of cultivation, the Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor must be even more powerful now. Difficult to deal with.

But Li Xiuxian is not afraid of the Heaven-hating Corpse Emperor. He is no longer the friar who was chased and killed by him back then. Now he can kill Huang Jianyi, and he is still afraid of him as a Heaven-Hating Corpse Emperor?
Although Jizhou is adjacent to Qingzhou, the barbarians seldom operate in Jizhou. Compared with Qingzhou, Jizhou is much more stable.

However, with the overlord Hate Heavenly Corpse Emperor here, the life of this Jizhou monk will not be much easier.

As for the Nishangmen back then, when Li Xiuxian thought of it, his anger rushed straight to his forehead. Back then he kindly saved the Nishangmen, but when he turned around, he was betrayed by the Nishangmen. Even with his current disposition, he couldn't bear it.

After half a year, Qiong Louzhou entered the territory of Jizhou.

"What a strong corpse aura!" Li Xiuxian frowned. He had stayed in the Corpse Refining Sect, so he was naturally very sensitive to this corpse aura.

"Zombie Transformation Pill." Li Xiuxian suddenly remembered this terrifying pill. If there is no antidote after taking it, the whole body will start to rot, and finally turn into a zombie. It is really an extremely vicious poison.

A group of black-clothed monks were rushing over. The Qionglou boat that Li Xiuxian was riding on was too dazzling to be noticed.

Along the way, it also brought a lot of troubles to Li Xiuxian. At first, Li Xiuxian used his strength to intimidate him. Later, he released a few puppets and killed them all who dared to get close!

However, this group of people took the corpse transformation pill, obviously they were members of the Corpse Refining Sect, if they did it, it might alarm the Corpse Refining Sect, and it would be difficult to deal with the old monster Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor if they were alarmed.

Although Li Xiuxian was not afraid of hating the Heavenly Corpse Emperor, he didn't want to cause a big trouble for nothing.

"Xiaoxue, stay inside and fully activate the protective formation." Li Xiuxian ordered.

"Yes. Got it." Xiaoxue winked at Li Xiuxian playfully.

Xiaoxue is only at the strength of the Qi training period now, and anyone who comes here can kill her. If it weren't for the powerful prohibition protection on the Qionglou boat, even the monk Nascent Soul could resist it for a while, Li Xiuxian would not use this Stuff is swaggering.

"Oh? I met an acquaintance!" Li Xiuxian's mouth curled up slightly.

There is actually an old acquaintance among this team of monks, that is Hou Yi who couldn't wait to betray him back then.

Seeing Hou Yi like this, it's not very good to be a running dog of Corpse Refining Sect, otherwise he wouldn't bring people out to patrol the mountains.

"Corpse Transformation Pill, once you take it, you will be under the control of others for life!" A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth.

At the beginning, after he took the corpse transformation pill, he tried his best to suppress it temporarily. In the end, the Nine Heavens Thunder Emperor Sword shot the medicinal power of the corpse transformation pill in the dantian, and then slowly dissolved it with the ghost fire of the three yins. Bian Dan's medicinal power is all resolved.

"Who is coming, tell me your name quickly, or I will report to my superiors." Hou Yi shouted coquettishly.

"Elder Hou, haven't seen you for more than a hundred years, and haven't died yet?" Li Xiuxian sneered.

This sentence directly pierced Hou Yi's pain. The lifespan of a monk who formed alchemy is only five hundred yuan, and even if he has the method of health preservation, he will never exceed six hundred.

Hou Yi's practice has the effect of prolonging life, but she only has more than 550 lifespans. At this time, she is already more than [-] years old. If there is no breakthrough, the only way left is to sit and die.

"Who are you? How do you know the name of this deity?" Hou Yi snorted coldly.

"You are so majestic, do you still think you are the head of the Nishang Sect? You are just a dog of the Corpse Refining Sect now, what right do you have to bark in front of me after taking the Corpse Transformation Pill?" Li Xiuxian yelled With a sound, Yuanying-level coercion instantly overwhelmed Hou Yi.

Dozens of disciples of the Nishang Sect couldn't bear such a strong coercion at all, and fell to the ground with their feet empty. Fortunately, they were not flying at a high altitude, and there was no such unfortunate thing as falling to death.

"Cultivator Nascent Soul!" Hou Yi was shocked, she really couldn't remember when she offended a monk Nascent Soul.

"It's fine if you want to be a dog, but now even the disciples of the Nishang Sect have taken the Corpse Transformation Pill, and you will have no future in your life." Li Xiuxian sneered.

"who are you?"

"I don't remember, more than 200 years ago, you took refuge in the Heavenly Corpse Emperor in front of me. I still remember the feeling of being betrayed by you?" Li Xiuxian laughed.

"It's you, you didn't die, and you condensed the Nascent Soul!" Hou Yi seemed to see a ghost.

It was a great fortune that Li Xiuxian was able to escape from the hands of the Heavenly Corpse Emperor back then. It was only a hundred years since Li Xiuxian took a step that she had never taken before, successfully condensed the Nascent Soul, and became a high-ranking Nascent Soul monk.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I was wrong, I was wrong back then, I shouldn't have betrayed you, I already knew I was wrong, please let me go." Hou Yi begged.

"Are you mistaken?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Xiuxian's mouth.

"I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!" Hou Yi kept kowtowing.

"Since you know you're wrong, why do you want to send the sound transmission to your disciple and release the sound transmission talisman?" Li Xiuxian asked.

"You." Hou Yi turned pale with shock, she didn't expect that the other party would know all her little actions.

Li Xiuxian just sneered at this, and did not stop him, but Hou Yi dared to transmit the sound in front of him, which is simply an act of courting death. Although Li Xiuxian is only at the middle stage of Yuanying, his spiritual consciousness is not strong enough to transform into a god Under the monk, Hou Yi's voice transmission was clearly heard by him.

Since Hou Yi wanted to ask for help from the Corpse Refining Sect, Li Xiuxian simply settled the old and new accounts together, which can be regarded as repaying the "kindness" that the Heaven-Hating Corpse Emperor had shown him back then.

Li Xiuxian pointed at Hou Yi's dantian, and a golden lightning instantly submerged into Hou Yi's dantian.

"Ah." Hou Yi's face twisted instantly!

"You... my dantian!" "It's useless!" Li Xiuxian said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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