Chapter 365
"You, actually abolished my dantian!" Hou Yi looked at Li Xiuxian in horror.

In the world of comprehension, if you lose your strength, it will be a hundred times more painful than killing you.

As a monk of alchemy, who doesn't have a few lives and enemies?

Especially after taking refuge in the Heavenly Corpse Emperor, Hou Yi committed many crimes.

If those people know that Hou Yi's dantian is abolished, even Hou Yi himself can't imagine what will happen to him!

There is no pity for Hou Yi and Li Xiuxian. Even if this kind of woman dies a hundred times, it is not a pity to die.

"I want you to die, I want you to die! You will definitely die!" Hou Yi's expression was extremely vicious.

"Dead?" Li Xiuxian smiled faintly.

"If you think that the two nascent infant early-stage wastes who are coming here can kill me, I'm afraid you will be really disappointed." Li Xiuxian sneered.

The Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor is terrible, but this does not mean that the entire Corpse Refining Sect is so terrible. Looking at the entire Corpse Refining Sect, the only one that can make Li Xiuxian afraid is the Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor. The rest of the Nascent Soul cultivators are even valued by him. None of the qualifications.

"You. How do you know?" Hou Yi turned pale with shock.

Li Xiuxian glanced at Hou Yi: "If you are sensible, leave now, maybe you can still live as an ordinary person for decades, but if you are still so reckless, then the only thing waiting for you is death. "

"You... Corpse Refining Sect will definitely not let you go." Hou Yi roared unwillingly.

"You're so proud of being a dog? To Corpse Refining Sect, you're just a dog that comes and goes." Li Xiuxian sneered.

Even if he ignored Hou Yi, Hou Yi who had his dantian removed was just a mortal, and he could no longer pose any threat to himself. Having trouble with such a mortal was really not in line with his style as a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Li Xiuxian glanced at the north, and at this time two Supreme Elders of the Corpse Refining Sect were rushing towards him.

After receiving the voice transmission from Hou Yi, the two Supreme Elders of the Corpse Refining Sect were furious. The Corpse Refining Sect had controlled Jizhou for a hundred years and they thought they were the masters of Jizhou. people.

Although Hou Yi was just a dog of his Corpse Refining Sect, as the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner, and beating Hou Yi's dog would not give face to the Corpse Refining Sect master.

Hou Yi sent a letter stating that this person was a Nascent Soul cultivator, so the Corpse Refining Sect dispatched two early Nascent Soul cultivators. In their view, this was undoubtedly a fuss over a molehill.

The uniqueness of the Corpse Refining Sect's skills makes them take advantage of the same level of battles, and one person is more than enough, but considering the prestige of the Corpse Refining Sect in Jizhou, the offender must be killed by thunder, so they sent Two monks from the early Yuanying period were recruited.

"It's really disgusting." Li Xiuxian frowned.

"It's him, it really is a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul." One of the monks snorted coldly.

"If you dare to offend my Corpse Refining Sect, he is doomed to die!" The cultivator next to him sneered.

"Two Nascent Soul cultivators, what a pity, what a pity." Li Xiuxian shook his head regretfully, and only he himself knew why he was regretting.

The souls of the two Nascent Soul cultivators are rare, and it would be a great help to accept them if the Zun Hun Banner was with him. Unfortunately, the Zun Huan Ban stayed in the Pill Spirit Sect, and the souls of the two Nascent Soul monks could only be wasted up.

"Kill!" Almost without any words, two Nascent Soul cultivators of Corpse Refining Sect released their refined corpses, and the two glittering golden corpses instantly formed a flanking attack on Li Xiuxian.

"The golden armor corpse king is only one step away from transforming into the corpse emperor." Li Xiuxian sneered.

If the two gold-armored refining corpses really evolved into corpse emperors, the supernatural powers of the two Nascent Soul cultivators might really make Li Xiuxian fearful, but if it's only to this extent, then there is only one dead end.

"Hahaha, you are dead, you are dead!" Hou Yi laughed wildly.

"Noisy!" One of the Nascent Soul cultivators snorted coldly, and shot out a streak of black spiritual power in his hand.

As soon as he touched this black spiritual power, Hou Yi's body began to rot rapidly. In just two breaths, Hou Yi turned into a pool of black blood.

"It's such a ruthless method that even my disciples are not spared." Li Xiuxian smiled slightly mockingly.

"It's just a dog. What's the use of keeping a dog without teeth?"

"Roar!" The two gold-armored refined corpses rushed towards Li Xiuxian at the same time, and their huge fists were about to smash Li Xiuxian into meatloaf.

"It's stabbed!" A thunderbolt pierced the sky, and a huge thunderbolt radiated from Li Xiuxian's body to the surroundings.

After the gold-armored corpse with amazing defenses touched this trace of lightning, the layers of scales on its body began to fall off!
"Impossible!" The two Nascent Soul cultivators of Corpse Refining Sect were shocked.

Although the corpse refinement of the two of them has not yet evolved into a corpse emperor, their strength is also extraordinary, and even the monks of Xianyuanying dare not take it hard.

"His lightning is weird!" one of the Nascent Soul cultivators suddenly realized.

"You only know now? It's too late!" Li Xiuxian sneered, and a purple sword light instantly pierced through the two golden-armored refined corpses.

The defense and strength that the gold-armored corpse refiner relied on for a living had no resistance in front of this sword glow.



The two Nascent Soul cultivators spat a mouthful of blood at the same time. The golden-armored refined corpse was connected with their minds, and they would not feel better if they were killed by Li Xiuxian.

"You. You actually destroyed my refining corpse, I want your life!" A Nascent Soul cultivator roared, his body was surrounded by black mist, obviously he wanted to use some kind of powerful secret technique.

"Death!" The remaining Nascent Soul cultivator was not far behind, and a black long sword directly stabbed Li Xiuxian's chest.

Li Xiuxian didn't rush, and played a formula in his hand. A four-color shield blocked the black long sword in his hand. With a simple move, the purple lightning soul-devouring sword directly pierced into the thick black mist, and a bloody arrow flew out immediately. out.

When the black mist dissipated, the Nascent Soul cultivator had a purple long sword stuck in his chest, and the cultivator's eyes protruded. Perhaps he would never have thought that he would fall here even until his death.

"Whoosh!" A black light emerged from the monk's dantian, which was the monk's Nascent Soul.

"Pfft!" Nascent Soul's speed was fast, but Zidian was faster than him. This Nascent Soul was hit by a purple lightning after only a hundred feet away, and his soul flew away!

"You!" Seeing that Li Xiuxian killed a Nascent Soul cultivator so easily, the remaining Nascent Soul cultivator dared to entangle with Li Xiuxian.


That Nascent Soul cultivator was also a decisive person, and he even blew up his natal magic weapon in an attempt to drag Li Xiuxian back.

It is self-evident how important the natal magic weapon is to a monk, especially the magic weapon of the Nascent Soul monk has been conceived in the dantian for hundreds of years, and its power is extremely amazing. Once it explodes, its power is enough to make a monk in the late Nascent Soul Everyone should be afraid.

Unless it is a last resort, no monk would be willing to blow up his own magic weapon, and even fewer would have the courage to do so.

Although the magic weapon is good, it is not worth mentioning compared to one's own life.

Li Xiuxian also did not expect that this Nascent Soul cultivator of the Corpse Refining Sect would be so decisive, and directly detonated the black sword. Li Xiuxian was so close to the black sword, he was caught off guard by this terrifying explosion among.

Don't say that he is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, even if he is a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul, there will be no good fruit to eat.

"Die, die!" the Nascent Soul cultivator cursed in his heart as he ran.

"Idiot!" Xiaoxue on the Qionglou boat couldn't help but exclaimed.

The violent explosion even Qiong Louzhou began to shake, as if it might be involved in this terrifying explosion in the next second.

But the scope of the explosion stopped only before Qionglouzhou was hundreds of feet away, as if it was bound by a force!
"It really capsized in the gutter!" Li Xiuxian gave a wry smile.

Since his Yuanying Dacheng, he has not suffered such a big loss. In his opinion, except for the monks in the late Yuanying period, the rest of the monks can't pose a threat to him at all.

But this time the explosion woke him up. He underestimated the heroes of the world before. Although he has many adventures, he is not the only one who has adventures in the vastness of the world. This is only in Jizhou, if it is in Tianzhou , There are countless monks with unique skills.

"Open it for me!" With a sword slash, the huge explosion was split open in an instant, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Li Xiuxian, who came out of the smoke and dust, was fine except that there were a few gaps in his Taoist robe and his face was a little pale.

If he hadn't transformed into the body of the dragon in time, resisted the terrifying explosion with the powerful defense of the dragon, and prevented it from spreading, the Qionglouzhou where Xiaoxue was located might have turned into a pile of ruins long ago.

As for those disciples of Corpse Refining Sect, they were directly blown into powder in the explosion.

"Damn it! Who dares to kill my members of the Corpse Refining Sect!" A shocking roar came from the Corpse Yin Mountain Range, and the entire Corpse Yin Mountain Range seemed to be trembling.

Each of the Nascent Soul cultivators is a treasure to the sect, and it is extremely heartbreaking to lose one.

"Master, calm down, this person dares to offend my Corpse Refining Sect, he can only die!"

"Hmph, don't just say nice things, I want to see that person's corpse!" Hentian Corpse Emperor snorted coldly.

"Yes, I will do it now, my disciple. Now there are no less than ten Nascent Soul cultivators in my Corpse Refining Sect. I will definitely wipe this person out!"

Hate Heaven Corpse Emperor's expression softened a lot. The Corpse Refining Sect has controlled Jizhou for so many years, and it is not just eating nothing.In addition, this hateful corpse emperor actually bought a corpse emperor in Tianzhou, and refined it into his own refined corpse. His strength has reached a terrifying level. In comparison, one is in the sky and the other is in the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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