Wanhua Immortal Road

Chapter 371 Immortal Cauldron Building

Chapter 371 Immortal Cauldron Building

Although this Yuzhuo City is prosperous and there are many good things on the stalls, but Li Xiuxian's cultivation base in the middle stage of Yuanying, there are too few things that can catch his eyes. Except for the inexplicable piece of iron, two After hours, Li Xiuxian got nothing.

As for the things Xiaoxue bought, she couldn't even fit in one storage bag, so she hung them on her body after filling up four storage bags.

And most of them are useless things, which is what makes Li Xiuxian most depressed.

Although Li Xiuxian didn't take Lingshi seriously, such a flower also made him feel heartbroken.

Perhaps because she was tired from shopping, Xiaoxue sat down in a restaurant with four or five storage bags hanging from her waist.

“What do you want to eat, I treat you! "Xiaoxue handed the menu to Li Xiuxian proudly.

"Charcoal grilled dragon tongue, [-] low-grade spirit stones";

“ Stir fried dragon fish, ten thousand low-grade spirit stones. ”

"Longquan fine wine, [-] low-grade spirit stones." ”

Li Xiuxian looked at this stunned menu, although he was already a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but he had never eaten such a luxurious meal.

But looking at Xiaoxue's appearance, it seems that she is not used to the price of this menu, obviously she didn't eat it once or twice.

However, this ingredient is also an eye-opener for Li Xiuxian. Flying insects and beasts, as long as there are almost any in Kyushu, they can be eaten. Even if it is the liver of a fourth-level monster, as long as you pay the starting price, it can still be served here.

"The dishes of Xiandinglou are famous all over Kyushu, and they can only be eaten in Tianzhou." "After Xiaoxue ordered a few dishes, she explained to Li Xiuxian.

Xiaoxue ordered very few dishes, only five dishes, but after careful calculation, Li Xiuxian found that this meal consumed at least 10,000+ spirit stones!
This is not eating, it is simply eating Lingshi!

“Do you eat it often? ” Li Xiuxian couldn't help asking.

"I don't eat it often. After all, there is no branch of Xiandinglou in Qingzhou. I only get a little bit of it every month through Sister Ye An, and it costs Lingshi to send it from Tianyulou in Tianzhou." "Xiaoxue shook her head in dissatisfaction when she thought about her life in Qingzhou.

Li Xiuxian couldn't help laughing wryly, to what extent did Master Linghu love Xiaoxue so much that he was willing to let her do such nonsense?

Li Xiuxian also used that teleportation array, but it needs a middle-grade spirit stone to activate it just to teleport within Qingzhou. How many spirit stones does it take to cross a state?
Just thinking about it makes Li Xiuxian feel like he has a big head, and there is really no comparison between people.

While Xiaoxue spent hundreds of thousands of spirit stones for a delicious meal, Li Xiuxian was still working hard for one or two spirit stones.

"Taste it, it's the ribs of the Sanji Monster Beast Benlei Beast. It has been marinated with a lot of elixir and carefully roasted. The taste is absolutely undeniable." ” Xiaoxue pointed to the first dish and said.

The moment this dish was served, there was a wave of spiritual power in Li Xiuxian's body.

The strong fragrance also made Li Xiuxian move his index finger. With his cultivation at Li Xiuxian's level, even if he didn't eat for a few years, there would be no problem, but the taste was indeed too tempting.

“Hey, this meat! ” Li Xiuxian was surprised.

There was no other reason, the meat instantly turned into a hot stream and flowed into his throat as soon as he took it in.

Xiaoxue took it for granted, taking the dishes on the plate bite by bite.

“No wonder the price of this dish is so outrageous! ” Li Xiuxian secretly sighed in his heart.

Although the prices of these dishes are expensive, they are worth the money. After thousands of years of growth, a three-level monster beast contains a considerable aura in its body.

Under normal circumstances, these auras cannot be absorbed by humans at all, but after some manipulations by Xiandinglou, the meat of this monster beast has become a great tonic, and the aura contained in a piece of monster meat may be worth a lot It's a level five pill.

The most important thing is that the taste of this dish is also outstanding. It can be enjoyed and cultivated at the same time. I am afraid that no one will refuse such a good thing.

The fact that Xiaoxue, a little girl, can practice so quickly may have something to do with these dishes.

Anyone growing up with these dishes will make an excellent foundation!

However, Li Xiuxian was not very satisfied with Xiaoxuedian's pot of fine snow jade wine. It was not as good as the one he made himself, and it was not as good as him in terms of cultivation. Li Xiuxian just took a sip and didn't move any more.

This table of dishes and a pot of good wine almost fell into Xiaoxue's stomach. It was hard to imagine that Xiaoxue, a delicate girl, would have such a good appetite.

Although these dishes are good, for Li Xiuxian, the effects of these dishes are negligible, so he doesn't care about this dish. I am afraid that only the ingredients of the fourth-level monsters will be useful to him.

Li Xiuxian took out a gourd of spirit wine brewed by himself from the Wanhua beads, looked at the bustling crowd outside the window, and began to drink for himself.

“What are you drinking?It smells so good! ” Xiaoxue's eyes lit up.

"The spiritual wine brewed by myself, if you want this gourd, I will give you this gourd. Drink less, it's easy to get drunk." ” Li Xiuxian poured the spirit wine to Xiaoxue.

The emerald green spiritual wine exuded a tempting aroma, and the monks on the whole floor could not help but turn their eyes to Li Xiuxian's table when they smelled the aroma of the wine.

“Do you mind if I have a drink? "Suddenly, the monk in purple held the wine glass in his hand.

Although it was a question, but before Li Xiuxian agreed, the glass of wine was already drunk.

"Good wine, good wine, better than Xiandinglou's!" ” The monk in purple uttered two good words in succession.

Li Xiuxian frowned involuntarily, this person was too abrupt!

"The brewing method of this wine is not top-notch, but the brewing materials are first-class. I'm afraid it's a panacea that has been around for a thousand years. No, it should be a panacea that has been in the past 5000 years!" ” The monk in purple thought about it for a while.

Li Xiuxian's face changed, this man knew so much after just one sip!

“ Nascent Soul early stage monks. ” Li Xiuxian swept his consciousness and found that this purple-clothed monk turned out to be a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"I'm being abrupt, Xia Tongde is the shopkeeper of the Xianding Building." ” The purple-clothed monk smiled slightly.

“Tianzhou Tongjia! "A bright light flashed in Li Xiuxian's eyes, and he will never forget that the person who fought against him for wealth at the Daxuan Dynasty auction ended up exchanging two ancient treasures for the refinement of the Zilei Thunder Pearl." The method of control, that person is a member of the Tianzhou Tong family!
"Since Fellow Daoist is a wine lover, I will give this gourd wine as a gift to Fellow Daoist." ” Li Xiuxian pulled up Xiaoxue who was on the side and was about to leave the Immortal Cauldron Building.

“Fellow Daoist wait a minute! "A purple shadow flashed in front of Li Xiuxian, and Tong De stood in front of Li Xiuxian.

“Fellow Daoist, what do you mean by this? "A trace of anger flashed across Li Xiuxian's face.

When he first arrived in Tianzhou, he didn't want to cause trouble, and since the Immortal Cauldron Tower could gain a foothold in Tianzhou, there must be forces behind it that Li Xiuxian could hardly resist. It was obviously a wise choice to offend the people in the Immortal Cauldron Tower, but it was not It doesn't mean that he is easy to bully, he really doesn't pay attention to a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, I just want the remaining spiritual wine in the hands of Fellow Daoist, and I, Xiandinglou, are willing to pay a high price to buy it." ” Tong De explained.

“No more! ” Li Xiuxian said coldly.

A gourd of spirit wine has already brought trouble, if he took out the spirit wine on his body, he might be followed by others, and it is very likely that the secret of Wanhuazhu will be dug out.

May I ask which monk would casually use an elixir that is more than 5000 years old to make wine?

With these elixirs, it would be better to refine a furnace of cultivation-enhancing elixirs!

A trace of regret flashed across Tong De's face: "This is really a pity. If fellow Taoists are interested in brewing wine in the future, don't forget it." ”

Li Xiuxian nodded, and took Xiaoxue out of Xianding Tower.

But what he didn't notice was that on the threshold of Xianding Tower, a seed like dust had already attached to Xiaoxue's shoe.

This seed is the seed of the leading grass unique to Tianzhou. The seed of this leading grass emits a special fragrance. Except for the leading bee, other creatures can't smell even a trace of this fragrance.

As long as this kind of seed is carried, no matter where Xiaoxue goes to the ends of the earth, Tong De will easily find her.

As for why it fell on Xiaoxue's feet instead of Li Xiuxian's.

This is where Tong De is careful and cautious. Although the seeds of the guide grass are colorless and tasteless, and are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, if they fall on the Nascent Soul cultivator in a grandiose manner, it is very likely that they will be discovered by Li Xiuxian. The monks at the eighth level of Qi will not notice it.

“Sure enough, there is no one in Tianzhou who is simple. "After leaving the Immortal Cauldron Gate, Li Xiuxian's face darkened in an instant, and he vaguely glanced at Xiaoxue's heels, where the guiding grass was located.

Tong De thought that the clothes were perfect, but Li Xiuxian, who had been vigilant from the beginning, was on guard all the time.

Although Tong De's move was beautiful, it couldn't be hidden from Li Xiuxian's spiritual sense. The reason why he didn't turn his face on the spot was because Li Xiuxian considered the power of Tianzhou Tong's family in Tianzhou.

Although he didn't know much about the Tong family in Tianzhou, he knew very well that the Tong family was definitely not to be messed with.

The income of Xiandinglou is definitely a figure that makes countless people envious, but this Xiandinglou can still survive in Yizhou, and the business is getting bigger and bigger, and the power of the Tong family must not be underestimated.

Moreover, Li Xiuxian didn't know what Tong De was planning, so he could only wait and see what happened. If he destroyed the seeds of the leading grass now, it would only scare the snake away.

“Unexpectedly, it was really hit by the big brother! ” Tong De looked at the portrait in front of him and sighed slightly.

On top of the portrait was actually a portrait of Li Xiuxian. Li Xiuxian on the portrait was still immature, far less mature than he is now! "Brother, I really want to see what's special about the young man you praised so much after you came back from Qingzhou!" ” Tong De's eyes showed a strong fighting spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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